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动作示范是体育教学基本方法,教师的动作示范,能直接影响体育教学的效果。本文从速滑教学的不同阶段,讨论了如何发挥教师动作示范作用问题。  相似文献   

冯春娣 《冰雪运动》2000,(4):44-44,48
通过实验、观察,资料分析等方法在速滑教学中,科学地运用“心理练习法”可以明显提高教学效果,使学生在短时间内较好地掌握技术动作,提高了教学质量。  相似文献   

通过在速滑课教学中运用学生示范的方法来激发学生练习的兴趣,从而缩短学生掌握技术动作的时间,以达到提高教学效果的目的。  相似文献   

柔道之所以成为日本在国际体坛的强项,除了历史悠久,开展普及和基础好之外,先进的训练手段、科学的管理和有一批业务熟练吃苦耐劳的教练员是分不开的。柔道业余训练的目的是提高我国竞技运动的水平,早日攀登世界体育高峰,培养大批德智体全面发展的高质量的后备人才。柔道运动的提高和发展必须要从每个教练员做起,教练员要以身作则,吃苦耐劳精  相似文献   

演示法是速滑教学中最基本、最重要的教学手段,是教师传授速滑知识、技能及帮助学生建立技术动作的表象和形式概念的基本途径。通过演示法中“示范”和“示错”2种方法的剖析,着重论述了准确的示范及恰到好处的示错,能给学生展示出正确与错误的动作形象,起到加强学生动脑、发展思维、深化理解、激发兴趣、指导实践的效应,最终达到提高教学质量的目的。  相似文献   

简述了心理指令控制信号的建立过程,并提出其在不同阶段的作用,经过教学实践证明,教学效果显。  相似文献   

动作示范在速滑技术教学中的运用   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
汪勤 《冰雪运动》2006,(5):67-69
在速滑技术教学中,教师合理运用动作示范,对学生正确掌握技术起着重要的作用。根据速滑运动技术教学的特点和规律,从运动心理和运动生物学的角度,对动作示范在速滑技术教学中运用进行了分析,旨在为进一步提高速滑技术教学的质量与效果提供参考。  相似文献   

把轮滑运动运用在速滑教学中的尝试   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过非冰期轮滑课与速滑专项技术课的实验对比,总结出了非冰期进行轮滑课教学对提高速滑课教学质量的积极作用。  相似文献   

论述各种信息在速滑教学当中的有效使用,探讨如何利用教学中的信息反馈提高教学质量。  相似文献   

为了使学生顺利、准确掌握滑跑技术,针对学生学习阶段中,泛化过程长这一问题,分析了速滑教学泛化阶段延长的原因,并提出缩短泛化阶段的办法。  相似文献   

揭示田径项目中可能创纪录的最佳年龄段,为我国田径运动的发展提供科学训练依据。运用献资料研究法、数理统计法、论证分析法,对当今创世界纪录次数较多的163名男女运动员创世界纪录年龄、次数进行系统、规范的数理统计,并进行了比较分析和研究。结果表明:男女总创世界纪录的年龄高峰期有明显的区别,各个项目首创纪录黄金期也各有所不同。  相似文献   

对核心力量训练在备战2008-2012年奥运会、亚运会和全运会实践研究后发现:1)运动员核心力量训练主要由核心稳定性训练、关节养护性训练及核心专门性训练组成;2)核心稳定性是指核心肌群在神经肌肉系统、骨骼韧带系统以及呼吸调节系统的协同作用下,稳定身体姿势和重心、产生和传递上下肢力量的能力;3)关节养护性训练是指针对易伤部位和薄弱环节所进行以伤病防护为主的体能训练理念和方法;4)核心稳定性与关节养护性训练是进行核心专门性力量训练的前提和基础;5)核心专门性力量训练是核心力量训练的本质和关键,是指根据专项动作模式的特殊需求以及运动员体能特点来进行的具有专项针对性核心力量训练,也即运动员的动态稳定性和强大的腰髋收缩力量。  相似文献   

This investigation assessed whether prior heavy resistance exercise would improve the repeated sprint performance of 16 trained youth soccer players (Age 17.05 ± 0.65 years; height 182.6 ± 8.9 cm; body mass 77.8 ± 8.2 kg). In session 1, individual 1 repetition max was measured utilising a squat movement. In sessions 2 and 3, participants performed a running-based repeated anaerobic sprint test with and without prior heavy resistance exercise of 91% of their 1 repetition max. Times were recorded for each of the 6 sprints performed in the repeated sprint test and summed to provide total time. T-tests compared the two exercise conditions via differences in corresponding sprint times and total time. Analysis revealed significantly reduced total time with use of heavy resistance exercise (33.48 (±1.27) vs. 33.59 (±1.27); P = 0.01). Sprints 1 (P = 0.05) and 2 (P = 0.02) were also faster in the heavy resistance exercise condition (5.09 (±0.16) vs. 5.11 (±0.16) and 5.36 (±0.24) vs. 5.45 (±0.26) seconds respectively) although no other differences were shown. Findings demonstrate improved sprint times of trained adolescent soccer players after heavy resistance exercise although benefits appear not as sustained as in adult participants.  相似文献   


The relative age effect is an uneven distribution of birth date favouring subjects born in the initial months of a selection year. This study compared the birth-date distributions between several subgroups of Basque football players to identify whether the relative age effect is influenced by age and/or skill level. The study comprised 13,519 players including 114 senior professionals from the Spanish league's AC Bilbao over 21 seasons; over the season 2005–2006, it comprised elite youth (n = 189) from the same club's academy; regional youth (n = 4382) U11–U14 locally federated players; school youth (n = 8834) U10–U11 locally registered school district players. Differences between the observed and expected birth-date distributions were tested based on data from the general Basque male population. Significant chi-square values were followed up by calculating odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the quartile and half-year distributions to examine subgroup differences in the relative age effect. Birth-date distributions of all groups of players showed a significant bias towards early birth in the selection year compared with the reference population (senior, χ2 3 = 24.4, P < 0.001; elite youth, χ2 3 = 59.1, P < 0.001; regional youth, χ2 3 = 41.4, P < 0.001; school youth, χ2 3 = 40.9, P < 0.001). Between-group comparison revealed that the relative age effect incidence progressively increased with a higher level of involvement in youth football. This bias represents a significant loss of potential youth football talent.  相似文献   


Female volleyball athletes incorporate dynamic and static stretching into a warm-up, with evidence generally supporting dynamic stretching to improve performance. However, the effects of these stretching practices on injury risk during subsequent volleyball manoeuvres have yet to be fully elucidated in the warm-up literature. Three-dimensional kinematic data associated with non-contact, lower extremity injury were recorded on 12 female collegiate club volleyball athletes during unilateral landing tasks on the dominant and non-dominant limb. Participants performed landings as part of a volleyball-simulated manoeuvre prior to and post-dynamic (DWU) and combined dynamic-static (CDS) warm-ups. A significant reduction in non-dominant hip adduction angle was found at 15 min post CDS warm-up (= 0.016; = 0.38), however, no other warm-up differences were detected. The non-dominant limb demonstrated greater knee abduction (= 0.006; = 0.69) and internal rotation angle (= 0.004; = 0.88), suggesting that this limb demonstrates more risky landing patterns that are potentially due to altered trunk positioning upon landing. The results show that the majority of selected landing kinematics are unaffected by additional static stretching to a dynamic warm-up and that the non-dominant limb may be at a higher injury risk in female volleyball athletes.  相似文献   


Studies have reported the benefits of pre-cooling prior to exercise in the heat for male athletes, but at this time no research has investigated female athletes. The aim of the following study was to test the effects of pre-cooling on female repeat sprint performance in hot, humid conditions; namely is ice ingestion effective in reducing core temperature (Tc) and does this reduced Tc lead to improved repeat sprint performance in female athletes? Nine female team sport athletes with mean age (21.0 ± 1.2 y), height (169.8 ± 4.1 cm) and body mass (62.3 ± 5.0 kg) participated in this study. Participants completed 72 min of an intermittent sprint protocol (ISP) consisting of 2 × 36 min halves in hot, humid conditions (33.1 ± 0.1°C, 60.3 ± 1.5% RH) on a cycle ergometer. This was preceded by 30 min of either ice ingestion (ICE) or water consumption (CON) in a randomised order. At the end of the pre-cooling period, Tc significantly decreased following ICE (?0.7 ± 0.3°C) compared to CON (?0.1 ± 0.2°C; p = 0.001). Tc also remained lower in ICE compared to CON during the ISP (p = 0.001). Ratings of perceived thermal sensation were lower in ICE compared to CON (p = 0.032) at the beginning (p = 0.022) and mid-point (p = 0.035) of the second half. No differences in work, mean power, peak power, rating of perceived exertion, heart rate or sweat loss between conditions were recorded (p > 0.05). Ice ingestion significantly reduced female Tc prior to intermittent exercise in the heat and reduced thermal sensation; however, this did not coincide with improved performance.  相似文献   


In The Pasteurization of France, Bruno Latour argued that the rise of hygiene was dependent on collaboration between Pasteur, the hygiene movement, scientists and others. He also pointed at the importance of obligatory passage points such as the Pasteurian laboratory, to ensure the scientization and rationalization of hygiene. This article argues that there has been a similar process in elite sports, a ‘physiologization’ where scientists, sport organizations and specialized coaches have transformed training from a deeply personal and experiential matter to something universal and scientific. Physiologists made the test lab an obligatory passage point for athletes who wanted to compete on the highest level. Through theories of sportification and science and technology studies this paper analyses the scientization of endurance sports.  相似文献   

This study was designed to assess the effect of performance feedback on stress reactivity after recovery from maximal exercise. Forty competitive athletes were recruited to complete a maximal exercise test. Performance feedback was manipulated after the exercise test to give four groups: (1) high performance, (2) low performance, (3) accurate feedback and (4) no exercise control. Cardiovascular reactivity was assessed during psychological stress. The results indicate that accurate feedback participants experienced lower relative reactivity to stress (lower mean arterial pressure) than their no-exercise counterparts. These results demonstrate that the stressbuffering effect of exercise extends to maximal exercise. In addition, high-performance participants experienced lower relative reactivity than low-performance participants. Thus, low-performance feedback was sufficient to remove the buffering effect of exercise. There were no differences between the high-performance and accurate feedback conditions, or between the low-performance and control conditions.  相似文献   


This study aimed to evaluate whether an individualised sprint-training program was more effective in improving sprint performance in elite team-sport players compared to a generalised sprint-training program. Seventeen elite female handball players (23 ± 3 y, 177 ± 7 cm, 73 ± 6 kg) performed two weekly sprint training sessions over eight weeks in addition to their regular handball practice. An individualised training group (ITG, n = 9) performed a targeted sprint-training program based on their horizontal force-velocity profile from the pre-training test. Within ITG, players displaying the lowest, highest and mid-level force-velocity slope values relative to body mass were assigned to a resisted, an assisted or a mixed sprint-training program (resisted sprinting in the first half and assisted sprinting in the second half of the intervention period), respectively. A control group (CG, n = 8) performed a generalised sprint-training program. Both groups improved 30-m sprint performance by ~1% (small effect) and maximal velocity sprinting by ~2% (moderate effect). Trivial or small effect magnitudes were observed for mechanical outputs related to horizontal force- or power production. All between-group differences were trivial. In conclusion, individualised sprint-training was no more effective in improving sprint performance than a generalised sprint-training program.  相似文献   

崔巍 《福建体育科技》2012,31(2):30-31,46
为了探讨有氧健身操运动对女高中生机体免疫功能的影响,对其进行了六个月的系统有氧健身锻炼,分别利用了放射免疫法和常规血检测定了系统进行有氧训练前后血清中IgG、IgM、IgA和WBC。结果显示:经过六个月的有氧健身操训练,实验后与实验前相比,IgG、IgM、IgA和WBC均具有显著性,说明有氧健身操训练可以很好地提高女中学生免疫系统的功能,同时也为有氧健身操在中学的广泛开展提高了科学的训练依据。  相似文献   

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