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答案及简析:1.C词义辨别题。remember意为“记住”,hope意为“希望”,say意为“说”,know意为“知道”.根据句意选C项。  相似文献   

不同的人对不同的动物有不同的喜好,同样,同一种动物在不同的文化背景中所表达的含义也不尽相同。本文介绍几种有代表性的动物的不同文化内涵。  相似文献   

论青年学生的心理健康与社会适应能力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
健康是人类永恒的主题,适应是人类必然的要求。然而,面对急剧变化和迅速发展的现代社会,青年学生成长的环境日趋复杂,身心健康水平逐渐下降,心理素质越来越令人担忧。为了青年学生的健康发展,必须采取有效的对策。  相似文献   

多氯联苯对环境的污染和对动物及人体的危害   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本介绍了多氯联苯对环境的污染,对动物和人的毒性作用及潜在致癌性的研究进展。  相似文献   

(一)青年教师在成长中浮躁心理的一般表现1.心神不宁。面对急剧变化的时代风云,信息的瞬息万变,知识的激增,学生旺盛的求知欲,丰富和广阔的知识面,追求创新的劲头,学校管理中的竞争机制,青年教师常常不知所为,心里无底、慌里慌张,甚至表现出"今朝有酒今朝醉,哪管他日喝凉水"的心态。  相似文献   

在新的历史条件下,青年干部自觉加强党性锻炼,具有十分重要的意义.青年干部要掌握加强党性修养的正确途径,从加强理论学习、提高理论素养,投身社会实践、加强党性锻炼,开展批评与自我批评、锤炼思想作风等三个方面增强党性.同时,要掌握党性修养的科学方法严于律己,勇于自我解剖;知行合一,言行一致;见贤思齐,学习典范;从我做起,从现在做起.只有这样,才能成为高素质的优秀干部.  相似文献   

Self, who we are and how we come to see ourselves, is increasingly viewed as the ongoing and changing story we tell about our lives. It is a story that begins in the early childhood years and that we actively construct out of the relational matrix of home, school, and community. Early childhood settings are crucial sites where young children construct stories of who they are in relation to others. Teachers play a meaningful role in guiding young children in constructing an ongoing sense of self in relation to others.  相似文献   

父母行为特征及其对幼儿的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

本文就高校年轻班主任群体在工作中存在的四个主要问题和原因进行剖析,简要提出解决办法,进而指导和提高高校年轻班主任的自身影响力。  相似文献   

5元、10元、20元……15万元人民币整整数了3个小时. 2012年11月28日,一对夫妇背着两大包钱,来到位于乌鲁木齐市卫星广场附近的一家售楼中心为儿子买房,15万的首付款中有8万元是零钱,这可让售楼中心工作人员好一顿忙活.他们接受采访时说:"我们是在农场开小商店的,存了4年的钱,还借了7万,终于凑够给儿子付首付的钱了."许多父母为了给儿女凑首付,生活辛酸不易,面对这样的情况,我们不禁要好好思考下,在如今房价高涨的压力下,年轻人该如何正确看待买房一事.  相似文献   

Young Children's Understanding of Changes in Their Mental States   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
3-year-old children have difficulty reporting their past false beliefs. We investigated their ability to remember and report other types of past mental state, in particular, pretenses, images, perceptions, desires, and intentions. In a series of tasks, children were placed in one mental state, that state was changed, and they were asked to report the initial state. 4-year-olds were generally able to report all their past mental states, including beliefs. 3-year-olds were able to report past pretenses, images, and perceptions extremely well. They had great difficulty reporting past beliefs. Reporting past desires and intentions was more difficult than reporting pretenses, images, and perceptions, but slightly less difficult than reporting beliefs. The evidence suggests that 3-year-olds have difficulty understanding the nature of representation.  相似文献   

80 infants, toddlers, and preschoolers were observed before, during, and after separations from their mothers, who were attending conferences (M duration = 4 days). Half the sample was separated only once and the other half experienced 3 separations across a 6-month period. The study was designed: (a) to determine how separations affect children's behavior when there are no changes in the family constellation as there typically are during other separations, such as the birth of a new child, and (b) to determine the effects of repeated separations. Fewer changes in sleep and play behaviors suggested that this type of separation was less stressful than separations for the birth of another child. Nonetheless, the separations were still stressful, but principally for the single-separation group. In that group, changes were noted in both play and sleep behaviors. Following reunion, their sleep behaviors and more sophisticated play behaviors returned to baseline. However, activity level and the more insecure behaviors, such as wandering aimlessly, watching other children play, and interacting with their teachers, remained elevated following the mother's return. The multiple-separation group, in contrast, showed only 1 behavior change during their third separation, i.e., reduced interactions with their peers during the separation period, which returned to baseline following reunion. Repeated-measures analyses of the first and third separations of the multiple-separations group suggested that only the first separation was stressful. Thus, the infants and children in this study seemed to adapt to repeated separations.  相似文献   

在英汉两种文化中,动物词汇的文化意义有三种不同的对应关系:指称意义相同,文化意义不同:指称意义相同,文化意义只在一种语言中存在;指称意义相同,文化意义相似或相同。根据以上不同的对应关系及相关翻译原则,在翻译含有动物词汇的英汉短语时应采用不同的翻译方法,如直译法,形象替换法及意译法。  相似文献   

This paper assesses the relative contribution of maternal, household, child, and poverty characteristics to the quality of the home environment. The sample consists of 1,887 children birth to 4 years old from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY). Ordinary least-squares regression is used to explore conceptually distinct aspects of children's poverty experiences. Poverty variables are found to have a statistically significant effect on the quality of the home environment, after controlling for the effects of other variables in the models. Statistically significant interactions among poverty variables are identified. A major finding is that improvements in family income have the strongest effects on the quality of the home environment for children who were born poor or lived much of their lives in poverty. The conclusion emphasizes implications for future research.  相似文献   

Depression in mothers is a significant risk factor for the development of maladjustment in children. This article focuses on modifiable risk processes linking depression in mothers and adaptation in their young children (i.e., infancy through preschool age). First, the authors present evidence of the efficacy of interventions for reducing the primary source of risk: maternal depression. Second, they describe a central mechanism—parenting behaviors—underlying the relation between maternal depression and children's adjustment. Third, the authors recommend two different integrated interventions that successfully treat mothers’ depression and enhance parenting skills with infants and young children. Finally, the authors note the possible need for supplementary interventions to address severity and comorbidity of mothers’ depression, barriers to engaging in treatment, and the sustainability of program benefits.  相似文献   

根据理工科研究生科研能力弱和年轻教师过早带研究生的现状,以个人经验为基础,从入学前的专业书籍阅读、中英文献检索与阅读、英文文献翻译、撰写中文综述论文、自制试验装置、试验研究、撰写英文论文、毕业论文的写作等几个方面,提出了理工科年轻教师培养研究生的一些有价值的做法和建议.  相似文献   

Graduate in political sciences, University of El Salvador. Post-graduate in education and society, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO, Argentina). Co-ordinator for education and society, post-graduate professor of education and society and of the diploma in social sciences (educational management) for FLACSO. Invited post-graduate professor at the University of Bologna. Consultant to the OEI, CEPAL and INAP. Professor of educational policy at the National University of La Plata. Editor of the reviewPropuesta educativa [Educational offer].  相似文献   

A literacy‐related activity that occurs in children's homes—talk about letters in everyday conversations—was examined using data from 50 children who were visited every 4 months between 14 and 50 months. Parents talked about some letters, including those that are common in English words and the first letter of their children's names, especially often. Parents’ focus on the child's initial was especially strong in families of higher socioeconomic status, and the extent to which parents talked about the child's initial during the later sessions of the study was related to the children's kindergarten reading skill. Conversations that included the child's initial were longer than those that did not, and parents presented a variety of information about this letter.  相似文献   

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