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In this paper we study the mathematical body as an assemblage of human and non-human mathematical concepts. We argue that learners’ bodies are always in the process of becoming assemblages of diverse and dynamic materialities. Following the work of the historian of science Karen Barad, we argue that mathematical concepts must be considered dynamic material, and we suggest a “pedagogy of the concept” that animates concepts as both logical and ontological. We draw on the philosopher of mathematics Gilles Châtelet in order to pursue this argument, elaborating on the way that mathematical concepts partake of the mobility of the virtual, while learners, in engaging with this mobility, enter a material process of becoming. We show how the concept of virtuality allows us to look at mathematical concepts in school curriculum in new ways.  相似文献   

霍克海默和阿多诺的《启蒙辩证法》开创了大众文化批判的新纪元,其中收录的《文化工业:作为大众欺骗的启蒙》一文集中体现了二人的文化工业批判思想。与"大众文化"不同,"文化工业"是对现代大众文化形式负面特征的描写,是现代工业和市场经济发展的伴生品。"作为大众欺骗的启蒙",恰以"大众"、"欺骗"、"启蒙"三个关键词揭示了文化工业的同一性、蒙蔽性和启蒙性,这在当代中国文化现象中仍有投射,颇具启示意义。然而,精英主义立场和悲观主义论调也构成了文化工业批判理论的局限,应予理性、辩证地看待。  相似文献   

Interactive digital media, or video games, are a powerful new medium. They offer immersive experiences in which players solve problems. Players learn more than just facts—ways of seeing and understanding problems so that they “become” different kinds of people. “Serious games” coming from business strategy, advergaming, and entertainment gaming embody these features and point to a future paradigm for eLearning. Building on interviews with leading designers of serious games, this article presents case studies of three organizations building serious games, coming from different perspectives but arriving at similar conclusions. This article argues that such games challenge us to rethink the role of information, tools, and aesthetics in a digital age.  相似文献   

Interactive digital media, or video games, are a powerful new medium. They offer immersive experiences in which players solve problems. Players learn more than just facts—ways of seeing and understanding problems so that they “become” different kinds of people. “Serious games” coming from business strategy, advergaming, and entertainment gaming embody these features and point to a future paradigm for eLearning. Building on interviews with leading designers of serious games, this article presents case studies of three organizations building serious games, coming from different perspectives but arriving at similar conclusions. This article argues that such games challenge us to rethink the role of information, tools, and aesthetics in a digital age.  相似文献   

This paper explores how mathematicians build meaning through communicative activity involving talk, gesture and diagram. In the course of describing mathematical concepts, mathematicians use these semiotic resources in ways that blur the distinction between the mathematical and physical world. We shall argue that mathematical meaning of eigenvectors depends strongly on both time and motion—hence, on physical interpretations of mathematical abstractions—which are dimensions of thinking that are typically deliberately absent from formal, written definition of the concept. We shall also show how gesture and talk contribute differently and uniquely to mathematical conceptualisation and further elaborate the claim that diagrams provide an essential mediating role between the two.  相似文献   

The purpose of this qualitative case study was to examine ways that a multicultural perspective using critical literacy practices engaged practicing teachers to rethink and re-vision oppressive hegemonic structures and attitudes regarding immigrant students and their families and helped them to develop as critical educators. In the context of a professional development master’s program, 57 teachers experienced a curriculum strand focused on immigration issues and provided extensive feedback responding to the curriculum. The data were analyzed to assess in what ways using current and controversial issues helped teachers to develop their capacities to understand and critique the world in more complex ways and what impact these experiences had on their teaching practice. Evidence suggests that the majority of teachers were receptive to the curriculum although some teachers exhibited resistance. Resistance appeared to be minimized and teachers’ development supported using curricular experiences that “put a face to the issue,” that put learners “in others’ shoes,” that engaged teachers’ emotions, and that made clear how policies, practices, and attitudes directly and indirectly impact the lives of children and their families.  相似文献   

In this paper we explore the contributions that Deleuze and Guattari have made to thinking/writing language and how these ideas can be put to work in producing a doctoral thesis. We contribute to the field of work within what Patti Lather and Elizabeth St Pierre have called the “post-qualitative” movement, where researchers attempt to “imagine and accomplish an inquiry that might produce different knowledge and produce knowledge differently”. We attempt to rethink the thesis text, using a language where language always falls apart, a way of talking/writing/reading about presentation of research within a doctoral thesis that will provide the writermachine a space to “pass”. The paper will provide some ideas and ways forward for writers who are attempting to deterritorialize research, who are attempting to experiment with new representational forms.  相似文献   


Movement is relatively invisible in literacy theory and pedagogy. There has been more recent scholarship on the body and embodiment, but less on connections between movements, body and literacy. In this article, we present the Community Arts Zone movement project and ways that the study opened up spaces for creativity, experimentation, and palpable identity mediation. Embodied space locates human experience within material and spatial forms. Drawing on Deleuze and Guattari’s rhizomal ontology and Lefebvre’s spatial theories, we examine how movement can be utilized to enliven pedagogy and to motivate people. During the research, classrooms, gymnasiums, and studio spaces became spaces that “the imagination seeks to change” by asking students to construct stories with their bodies. In the article, we present vignettes from our research study as telling instances showing the inherent strengths of movement as a form of literacy.  相似文献   

The move to a market model of schooling has seen a radical restructuring of the ways schooling is “done” in recent times in Western countries. Although there has been a great deal of work to examine the effects of a market model on local school management (LSM), teachers’ work and university systems, relatively little has been done to examine its effect on parents’ choice of school in the non-government sector in Australia. This study examines the reasons parents give for choosing a nongovernment school in the outer suburbs of one large city in Australia. Drawing on the work of Bourdieu specifically his ideas on “cultural capital” (1977), this study revealed that parents were choosing the non-government school over the government school to ensure that their children would be provided, through the school’s emphasis on cultural capital, access to a perceived “better life” thus enhancing the potential to facilitate “extraordinary children”, one of the school’s marketing claims.  相似文献   

In response to the authors, I demonstrate how threshold concepts offer a means to both contextualise teaching and learning of quantum physics and help transform students into the culture of physics, and as a way to identify particularly troublesome concepts within quantum physics. By drawing parallels from my own doctoral research in another area of contemporary physics—special relativity—I highlight concepts that require an ontological change, namely a shift beyond the reality of everyday Newtonian experience such as time dilation and length contraction, as being troublesome concepts that can present barriers to learning with students often asking “is it real?”. Similarly, the domain of quantum physics requires students to move beyond “common sense” perception as it brings into sharp focus the difference between what is experienced via the sense perceptions and the mental abstraction of phenomena. And it’s this issue that highlights the important role imagery and creativity have both in quantum physics and in the evolution of physics more generally, and lies in stark contrast to the apparent mathematical focus and lack of opportunity for students to explore ontological issues evident in the authors’ research. By reflecting on the authors’ observations of a focus on mathematical formalisms and problem solving at the expense of alternative approaches, I explore the dialectic between Heisenberg’s highly mathematical approach and Schrödinger’s mechanical wave view of the atom, together with its conceptual imagery, at the heart of the evolution of quantum mechanics. In turn, I highlight the significance of imagery, imagination and intuition in quantum physics, together with the importance of adopting an epistemological pluralism—multiple ways of knowing and thinking—in physics education. Again drawing parallels with the authors’ work and my own, I identify the role thought experiments have in both quantum physics education and in physics more generally. By introducing the notion of play, I advocate adopting and celebrating multiple approaches of teaching and learning, including thought experiments, play, dialogue and a more conceptual approach inclusive of multiple forms of representation, that complements the current instructional, mathematical approach so as to provide better balance to learning, teaching and the curriculum.  相似文献   

In an innovative, progressive school, students were asked to solve a fairly routine mathematical problem using real money in a “real-world” scenario. Even though the school values students’ ideas, the reaction of the teacher to one student’s alternative modelling of the problem suggests that he was expecting a particular answer to be provided using routine mathematical models and thinking while not being interested in exploring the student’s unexpected alternative. We place his reasoning for doing so within broad pedagogical discourses that we think define the “allowable” responses of teachers and students in ways that inhibit meaning-making for both. These broad discourses are defined as the progressive constructivist approach, the scaffolding discursive approach, the situation modelling approach and the dialogic approach. We consider the advantages and the potential consequences each might bring to the case. We suggest that extensive consideration of pedagogical discourses in mathematics classes must be reconsidered both for how we understand students’ mathematical meaning-making and how we construct student agency in relationship to culture, whether as apprentices or authors.  相似文献   

在西方法律思想研究传统中,自古希腊时代起,就存在着与社会科学研究方法不同的"法律数学思想"传统。近年来,这种以数学理性思维和数学工具为方法论的法律研究在我国方兴未艾。但由于长期以来自然科学和社会科学领域存在着的研究思想和方法的鸿沟,理论界对于这种"法律数学思想"研究还有很大的质疑声,认为这种研究方法背离了法律价值判断的基本属性。从本质上看,这种质疑观点是"科学主义"与"人本主义"之间争论在法律数学思想研究上的具体体现。所以,如何实现"形式理性"与"实质理性"的辩证统一,是开展法律数学研究必须首先解决的关键问题。  相似文献   

本文论述了“以人为本”的思想在图书馆服务宗旨、内部管理、各种制度、服务创新、信息反馈等工作中的具体体现与创新,从而形成图书馆工作新格局。  相似文献   

孔子"知命观"是儒家思想的一个重要组成部分,"知命、达命"贯通着国人的精神命脉。"知命"是儒家文化生命力强韧的内在表征;"达命"是儒家文化自强不息的外现追求。文章从儒家生命力的价值内核、生死观与知命的关系,及知命观对当代人"文化生态"的环保和修复方面做了进一步发掘和反思的维度。  相似文献   

Improving mathematics education in the United States has taken many forms. Our work has focused on two aspects: the content knowledge of teachers and a well-articulated coherent curriculum. Our aim was teacher “capacity building” that is enabling teachers to teach to coherent and significant mathematical curricular goals and describe the implementation in a large-scale project based at Michigan State University. We highlight the design, structure and use of mathematics teacher learning tasks that were intended to improve teachers’ capacity to teach to these goals and note how the teachers’ perceptions of the structure and sequencing of mathematics itself affect the ways they organize mathematics in their teaching and the ways they teach.  相似文献   

劳动教育是人改造外部世界,满足人的物质文化与精神文化需求,实现人的自由全面发展的文化实践。"劳动崇拜论""劳动决定论""劳动终结论"和"劳动起源论"批判和中外教育史上有关劳动教育的论争揭示了,文化是劳动和劳动教育的本质,劳动教育研究需要文化研究。"劳动""文化"和"教育"在词源上有共通之处。劳动教育,作为文化实践,是通过物质、能量转换改造自然的"化育"和通过信息、符号改造社会的"教化"的统一,蕴含价值-规范、行为-作用、语言-符号、知识-技术等不同的文化层级和实践综合。劳动教育有文化唯物性,也就是具有物质生产性和面向社会现实的大众文化性。劳动教育有文化启蒙价值,它是解放所有人的文化启蒙,是反映和表现社会生活文化的知识文化启蒙。总之,劳动教育的文化本质和实践充分呈现了人与自然、社会之间进行的物质、能量和信息转换,以及物质文化和精神文化创造的过程,是劳动的"教育性"与教育的"劳动性"、体力劳动教育与脑力劳动教育、化育与教化、精英与大众、理论与实践之间历史的、现实的、社会的辩证统一。  相似文献   

This article probes how philosophical structures are immanent in empirical work and how philosophy might be understood when it is within the precincts of science. My interest is in both opening philosophy to disruption by a science that knows itself as inside history and opening science to the costs of its inability to tolerate the necessary lack in any determinism. Against the more typical focus on how philosophy provides the reason of science, here the task is to rethink the relation between empirical work and philosophy in a way that posits an engagement with not knowing as an ethical and political move. The goal of such a project is a double(d) science that works the necessary tensions that structure contemporary social science as fertile ground for the production of new practices where theoretical complexities are used as tools to make a material difference in terms of “what works” in the public interest.  相似文献   

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