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朱峰 《大观周刊》2012,(5):16-16
张爱玲是我国现代作家,1920年出生于上海,她的一生之中创作了大量的文学作品;在29世纪40年代。张爱玲就好像是黑暗宇宙中一颗闪闪发光的星星,虽然她没有能力给失地带来光明.但是她却给在黑暗下生活的人们带去了些许安慰以及希望。由于张爱玲对时代、文明、人生的悲观认识,从而使得她写出来的作品有着一种荒凉感,最终呈现出了一种苍凉的美学感觉;她的作品在苍凉的同时又充分的反映了悲剧意识。  相似文献   

孙思习 《图书馆建设》2004,(1):109-109,112
以一种感性的眼光,用比较别致的富有张力和弹性的语言,描述了生活中的张爱玲、创作中的张爱玲、爱情中的张爱玲,以及她作品的特色、语言的特色和在文学史上的地位。  相似文献   

路芳 《新闻传播》2010,(4):113-114
自从张爱玲如沉沙折戟被人们从历史的长河中捞起,短短的几十年来,她异常光辉的文采照亮了整个文坛。两岸三地的媒体对她关爱有加,大批的追随者称自己为"张迷",而她身上被人们加注了太多的传奇性和神秘感,大众传媒对她作品的宣传也不过是各取所需。我们必须承认,张爱玲在大陆的走红的确是有大众传媒的一份功劳,但到底它们是拯救了张爱玲,还是伤害了张爱玲?  相似文献   

在研究张爱玲的浩瀚资料里,张爱玲胞弟张子静和台湾季季女士合著《我的姊姊张爱玲》一书的可信度较大。姐弟俩仅相差一岁,又有较长的共同生活经历,对于张爱玲的早年生平,除了她本人不多的几篇自述性散文外,《我的姊姊张爱玲》提供了旁人无法提供的珍贵材料。张爱玲就读的第一所学校黄氏小学,是她西式教育启蒙的起点,对其一生的思想和文学创作有很  相似文献   

张爱玲写过一篇《更衣记》,讲不同时代里旗袍如何变来变去。张爱玲自己,就是那个时代衣着大胆、出门艳惊四座的女人。她同时代的钱钟书不能容忍她衣饰上的古怪出奇,他“很不以为然,说张爱玲近视,又不肯戴眼镜,总是眯着眼,又喜欢穿怪里怪气的衣服,还不如苏青朴实些……”已经是张爱玲了,旁人评价起来,着眼点也不是她的成就,而是她的面相和  相似文献   

郑燕琴 《大观周刊》2011,(17):39-39,17
作为女性作家,张爱玲在她的小说中多以描写男女婚姻,情爱及女性命运为主题,她笔下的女性多处于被压迫,压抑及被动的社会地位,并且在婚姻或爱情上多以悲剧收场。然而《倾城之恋》中的白流苏是唯一一位张爱玲笔下收获爱情与婚姻的女性。白流苏这个从没落大家庭中走出来的女性,在男权生活中不向命运低头,她凭借智慧和心计与婆家、娘家以及范柳原周旋较量,最终赢得了范柳原的爱情和婚姻。白流苏虽没有因战争感化为革命女性,她身上却也透出了对命运抗争以及追求爱情的女性意识。  相似文献   

著名女作家张爱玲9月8日被发现在美国洛杉矶独居寓所逝世,享年75岁。 张爱玲是清朝重臣李鸿章的曾外孙女,河北丰润人,1920年9月30日生于上海,香港大学肄业。她曾以梁京笔名在上海《亦报》写小说,《倾城之恋》是她的早年成名作。她的许多作品如《秧歌》、《流言》、《怨女》、《半生缘》、《惘然记》等,以及翻  相似文献   

张爱玲在四十年代后期开始主要为"文华"电影公司进行电影剧本的写作,正是她的介入开创了"文华"电影创作的成功范式——"都市生活喜剧"样式。一直以来,中国电影史上对她的探讨显得过于凋零。今天在重写电影史的时期,重新认识张爱玲在电影创作中的影响也日益显得必要了。本文着重从张爱玲作品中的女性意识入手,探讨张爱玲如何将她的人生体验、生命意识彰显在她的"去父"文本之中。  相似文献   

正青年张爱玲的海外求学路两度被战争打断。"欧战出洋去不成,只好改到香港",港大读了三年,只差几个月就能毕业,又遇上太平洋战争……1942年夏,时局稍定,张爱玲搭船返沪。她先考入圣约翰大学继续学业,想谋取一纸毕业证书。但"圣校"的教学法让习惯自学的张爱玲不太适应,同时,她利用课余时间替英文泰晤士报写剧评、影评,又分散了精力。张爱玲渴望早点经济  相似文献   

张爱玲40年代初在上海滩脱颖而出.那时还不到20岁.文章写得那么淡雅清丽,一上来就红遍了东南半壁.我认识她,但无深交.她是贵族后代,又和日伪上层人物事有来往,恃才傲物,性情怪僻,是个冰冷冰冷的女人,不大好接近.1952年,张爱玲去了香港,从此再未见过。对他后来的情况和她的第二次结婚,我可说一无所知,放本文只写写1945年胜利前的她。写张爱玲的文艺不少了,这里只从几个侧面,说说她最走红时的点滴,作为补白而已。一、旷世才女张爱玲自己说过,她血管里流的是贵族的血,此话不假。她是清末大臣张凤给的孙女。张佩组是李鸿章…  相似文献   


A new librarian offers advice and insights about what she has learned from working at a library within a health science center. The librarian earned her MLIS in spring 2015, and while she had previous teaching experience, she realized there was much more learning needed to properly teach medical, graduate and allied health students, faculty, and residents. In this “one-year on the job” column, the librarian describes the different teaching experiences today’s librarians encounter, and reflects on what she has learned from them and how they shape her view of the profession.  相似文献   

In most instances, inductions are the first time that users will be introduced to health library services. The time available in which to deliver library orientation sessions within a broader, Trust induction programme is often limited, and this can present challenges for health librarians. Inductions are a great marketing tool, and it is important that induction sessions make the right impact. Within a brief window of opportunity, the health librarian must impart key information to the inductees whilst ensuring the session is relevant and memorable. In this article, guest writer Nicola Healey, Library Manager of North Somerset Healthcare Library, discusses the range of approaches she and her colleagues have explored in delivering library inductions, explaining what worked, what did not and what areas still remain for development. H. S.  相似文献   

Teaching across cultures as a result of a Fulbright Senior Fellowship is a life-changing event for many Fulbright Fellows. This American author experienced powerful classroom dynamics in teaching her library science students at the University of Botswana during her 1999–2000 Fulbright. Her attempt to restructure a traditional lecture class to a student-centered learning environment created classroom dynamics that forced her to examine her pedagogical beliefs for their evident weaknesses. This ethnographic study reports on her teaching experiences and her analysis of what she discovered in the process, findings that continue to impact her study of teaching and learning.  相似文献   

Teaching across cultures as a result of a Fulbright Senior Fellowship is a life-changing event for many Fulbright Fellows. This American author experienced powerful classroom dynamics in teaching her library science students at the University of Botswana during her 1999–2000 Fulbright. Her attempt to restructure a traditional lecture class to a student-centered learning environment created classroom dynamics that forced her to examine her pedagogical beliefs for their evident weaknesses. This ethnographic study reports on her teaching experiences and her analysis of what she discovered in the process, findings that continue to impact her study of teaching and learning.  相似文献   

In this article, Katie Nicholas presents the findings of a very topical piece of research into the use of eBooks in health libraries, which she completed for a Masters dissertation. Katie graduated with an MA in Library and Information Management (Distinction) from Manchester Metropolitan University in July 2017. She would like to acknowledge the support of her supervisor, Rachel Delbridge, in helping her to gain a Distinction in her dissertation. In the article, she points out that the use of eBooks in the NHS is low compared to other sectors and she presents the findings from her research, which help to explain this. She outlines the development of an electronic tool to help library and information staff make sense of the complexity around eBooks and makes further very practical recommendations for practitioners. A. M  相似文献   

Library anxiety is a concept which has been recognised in academic library circles since the early 1990s. It can result in students actively avoiding the library for the duration of their studies. Madeleine Still is Trust Librarian at North Tees & Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust and while studying for an MSc, recognised that some student nurses were exhibiting signs of library anxiety. She decided to make it the focus of her MSc dissertation, and this article discusses her research project as well as highlighting the measures she has taken to address the issues she uncovered. Madeleine graduated in July 2013 with an MSc in Information & Library Studies from Robert Gordon University. AM  相似文献   

图书馆生存危机的出现和加重直接推动着图书馆界对图书馆评估的理论研究和实践推广。图书馆评估是一项由评估主体、评估对象、评估内容以及评估手段四大要素构成的复杂活动。评估主体决定着评估活动要由谁主导的问题,评估对象决定着评估活动要对什么进行评估的问题,评估内容决定着评估主体要对评估对象进行何种评估的问题,评估手段决定着评估活动具体如何实施的问题。  相似文献   

Research methods are applied in all kinds of studies, though no consensus exists regarding what constitutes a research method and how research methods should be categorized. Over 1900 research articles were obtained from three major journals published between 2001 and 2010 in library and information science (LIS). Each selected article was coded using a schema of research methods developed in this study. The coded data, along with related publications, were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. This exploration shows that research methods comprise data collection techniques (e.g., interview, observation) and data analysis techniques (e.g., qualitative, quantitative). Research methods should perhaps be categorized by data collection technique, as it makes more sense than if research methods are labeled as qualitative or quantitative. This study is one of the many efforts to facilitate a better understanding of research methods in LIS and help scholars make more informed decisions about research method selection in their endeavors. Its implications can be extended to LIS research education, training, and advocacy. Because research methods themselves are not discipline-specific, researchers beyond the LIS field would benefit from this study as well.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This paper explores the potential of multinomial logistic regression analysis to perform Web usage mining for an academic health sciences library Website. METHODS: Usage of database-driven resource gateway pages was logged for a six-month period, including information about users' network addresses, referring uniform resource locators (URLs), and types of resource accessed. RESULTS: It was found that referring URL did vary significantly by two factors: whether a user was on-campus and what type of resource was accessed. CONCLUSIONS: Although the data available for analysis are limited by the nature of the Web and concerns for privacy, this method demonstrates the potential for gaining insight into Web usage that supplements Web log analysis. It can be used to improve the design of static and dynamic Websites today and could be used in the design of more advanced Web systems in the future.  相似文献   

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