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This study discusses a yard planning system,which considers various resources such as storage space,yard cranes,and traffic areas in container terminals.The system is based on the function for estimating resource requirements of yard plans.For a given yard plan,the proposed system allows planners to check the feasibility of the plan which requires a certain amount of workload of resources in related blocks during a planning horizon.The yard planning system in this study is aimed at balancing workloads among the blocks and providing the ability to modify current yard plans by detecting blocks and periods with overloaded workloads.The system implements its planning function in a distributed manner in which planners construct yard plans under their individual control and send and receive only limited necessary information for the negotiation.  相似文献   

基于遗传算法的自动化立体仓库货位优化模型研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在AS/RS调度系统中,货位分配是一个关键问题。为了提高AS/RS入出库效率,优化货架的使用,文章引入遗传算法理论,并利用该思想对自动化立体仓库货位分配算法进行了优化,提出并建立了基于遗传算法的AS/RS货位优化模型。  相似文献   

Power integrity (PI) has become a limiting factor for the chip's overall performance, and how to place in-package decoupling capacitors to improve a chip's PI performance has become a hot issue. In this paper, we propose an improved transmission matrix method (TMM) for fast decoupling capacitance allocation. An irregular grid partition mechanism is proposed, which helps speed up the impedance computation and complies better with the irregular power/ground (P/G) plane or planes with many vias and decoupling capacitors. Furthermore, we also ameliorate the computation procedure of the impedance matrix whenever decoupling capacitors are inserted or removed at specific ports. With the fast computation of impedance change, in-package decoupling capacitor allocation is done with an efficient change based method in the frequency domain. Experimental results show that our approach can gain about 5× speedup compared with a general TMM, and is efficient in restraining the noise on the P/G plane.  相似文献   

双深式自动化立体仓库是一种新兴的高效仓储系统,相比传统的自动化立体仓库,它可以有效降低运营成本和减少用地面积,但其结构的特殊性却给货位优化提出了更高的要求。为了提高货位优化的效率,采用两级库位编码的方式对双深式立库的货位分配进行研究,建立了关于货架稳定性和出库效率两个方面的多目标优化数学模型,然后利用遗传算法进行求解,最后在MATLAB仿真软件中进行仿真实验。实验结果表明,遗传算法可以很好地实现双深式立库的货位优化,极大提高了双深式立库的工作效率。  相似文献   

通过分析公共自行车和集装箱尺寸以及多项用途所需要的使用空间,论证了集装箱改造的小型建筑能运用于公共自行车存取车库和公交站点等多项用途的可行性.并在此分析基础上提供了几种集装箱公共自行车存取车库的平面布置,以及其立面、顶面形式和外观造型、色彩设计方案.为集装箱运用于多用途公共自行车存取车库提供了一种有效解决方案和新颖设计.  相似文献   

本在总结欧美、日本、台湾森林浴场研究成果的基础上,就国内森林浴场的诉求定位客源市场定位、品牌战略、网络营销策划等问题进行了探讨,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

“前店后院”式的旅行社人才培养创新实验基地是比较理想的校企合作、工学结合培养旅行社人才的载体和平台,其采用的“前店后院”人才培养模式在实践中取得了一系列值得总结和推广的经验,但也面临着产权归属、管理权限、工作目标不一致、风险责任等一系列需要加以解决的问题。  相似文献   

We propose the spectrum allocation and resource scheduling algorithms in cognitive point to multipoint (PMP) networks with rapid changes of spectrum opportunities and present a media access control (MAC) protocol based on these algorithms. The objective of spectrum allocation is to make efficient use of the spectrum while maintaining the transceiver synchronization on frequency and time in the network. The objective of resource scheduling is to guarantee the quality of service (QoS) requirements of different kinds of connections and to minimize the total energy consumption in the network as well. By sensing only a small set of possible channels in each slot based on the state transition probability of each channel, our spectrum allocation algorithm achieves high spectrum efficiency in the network. The resource scheduling problem is divided into three sub problems and we derive optimal solutions to these problems by greedy algorithm and convex optimization. The simulation results show that our algorithm can make efficient use of the spectrum and the network resources at a cost of low computational complexity.  相似文献   

从基本RS触发器功能出发,对555定时器的逻辑功能进行了讨论,认为555集成定时器高电平触发端加小于2Ucc /3的电平,低电平触发端加小于Ucc /3的电平时,触发器置"1".  相似文献   

分析了高校引入人事代理制度作为一种新型的人事管理制度的必然趋势,认为面对高校复杂的人员配置体系及相对滞后的人才管理模式,人事代理制度无疑为高校及人才本身提供了更合理、更高效的人才配置空间。应在探索和实践中运用和完善人事代理制度,使高校的人事管理体系更加规范化、合理化、科学化。  相似文献   


Improving administrative efficiency is the core problem in administrative governance. This case study of quota allocation policy implementation in City A reveals that a set of education policy implementation and incentive mechanisms revolving around responsibility contracts and target evaluations has already taken shape, to guarantee effective policy implementation. However, these highly efficient policy implementation and incentive methods were established on the foundation of quantified policy goals, while nonmeasurable, nonperformance-based targets such as the goal of educational equality suffer the problem of ineffective incentive. Therefore, in pursuing the goal of educational equality, it is necessary to explore more possibilities for implementation and incentive of education policies.  相似文献   

A large and multi-site British University's experience over three years in developing and implementing an Accommodation/Estate Strategy is summarized. The issues which arise are the conflict between efficient utilization and flexible education, the absence of any useful sector space norms for an institution with more pan-time than full-time students, the uncertainty over projections of required types and amounts of learning environments in the next twenty years or more, academic disquiet over re-locations, the effectiveness of central space allocation systems and the difficulty in designing a sensitive but productive space charging system.  相似文献   

The performance in vibration environment of switching apparatus containing mechanical contact is an important element when judging the apparatus’s reliability. A piecewise linear two-degrees-of-freedom mathematical model considering contact loss was built in this work, and the vibration performance of the model under random external Gaussian white noise excitation was investigated by using Monte Carlo simulation in Matlab/Simulink. Simulation showed that the spectral content and statistical characters of the contact force coincided strongly with reality. The random vibration character of the contact system was solved using time (numerical) domain simulation in this paper. Conclusions reached here are of great importance for reliability design of switching apparatus.  相似文献   

Merit review processes within academic departments usually consist of two parts: a performance review and evaluation step and a monetary calculation step. Of the two, the performance review step is clearly the more important in achieving fairness and equity. However, the monetary calculation step also plays a key role in maintaining the integrity of the overall process. In an attempt to address the issue of salary compression, the principle used by most departments in allocating merit pay is to award comparable percentage increases in salary to faculty members with similar merit ratings. A merit pay allocation model based on this principle is presented in this paper. The model, a major generalization of an earlier one presented by Camp, Gibbs, and Masters (1988), enables users to calculate merit pay amounts for individual faculty members in a systematic and efficient manner. It is also sufficiently flexible to allow for the incorporation of policy directives often contained in pay packages.  相似文献   

湖南省地方高校原有的财政拨款模式,一般采用多目标财政拨款模式、基数加增长模式和调控性专项拨款模式等。这些拨款模式存在一定的缺陷,因此,采用多重目标合趣组合的拨款思路,坚持公平、透明、有效的拨款原则,推行多政策参数的拨款公式,是改革湖南省地方高校拨款模式的策略选择。  相似文献   

为了改善原有碎片分配方案仅以节点响应效率为主而对节点分配次数、节点空间利用率、安全性能欠缺考虑的现状,提出分布式文件存储系统的碎片分配优化模型。优化模型由节点响应状况检测、大范围节点数据完整性审计和包含剩余存储空间大小、最近存储碎片时间戳以及响应时间长短的综合评估3方面构成。对其进行仿真实验,对比原有方案,优化方案没有出现节点倾斜现象,选取次数最大落差不超过95;节点效率得到了均衡,最大落差缩减至15%。优化方案提高了碎片分配的公平性、安全性和可靠性,实现了最优节点的自动化选择。  相似文献   

基于迭代的比特和功率分配机制,提出了一种低复杂度的比特和功率分配算法.与传统的迭代分配算法不同,该算法在每次迭代中只需要比较几个特定的子载波.该方法在保持传统迭代算法性能的前提下极大地减小了迭代分配算法的复杂度.此外,通过选择等功率分配方案作为初始方案加快了算法的收敛速度,进一步降低了算法复杂度.仿真结果表明,提出的改进算法在基本不牺牲系统性能的前提下有效地降低了算法复杂度.  相似文献   

理性与德性:教师绩效工资政策执行要素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师绩效工资政策体现了教育大计,教师为本的政策理念,实现了公共财政的制度安排。建立在教师绩效评价基础上的分配方案,由于政策目标多元、执行主体和目标群体理性不充分、德性不完美,执行中出现了自由裁量权过于宽泛、评价失度、教师前台与后台角色冲突等诸多问题,影响了教师绩效工资政策目标的有效实现。在教师绩效工资政策执行的过程中,应通过建立分目标体系和团体导向的分配模式,进行刚性制约和柔性协调的结合,实现从主体注重工资到关注绩效的转变,进而实现学校组织行为向学校组织治理的转化。  相似文献   

对于宪法究竟是什么的认识决定着宪法的内容,只有明确制宪和修宪的目的,减少宪法的政治性宣言,并从具体经济政策的羁绊中解放出来,以更多的空间去规范国家权力的分配与运作,从而更有效地保护公民的基本权利,才能走出宪法频繁修改的境地,实现宪法的本质回归。  相似文献   

将教学需要与实际操作相结合,自主设计了自动化立体仓库实验室,既能够开展基于立体仓库的自动存取、自动搬运、自动分拣等实际操作,又能满足教学实验的要求,实现了立体仓库实际运作与教学的兼顾。建设实践表明:该实验室具有与实际结合紧密、自动化程度高的特点,符合物流自动化发展的要求。  相似文献   

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