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ugar was highest in Sweet-guangyuan;the second,in Sweet-luzi and the lowest,in Sweet-shazi.The content of vitamin C in Sweet-shazi was the highest,while Sweet-luzi was the lowest.The content of vitamin C and total sugar incre  相似文献   

licit self-esteem and explicit self-esteem of 34 university students were investigated,the results showed that there was a difference in implicit self-esteem and explicit self-esteem,but this difference was not significant.In second study,the implicit attitude and explicit attitude to doping and beverage of 45 elite university athletes were examined.The results showed that there was a slight difference between implicit attitude and explicit attitude to doping and beverage which had different social approval,but this difference was also not significant.The results of these two studies showed that the regulation of social approval to the relations between implicit cognition and  相似文献   

Shooting belongs to static endurance personal indirect confrontation sports item. The psychological state of the athletes in the arena often influences the final results of the contest directly. The heart rate measurement and regulation of shooters play an important role in shooting training and performance. The paper expounds the need for the developing intelligent monitoring system of contest psychological state for shooters ,the main components,the technical implementation and the innovation of the system. The system has the ability of real-time monitoring ,storing and analyzing shooters' heart rate.The system can help the coaches monitor and adjust shooters' mental state. In addition,we can make the system perfect from improving the number of re-al-time monitoring objects and doing more detailed data analysis.  相似文献   

Sports consumption is the important strength to promote economic development,so it is significant to protect sports consumer's rights and interests. Sports consumer should be defined to be the individual who purchase sports goods or sports service for sports life. It's very important to protect sports consumers' individual information right,safety right and the right of returning goods without reason,and the articles in the Consumers Protection Law amendment has been improved and will be significant in application. The Sports Law should be also amended accordingly ,and it's necessary to support the formation of public interest litigation in sports consumption field.  相似文献   

Background:Determining the prevalence of doping in sport might be useful for anti-doping authorities to gauge the effectiveness of anti-doping policies implemented to prevent positive attitudes toward doping.Using questionnaires and personal interviews,previous investigations have found that the prevalence of doping might be different among different sports disciplines;however,there is no sport-specific information about the proportion of adverse and atypical findings(AAF) in samples used for doping control.The aim of the present investigation was to assess the differences in the frequency of adverse analytical and atypical findings among sports using the data made available by the World Anti-Doping Agency.Methods:The data included in this investigation were gathered from the Testing Figures Reports made available annually from 2003 to 2015 by the World Anti-Doping Agency.These Testing Figures Reports include information about the number of samples analyzed,the number of AAFs reported,and the most commonly found drugs in the urine and blood samples analyzed.A total of 1,347,213 samples were analyzed from the individual sports selected for this investigation,and 698,371 samples were analyzed for disciplines catalogued as team sports.Results:In individual sports,the highest proportions of AAF were 3.3%±1.0% in cycling,3.0%±0.6% in weightlifting,and 2.9%±0.6% in boxing.In team sports,the highest proportions of AAF were 2.2%±0.5% in ice hockey,2.0%±0.5% in rugby,and 2.0%±0.5% in basketball.Gymnastics and skating had the lowest proportions at(≤1.0%) for individual sports,and field hockey,volleyball and football had the lowest proportions for team sports(≤1.4%).Conclusion:As suggested by the analysis,the incidence of AAF was not uniform across all sports disciplines,with the different proportions pointing to an uneven use of banned substances depending on the sport.This information might be useful for increasing the strength and efficacy of anti-doping policies in those sports with the highest prevalence in the use of banned substances.  相似文献   

Purpose:The aim of the present study was to determine the association between adherence to the 24-h movement guidelines during middle adolescence and glucose outcomes(glycated hemoglobin and fasting glucose) and type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM) in adulthood,14 and 22 years later.Methods:We analyzed data from apparently healthy adolescents aged 12-18 years who participated in Waves Ⅰ and Ⅱ(1994-1996,n=14,738),Wave Ⅳ(2008-2009,n=8913),and Wave V(2016-2018,n=3457) of the National Longitudinal Study o...  相似文献   

The Olympic flag has a plain white background with no border. In the centre are five rings forming two rows of three rings above and two below. The rings of the upper row are, from left to right, blue, black and red. The rings of the lower row are yellow and green.The rings are thought to symbolise the five continents; Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and America. It is widely believed that the colours of the rings were chosen because at least one of them can be found in the flag of every nation, though this has never been confirmed as the intention of the designer.The flag was presented by Games founder Baron de Coubertin at the 1914 Olympic Congress, celebrating the 20th anniversary of the founding of the IOC. It was first flown in Alexandria, Greece, but made its Olympic debut at the 1920 Antwerp Games. This well-worn flag was finally retired after the 1984 Games, and a new one flown at the 1988 Seoul Games.  相似文献   

Background:Physical activity,sleep,and sedentary behaviors compose 24-h movement behaviors and have been independently associated with depressive symptoms.However,it is not clear whether it is the movement behavior itself or other contextual factors that are related to depressive symptoms.The objective of the present study was to examine the associations between self-reported and accelerometer-measured movement behaviors and depressive symptoms in adolescents.Methods:Cross-sectional data from 610 adolescents(14-18 years old)were used.Adolescents answered questions from the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression scale and reported time spent watching videos,playing videogames,using social media,time spent in various physical activities,and daytime sleepiness.Wrist-worn accelerometers were used to measure sleep duration,sleep efficiency,sedentary time,and physical activity.Mixed-effects logistic regressions were used.Results:Almost half of the adolescents(48%)were classified as being at high risk for depression(score≥20).No significant associations were found between depressive symptoms and accelerometer-measured movement behaviors,self-reported non-sport physical activity,watching videos,and playing videogames.However,higher levels of self-reported total physical activity(odd ratio(OR)=0.92,95%confidence interval(95%CI):0.86-0.98)and volume of sports(OR=0.88,95%CI:0.79-0.97),in minutes,were associated with a lower risk of depression,while using social media for either 2.0-3.9 h/day(OR=1.77,95%CI:1.58-2.70)or>3.9 h/day(OR=1.67,95%CI:1.10-2.54),as well as higher levels of daytime sleepiness(OR=1.17,95%CI:1.12-1.22),were associated with a higher risk of depression.Conclusion:What adolescents do when they are active or sedentary may be more important than the time spent in the movement behaviors because it relates to depressive symptoms.Targeting daytime sleepiness,promoting sports,and limiting social media use may benefit adolescents.  相似文献   

Background:The evidence concerning which physical exercise characteristics are most effective for older adults is fragmented.We aimed to characterize the extent of this diversity and inconsistency and identify future directions for research by undertaking a systematic review of metaanalyses of exercise interventions in older adults.Methods:We searched the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,PsycInfo,MEDLINE,Embase,CINAHL,AMED,SPORTDiscus,and Web of Science for articles that met the following criteria:(1)meta-analyses that synthesized measures of improvement(e.g.,effect sizes)on any outcome identified in studies of exercise interventions;(2)participants in the studies meta-analyzed were adults aged 65+or had a mean age of 70+;(3)meta-analyses that included studies of any type of exercise,including its duration,frequency,intensity,and mode of delivery;(4)interventions that included multiple components(e.g.,exercise and cognitive stimulation),with effect sizes that were computed separately for the exercise component;and(5)meta-analyses that were published in any year or language.The characteristics of the reviews,of the interventions,and of the parameters improved through exercise were reported through narrative synthesis.Identification of the interventions linked to the largest improvements was carried out by identifying the highest values for improvement recorded across the reviews.The study included 56 meta-analyses that were heterogeneous in relation to population,sample size,settings,outcomes,and intervention characteristics.Results:The largest effect sizes for improvement were found for resistance training,meditative movement interventions,and exercise-based active videogames.Conclusion:The review identified important gaps in research,including a lack of studies investigating the benefits of group interventions,the characteristics of professionals delivering the interventions associated with better outcomes,and the impact of motivational strategies and of significant others(e.g.,carers)on intervention delivery and outcomes.  相似文献   

It is significant to investigate the landing load suffered by high-level athletes for evaluating the training effect and prevention of injury. Simulation can get the ground reaction force (GRF)that can't be gotten by force platforms,but the accuracy of data needs to be confirmed. The study investigated the similarity and characteristic values of landing force curves got by simulation and force platforms to verify the accuracy and reliability of Lifemod simulation. Results showed that the CMCs of GRF curves gotten by simulation and force platforms were all about 0.90 representing the high correlation. The difference value of maximum GRF was 1.4% of the maximum GRF got by force platforms,and the time difference of getting the maximum GRF was 0.002s.Conclusion:Accurate data matching the real value could be got by simulation. It is feasible and accurate to get the GRF of national level athletes in the training and match.  相似文献   

思想政治教育既要以科学发展观为指导,推进自身改革和发展,又要引导和帮助人们结合实际学习、运用科学 发展观,为各项工作改革和人的发展提供正确思想指导。  相似文献   

对山东省驻济高校体育场馆建设与利用情况的调查研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对山东省驻济高校体育场馆的建设与利用情况进行调查研究,发现山东省高校的体育场馆建设普遍存在质量差、利用率低、用途单一、自我封闭、管理不科学等问题。探讨了加快高校体育场馆的建设步伐,加大高校体育场馆的管理与使用的力度的措施,指出应充分利用外资进行高校体育场馆建设,有效地推动高等教育和体育事业的发展。  相似文献   

普通高校体育场馆现状及管理的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了我国高校体育场馆作为准公共品的属性及普通高校体育场馆的现状,并提出了对策,目的在于进一步深化高校体育改革,为高校体育场馆的科学管理提供理论依据。  相似文献   

从武术散打运动员上肢、下肢有氧、无氧能力的特征入手进行分析探讨,为散打运动的有氧、无氧能力训练提供科学依据。研究表明,散打运动员不仅应具备爆发力较强的无氧代谢能力,也要求运动员有很好的有氧能力,在日常训练中应重视有氧代谢能力的训练。对传统训练方法的改进与完善,使其理论内涵得到极大的丰富,操作方式得到深刻的改进,应用功能得到充分的发挥,应用领域得到广泛的拓展。  相似文献   

针对奥运会和全运会(以下简称"奥运全运")科技攻关成果和体育产业自身的特点,运用文献资料法、半结构式访谈、文本分析和数理统计等方法,对上海奥运全运科技攻关成果的产出现状、产业化路径及特征等进行探讨,并对其产业化进程中存在的主要问题和相关影响因素展开分析。据此提出促进上海奥运全运科技攻关成果产业化的策略,如进一步深化细化体育科技管理体制机制、强化体育科技管理的产业化价值导向、完善技术要素激励等,以提高奥运全运科技攻关成果转化率。  相似文献   

张晓雯 《收藏》2012,(3):12-16
有宋一代,私人收藏文物之风炽盛,无论文人士大夫,或者大商人,或多或少都有书画或其他文物庋藏。北宋初期较为著名的私人藏家有楚昭辅、王溥、王贻正等。嗣后,苏易简一家四代皆好收藏,米芾曾赞日:"四世好事有精鉴,亦张彦远之比。"据史书记载,"靖康之变"后,南渡的私人藏家尚有宗室赵令畤(zhi)、赵与懃(qin),以及苏轼、苏颂、黄庭坚、秦观、晁补之、陆游、周必大、朱熹、叶适、刘克庄、贾似道等文人士大夫。两宋私人书画藏家人数众多,蔚为壮观,折射出宋代书画收藏之繁盛。然而,以书画成就而驰名艺坛的米芾却因其书画盛名,而掩其鉴藏大名,以致少有人关注米芾作为书画鉴藏家的一面。  相似文献   

论体育与健康课程资源开发和利用的必要性与可行性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法等方法,从宏观的角度对体育课程资源进行了论证,结合对体育和健康课程改革实践的观察,对我国体育与健康课程资源开发的必要性与可行性进行分析,为进一步开展体育校本课程开发的理论与实践研究提供逻辑依据.  相似文献   

高校学生体育、健康意识与行为的调查研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
对大学生体育健康与卫生意识进行调查,结果表明,大学生具有较好的健康和卫生意识,97%的学生对体育有良好的认知态度,大学生的健康意识与在校所学专业存在着明显的相关性,大学生的健康愿望与实际生活相差较大,对健康问题的关注和投入与他们对健康的良好认知不相符合。  相似文献   

体育生态的迁移与潜移规律及其实证   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
体育生态系统存在能量流、物质流和信息流,而迁移、潜移现象和规律蕴含其中。就体育生态能量流、物质流和信息流中的某些要素和方面,分别进行了迁移与潜移现象的扼要论述;并以项群训练理论和中国体育所谓的“阴盛阳衰”现象两个典型事例,对体育生态的迁移与潜移规律进行了实证分析和生态学解读。  相似文献   

为了了解人类的血型和指纹与力量和速度等身体素质的关系,对四川省一级运动员以上的37名田径运动员进行了调查分析,结果表明田径运动员的血型和指纹与一般人没有明显差异,故不能用来作为选材的依据.  相似文献   

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