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The aim of this study is to assess the impact of PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) on international scientific journals. A bibliometric analysis was conducted of publications included in three main scientific publication databases: Eric, EBSCOhost and the ISI Web of Knowledge, from 2002 to 2010. The paper focused on four main questions: who carried out these studies, in which academic journals have the articles been published, what has been the evolution of these publications and what were the main article topics? The study concludes that PISA has had a considerable impact on the scientific research, reflected primarily by university-based authors from the areas of education and social sciences analysing student performance. The evolution since 2007 seems to indicate that more articles will be published in coming years through the initiative of researchers (rather than the editorial boards), even from other scientific areas, thus increasing the number of topics of analysis.  相似文献   

Large-scale assessments of student achievement provide a window into the broadly defined concepts of literacy and generate information about levels and types of student achievement in relation to some of the correlates of learning, such as student background, attitudes, and perceptions, and perhaps school and home characteristics. This paper provides an overview and outlines potential research opportunities of one such assessment—the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). In order to provide examples of the work that can be accomplished with these data, we describe and discuss the results generated from PISA 2000 and PISA 2003 in terms of international comparisons of achievement and the models of relational patterns of student, home, and school characteristics. We provide insight from the recent pilot testing conducted in Taiwan for PISA 2006, which has a focus on scientific literacy. This is followed by a discussion of the implications and potentials of the 2000 and 2003 datasets to facilitate research on scientific and mathematical literacy. The paper concludes with a look ahead to PISA 2006 and what researchers should be attending to in the research reports generated from the OECD and the research interests that they could follow given access to the datasets generated.
John O. AndersonEmail:

国际文凭项目的学业评价特点及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要介绍国际文凭项目的学业评价模式,分析了其特点,并指出该课程的评价模式对我国当前新课程学业评价改革具有重要的启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Evidence regarding the effect of early reading instruction on later reading achievement is unusually sparse, given the emphasis often placed on early and intensive reading instruction. Capitalising on international differences in school entry age (SEA), international reading studies may provide such evidence; however, only one quantitative analysis has been conducted that looked at nine-year olds over 17 years ago. Therefore, data from the reading portion of the 2006 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) study were re-analysed. The relative reading achievement—as a function of SEA—of 15-year-old students across 55 countries was investigated, controlling for social and economic differences. Results suggested no significant association between reading achievement and SEA. Theoretical explanations for these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

International large-scale assessments are on the rise, with the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) seen by many as having strategic prominence in education policy debates. The present article reviews PISA-related English-language peer-reviewed articles from the programme’s first cycle in 2000 to its most current in 2015. Five literature bases were searched, and results were analysed with SPSS. Results map the frequency of publications according to journal, country, and scientific discipline. They also summarise major themes within three identified categories: secondary analysis, policy impact, and critiques. Findings indicated that studies based on the PISA dataset has led to progress in educational research while simultaneously pointing to the need for caution when using this research to inform educational policy.  相似文献   


Quality is a multi-dimensional concept and embraces all functions and activities of higher education (academic programs, research, and community services) in all their features and components. Traditionally quality was a measure of resources and reputation. In recent years there has been a shift in emphasis to institutional best practices such as setting high expectations, providing involving settings, inclusive learning environments and forms of pedagogy that enhance student learning and development. The concept of student engagement is thus receiving increased attention globally as it is viewed as an important element in assessing and improving institutional effectiveness. Trend and longitudinal analyses, as employed in this study, allow an institution to monitor change or stability in performance over time. They assist in determining whether a certain policy or initiative prompted desirable change and in assessing the impact of improvement initiatives such as accreditation.


Quality is a multi-dimensional concept and embraces all functions and activities of higher education (academic programs, research, and community services) in all their features and components. Traditionally quality was a measure of resources and reputation. In recent years there has been a shift in emphasis to institutional best practices such as setting high expectations, providing involving settings, inclusive learning environments and forms of pedagogy that enhance student learning and development. The concept of student engagement is thus receiving increased attention globally as it is viewed as an important element in assessing and improving institutional effectiveness. Trend and longitudinal analyses, as employed in this study, allow an institution to monitor change or stability in performance over time. They assist in determining whether a certain policy or initiative prompted desirable change and in assessing the impact of improvement initiatives such as accreditation.  相似文献   

试析PISA科学素养测评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际教育评估项目PISA对青少年科学素养的测评,因其规模、过程、内容、标准、功能等的标准化运作和成功实践,越来越引起人们的关注。文章简要介绍了PISA监测项目的概况,深入剖析其科学素养监测的特点,以期对相关研究和实践有所裨益。  相似文献   

学生基础能力国际研究项目(PISA)的教育启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PISA评价作为大规模的学生基础能力国际比较研究,是目前世界上最有影响力的国际学生评价项目之一。PISA应用了一系列目前世界上先进的教育测量理论和成熟的操作模式来评价15岁在校生进入未来社会所必需的知识、技能的获得情况,其评价结果具有高度的可比性、可信性和有效性,受到了各国政府的重视,被视为检验各国教育体制和未来人才竞争的重要指标。PISA项目为教育改革与发展提供了有益的启示,被誉为“教育界的世界杯”,是国际比较教育研究的重要成果。  相似文献   

Authentic assessment has been proposed as having potential to enhance student learning for a changing world. Conventionally, assessment is seen to be authentic when the tasks are real-to-life or have real-life value. Drawing on Martin Heidegger’s work, we challenge this conceptualisation as narrow and limited. We argue that authenticity need not be an attribute of tasks but, rather, is a quality of educational processes that engage students in becoming more fully human. Adopting the mode of authenticity involves calling things into question, challenging public assumptions and striving to take a stand in the situations encountered. In addition to assessing student achievement, then, authentic assessment can enhance integration of what students know and how they act with who they are becoming.  相似文献   

PISA评价研究是世界教育发展的新动向,该项研究的参与国家之多,时间跨度之长,是人类教育史上所罕见的。这项庞大的评价研究的系统工程启动后,在世界教育发展中起到了积极的推动作用。该文在介绍PISA概况、该项研究的测验项目和有关结果的基础上,评析其在世界上产生的重要作用。  相似文献   

本文结合具体案例介绍了PISA测评化学学科素养的特点,提出PISA试题在化学出题上,对创设情境的注重、互动性的问答方式以及开放性的评分方式都是鼓励学生应用知识、分析解决实际问题的好借鉴。  相似文献   

Education and Information Technologies - This study explores the types of online interaction used and levels of reflection achieved by undergraduate students, including the influence of the former...  相似文献   

蔡敏 《教育科学》2012,28(1):22-26
随着基础教育学生评价改革的深化,学业考核已经向关注学习过程的形成性评价扩展。课堂评定作为形成性评价的一种重要方式,对于提高学生学习质量和改进教师教学方法具有重要的作用。课堂评定能够考查学生的知识理解、分析与推理、综合与批判、问题解决、学习方法和学习情感。教师可以通过书面反馈、课堂观察、学习日志和学生同伴检查来开展课堂评定。要提高课堂评定的有效性,教师应当清楚确定评价内容,运用多样化评价手段,精心组织评价活动,及时反馈和使用评定结果。  相似文献   

The 2015 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) has drawn a substantial amount of attention from science educators and educational policymakers because it marked the first time that PISA assessed students' ability to evaluate and design scientific inquiry using computer-based simulations. We undertook a secondary analysis of the PISA 2015 Taiwan dataset of 7,973 students from 214 schools to identify critical issues of student learning and potentially reshape our educational system and policies. Thus, this study sought to identify potential latent clusters of students' scientific literacy performance according to a set of focus variables selected from the PISA student questionnaires. In addition, significant determinants of students' scientific literacy and resiliency were analyzed. Cluster analysis results demonstrated the presence of four clusters of high, medium, low, and inferior scientific literacy/epistemology/affective dispositions. Specifically, students in cluster 1 compared with other clusters showed that the higher the scientific literacy scores are, the more positive epistemic beliefs about science, achievement motivation, enjoyment of science, interests in broad science, science self-efficacy, information and communications technology (ICT) interest, ICT autonomy, more learning time, more teacher supports and teacher-directed instructions are. Regression results indicated that the most robust predictor of students' scientific literacy performance is epistemic beliefs about science, followed by learning time, interest in broad science topics, achievement motivation, inquiry-based science teaching and learning practice, and science self-efficacy. Decision tree model results showed that the descending order of the variables in terms of their importance in differentiating students as high- versus low-performing were epistemic beliefs about science, learning time, self-efficacy, interest in broad science, and scientific inquiry, respectively. A similar decision tree model to determine students as resilient versus non-resilient also was found. Various interpretations of these results are discussed, as are their implications for science education research, science teaching, and science education policy.  相似文献   

OECD从终身学习的框架出发,对学生的阅读、数学和科学三个方面进行评估.在该评估项目中,OECD对学生评价的功能、评价主体、收集信息的方式以及评价方法都做了新的阐述,分析了影响学生成绩的因素--学生性别、家庭背景、学习环境和学校组织等,使政策制定者更清楚地了解影响教育成功的因素.  相似文献   

国际文凭项目是在国际预备课程基础上获得的世界范围高等教育的入学资格,被誉为进入大学和其他相关机构的“国际通行证”。该项目学生评价采用的是内、外部评价相结合的模式。本文以该项目不同学科的评价为例进行分析,试图较为全面地展现内、外部评价的实施情况,以期更深入地了解国际文凭项目的学生评价模式。  相似文献   

从国际性学生评价项目引发的几点思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国际性学生评价项目的研究,具有显性的时代意义。它对我国现行的课程及教学改革的研究、学生评价的研究均有重要的参考价值;探讨了我国学生评价与国际性学生评价项目相比存在的问题和对改革策略进行了思考  相似文献   

What assessment tasks do administrators perform? What knowledge and skills do they need for these tasks? How is this information useful for professional development?  相似文献   

中外合作办学作为教育国际化的一种形式正在不断成长和发展.本文对中外合作办学中的学生管理工作所面临的机遇和挑战进行了全面分析,并提出相应的对策和建议.  相似文献   

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