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本研究采用分层随机抽样,对北京市22所高校的教师进行了问卷调查,实际回收3220份问卷。统计发现:1.在高校教师任职前的学习经历方面:第一,不同类型高校教师的学历结构呈现出不同的特征。第二,出现年轻教师比年长教师的学历水平高的高校教师学历变化趋势。第三,高校教师学缘关系比较单一。第四,社会学科背景教师跨学科学习的比例要高于自然学科和人文学科背景教师的比例。第五,留校任教的毕业生占教师群体的比例较大,重点大学和自然学科在这一问题上表现得更为严重。2.在高校教师任职后的工作经历方面:第一,重点大学高级职称教师所占比例高。第二,教师的流动性弱,教师职称级别越高,晋升次数越多,跨院校晋升教师所占的比例也越大。第三,跨系统流动的教师中约有26.2%的教师具有高校系统外的工作经验。  相似文献   

A total of 103 academic department heads in four universities rated a set of 15 administrative activities as to their importance. Faculty members in these departments (totalN=1,333) used the same set of activities to rate both the importance they should be given by the department head and the effectiveness with which the head performed each set during the previous 12 months. Tests of reliability revealed that faculty ratings of both importance and performance were made with reasonable internal consistency. Three tests of construct validity showed that each of the three types of ratings were made with at least minimal validity. A principal components analysis of faculty ratings of performance suggested that the department head has three major types of responsibility: personnel management; departmental planning and development; and building the department's reputation.  相似文献   

Given the projected surplus of PhDs over the next 20 years, faculty departures to jobs outside academe could be an important source of new academic jobs. This paper attempts to discern and explain hiring and departure patterns of senior faculty in departments in 12 fields. There was more net hiring in engineering departments than elsewhere and fewer departures from departments in public than in private institutions. The relationship between selectivity and thenet hiring rate of senior faculty was significantly negative and nonlinear. Despite predictions of declining enrollments, departments in the less selective institutions still evidence growth of senior faculty positions. Several explanations of this pattern are offered.  相似文献   

已有相关研究多集中于探讨经费收入与学术产出的关系,但经费无法直接转化为学术研究成果,对于这一过程的“黑箱”还未有明确认识。本研究尝试分析经费支出对大学发展的影响机制并优化经费配置路径。基于2007—2018年间58所教育部直属高校的校际面板数据,研究采用逐步法和双向固定效应模型分析了经费支出对学术产出的影响程度与作用机制。研究发现:从直接效应来看,经费支出规模对学术产出具有显著正向影响;就中介效应而言,经费支出通过专任教师、硕博士生、固定资产和课题等路径实现学术产出水平的提升,其中正高级教师、硕博士生和课题项目发挥着更大的中介效应。基于此,政府可继续增加对研究型大学的经费投入,并鼓励其多渠道筹措经费;政府还要减少经费使用限制,鼓励大学优化经费配置路径和方式,将更多经费用于教师、硕博士生等人员支出,并设置更多课题项目,从而在遵循高等教育发展规律的基础上,提高经费配置效率,为提升高水平研究型大学建设水平提供实证数据、理论依据和政策参照。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how differences in resource endowments of universities shape variation in their response to regulatory pressures. Earlier research on higher education institutions tends to conceive regulatory rules as the primary basis of action and does not attend to differences in the salient characteristics of universities. This paper is based on the premise that satisfying regulatory demands requires resources that are compatible with these demands, making resource endowments of universities a potentially significant source of variation in their responses to regulatory pressures. We empirically investigate the relationship between human resource characteristics of economics, management, and political science departments of Turkish universities and how these departments responded to the intensifying regulatory pressure to publish more in indexed journals. Findings reveal that departments which predominantly employ researchers trained in North American universities published significantly more in indexed journals between 2000 and 2008. These departments are better endowed with respect to resources that are necessary for publishing in indexed journals, most importantly knowledge of theory, methodology, and style sought by indexed journals. The paper shows that attending to differences in resource endowments of universities as well as regulatory goals and tools facilitates understanding of how regulation-driven processes unfold.  相似文献   

Communication in an academic context   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The purpose of this qualitative case study is to investigate the most common communication problems from the views of faculty members at the Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey. The sample of this study consists of 50 faculty members including professors, associate professors, assistant professors, and instructors from five largest departments representing five colleges at the Middle East Technical University. The data were gathered by utilizing interview method, including 19 interview questions which were developed by the researchers. The data collected through interviews were content-analyzed including the process of identifying, coding, and categorizing the primary patterns of data. The results of this study provide evidence that faculty members perceive a number of significant communication problem areas regarding work-related communication and overall departmental communication. Furthermore, although there are some similarities among the faculty members in identifying communication problems as well as the ways of solving these communication problems, some significant differences are also observed among the departments. In addition, analysis of the data revealed that there are some similarities and differences between hard science and soft science departments in defining communication problems and possible ways of solving these communication-related problems.  相似文献   

Student evaluation of teaching (SET) ratings are used to evaluate faculty's teaching effectiveness based on a widespread belief that students learn more from highly rated professors. The key evidence cited in support of this belief are meta-analyses of multisection studies showing small-to-moderate correlations between SET ratings and student achievement (e.g., Cohen, 1980, Cohen, 1981; Feldman, 1989). We re-analyzed previously published meta-analyses of the multisection studies and found that their findings were an artifact of small sample sized studies and publication bias. Whereas the small sample sized studies showed large and moderate correlation, the large sample sized studies showed no or only minimal correlation between SET ratings and learning. Our up-to-date meta-analysis of all multisection studies revealed no significant correlations between the SET ratings and learning. These findings suggest that institutions focused on student learning and career success may want to abandon SET ratings as a measure of faculty's teaching effectiveness.  相似文献   

Saeed Quazi 《Interchange》1996,27(2):173-197
The age profile and other characteristics of the full-time professoriate in Canada and Ontario are discussed, with particular focus on the geographical source, previous activity, and age distribution of new appointments to university teaching posts. Patterns of inter-institutional mobility within the regions of Canada for junior and senior faculty are presented. Analysis includes the sources and implications of attrition and changing age profile trends. Historical data, in most cases from the 1970s onward, are presented and analyzed. The increasing use of part-time faculty is discussed, particularly in the context of diminishing federal and provincial government financial support for universities. Discussion on the future demand and supply of professors in Canada and Ontario is presented, but focuses on Faculties of Education. Some reference is made to the comparable situation in Australia, the United States, and other major industrialized countries. Despite the rapidly aging professoriate, the article concludes that there will not be an overall shortage of university teachers in the coming decade or so.  相似文献   

Twenty female and 23 male professors at a liberal arts college participated along with their 803 undergraduate students in a questionnaire study of the effects of professor gender, student gender, and divisional affiliation on student ratings of professors and professor self-ratings. Students rated their professors on 26 questions tapping five teaching factors as well as overall teaching effectiveness. Professors rated themselves on the same questions as well as on nine exploratory ones. On student ratings, there were main effects for both professor gender (female professors were rated higher than male professors on the two interpersonal factors) and division (natural science courses were rated lowest on most factors). These patterns were qualified by significant interactions between professor gender and division. Although professor self-ratings varied by division, there were few significant correlations between professor self-ratings and students' ratings. Implications for future research are discussed.Appreciation goes to Laura Capotosto and Julie Phelan for their research assistance.Suzanne Montgomery is now at Widener Law School, Philadelphia, PA, USA.  相似文献   

在建设高等教育强国和世界一流大学的背景下,新一轮高校内部院系调整逐渐提上了各校的改革日程。之所以如此,是因为越来越多的人已经意识到我国高校内部院系数量过多的问题。本文运用定量方法通过描述性分析和回归分析发现:本科专业数量对院系组织数量的影响最大,按专业设置院系是造成院系组织扩张的重要原因。为此,我国高等院校必须打破专业办学的传统,以知识为取向,按学科设置院系,促进大学的进一步发展。  相似文献   

In 1949–50 Canadian professors, reacting to historically low salaries and inadequate pensions, founded the Canadian Association of University Teachers. Although its early concerns were economic, by the late 1950s the interest of the organization was spreading to issues of academic freedom and tenure and, related to it, university government. Having opened a national office in Ottawa, the CAUT soon championed an increased role for professors in governing their institutions. The bookA Place of Liberty (Whalley, 1964) eloquently made the claim for faculty empowerment. This movement also gained strength from the shortage of qualified staff in the 1960s and the resulting need of universities to improve terms and conditions of employment. Although faculty involvement in governance grew, by the mid-1970s many faculty members were embracing faculty unionization. This initiative had for years repelled most professors because it seemed unprofessional. However, deteriorating finances created a condition in which especially junior staff turned to faculty unions for protection. Not all Canadian universities became unionized. In spite of dire warnings about the effects of unionization, it does not seem that unionized universities today offer less scope for faculty participation in governance than the non-unionized.  相似文献   

What constitutes quality in graduate education? The most widely accepted definition has been proposed by Cartter who asked recognized scholars to rate departmental excellence in 30 disciplines. Cartter's instructions to the raters could have allowed the influence of a “halo effect” to operate. This is an error in rating which is produced when the particular characteristics being rated are contaminated by the rater's notion of the general worthiness of the object being rated. This study demonstrated that the halo effect related to size variables occurred in the Cartter study. Data were collected from public sources for each department of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and geology rated in the Cartter study as “extremely attractive,” “attractive,” “acceptable plus” and for a random sample of “less than acceptable plus” departments. These data consisted of the following size variables: (1) number of areas of specialization within a department; (2) number of faculty; (3) number of Ph.D. degrees awarded between 1960–64; (4) number of full-time students; (5) number of first year students; and (6) ratio of part-time to full-time students. Tests of statistical significance indicated that these variables differentiated the departmental ratings beyond chance expectation. A graphic illustration is provided for each discipline showing the relationships between the size measures and the mean departmental ratings. Implications of these findings are that measures of size ought not to be confused with measures of quality and that the development of measures of quality is a matter of urgent priority.  相似文献   

The emeritus college, a recent higher education innovation, provides retired professors with a means to stay intellectually engaged and continue to contribute professionally in retirement. The emeritus college can also help institutions maintain a steady flow of professional talent by making retirement more attractive for senior academics. This article introduces the emeritus college concept; discusses its implementation at four universities; assesses its benefits for individuals, institutions, and the community; and offers guidelines for institutions wishing to implement their own emeritus college. The emeritus college can provide a bridge from an academic career to a fulfilling retirement while also helping to enrich academic communities.  相似文献   

美国大学教师发展的组织化历程及机构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国大学教师发展源于上世纪60年代初期,最初是由一些私人基金会组织资助的零星项目.经过70年代美国高等教育的发展与调整,美国一半以上的大学和学院设立了与教师发展相关的项目,并且建立起大学教师教学发展机构.80年代之后,大学教师发展机构的职能越来越多元化,并建立起大学教师发展联盟组织.  相似文献   

Many previous time allocation studies treat work as a single activity and examine trade-offs between work and other activities. This paper investigates the at-work allocation of time among teaching, research, grant writing and service by science and engineering faculty at top US research universities. We focus on the relationship between tenure (and promotion) and time allocation, and we find that tenure and promotion do affect the allocation of time. The specific trade-offs are related to particular career paths. For example, full professors spend increasing time on service at the expense of teaching and research while longer-term associate professors who have not been promoted to full professor spend significantly more time teaching at the expense of research time. Finally, our results suggest that women, on average, allocate more hours to university service and less time to research than do men.  相似文献   

The changing structure of higher education in economics is discussed in the context of the dual elements of control exerted through the Universities Funding Council (UFC) research assessment exercises and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) recognition exercises. The evidence points to a major restructuring taking place within the old university sector with the majority of economics departments making up a second 'mixed' tier while the new universities are primarily but not exclusively 'teaching' institutions. On the whole 'research' tier departments have achieved overall excellence but there are a few cases where a departments position is based on a specialist niche in the subject. While departmental size is linked to research output there is evidence of research excellence throughout the Higher Education (HE) sector and the paper argues against a severe rationalization of research funds. The significance of the changes for course delivery are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

美国的高等教育机构主要有综合大学、文理大学、专业大学(学院)、短期大学四大类型。各州负责本州的高等教育管理工作,联邦政府没有直接的指导权。美国各大学教师的任命权一般是在大学理事会,对大学教师的管理实行试用制、任期制和终身制同时并行的制度。大学教师主要有教授、副教授、助理教授、讲师四种类型。为避免近亲繁殖,学校通常不直接接受本校毕业的研究生。  相似文献   

对全国11个省份68所大学3612名大学教师的调查发现,教师的性别、职称、所在大学层次等因素,都对其工作时间长短和工作时间分配产生了显著的影响。与女教师相比,男教师工作时间长,科研时间比例较高,教学时间比例较低。高职称与低职称教师相比,正教授工作时间最长,讲师工作时间最短。与一般大学教师相比,985大学教师的工作时间长,科研时间多但教学时间少。尤其是,985大学男性正教授的工作时间最长,985大学的助教在服务与管理上占用的时间太多。这些结论为大学教师发展提供了政策参考。  相似文献   

Mr. Robert Mallet, chancellor (recteur) of the Academy of Paris, submitted to the Ministry of Education a plan for the creation of universities in the region of Paris. The Council of Ministers approved the design: there are now thirteen universities, seven of which are in Paris itself and four in the suburbs, while the remaining two are the institutions of Dauphine and Vincennes. It appears that none have more than 22,000 students (and several have considerably fewer). These thirteen universities comprise four elements: (a) complete Unités d' Etudes et de Recherches (UER), i.e., study and research departments, existing already since December 1968, and found only within the new universities; (b) UER departments resulting from a new split-off from older UERs which were too large, or indispensable to the running of several universities; (c)new UER departments created along with the new universities; (d)units of instruction. In these units, which were not planned by the Orientation Law and are not as autonomous as the UER departments, are assembled faculty members, professors, and assistants attached to other universities, who provide certain supplementary courses. …  相似文献   

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