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王娟 《档案管理》2004,(6):44-44
党校档案的两大板块。党校工作主要可分为两大部分,一块是机关行政工作,如办公室工作、机关党委工作、后勤管理工作、组织工作等。一块是教学科研工作,如教学工作、科研工作、学员管理工作、学员函授管理工作等。两部分的工作决定了党校档案的内容两大板块。一块是党政机关行政工作档案,一块是教学档案,两大板块的内容、性质、管理方法等又各不相同。  相似文献   

机关领导必须考虑制发公文的时机,发早了,可能使某些机密导致不同程度的泄密。如关于改革干部人事制度、实行公开竞争择优上岗以及进行机构调整、合并等文件,发早或发迟,都有可能造成人心不稳,影响工作。再如会议通知,等到会议结束了才送到与会人员手中,就成了废纸一张。因此,领导必须树立公文工作的时效观念。影响公文工作时效的因素有两个,一是公文工作进程,二是公文工作时间。公文工作进程即公文工作的各个环节、阶段以及各环节和阶段之间的传递、联系与配合。影响公文工作进程的因素也有两个,一是公文工作的环节和每个环节中工作人员的…  相似文献   

生活并不是笔直通畅的走廊让我们轻松自在地在其中旅行生活是一座迷宫我们必须从中找到自己的出路……———A.J.克朗宁  相似文献   

对编、排、初校合而为一的探讨   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
郝拉娣  关伟  刘琳 《编辑学报》2003,15(6):416-417
通过对大连地区科技期刊编辑工作中编、排、校合而为一的调查,探讨这一编校制度的意义。认为编、排、初校在机上一次完成可减少编辑工作中的重复劳动,提高工作效率,是科技期刊编辑工作发展的一个方向。对目前抑制编辑在机进行编、排、校工作的原因进行了分析。  相似文献   

1月24日胡总书记在中纪委第三次全体会议上作了重要讲话。讲话号召全党要大力弘扬求真务实精神,大兴求真务实之风。求真务实是辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义一以贯之的科学精神,是我们党的思想路线的核心内容,也是党的优良传统和共产党人应该具备的政治品格。大力弘扬求真务实精神,大兴求真务实之风对推进党和国家的各项工作,具有基础性、根本性的重要意义。我们一定要从全面建设小康社会宏伟目标的战略高度,充分认识大力弘扬求真务实精神的极端重要性。扑下身子干实事,干有成效对得起事业的事。一定要记住,世界上的事情都是干出来的,不干,半…  相似文献   

岁月如梭,一晃我今年已是78岁。回首一生,曾在教育、文化、政府的十几个部门工作过。我是按着党要求的干一行爱一行去做的,对每项工作都挺认真,都挺热爱,但是最爱的还是图书馆。现在有人问我,如果有来生你会选择哪一项工作,我会毫不犹豫地回答:图书馆工作。  相似文献   

Veterans are a unique population that can be found in libraries across the United States. Libraries of all types are developing new approaches to the veterans in their patron populations in the wake of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. This study identifies several common strategies that libraries, especially public and academic libraries, are employing to support their patrons who are veterans, as well as distinctions in strategy according to library type. It further explores whether libraries are relying upon library staff who are veterans when developing services and programming for patrons who are veterans.  相似文献   

美国作者劳拉·凯恩的《图书馆这一行》一书从图书馆职业角度出发,阐述了公共图书馆员是服务大众的信息向导,少儿图书馆员是关怀孩子的好老师,大学图书馆员是解答疑问的技术能手,自由职业馆员是重视客户的知识专家,医学图书馆员与法律图书馆员是拯救弱者的爱心人士,图书馆馆长是统筹全局的规划师。这些对图书馆职业的认识能够为对图书馆行业存有问题和疑虑的朋友提供解答。  相似文献   

Narratives are one of the most powerful teaching tools available and are often regarded as central to the learning process. We investigate the role of narrative in adult learning in library instructional contexts, introducing the concepts of micro- and macro-narratives and illustrating these ideas using relevant teaching examples. Macro-narratives are stories that are common across many cultures and contain universal themes and lessons. Micro-narratives are stories that are uniquely relevant to the members of a particular group. We argue that both types can be used to create meaningful library learning experiences.  相似文献   

骆瑾  王昕  王有登 《编辑学报》2012,24(2):138-139
数学公式的正确与否直接关系到科技论文的科学性,因此,编辑加工中对数学公式的审读十分重要。该文从数学公式间的对称、相似、因果和对应关系中发现规律,运用编辑方法论中的比较分析方法考察数学公式的科学性,并阐述比较分析方法的具体应用。  相似文献   

参考文献引用原则的探讨   总被引:31,自引:11,他引:31  
王平 《编辑学报》2004,16(1):35-36
阐述参考文献在科技期刊和科技论文中发挥的积极作用,提出参考文献的引用应遵循全面性、时效性、代表性和公正性的原则.  相似文献   

The vast majority of America's cultural/ethnic/linguistic minorities are found in the nation's 50 largest cities. The problems that will eventually be faced by all communities are being confronted in these large cities first. While there are many problems, there are also a number of encouraging trends. Suggestions for continued improvement are made.  相似文献   

The circuit rider librarian concept is discussed. The implementation and growth of the circuit librarian programs serving mral hospitals in New York and Pennsylvania are reported. The circuit rider librarian's schedule and functions are discussed, including time spent on the road and at Ihe resource library, reference services and other library services. Financing, budgeting, and personal contact are stressed. Detailed reference statistics are provided to illustrate the growth of library services; statistics are also analyzed by requester category. Future directions, potential, and recommendations are given for the creation of circuit library programs.  相似文献   

在分析思想库研究现状的基础上,以15家科学思想库为研究样本,通过对机构网站的内容分析,揭示科学思想库的特点:愿景清晰、资金多元但对政府资助态度不一、人力资源呈高学历多技能的特点、对外联系部门作用突出、出版物对公共的针对性不强、注重web2.0技术在宣传中的应用等。  相似文献   

陈雁 《晋图学刊》2011,(3):61-62,73
发展迅速的云计算技术具有数据安全、存储海量、传输快捷、使用方便的特点,由此而催生着无"书"图书馆的到来。本文讨论了云计算环境下的读书对象和阅读工具,对读者群体进行了归类;给出了云时代图书馆空间建设的意见,及馆员在维护设备、信息咨询、个性化服务、自建特色数据库和文化建设等方面的服务内容。  相似文献   

Despite the benefits of using online social support groups, prior research does not provide a solid understanding of the online factors related to an individual’s supportive interaction. Accordingly, this study aims to explore how various aspects of anonymity predict different levels of social support engagement. The current study uncovers that visually identifiable group members are more likely to get supportive responses than are visually anonymous members. Also, when support group members are visually and discursively identifiable, they are more likely to get supportive messages than those who are visually and discursively anonymous. Additionally, the more identifiable support group members are, the more they receive positive messages. Practical implications for the role of social support group members’ anonymity/identifiability on the overall social support process are presented.  相似文献   

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