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In three experiments, we sought evidence for the acquired equivalence of cues in pigeons trained in an autoshaping paradigm. In Experiment 1, presentations of each of a pair of cues (different keylight stimuli) preceded a common consequence (a different keylight stimulus). The pattern of response then established by further training given to one member of the pair was found to generalize preferentially to the other, demonstrating equivalence between cues that had shared a common consequence. The same test procedure was used in Experiment 2, but with a training procedure in which each cue of a pair was preceded by a given stimulus. This too resulted in enhanced generalization between members of the pair, showing that equivalence can be established when cues have been experienced along with a common antecedent. Both training procedures were combined in Experiment 3 to confirm the reliability of the effects previously obtained. The discussion is focused on ways in which the associative explanation offered for cases of equivalence mediated by a common consequence might be extended to accommodate equivalence mediated by a common antecedent.  相似文献   


This paper describes a teacher training project at Barry University in Miami Shores, Florida. The purpose of this project is to develop, implement, and evaluate a model for providing district‐wide teacher training in the use and integration of instructional technology to achieve curricular goals that are competency‐based and designed to be world class standards. The project was funded by the US Department of Education's Fund for Innovation in Education for a period of three years. During that time, 284 elementary teachers received graduate credit at Barry University for participation in an intensive course on the infusion of technology across the curriculum and for conducting teacher training at their own schools. This paper describes the teacher training model and preliminary results of the project.  相似文献   

This study is a further attempt to apply correspondence training in the classroom in order to improve learning outcomes. Using this strategy a class of middle school pupils was encouraged to show more initiative, independence and self‐regulation in planning and carrying out topic work. The pupils were required to forecast what they proposed to achieve in a certain period and then to check up at the end to see how far they had been successful. In addition, upon hearing an audible signal, they were required to decide whether they were ‘on‐task’ and whether they were working well. The outcome was that the pupils achieved a better work output in terms of both quantity and quality than before. In addition, they gained valuable experience in forward planning and in working independently.  相似文献   

This study focuses on psychological assessment of Ukrainian physicians training for a period of four months in a Canadian Hospital. Physicians (n=28) were assessed before and after their training experience on seven clinical measures comprising of a total of 14 scales scores. The t-test for comparison of two means from matched groups was used to analyze the data. Results are presented for three groups of physicians arriving and leaving Canada at different times. The data showed that the physicians felt content with their cross-cultural experience, had reasonable problem-solving skills, generally expressed greater dependency, but had shifts on post-tests to increased confidence and internal locus of control. The results are discussed in the context of cross-cultural psychological evaluations, and in the light of post-Soviet influences in psychology.Funds for the operation of psychological research were provided by the Department of Educational Psychology, University of Alberta, Graduate Research Assistance monies. Translation costs were covered by the Osvita Medical Project. Assessment and consultation in Ukraine was funded by the Professional Partnership Program, Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada.  相似文献   

介绍了项目教学法在单片机教学及实训中的应用。在单片机教学及实训中采用项目教学法,有利于激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生分析问题、解决问题的能力,有利于进一步提高学生的动手能力和综合能力,从而提高教学质量。  相似文献   

Empirical studies within a cognitive load framework have determined that for novice learners, worked examples provide appropriate levels of instructional guidance. As learners advance in specific subject domains, worked examples should be gradually replaced by practice problems with limited guidance. This study compared performance, both immediately post‐instruction and delayed, following instruction under different conditions: using example–problem pairs, using gradual fading of worked examples, and using pure problem‐solving. The study was conducted with employees of a financial services company in a classroom environment. Results indicated that the fading condition consistently outperformed the example–problem and problem‐solving conditions, and the advantage of this condition was enhanced, with statistically significant differences in performance, in delayed and transfer posttest performance.  相似文献   

张琳 《嘉应学院学报》2006,24(5):127-130
2003年11月教育部正式启动了“名刊工程”。教育部“名刊工程”是国家重点支持的、为进一步加强高校学报建设,展示高校哲学社会科学援救成果的一个重大工程。高校学报要进入名刊行列的前提是有一批品牌学术栏目,而学术品牌栏目的建设在于对作者资源合理性开发,掌握和开发作者资源是高校学报发展之本。当前高校作者资源合理性开发中存在的主要问题是:缺乏开发意识、服务意识、危机意识、竞争意识。而合理性开发高校学报作者资源的主要途径是:把握持续发展原则、建立作者信息库、营造良好的创造环境、遵循竞争性原则。  相似文献   

Using the same program, two training experiments have been conducted in a Dutch and in a German elementary school. The common expectation was that training in inductive reasoning would transfer both on intelligence tests measuring inductive reasoning and on math performance. Furthermore, it was expected that the training effects would persist for at least some months after training had ended. In experiment 1 (N=34), a rather short training period turned out to be effective with respect to the intelligence test performance but not with respect to math performance. In experiment 2 (N=23), the amount of training in inductive reasoning was systematically varied. It could be shown that transfer on intelligence test as well as on math performance was linearly dependent on the amount of prior training. The training effects were found to persist between four and nine months after training.  相似文献   

Mary Perkins Ryan remains one of the least recognized of the twentieth-century figures in the modern renewal of Catholic education in the United States. The reasons are many but none satisfactory. Ryan was an intellectual without a scholarly credential. She was an educator without an affiliation to an academic institution. She was a leading voice for professional standards in church religious education without ever serving in either a parish or diocesan role. Ryan worked alongside the giants of twentieth-century Catholic educational history—Gerard Sloyan, Johannes Hofinger, Gabriel Moran, Berard Marthaler, Maria Harris, Gloria Durka, and Thomas Groome. Their shadow cast long and may be the reason why despite her leadership in the American liturgical movement and her visionary stance on adult religious education, Ryan still remains on the margins of Catholic educational history. The purpose of this article is to illustrate how Ryan's intellectual corpus, which includes twenty-four authored works and two decades of editorial direction at The Living Light and Professional Approaches for Christian Educators (PACE), justifies her place alongside the more established figures of her time. It is to reclaim a leadership role for Ryan as a visionary in the modern renewal of Catholic education and in so doing to move her contributions from the margins to the main text of that history.  相似文献   

目前临床上用于治疗的各种通道阻断剂都是针对阳离子通道靶点.尽管C l-通道在体内分布广泛,功能重要,但如何针对这一新靶点治疗疾病,目前还存在一些问题.最近,对心肌氯通道的作用有了新的认识,为氯通道阻断剂应用于临床提供了理论依据.本文对氯通道阻断剂的应用前景进行了预测.  相似文献   

This is a case study of a physics undergraduate who claimed that he “uses physics to understand other subjects.” This statement suggested that this student could describe issues concerning the transfer of learning and especially instances of far transfer. Detailed instances of far transfer have been difficult to replicate in lab settings. Therefore, three interviews were designed to investigate this student’s claims about using physics to understand other subjects as a means to better understand far transfer processes. Transfer in this case study is defined as the personal construction of relations of similarity. Furthermore, I operationalize this definition of transfer via 12 aspects of transfer derived from the work of several contemporary researchers who study the transfer of learning. As part of this case study I also investigate the subject’s motivation for engaging in far transfer. Directions for future research are discussed which includes the need to study the role of personal epistemology in far transfer as well as a larger investigation of students who transfer broadly across school subjects.  相似文献   

Distance education has a history of over four decades in India. There has been a vast growth in the number of learners who need education and thus also the corresponding channels of providing education. Due to the constraints of the traditional educational sector, open and distance learning has been found to be a workable alternative strategy in India. This paper traces the evolution and diversification of open learning in India by examining various factors that led to the growth and success of open learning. This system, as other systems of education, is not free from problems and a critique is provided on the various factors affecting the smooth functioning of India’s open and distance learning system.  相似文献   

教育公平是社会公平的基础,同时也是实现社会平等的工具。追求教育公平是我国教育政策的基本选择。本文从现象分析出发,阐述了中国当代教育不公平的三大外在表现,在分析了其原因基础上,对推进中国教育公平提出了建议和对策。  相似文献   

所谓“5221”工程是指通过对培训分析,将整个培训过程分为五个步骤,即培训需求调查一培训需求分析一培训项目的设计开发一培训的具体实施一培训效果跟踪评估。同时每个工作步骤组分为二个工作内容和二个工作子目标,这十个工作子目标又整合为一个工作总目标。  相似文献   

按照"卓越计划"的要求,各个参与高校应结合本校客观实际,灵活自主地制定人才培养的政策和措施,保障"卓越计划"的实施和预期效果。结合高校实际情况探讨机械工程专业卓越工程师培养思路、培养标准、培养方案制定,师资队伍与培养基地建设,校企合作机制等方面的措施。作为具有鲜明行业背景和特色的高等学校,应根据自身的办学优势和特色,针对行业需求构建与办学定位相一致的"卓越计划"人才培养体系。  相似文献   

《AutoCAD应用实训》是环境艺术设计专业必修课程,是一门应用性和实践性都很强的专业课程。以往大多数课堂里只教授命令工具的教学方式,已经与当今高职教育的要求完全脱节。笔者对本门课程的教学内容和教学方法上进行了改革,使用了项目式教学方法。将工程实例与理论及任务驱动、项目设计相整合,在课堂上采用"教学做一体化——项目验收——项目评价"的教学模式,强调理论与实践的融合和过程式学习,培养学生发现问题、分析问题、解决问题的能力,从而使得学生具备职业岗位要求所需的能力。  相似文献   

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