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真实叙事有别于虚构叙事的一个必备元素,就是真实叙事的结果并不由人的意志所控.竞技体育具有真实叙事的特性,主要就是比赛结果的不可预测性.本文通过文献资料和逻辑思辩,阐释并论证了竞技体育显见的叙事特性.结论认为:竞技体育既是凝聚部落情感、娱精神强功利的叙事,也是赢家通吃、实力与运气并存的叙事;竞技体育的叙事条件或力量,正是基于人类社会难以回避的国家形态、商业化环境和人自身的活力对它的支持或发掘,使它的叙事特性得到了更多的意义性展现.  相似文献   

体育博客作为一种新媒介传播方式,为传播体育信息提供了新的途径,对加快体育事业的发展起着愈加重要的作用.在了解体育博客基本类型、特征以及内容的基础上,着重分析体育博文的叙事风格及其成因,同时说明其发展的得与失.  相似文献   


Evidence suggests that periods of heavy intense training can result in impaired immune cell function, and whether this leaves elite athletes at greater risk of infections and upper respiratory symptoms (URS) is still debated. There is some evidence that episodes of URS do cluster around important periods of competition and intense periods of training. Since reducing URS, primarily from an infectious origin, may have implications for performance, a large amount of research has focused on nutritional strategies to improve immune function at rest and in response to exercise. Although there is some convincing evidence that meeting requirements of high intakes in carbohydrate and protein and avoiding deficiencies in nutrients such as vitamin D and antioxidants is integral for optimal immune health, well-powered randomised controlled trials reporting improvements in URS beyond such intakes are lacking. Consequently, there is a need to first understand whether the nutritional practices adopted by elite athletes increases their risk of URS. Second, promising evidence in support of efficacy and mechanisms of immune-enhancing nutritional supplements (probiotics, bovine colostrum) on URS needs to be followed up with more randomised controlled trials in elite athletes with sufficient participant numbers and rigorous procedures with clinically relevant outcome measures of immunity.  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情(以下简称"疫情")下的体育叙事,不仅要阐发疫情期间体育事件及其社会意义,更应揭示不同体育要素在社会发展中的功能与作用,将对体育现实问题的思考转化为未来体育转型的应对策略。基于叙事的角度,以访谈的方式,探讨体育产业发展、东京奥运会延期、体育组织治理、奥运备战、居家体育、体育在线教学、体育中考等热点事件和话题。认为:①疫情对体育产业的影响呈现持续性、结构性、社会性等特征,在"转危为机"的话语下,应借助政府的积极行为,实现体育行业与体育产业的多层次融合,增强对消费端的刺激,提高体育企业的抗风险能力,最大程度地释放后疫情时代体育产业发展动力;②东京奥运会延期举办凸显国际奥委会内部治理的困境与危机,引发对中国体育赛事治理效能的思考,给奥运备战带来挑战,促使运动训练由传统化模式向集群化工业模式转变;③空间重叠与权力空间渗透造就居家体育的特殊"脱域"空间,成为"家庭-学校-社区"体育互动发展的催化剂,引发体育教学、社区体育、群众体育活动方式的改变,形成自觉行为更高的群众体育"在地化"驱动模式;④在疫情防控期间,体育话语在不同语境中的表达、转型与辩驳为体育话语转为文化资源提供契机,促进文化与体育的互动与整合,深刻影响人们的体育观念。  相似文献   

依据维果茨基游戏理论和最近发展区理论创建起来的叙事性游戏,特别适合运用到幼儿网球启蒙教学中。从叙事性游戏的内涵与特点为切入点,探讨其在幼儿网球教学中的应用价值。研究表明,这种新型游戏教学手段具有激发幼儿参与网球运动的兴趣和实现游戏与网球基本技能相互渗透的功能,并能让教师成功把握幼儿的最近发展区,因此,这种新型游戏教学模式是培养我国网球后备人才的有效训练方式和手段。  相似文献   

2022年北京冬奥会的筹办和举办面临复杂的社会历史情境。通过实证分析发现,西方国家媒体对2014年索契、2018年平昌冬奥会的报道潜运了二元叙事结构以及"意识形态偏见""国家利益竞争""人道主义"等报道框架,干预了2届冬奥会的认知图景和全球想象。据此提出2022年北京冬奥会全球传播的5项基本原则:减轻政治负载;管理认知预期;传播主体多元化;在对话中寻求共识;善用新媒体平台。  相似文献   

Through the use of narrative inquiry, this research study explores the collaborative curriculum making experiences of six teachers (three males; three females) in one physical education (PE) department in an urban middle school in the U.S. Collaboration; as defined in this work, this has to do with teachers’ voluntary interactions and their shared decision making in support of common goals. Where curriculum making is concerned, it refers to interactions between and among the four commonplaces of curriculum (teacher, learner, subject matter, milieu). The paper features the perspectives of the department head (female), experienced teachers (male and female) and teachers new to the profession (male and female). The narrative accounts of the individual teachers are set against the backdrop of the PE department with which they identify and within the storied history of the school in which they work. The story constellations representational form conveys the interrelatedness of the narratives and instantiates the teachers’ experiences of collaborative curriculum making. In the final analysis, this research enterprise makes a major contribution to the study of PE as well as to education generally. To date, no inquiries have focused on the collaborative curriculum making of teachers lodged in a PE department in one school context, despite collaborative curriculum making most closely reflecting how PE teachers typically approach the teaching task due to shared classrooms/gymnasiums/fields and the communal use of equipment.  相似文献   

Narrative inquiry, as one form of qualitative research, has recently attracted some interest within the field of sport and exercise psychology. Seeking to be theoretically imaginative and instigate dialogue, this article focuses attention on five main issues within ongoing conversations among sport and exercise psychology researchers who promote and/or engage in narrative research. Theoretically inspired and grounded, these interrelated issues include, motivations for why researchers have turned to narrative, the concept of ‘the self’, interviewing, the issue of ‘truth’, and representation. Some implications of these issues for sport and exercise psychology are also highlighted. The article closes with some reflections about the future directions that narrative inquiry might take.  相似文献   

Historical research is a widely debated topic as historical knowledge is continually evolving and there is no definable recorded structure. The interpretational nature of the discipline highlights the tensions between ‘fact based’ analysis and the ‘fictional’ viewpoint which is at the heart of social science investigation. Contemporary narrative has gained acclaim from a generation of academics who demonstrate the balance between empiricism and postmodernity in their search for historical ‘truth’, helping to validate biographical methods within the sport history sphere. Biography has long been a respected source for historical inquiry, however, collective biography and prosopography; the study of connections between individuals; have been judged as lesser instruments due to their ambiguous nature and lack of socio-historic use. This paper examines the narrative methodologies employed within the field of sport history and proposes new directions within biographical research for the sport historian to consider.  相似文献   

暴丽霞  冯强 《体育科研》2021,42(5):98-104
民俗是民众身体感受的生活事象,身体叙事是对民俗体育参与主体本体回归的一种人本关照。运用田野调查、口述史等方法,在阐释与梳理黄河流域国家级非物质文化遗产——背冰民俗产生的人文地理历史流变与相关学术史的基础上,对其传承人进行访谈。研究结论:由外而内社会规训的群体“符号性身体”、由内而外超越自我的个体“游戏性身体”是背冰民俗身体叙事的身体图式;记忆与规训、竞技与娱乐是背冰民俗身体叙事的社会功能。研究认为:民俗体育由事件—人的主体转向、时间—空间的结构转向、验证—诠释的“体认”范式转向是民俗体育实现由“生物观”到“本体观”身体叙事的主体转向路径。  相似文献   

Amid the complex international situation and entangled interests, news narration is usually conducted by the government, media and the public together by copying mainstream ideas and concepts. In covering the Asian Games, People's Daily takes on a periodical change in its narration about Asia during the history of China's participation in the Games: in the stage of ‘alienation and struggle’, the narration is focused on politics; in the stage of ‘participation and competition’, the narration becomes two dimensional, touching on both politics and sport; in the stage of ‘hosting the Games and taking the lead’, the narration is further diversified and incorporates politics, sport and culture. Such an evolution takes place in a profound international and historical context, reflecting the changes not only in China's sporting events coverage but also in the ‘mindset and insight’ of Chinese media in covering sporting events and Asia.  相似文献   

At a recent international education conference, current life history and narrative research within Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) was criticised for its seeming inability to ‘produce anything new’ and for lacking ‘rigour’. This paper aims to respond to the criticism and to reassert the strengths of narrative inquiry in the current moment. It maps out narrative and life history research (published in English) carried out in PETE, illuminating a spectrum of narrative approaches and a richness of theoretical perspectives. It underscores the need for PETE scholars to acknowledge the broad range of philosophical assumptions about knowledge and how we come to know as this underpins all research, whether carried out within a qualitative or quantitative research tradition, and to develop a climate of mutual respect for these various positions if we are to avoid stagnation, hegemony or blind spots in our research agendas.  相似文献   

竞技体育题材小说通过体育叙事体现人存在的意义.美国作家杰克·伦敦描写职业拳击手命运的短篇小说<一块牛排>通过拳击比赛的叙事视觉,以第三人称叙事,从拳击台这一特殊叙事场景,刻画了一名老拳击手栩栩如生的形象,展现了竞技体育的竞争性、残酷性和观赏性,揭示了竞技体育新老交替不可抗拒的规律,体现了竞技体育小说的叙事特点,成功表达了人类追求梦想、不断进取的体育精神.  相似文献   

足球的原始价值体现在赛场,而足球的社会性价值体现在镜像、图片和文本之中。足球赛事在经过了媒体的多角度辐射之后会演化为一种大众文化。足球的主导性力量是赛事,而其参与性力量则是媒体。新闻报道带有反常性、稀缺性和惊悚性,它和足球赛事的本性类似。足球容纳了假、恶、丑,它构成了足球赛事文化的闹剧效应。媒体对足球的描述展示出现代人的价值选择。足球不仅造就出庞大的观众群,还在新旧媒体的合力作用下实现了戏剧化转型。  相似文献   

讲好中国故事是国家层面对外传播工作的理念更新和策略转变,体育故事作为中国故事的重要组成部分,对于提升国际话语权具有积极意义。基于话语理论和叙事理论,探讨了体育故事和国际话语权的逻辑生成,体育故事的叙事话语通过传播场域可以进一步转化为权力话语,达到提升国际话语权的叙事目的。在此基础上,从政治、文化和外交三个层面分析了讲好中国体育故事对于提升国际话语权的叙事价值。提出了建构主题层级结构,形成中国体育故事流;创新方法理念,转变中国体育故事叙事模式;整合传播方式,完善中国体育故事叙述机制的叙事策略。  相似文献   

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