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伴随中国社会治理功能的社区化,社区已成为践行基层社会治理的关键主体。在公共危机治理中,社区工作的功能价值日益凸显。社区工作介入公共危机治理的独特优势,不仅根植于社区自身的多重特性之中,如社区是居民利益攸关的社会生活共同体,是危机防控的初级现场等,还与社区工作有着专业化、行业化、系统化机制的支撑相关。在参与公共危机治理中,社区工作仍然面临系列问题。应建立、健全与公共危机治理相配套的社区体制机制,建构并形成由社区工作主导或参与的应急机制或平台,使社区工作优势得以更充分的发挥。  相似文献   

2020年新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情的爆发,使我国教育系统面临的突出矛盾表现为社会期盼教育系统不影响学生发展能尽量组织教学与师生不能到校之间的矛盾。发挥教育技术学科优势、主动介入解决矛盾是教育技术学科和教育技术人应有的责任和担当。教育技术特有的学科积淀和丰富的网络教学实践成果为解决当前教育的突出矛盾提供了可行性和可能性。疫情状态下一线教师开展网络教学应该注意转变教学观念、做好教学设计、设计好教学交互、实施分段分层教学、重视学生自主学习能力培养等五个方面的问题。从系统科学的视角,教育技术对促进教学变革也有其发挥作用的限度,理性认识教育技术的定位并解决好其擅长解决的问题是应该持有的立场。未来教育技术学科应当加快与教育学其他二级学科"深度融合",聚焦育人本位,共同推动智能时代的教育变革。  相似文献   

2020年初,新冠肺炎疫情在国内大规模蔓延,影响到我国大范围地区和群体。这种重大公共卫生事件经由媒介化信息的再现重构,经过受众的信息接收及反应之后,逐渐演变成创伤性事件,并形成创伤记忆。为了应对重大突发情况下的创伤反应,在充分理解疫情期间社会不同群体的创伤反应的基础之上,尝试性地提出把创伤记忆以鲜活、有效的方式呈现出来,并采取多元化的方式修复和抚慰创伤。这对个体自我修复、社会心理救助以及重大突发事件应急体系的完善等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

中华民族共同体精神是引领各族人民守望相助、命运与共、战胜疫情的强大精神力量,是构建各民族共有精神家园的宝贵财富.为实现中华民族伟大复兴,需要把握中华民族共同体精神在抗击疫情中彰显出的为民精神、伟大团结精神、伟大奋斗精神以及伟大奉献精神的精神内核,需要通过媒体宣传、教育引导和榜样示范等方式发挥其重要作用,继续助力中华民族...  相似文献   

We document large temporal and geographical discrepancies among prominent trackers that measure in-person, hybrid, and remote schooling in the U.S. during COVID-19. We then propose a new measure of effective in-person learning (EIPL) that combines information on schooling modes with cell phone data on school visits and estimate it for a large, representative sample of U.S. public and private schools. The EIPL measure, which we make publicly available, resolves the discrepancies across trackers and is more suitable for many quantitative questions. Consistent with other studies, we find that a school’s share of non-white students and pre-pandemic grades and size are associated with less in-person learning during the 2020–21 school year. Notably, we also find that EIPL was lower for schools in more affluent and educated localities with higher pre-pandemic spending and more emergency funding per student. These results are in large part accounted for by systematic regional differences, in particular political preferences.  相似文献   

当前中国新冠肺炎疫情防控工作已从应急状态转为常态化状态.调查显示,学生在疫情下的心态变化呈现出消极情绪明显缓解、思想认知趋于理性、行为表达积极正向、"四个自信"更加坚定的总体特征.但是,由于疫情所引发的学生心态问题及成长困境也不容忽视,高校应结合疫情防控工作对大学生进行针对性和实效性的引导,发挥高校思想政治教育在组织动...  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒是一种新发现的传染性很强的病毒,病毒的潜伏期长,全球存在很多被感染后的无症状者和复阳者。高校人员集中、生源广泛、学生活动范围大、普遍实行寄宿制、大班教学等特点,加之非医学类高校对健康教育及基础医疗知识的普及和实践不够重视,学生在面对突发公共卫生事件时缺乏基本的防控意识和自救、互救能力。因此这类院校更要积极做好新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情的防控。根据目前非医学类高校在突发公共卫生事件防控方面存在的问题,结合新冠病毒的感染、传播特点,从设立长效应急队伍或机构、制定行之有效地防控和应急预案,在落实师生健康教育课程、监测预警、建设医疗应急队伍和及时进行疫后心理疏导等方面提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

蒋妍 《复旦教育论坛》2021,19(6):96-103
新冠疫情的暴发与蔓延,迫使全球的大学都不得不转为线上教学。日本具有接近世界顶级水平 的多媒体技术,而且改革一直是近20年来日本大学教育的关键词。在此背景下,在面对突如其来的线上教 学挑战时,日本原本应该能够从容应对,但实际上面临各种问题和挑战,如著作权的限制、慕课资源的稀缺、 重科研轻教学的传统等,文部科学省的作用也仅限于政策引领。疫情促进了在线教学的发展,也暴露出了 多年改革中存在的问题。  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫情的发生以及对疫情的阻击之战,使中国人民遭受了一场严峻考验,但同时也可以成为我们弘扬中国精神的契机。新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情应对扩展了中国精神的内涵,彰显了众志成城的团结精神、人民至上的人本精神、迎难而上的担当精神和锐意变革的进取精神。引导大学生在疫情应对中弘扬中国精神,要讲好疫情应对中的中国故事,用好疫情应对中的教育场景,还要深化疫情应对中的青年实践。  相似文献   

2020年春季学期是高校毕业生学习、求职与深造的关键时期,新冠肺炎疫情影响全球经济和社会生活,也对高校毕业生的职业生涯发展产生冲击。基于江苏省9535份问卷数据发现,在学业方面,毕业生对最后一个学期尚有多元化学习期待,由于疫情影响,他们大多只能居家学习,毕业论文/设计完成进度不理想,普遍担忧能否如期毕业。面临深造还是求...  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to review recent literature on parental perspectives of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the home-schooling of children with special educational needs and disabilities, as well as to consider implications for their education and well-being. Eleven papers were reviewed, published between 2020 and 2021, selected according to a systematic protocol from three widely used online databases. Analysis of the reviewed papers found that transitioning to home-schooling during the pandemic had negative consequences for most of the children, as well as for their parents, though a small but significant number reported positive consequences. Three key areas of concern were identified in the analysis: balancing home-schooling with parent work activities; parent relationships with schools and support services and agencies and home-schooling effects on the well-being and mental health of parents and children.  相似文献   

抗击新型冠状病毒COVID-19肺炎疫情的过程暴露出我国应对突发公共卫生事件的专业人才实践能力的某些不足.基于东南大学公共卫生学院2020年实习学生和实习单位的现况调查,汇总并分析了新冠肺炎疫情期间实习单位接收在校实习生情况、单位防控措施、单位的态度,以及在校实习生于实习期间的收获等信息.为后疫情时代我国公共卫生人才培...  相似文献   

The pressures and influences experienced by school leaders as school policymakers, during the first responses to COVID-19 pandemic, made their task of interpreting, translating and implementing school guidance both difficult and stressful. During COVID-19 pandemic, school leaders faced challenges to prioritise and balance ever-changing government policy advice with the limitations of school buildings, the welfare of students and staff, and the needs of communities, a task made complicated by the methods of communication used by government. By surveying and interviewing headteachers, senior leaders and governors, this article identifies the reactions and responses of school leaders who construct and enact policy in the context of COVID-19 pandemic. The article addresses the nature of, and factors affecting, pressures school leaders feel in authoring and implementing policy. These pressures are non-trivial and increase tension in already highly stressful work. The report draws on data collected from a randomised, stratified sample of primary and secondary school leaders from across England in early June 2020, during the time of national lockdown and remote learning. Findings suggest quality, quantity and frequency of top-down communication contributed to school leader stress, while horizontal communication and collaboration between school leaders and across school communities supported leaders during rapid change. We recommend that government and the Department of Education strengthen and streamline stressful communication systems while building cooperative communities, mitigating against the challenges identified by school leaders during the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

在新冠疫情的影响下,各国的学校关闭政策已影响数亿儿童及青少年的福祉。2020年3月,经济合作与发展组织在全球范围调研了教育系统如何应对疫情以及大规模在线教育面临的挑战情况。在梳理调研结果的基础上结合PISA 2018和TALIS 2018数据结果,对目前受疫情影响较为严重的国家开展在线教育上的资源及能力进行国际比较。研究发现:数字鸿沟正在加剧教育的不公平;教师的角色不会被人工智能替代,相反疫情下凸显了学校的社会功能并对教师期待提出了更高的要求;中国在开展在线教育上的学校资源和教师专业准备上占有一定优势,但学生个体之间的资源分布存在不均衡的情况。此外,学生的信息素养和情感教育也是当下全球教育体系普遍关注的议题。  相似文献   

The rapid and unprecedented shift from face-to-face instruction to remote online learning as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic had a substantial impact on teaching and learning in Higher Education: students had to adapt to a new way of learning, away from typical campus settings and their peers, and to new forms of assessments. This study examined academic stress, learning strategies, motivation and ways of coping from a sample of 177 unique students from a large London university, collecting primary data via survey at three time points during the academic year 2020/21 when teaching was remote and online only. Our findings show how patterns in academic stress, learning strategies, motivation and coping vary over the course of the academic year giving novel insight into how student learning and adaptation to the situation changed over time. We also report on differences in these patterns according to year group and for those students who are the first-in-family to attend university and those who are not. Based on these findings we identify priority areas where higher education institutions should support undergraduate students and provide evidence that some groups of students may need more and targeted support to secure their ongoing learning and well-being.  相似文献   

新冠疫情在较短的时间里迅速蔓延世界各地,如何形成有效治理机制成为各国首要任务。相比西方国家,我国在党中央的指导下,协调各方部门、组织,极短的时间内控制住了疫情,彰显出了我国体制的优势,推动了内地高校大学生增强我国政治信任度。本文选取内地高校大学生为研究对象,采用多元回归方法分析新冠肺炎疫情下大学生政治信任现状以及影响大学生政治信任“分殊化”的主要因素,发现内地高校大学生对各级政府政治信任度呈现“差序格局”现象,对政治信任三个主要标的物的信任程度排列为:对政治制度信任程度>对政府机构信任程度>对政府工作人员信任程度,以此提出增强新时代大学生政治信任的路径选择。  相似文献   

孙朋  王蔚 《教育技术导刊》2009,19(10):25-28
新冠肺炎(COVID-19)防控期间,高校图书馆利用最新的技术手段开展线上服务势在必行。采用文献分析与实证研究等方法,分析高校图书馆以新媒体、VPN、文献传递等方式进行线上服务的弊端,并探讨在新冠肺炎防控期间,高校图书馆利用AI技术开展智能咨询、智能推送、知识库及阅读增强等线上服务的方式。实践结果表明,利用AI技术可有效解决疫情防控期间各种文献资源难以获取的问题,提升了文献服务质量与效率。  相似文献   

重大疫情突发,信息畅通非常重要。新媒体作为新一代媒体技术,是大众获取疫情信息、建言献策的桥梁纽带。以新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情为例,此次重大疫情防控工作时间紧迫、任务艰巨,媒体工作者专业素养与能力、大众信息素质、政府信息管控面临挑战,新媒体信息良莠不齐,真伪难辨,无疑为防疫工作带来较大阻力。针对新媒体为社会带来的负面影响提供了解决路径与方法,充分发挥新媒体的优势,对大众行为进行正确引导,助力大众齐心协力打赢新冠疫情阻击战。  相似文献   

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