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当下语文教学重视单元主题的确定,十分有意义,但随之却造成了单元主题的确定多凭教师个人意志,以文本的人文意义为主要依据,忽视文本的原生价值、编辑意图以及学生的实际需要这一现状。单元主题的确定需要实现一个"主张":单元主题应充分尊重教材,不随意破坏教材体系,以形成学生完整的知识体系;做到三个"根据":根据文本体式、文本的原生内容价值和语文课程标准确定单元主题,在原生价值和教学价值方面皆得到保证;达成两个"切合":切合当下的教改方向和学生的实际需要。  相似文献   

“学习语文文字运用”是语文教学必须围绕的核心教学目标和内容。在单元整体教学中,要保证单元主题与文本文体的相得益彰,关键取决于教师对主题的把握和与之匹配文体整合的教学行为落实。实践证明,主题单元整体教学中正确认识主题与文体之间的关系:同主题、同文体;同主题、多元文体;同文体、多元文本,使单元主题与文体恰到好处地整合,主题更突出,文体更明显,是提高单元整体有效教学的途径和策略。  相似文献   

张蕾 《江苏教育》2023,(46):62-64
围绕教材单元主题,开展全方面、多层次、多角度的多文本阅读,有助于学生精准探究和全面把握主题意义。基于主题意义探究的多文本阅读可以突破教材的局限性,提升学生的阅读素养和思维品质。在课堂教学中,教师要明确多文本阅读的读本和阅读任务,确立教学目标,帮助学生全面、准确地提炼主题意义。  相似文献   

语文新课标倡导学生对文本进行多元解读。在探讨小说主题的教学中教师要引导学生走出一元解读的禁区,除了从社会历史视角进行解读外,还可从文化视角、形式视角、心理学视角、人类学视角等角度多角度、多侧面地理解小说的主题。为了避免对小说主题的任意解读,教师要把握好多元解读的"度",注重整体把握,引导学生立足于文本进行解读。  相似文献   

语文新课标倡导学生对文本进行多元解读.在探讨小说主题的教学中教师要引导学生走出一元解读的禁区,除了从社会历史视角进行解读外,还可从文化视角、形式视角、心理学视角、人类学视角等角度多角度、多侧面地理解小说的主题.为了避免对小说主题的任意解读,教师要把握好多元解读的"度",注重整体把握,引导学生立足于文本进行解读.  相似文献   

语文课堂一方面要体现人文性,一方面也要体现一定的规范性。打造主题化语文课堂就是要跳出文本主题的限制,从多维度确定文本重心,从而确定课堂主题,以一定的规范性引导教师理解文本、处理课堂。  相似文献   

姚培鉴 《湖北教育》2023,(10):53-54
<正>“语文主题学习”是教师围绕某个阅读主题,在充分尊重学生个体阅读经验的同时引导学生比较、分析多个文本共同承载的人文主题和语文要素,实现课堂主题意义建构的开放性学习活动。如何在课堂教学中落实“语文主题学习”呢?笔者以统编版高中语文必修上册第4课的教学为例谈谈具体做法。  相似文献   

单元是承载主题意义的基本单位,教师需要根据单元主题内容进行文本解读才能确定教学目标,选择合适的教学方式。目前,部分小学英语教师忽视文本解读以及对文章体裁和篇幅结构的分析,对学生的认知存在一定的困境,对文本解读的全面性和拓展性不够,难以挖掘单元主题意义。针对这种情况,教师可开展英语文本解读专项研究,通过提升自身能力、厘清单元主线、剖析文本主旨、深挖文本内涵等措施锻炼学生的英语文本解读能力,提升小学英语教学的有效性。  相似文献   

《云雀的心愿》一课的教学,教师将文本理解和实践表达有机结合起来,将教学的关注点聚焦在文本的核心主题上,真正深化了对文本的理解,促进了学生核心能力的不断发展。教师聚焦课题中的"心愿"一词,引领学生明了心愿,在大胆质疑中明确学习方向;品析心愿,在探究揣摩中紧扣体悟核心;圆梦心愿,在实践表达中拓展研究主题。  相似文献   

探索型主题活动中教师给予幼儿的尊重、支持和鼓励让幼儿拥有更开放的学习空间,满足了幼儿自我发现、自我创造的需要。本文以主题活动"好玩的瓶子"为例,探讨教师在探索型主题活动中的价值作用。  相似文献   

近年来,"教学回归生活世界"已成为教育理论界探讨的学术热点,但对于教学回归怎样的生活世界及如何回归有诸多争论。教学回归的"生活世界"指的应是学生的现实世界、经验世界,其具体的回归的策略应是:充分关注学生的生活经验,在文本知识与学生现实生活之间搭建桥梁;关注学生现实生活,建设以学生发展为本的课堂文化;开展平等对话,重视教学民主。  相似文献   


Since 1989, the Portuguese education system has undergone curricular reform which has introduced deep structural changes to the subject of physical education (PE). PE has become a compulsory and examinable subject within the ‘core curriculum’ of all school years (1 st to 12th grade). National curricular plans for basic and secondary education have also been introduced. This paper provides a view of the political options which have underpinned the present curricular project of PE in Portugal and compares practices in that country with those in Belgium. The analysis first describes the ‘curriculum as text’ before focusing attention on the ‘curriculum as action’. The analysis explores the nature of teachers’, pupils’ and parents’ beliefs, values and attitudes that together mediate the curriculum as text, help define contexts of PE, and influence public and political attitudes towards the subject. The paper points to the importance of both researchers and teachers for the development of effective teaching and learning in PE.  相似文献   

焦清杰 《海外英语》2012,(15):281-283,288
Claims over contracts in the building,engineering and construction industry are become common issues in business today.The text aims at presenting the key concepts of construction claim,and construction claim management,focusing on the common classifica tion.In addition,it introduces some measures trying to prevent the event of claim.The result from the text can help the contractors im prove their weaknesses and maintain their strengths of their claim management process.Meanwhile,it also gives some measures for owner to prevent the contractor’s claim.  相似文献   

In the current government's ‘Great Books' approach to the National Curriculum for English lies an apparent desire for all school students to benefit from access to a shared ‘cultural heritage', where compulsory knowledge of Shakespeare and other canonical writers is in itself assumed to be a transformative and democratising process. With reference to qualitative classroom-based research focusing on year 9 and 10 students' experience of Shakespeare at Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4, this article questions that assumption. Drawing on classroom and interview data from two London comprehensive schools, it suggests that for many students it has been an experience that serves to exclude, a reproduction of existing socio-cultural differences. Ultimately, even in classrooms where teachers attempt to construct Shakespeare pedagogically as ‘active’, the process of reading may remain a passive one, where textual meanings are ultimately almost entirely mediated by teachers, mindful of ensuring all students are afforded ‘access’ to the text. This article argues that Shakespeare’s iconic status and the authority of the text thus remain largely intact, a disabling process for some students.  相似文献   

In the age of web 2.0, the university is constantly challenged to re-adapt its ‘old-fashioned’ pedagogies to the new possibilities opened up by digital technologies. This article proposes a rethinking of the relation between university and (digital) technologies by focusing not on how technologies function in the university, but on their constituting a meta-condition for the existence of the university pedagogy of inquiry. Following Ivan Illich’s idea that textual technologies played a crucial role in the inception of the university, we will first show the structural similarities between university thinking and the text as a profanation of the book. Secondly, we describe university thinking as a type of critical thinking based on the materiality of the text-on-the-page, explaining why the text has been at the centre of university pedagogy since the beginning. In the third part, we show how Illich came to see the end of the culture of the text as a challenge for the university, by describing the new features of the text-as-code incompatible with the idea of reading as study. Finally, we challenge this pessimistic reading of Illich’s and end with a call for a profanatory pedagogy of digital technologies that could mirror the revolutionary thinking behind the mediaeval invention of the text.  相似文献   

学界普遍认为认知诗学没有阐释力,只是对"文学阅读过程的解释说明"。文章通过查看认知诗学与后结构主义诗学的渊源关系,发现认知诗学家们借鉴了卡勒的诗学观,却忽略了卡勒在诗学阐释方面的独到见解。认知诗学将阐释的概念置入一个更为宽广的心理框架,通过主体经验将文本与世界相关联起来,成为一种语境化的诗学和独特的阐释理论,而不只是一种阅读理论。对照卡勒提出的"文学能力",不难发现,认知诗学家关注的只是对语言的认知能力,而非文学能力,这使得认知诗学的理论建设缺少一个文学的语境。  相似文献   

文化传播是国家发展的要务。传播驱动着翻译对受众产生影响,受众反馈与文化的传播推广联系紧密。以受众为主线,对翻译实践中多元素关联展开梳理,围绕时代需求与传播瓶颈、主体经验差异、文本类型与受众群体关系等方面,阐述当代中国对外传播中受众意识的重要性。事实证明,注重受众反馈,科学分析文本类型,积极依据受众文化背景、认知水平、实际需求等实施动态顺应的翻译策略能有助于提高翻译实效,切实推进对外文化交流。  相似文献   


It is widely argued that engineering education needs to change in order to attract new groups of students and provide students with knowledge appropriate for the future society. In this paper we, therefore, investigate and analyse Swedish universities’ websites, focusing on what characteristics are brought to the fore as important for tomorrow’s engineers. The data consist of text and pictures/photos from nine different Engineering Mechanics programme websites. Using a critical discourse analysis approach, we identify three societal discourses concerning ‘technological progression’, ‘sustainability’, and ‘neoliberal ideals’, evident in the websites. These discourses make certain engineering identities possible, that we have labelled: traditional, contemporary, responsible, and self-made engineer. Our analysis shows that universities’ efforts to diversify students’ participation in engineering education simultaneously reveal stereotypical norms concerning gender and age. We also argue that strong neoliberal notions about the self-made engineer can derail awareness of a gendered, classed, and racialized society.  相似文献   

线性规划问题是高中数学重要知识,也是往后学习优化问题的基础。通过采用几何画板辅助教学的实际例子,展示寻找线性规划问题最优解的过程,注重于学生对线性规划问题的认识,使学生对线性规划理解更直观、更深刻。  相似文献   

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