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教学是一门科学,也是一门艺术,一门充满人性的艺术。目前,“人性化”外语教学模式已经得到越来越多教育界专家学者的认同。那么,要想达到“人性化”外语教学需要考虑哪些因素,以及如何实现“人性化”教学呢?这也是当前外语教学过程中急需要解决的一个问题。  相似文献   

英语课程是一门技术也是一门艺术,本文通过对传统初中英语课堂模式存在问题的分解,探究了新的初中英语自主合作型有效教育模式的几种方式,对如何培养及提高学生学习兴趣及参与性提出自己的意见和建议。  相似文献   

杨丽芳 《班主任》2003,(4):23-24
学生心理疏导既是一门科学,又是一门艺术。说它是一门科学,因为它要把握一定的原则,选择合适的方法,遵循学生心理发展的规律。说它是一门艺术,因为它有一定的技术要求,特别是它涉及有关社会心理学中关于人际交往的技巧,甚至涉及美学原理。如何更好地开展学生心理疏导工作呢?  相似文献   

班主任工作既是一门科学,也是一门艺术。班主任工作既有规律可循,又无一成不变的模式。如何做好班主任工作,笔者认为至少应该做到以下几个方面:  相似文献   

司兰 《教学随笔》2013,(12):127
语言是人类敞开心扉的交流形式;是人类搭架心灵桥梁的快捷方式;语言艺术是人类情感交集的抒发模式;是人类释放悲喜的表达公式。如何淋漓尽致、唯美完善地运用语言这门深奥的哲学,是一种深内涵、高层次的学问。语言是一门艺术,中华民族的汉字,更形象地体现了这种艺术的一种表达形式,而这种艺术是要必须传承下去的。  相似文献   

数学是一门科学,也是一门艺术,是科学与艺术的统一。如何提高数学课堂教学艺术呢?  相似文献   

数学是一门科学,也是一门艺术,是科学与艺术的统一.如何提高数学课堂教学艺术呢?……  相似文献   

研究生的生活是宝贵而短暂的,如何使它更充实,更有意义,可以说是一门学问,也可以说是一门艺术。 如果说本科生阶段是性格与观念形成的雏形期,那么研究生阶段则是思考自己的人生,思考如何选择的成熟期。本科期间是学习知识、应用知识的阶段:研究生期间却是发展  相似文献   

教育是一门艺术,教育中的批评更是一门艺术,如何掌握批评技巧,是我们教育工作者需要了解的。  相似文献   

管理是一门艺术.作为管理者,怎样才能精通这门艺术,使自己成为一个受欢迎的管理者?管理的成功关键在于如何领导,这是管理者应担当的角色,更是一门艺术.  相似文献   

Two studies investigated (a) the art preference of young children for realistic, stylized, and abstract styles; and (b) the influence that exposure to art has on these style preferences. In the first study, 41 preschool children (19 females, 22 males) were individually administered an art style preference task comprised of nine prints, three of each style, of well known paintings. Both color and subject matter variables were controlled. A rank ordering of responses indicated a preference for abstract over realistic and stylized paintings. A second group of preschoolers (22 females, 20 males) were administered the preference task both before and following exposure to a painting ranked as one of the least preferred in the previous study. The three treatments were (a) classroom exposure, (b) home exposure, or (c) exposure through classroom discussion about the painting and the artist. Analyses revealed that all three types of exposure increased preference for the selected painting as well as preference for other paintings in that style. The importance of providing opportunities for young children to experience art is discussed in relation to capabilities of young children, as indicated by the results of the two studies.  相似文献   

This study investigates how art teachers judge the creativity of student art work. Both conceptual and operational definitions given by teachers were studied. Furthermore, cultural exposure as measured by a teacher's exposure to non-Asian cultures, was studied to see how it might influence art teachers' judgements. Two instruments were developed for the purpose of this study. One instrument was a questionnaire designed to collect qualitative data from the respondents. The second instrument was used to measure art teachers' ratings of creativity. The data revealed that the conceptual definitions given by art teachers varied considerably. However, when asked to rate subjectively the creativity of art products, moderate agreement was reached among art teachers. Exposure to non-Asian cultures did not seem to have an effect on an art teachers' operational definition of creativity. Results of the study imply that the usefulness of the term creativity needs to be reviewed in general usage and in documents such as curricula. It would seem that there is not a clear notion among art teachers as to what constitutes creativity and a creative product.  相似文献   

生活是艺术无尽的源泉,任何伟大的艺术无不产生于艺术家对生活的挚爱。艺术家要热爱艺术,更要热爱生活,这是肯特现实主义的艺术观,是肯特艺术世界的真谛,更是肯特对生活的热爱和他伟大人格的体现。真正的艺术不是简单的流于表面形式,而是打动人的心灵、唤醒人的感情,这才是艺术的目的。肯特力求寻找明确的、通俗的艺术表现,追求普通民众所能了解和接受的艺术语言,置身与自然界之中,直接地、全面地观察生活,描绘自然界看到的形象,舍弃无关的细节,选择最重要、最典型的事物,表现激动人心的东西。肯特对现实生活的热爱,对艺术的真诚探索,应当成为每位艺术工作者共同的追求。  相似文献   

Humans are endowed with cognitive modules specialised in processing information about the class of natural things. Due to their naturalness, fractal art and design can contribute to developing these modules, and trigger affective responses that are associated with certain natural objects. It is argued that exposure to fractals in an art and design context can tap these effects. This entails that such patterns are not only an artistic and creative tool, but develop different aspects of the human individual. Although fractal patterns could be relevant for different educative areas, exposure to fractals has particular urgency for art and design education because it could lead to more psychological receptivity for adopting rich formal grammars. This is valuable, given the fact that some current architectural design is difficult to harmonise with the workings of the human mind.  相似文献   

摄影是源于美学的艺术,是美和艺术在瞬间的凝炼。新闻摄影脱胎于艺术摄影并与之有着"母系的血缘关系";获得主题鲜明、色彩饱满、视觉冲击力强的作品,使得新闻摄影聚焦区域跃出画面,涉及到设计作品的构图、安排各类别的视觉元素、光圈、景深以及曝光的精密控制等多方面因素。综合以上因素探讨新闻摄影构图的艺术性。  相似文献   


This article presents an educational approach that merges ideas of critical pedagogy with those of visual culture. According to this approach – termed visual critical pedagogy – art is an integral part of the textures of society and culture and their manifold and complex visual expressions, including the more controversial and subversive among them. It objects to locking art and visual culture in art departments, and to restricting art history to a formalist analysis of ‘masterpieces’ – which represent primarily the Western art market and its underlying politics. It likewise rejects the conception of art history as the history of artists and art movements – a conservative approach still prevalent in many academic institutions. Integrating critical pedagogy with visual culture provides fertile ground for an educational practice within art classes and beyond them. Visual critical pedagogy is formulated using the concepts exposure, deciphering, representation and visibility, shared by both critical pedagogy and visual culture. These are discussed in the context of educational projects and activities planned and implemented by Jewish and Arab students enrolled in an education-through-art program in an academic college in northern Israel.  相似文献   

漫画是一种具有现代艺术形式的画种,造型夸张到变形,表情达意追求含蓄之美。情感的虚与形象的实相生,主题的藏与生活的露互济,构成了漫画艺术的含蓄美。从艺术技巧上看,漫画创造含蓄美,主要运用夸张、比喻、比拟、曲折、双关、象征、借代等手法,通过“曲径通幽”实现创作目的。  相似文献   

书法艺术以抽象的线条抒发作者的情感,是书家学养、性情、技法的综合体现。是在潜意识下一种不知不觉的集中,是一种内心世界的宣泄、流淌。  相似文献   

This article discusses, contextualises and locates in contemporary theory, an autobiographical case study of an artist‐teacher in the ‘learning community’ of a Sixth Form College art department. It reflects on the educational potential of enabling teachers of art and their students to investigate issues of culture and identity through engaging with contemporary art practice. It seeks to explore the extent to which exposure to contemporary art practices (and in the second year sixth form, textiles‐based, cases discussed) creates a more conceptual approach to student project work, which can act as a catalyst to develop students' understanding of issues‐based practice. The discussion of the selected pieces is located within a feminist paradigm that foregrounds the body and gender theories. This article elucidates how a conceptual approach to working, as opposed to a more traditional skills‐based approach, can act as a vehicle for moving students towards becoming self‐motivated artists and, in the case studies described, take their practice beyond that which is normally achieved within the constraints of timed, exam‐based work.  相似文献   

素描教学是美术教育的基础,作为高师素描教学,在保留传统素描教学的精华的同时,应加强对学生的整体意识、艺术个性、创造思维和审美能力的培养,提高学生的认识表现综合能力和艺术素养。  相似文献   

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