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基于资源型学习理念,采用LAMP开发环境和B/S软件架构的技术体系,设计与实现网络教学平台,构建《现代教育技术应用》网络课程,有效解决该课程的传统教学瓶颈。  相似文献   

在对<现代教育技术>课程教学的现状进行分析的基础上,提出设计和开发<现代教育技术>网络课程的必要性,并结合实际分析该网络课程的设计原则、教学设计过程和系统设计过程.  相似文献   

本文从《现代教育技术》课程的性质、地位及建设现状入手。围绕《现代教育技术》网络课程的目标定位,从评价环境、评价过程、评价主体、评价内容、评价结果等方面对《现代教育技术》课程的网上学习提出了具体的评价策略。认为网上学习评价应该注重评价真实性、情境化、多元化、多样性、融合性。  相似文献   

通过论述网络课程开发的理论基础,课程知识体系构成、结构、交互性、基本功能模块,以及网络课程开发的途径和方法,说明如何建构《现代教育技术》的网络课程。  相似文献   

李正滋 《云南教育》2004,(23):29-31
《新课程理念与初中课堂教学行动策略》(以下简称《行动策略》)的“总序”不长,但非常重要,应认真学习理解。  相似文献   

《现代教育技术》网络课程的设计与开发   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文结合具体的网络课程实例—《现代教育技术》,从课程的体系结构、课程特点及实现的关键技术等方面探讨网络课程的设计与开发。  相似文献   

《PHOTOSHOP》课程行动导向教学探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文结合《PHOTOSHOP》课程教学的实际情况,从构建课程体系、采用合理的教学方法和手段以及教学效果评价等几个方面讨论了我校《PHOTOSHOP》课程如何运用行动导向教学方法的问题。  相似文献   

本文主要以《现代教育技术》公共课为案例,论述了基于“模块——活动”的网络课程的结构模型、鲜明特色,并进行了网上学习活动的设计。  相似文献   

本文主要以《现代教育技术》公共课为案例,论述了基于"模块--活动"的网络课程的结构模型、鲜明特色,并进行了网上学习活动的设计。  相似文献   

基于行动研究的《现代教育技术》公共课教学实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<现代教育技术>公共课借鉴了英特尔未来教育先进的教学理念、教学方法,该文介绍了以行动研究为指导的<现代教育技术>公共课的教学实践情况,文中详细论述了三轮行动的计划、行动、效果与反思四个环节所做的工作,最后从教学内容、教学方法两个方面进行了总结.  相似文献   

民族院校公共课教育学模拟教学形式,即在现有的课时内,在教师基本完成教学理论部分的传播后,由学生按规定独立准备教案,并以本班为模拟对象,依次上台试讲的教学实习活动。任课教师应克服各种困难,解决民族院校师资培养工作的难题。  相似文献   

基于网络的校际协作学习中,同步交流是其必不可少的一个环节,然而该环节的协作中通常会存在一些不协调的状态。文章首先分析并归纳了校际协作同步交流中的不协调状态,然后提出相应的协调策略,并对实施结果进行分析和总结。  相似文献   

Students select majors like supply chain management largely because they want to obtain a high‐paying job at graduation. They expect that after 4 or 5 years of studies, they will be ready to achieve early‐career success. Data, however, reveal that students often are not prepared. Recruiters are noticing. In various studies, employers say that a large majority of graduates are not workplace ready. We argue that this readiness gap results from a mismatch between academia's focus on knowledge transfer and employers’ expectations that new hires possess real competencies. To remedy this readiness gap, we redesigned our curriculum to adopt a deliberate practice pedagogy. What have we learned? Deliberate practice is hard work. Both faculty and students must learn and practice new behaviors. The good news: deliberate practice helps students acquire real expertise that recruiters value. This article makes the case for deliberate practice and outlines a proven path to transformation.  相似文献   

本研究结合着实证调查方法开展了研究生应用语言学课程教改的行动研究,分析了课程教学中存在的问题,制定并实施了课程教改计划,总结反思了课程教改的成效和启示,初步探索了一条应用语言学课程教改行动研究的新路径。  相似文献   

In this article, we present an experiential perspective on how a big data analytics course was designed and delivered to students at a major Midwestern university. In reference to the MSIS 2006 Model Curriculum, we designed this course as a level 2 course, with prerequisites in databases, computer programming, statistics, and data mining. Students in the class were mostly seniors or at the graduate level, and had a strong technical and quantitative background. We include details of concepts covered in the course, as well as summaries of four major sample course assignments used. Some of the concepts covered include large‐scale data collection and management using the Hadoop ecosystem, stream mining, visual analytics, and social network analytics. Besides Hadoop, the course also introduced various IBM and Teradata big data tools. We show how the course modules align with the intended learning goals and course objectives. A post‐course survey indicated that the structure and organization of the course helped students clearly and concisely assimilate the course content.  相似文献   

文章在对高校《摄影技术》公共选修课教学现状进行调研的基础上,阐述了基于该课程教学改革实践的行动研究过程,形成信息化环境下适宜时代特色和学生发展需求的课程教学内容体系、教学模式及评价方式,增加了学生的学习兴趣和积极性,提高了教学效果,并为其他公选课的教学改革提供了参考。  相似文献   

文章针对高校在信息技术教师教育中开设的信息技术教学论学科性质、特点和信息技术教学实际,从信息技术教学论课程内容创新,信息技术教学论教学方式创新,教学评价创新等方面,阐述了信息技术教学论教学行为创新思路和策略。  相似文献   

我国网络学历教育脱胎于全日制普通高等教育,受惯性思维与教育体制的双重影响,其方方面面都留下了学术性研究型大学的烙印。这与我国网络教育致力于培养应用型人才的应然定位极为不符,削弱了网络教育对于我国整体人才结构的贡献。我国网络教育的主要培养区间——本科教育应走出应然定位与实然状态之间的错位,坚定应用本科之方向。我国网络教育在专业设置方面应科学整合生成型模式以响应市场需求,在课程设置方面应摆脱精英教育的课程理念,在支持服务方面应将职业发展教育贯穿整个培养过程,在学业考核方面应强化绩效评估以支持应用能力发展,在师资配备方面应培植能够体现培养定位的教师团队。我国网络教育应力争真正实现学历教育与非学历教育的互通,使网络教育成为与普通高校并驾齐驱的人才培养力量。  相似文献   

案例教学在教育学教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
案例教学是教育者本着理论与实际有机整合的宗旨,遵循教学目的的要求,以案例为基本素材,将学习者引入一个特定事件的真实情境中,通过学生主体性的学习,培养学生反思、创新能力,使理论与实际紧密结合的一种有效教学形式。案例教学是通过分析、讨论和总结案例三个阶段进行,是弥补当前教育学教学不足的有效形式。  相似文献   

Web-based homework (WBH) Technology can simplify the creation and grading of assignments as well as provide a feasible platform for assessment testing, but its effect on student learning in business statistics is unknown. This is particularly true of the latest software development of Web-based tutoring agents that dynamically evaluate individual students' skill level and purport to respond with appropriate, targeted teaching to improve learning efficiency. In this article, we compare traditional, textbook-based homework assignments with three systems of WBH for undergraduate business statistics courses: ALEKS, PH Grade Assist, and custom-made online quizzes in Blackboard. These systems represent a range of media from artificial intelligence–based tutoring to instructor-controlled objective testing. Using a common assessment test, we compare the performance of students taught with these different systems. Our study finds, as we anticipated, that student performance depends significantly upon teacher experience and student academic competence. Once these factors are controlled for, however, the technique used to deliver homework makes little difference in student success. In contrast to other published research, we do not find any advantage to automated tutoring and identify some limitations of this approach based on both instructor and student feedback.  相似文献   

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