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学生对教师开展的教学活动的满意度将影响学生的学习行为和学业成绩。通过对地方高校学生学习行为、对教师教学活动的满意程度和学业成绩的问卷调查,采用斯皮尔曼等级相关系数,分析地方高校学生学习行为与对教师教学活动满意度间的关系,发现影响地方高校学生学业成绩的相关因素,最后提出提高地方高校学生的学业成绩的对策。  相似文献   

学生干部在高校各级社团、学生会组织中担任一定的领导或管理工作,是各类学生社团组织的中坚力量,也是学校与学生沟通的桥梁与纽带,他们的领导力如何直接影响学校的教学管理和学生社团活动的正常实施与开展。在依靠团队协作完成重要任务的今天,必须有意识地加强对学生干部领导力的培养。实践探索表明,帮助学生干部提升综合素质,系统传授领导知识,给予实践锻炼机会,向学生干部提供评价反馈信息,对高校学生干部领导力的培养卓有成效。  相似文献   

基于“组织公民行为”理论的高校学生干部管理策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生干部的“组织公民行为”是指在非基本工作要求条件下,学生干部自发表现出的超越角色标准的主动、积极、正面、尽职、利他的行为。这种行为不仅有益于他人,更有助于学校管理效能的提升。高校学生干部工作中,应充分了解现有学生干部的“组织公民行为”指数,有针对性地培养学生干部,借以触发他们的“组织公民行为”,为高校学生干部管理提供新的理论支撑。  相似文献   

高校学生干部是高校学生群体中的先进分子,也是高校学生思想教育工作与学生日常管理工作中的重要参与者、执行者、接受者。高校对学生干部所采取的领导方式是否妥当,直接对高校学生干部队伍素质和能力的提高。本文试图以领导生命周期理论为依据,以XX学院的学生干部队伍为研究对象,系统分析各类学生干部的具体情况和问题,从而为对高校本科阶段的学生干部领导方式的选择提出客观合理的建设性意见。  相似文献   

<正>高校学生干部是高校学生日常管理的重要依靠力量,他们在学生群体"自我教育、自我管理、自我服务"中发挥着核心作用,而学生干部对自身角色的定位直接影响其作用的发挥。如果学生干部对自身角色定位存在认识误区,就会在心理上、行为上表现出一系列不适应、不协调。这既影响学生干部的个人发展,也影响学生工作的顺利开展。因此,学生干部的角色问题  相似文献   

近年来大学生心理健康已成为社会关注的焦点,关于大学生心理健康的研究也越来越多。然而经过分析发现.目前针对大学生心理健康的研究主要集中在对“贫困生”、“情感问题学生”、“后进生”等弱势群体上,涉及高校学生干部心理的研究却极少。本文以高校学生干部作为研究对象,通过对学生干部心理健康的现状调查.分析影响他们心理健康的主要因素.并提出培养高校学生干部的健康心理的途径。  相似文献   

学生干部建设是高校思想政治教育工作中的重要一环,研究借鉴胜任力理论和方法,分析高校学生干部胜任素质特征,通过构建高校学生干部胜任力模型,应用灰色关联分析法对某高校学生干部胜任力进行评价,其基于胜任力的灰色评价模型提供的优先顺序符合客观实际需要,对学生干部评价具有一定的指向意义,可以有效提高学生干部的甄选效率。  相似文献   

学生干部作为高校新思想新文化的主要传播者,他们的思想与行为引导并影响着其他大学生,因此,在高校学生干部中开展廉洁教育具有十分重要的意义。本文主要分析了高校学生干部不廉洁的现象,并针对存在的问题提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

高校学生干部对大学生群体具有榜样示范作用,如何将社会主义核心价值观植根于大学生群体,尤其是帮助学生干部树立"为同学服务"的信念显得格外重要.在社会互构论视角下分析高校学生干部行为偏差及其生成机理,思考新时代高校学生干部正确行为逻辑的培养路径,以期做好高校学生干部的价值观型塑,更好地激发和发挥高校学生干部的"榜样力量".  相似文献   

高校学生干部是学生中的特殊群体,他们对高校学生工作的推动有着重要的作用。因此,培养和增强学生干部的责任感是一项十分紧迫和重要的工作。本文就新时期高校学生干部责任感的的构成及现状进行了分析,并就培养学生干部责任感提出了若干途径。  相似文献   


One hundred seventy secondary schools in Hong Kong responded to a questionnaire designed to assess their needs for leadership training of students in different domains of school activities and their endorsement of university‐school collaboration in these activities. The questionnaire also assessed the extent and degree of support and involvement that schools intended to provide in training programs and in organized school activities for students to assume leadership roles in schools. Findings indicated that schools were in need of student leaders in different student activities, especially in those less related to academic concerns. It was stressed that in providing opportunities for student leaders to continue practicing their skills in school activities, other students might eventually benefit through participation in school activities and peer support programs organized by student leaders.  相似文献   

This article examines the conflicts and challenges that student leaders in adult basic education and literacy programs experience in balancing their leadership responsibilities with academic endeavours. Based upon a case study of an adult basic education student leadership council in New York City, the article shows that leadership activities can both support and impede academic progress. The mediating factors were time requirements for implementation of leadership activities and the perceived priorities of the participants, who used various strategies to manage their academic and leadership responsibilities. Council involvement also supported and changed their academic, vocational and personal aspirations. This study alerts adult educators to the ways in which leadership activities can complicate learners’ academic pursuits, the need both to respect student leaders’ choices and to provide guidance on balancing their multiple responsibilities, and the importance of cultivating literate capabilities through leadership activities.  相似文献   

This study examined how college experiences affect student leadership capacity in the general college population, as well as in male versus female populations. The data were drawn from a longitudinal sample of students across 156 colleges in Taiwan. Results of this study indicated that student leadership capacity increased after college entry. After controlling for pre-college experiences and structural characteristics, various college experiences of curricular learning, cocurricular learning, and interpersonal interaction persisted as significant factors affecting student leadership capacity across genders. College experiences of class skipping and campus residence demonstrated different effects than those found in the Western literature. Comparative results of male and female students in various contexts detected using a statistical method and criteria demonstrated that, in the case of Taiwanese college students, both genders were similarly affected by their college experiences as far as leadership capacity is concerned.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of student personality traits on student perceptions of an instructor’s and community partner’s leader behaviours in a service-learning context. Extant literature does not examine the role of an educator’s leadership in service-learning projects in conjunction with that of a community partner and does not consider the importance of student perceptions of these two sources of leadership. The present study demonstrates that the emergence of transformational leadership is not only an outcome of leaders’ personality and behaviours, as most of the transformational leadership literature suggests, but also to a degree a function of followers’ attributes. Thus, the development of effective transformational leaders must factor in followers’ personality traits. Specifically, the effects on perceptions of leadership of three personality traits were examined. Findings suggest that both agreeableness and conscientiousness correlate with service-learning participants’ perceptions of an instructor’s transformational leadership behaviours, but extraversion did not. Results also suggest that service-learning participants’ perceptions of an instructor’s transformational leadership behaviours correlate with their perceptions of a community partner’s similar behaviours.  相似文献   

In the current era of accountability for achievement, school principals play the pivotal role of instructional leader. In a high-stakes testing environment, leadership preparation programs in universities and school districts need to be positively related to academic outcomes. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between school leadership preparation programs and student achievement in urban settings. Because leadership is contingent on the setting, school contextual factors and their impact on student achievement framed this study. Regression techniques were employed to construct a conceptual model with predictors of criterion and norm-referenced student achievement scores. Confirming previous research findings, student poverty, teacher experience, and previous achievement were the strongest predictors and accounted for a significant amount of variance in student achievement; however, university and district preparation programs were not significant predictors. Implications for policy, practice, and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

School–community partnerships have shown promise as an educational reform effort. In these partnerships, schools expand their traditional educational mission to include health and social services for children and families and to involve the broader community. Such partnerships have been found to enhance student learning, strengthen schools and support struggling neighbourhoods. Little is known, however, about the implications for school and community leadership in different types of partnerships. A previous review of the literature indicated four basic types of partnership, each with a different scope and purpose and different implications for leadership. Informed by interagency, leadership and social capital theories, this article describes the leadership practices that support each model and the dilemmas these partnership leaders face. The overall goal of the article is to deepen understanding of leadership in these models in order to strengthen the conditions for school–community partnership success.  相似文献   

This article provides a theoretical analysis and ethnographic account of Asian American student leadership in higher education. Existing literature highlights Asian and Asian American leadership styles as cultural differences. I shift the analysis from culture to racism in order to work toward a more socially just conception of Asian American student leadership, grounded in the social and historical realities of racism in the U.S. I bring the issue of racism to the forefront by framing this project in racial formation theory and Orientalism and by looking at Asian American student leadership in the context of anti-racism activism. Participants challenged the notion of “Asian American leadership” in two ways: First, students described how they struggled with the Asian American racial category in their day-to-day lives as student leaders, and second, they discussed the negative consequences of being racialized as Asian American leaders.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the effects of individual characteristics, socioeconomic status, and political engagement among Chinese university students with respect to their attainment of student leadership roles. The study investigated 10,930 students from elite Chinese universities. The results showed that female and only-child students were more likely to become student leaders than male students and students with siblings. Students from local Hukou (household registration) were less likely than students from nonlocal Hukou, to become student leaders. Each upgrade of one level in the membership of the Chinese Communist Party doubled the students’ odds for attaining student leadership roles.  相似文献   

Based on the comparison of different teacher leaderships at present, this article elaborated how the transformational teacher lead ership functions effectively in ESL/EFL classrooms. With the discussion of the prerequisites and the characteristics of the transformational teacher leadership, the writer also described how teachers could achieve this leadership in their classrooms and bring impact on student self-awareness, self-development, and their learning success.  相似文献   

《Learning and Instruction》2007,17(2):140-155
The study examined associations between university teachers' experiences of academic leadership, their perceptions of a specific academic context and their approaches to teaching in a particular subject that was taught in that context. The sample consisted of 439 lecturers in Australian universities in four fields of study. Lecturers completed surveys of their experiences and approaches. Structural equation models derived from student approaches to learning theory were developed and tested. The experience of leadership for teaching and a collegial commitment to enhancing student learning were found to be associated with the experience of the context of teaching and to lecturers' approaches to teaching.  相似文献   

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