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Universities aspire to offer students a transformative experience, but rarely spell out the nature of this transformation. In this essay, L. A. Paul and John Quiggin frame the successful university education as transformative in the philosophical sense. They explain the way that a successful college education can be understood as generating an individual conceptual revolution, and thus, as a transformative experience. Education can create epistemically transformative change through the process of developing critical thinking skills, leading to conceptual replacement and the discovery of new intellectual frameworks. This epistemic transformation, if deep enough, scales up into a personal transformation. After explicating the nature and structure of transformative education, Paul and Quiggin show how understanding transformation in terms of personal change and awareness of unawareness clarifies the debate over its value.  相似文献   

傅经章 《成人教育》2011,31(7):60-61
当前成人高等教育面临诸多严峻挑战,转型发展势在必行。重点大学应发挥自身优势,明确思路、统筹规划,由成人高等学历教育,向非学历继续教育为主转变,率先实现转型发展,为我国的成人高等教育、继续教育的可持续发展做出新的贡献。  相似文献   

近年来,国内对成人转化学习的研究从舶来译介、基础理论研究向本土化、应用型研究过渡,但在将转化学习理论运用于成人教育领域的实践性研究中,存在研究范围窄化、研究方法单一化,研究内容以思辨为主,对工作场所教育的应用性和实践性案例研究较为鲜见。通过重点介绍美国学者将转化学习理论中的批判性反思以及故事讲述法、行动学习法运用到工作场所教育的实际案例,以期对国内成人转化学习从理论进一步走向实践提供指导和参考。  相似文献   


We present a first-hand, longer-term account of one student’s (Christine’s) experiences in and after a mathematics inquiry course. In this course, students actively posed problems, conducted their own mathematical explorations, and wrote journal entries about their experiences. During the course, Christine found that inquiry helped her develop mathematical content knowledge and a deeper understanding of the nature of research. After the course, Christine became a mathematics education faculty member in a mathematics department and reports that the course impacted the way she teaches mathematics. This provides an illustrative case of the potential long-lasting benefits of an inquiry course.  相似文献   

We conducted a qualitative study of the experiences of 23 Outdoor Adventure Education (OAE) participants to determine what participants found significant about their course and to what course elements they attributed this significance. Participants experienced personal transformations, which they attributed to spending extended time in pristine nature, separation of the course from normal life, the community that formed among course participants, and the intensity and challenge of the course. Whereas outcomes related to personal growth, as opposed to changes in environmental behaviors (instrumental learning), are consistent with participant motivations for joining OAE courses and with most course activities, transformative learning theory suggests ways in which courses might integrate personal growth with instrumental learning to better foster environmental behaviors post-course.  相似文献   

科学知识转化框架的提出意在寻求一个共同的对话平台,这一框架中包括了研究的科学、学科的科学、课程的科学、课堂的科学和学生的科学五个层次,这五个层次之间的转化可概括为学科化、课程化、课堂化和学生化四个过程。从研究的科学来看,科学知识主要指科学家的个人知识;从学科的科学来看,科学知识主要指具有客观性的公共知识,在这两种理解之间保持适度的张力,有助于教师更全面地理解学科。经过知识重组的课程的科学中包含了约定等社会协商的因素。认识科学知识的层次性,有助于教师反思和克服科学知识在从科学家的个人世界到学生的个人世界转化过程中的不当的异化因素。  相似文献   

The Teaching for Transformative Experiences in Science (TTES) model was designed to facilitate the application of academic learning in students' everyday experiences. In the current study, we describe a 2-year design-based intervention that aimed to further develop and evaluate the TTES model. In the first year, a teacher implemented the TTES model in two of his four classes. The findings indicated enhanced engagement and learning, but primarily among students with higher prior engagement and learning. Insights led to revision of the TTES model. In the second year, the revised TTES model was implemented in all the teacher's classes, with another teacher's classes used for comparison. Intervention students demonstrated significantly greater learning and reported significantly higher levels of transformative experience than the comparison students.  相似文献   

本文根据传统数学教学途径和当前高职高专学生实际,阐述了开设高职高专数学实训课的必要性,进而给出了高职高专数学实训课的开设与组织.文章还阐述了高职高专数学实训课与理论课之间交换信息的优势.  相似文献   

公民教育的进展研究:发达国家的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪初,无论是在国家层面还是在国际范围,人们都开始对公民教育产生新的兴趣。越来越多具有多元文化的民主国家对作为民主公民教育基础的人权教育的国际共识、全球化进程所带来的统一性与多样性之间关系的冲突特征、许多民主的民族一国家对公民(特别是年轻人)的政治参与水平以及对种族主义倾向的反民主运动的忧虑等,都被看作是引进和加强公民教育的原因。一个由国际学者组成的研究小组,通过考察、研究为我们确认了多元文化的民主体系中公民教育在教学方面的一些重要原则、概念以及公民教育对学校课程的促进。发达国家在实践方面的经验显示,成功的公民教育要求一个清晰的政策框架和专业的教师培训等。  相似文献   

Developments in international inclusive education policy, including in prominent UN documents, often refer to the aim of a quality education for all. Yet, it remains unclear: What exactly is meant by quality education? And, under what conditions are quality educational experiences possible for all learners? In this essay, Diana Murdoch, Andrea English, Allison Hintz, and Kersti Tyson bring together research on inclusive education with philosophy of transformative learning, in particular John Dewey and phenomenology, to further the discussion on these two questions. The authors argue that teacher–learner relationships, of a particular kind, are necessary for fostering environments wherein all learners have access to quality educational experiences associated with productive struggle as an indispensable aspect of transformative learning processes. They define such relationships as “educational relationships that support students to feel heard.” In developing their argument, the authors first analyze the concept of productive struggle, an aspect of learning increasingly recognized in research and policy as an indicator of quality education. Second, they discuss three necessary, though not sufficient, conditions for the teacher to cultivate educational relationships that support students to feel heard. Third, they draw out connections between environments that support feeling heard and those that support productive struggle, and they discuss teachers' challenges and risk-taking in creating such environments. The authors close with a discussion of implications for international policy, practice, and research.  相似文献   

As a methodological approach, participatory action research (PAR), and its variant of critical action research in education, aims to further social justice and generate transformative change. Although this understanding of PAR is well rehearsed, there is still a gap in detailed explorations of the transformative impact of PAR projects in higher education settings beyond the classroom: how do we then know whether transformative change through PAR has taken place, in which ways, through which processes, and for whom. This article aims to address these questions through proposing the use of a participatory action research cube (PARC) as a human capabilities evaluative framework for personal and structural transformative change enabled by PAR projects. Evaluating transformative change from this perspective rests on both the normative nature of the capabilities approach in its justice concerns, as well as consideration for individual well-being, understood as the expansion of freedoms people have to live the lives they value. Evaluating change both includes personal well-being as well as broader social or structural impact in the direction of more social justice. To demonstrate this empirically, we report on an eight-month PAR project on one rural South African university campus, where 13 undergraduate students were involved in researching gender inequalities on their campus. The PARC analysis highlights the development of capabilities and agency through axes of participation, knowledge development, and public deliberation, as well as identifying the developmental impact of these axes on transformative change for the participants, as well as the university.  相似文献   

通过对20世纪80年代以来我国特殊教育学校职业教育取得历史性成就的经验和当下存在问题的分析,提出了未来进一步发展特殊教育学校职业教育的策略.  相似文献   

借鉴他国经验切实制止目前我国农村义务教育的滑坡   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
本文指出,农村教育是我国基础教育的重点和难点,当前的主要任务是制止中西部农村地区义务教育的滑坡。在总结国内外经验的基础上,文章提出了解决我国义务教育财政困难的政策措施。  相似文献   

This article describes a graduate-level qualitative research course informed by transformational learning theory. It presents strategies an interdisciplinary team of instructors used to engage and support students as they entered and moved through the course. The strategies focused on creating a safe, supportive, learner-centered environment, fostering critical reflection, engaging in ongoing discourse, and focusing on the centrality of experience by situating cognition in the personal context of students' lives and the research process itself.  相似文献   

高校思政课实践育人工作机制可以为高校更好地培养专业型、应用型的高素质人才提供保障。目前,思政课实践育人工作机制尚存在师资力量单薄、重视力度不够、教育协作不明显、实践育人机制不规范等问题。对此需建立全员化参与的机制、严密的考核机制、社会化运作机制,并加强思政课教师职业培训,以增强思政课教学的实效性。  相似文献   

通过反思传统史学教育在实践教学上之不足,分析"实践智慧"、"素质教育"之于当前史学教育的重要性,提出历史教育应有目的地在实践教学环节中,加强对处理人际关系为主的综合能力的培养,以实现专业教育与素质教育的统一。  相似文献   

借鉴国际经验 发展高校职业生涯教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西方职业生涯教育起步早,经验丰富,对我国有很强的借鉴意义。分析和研究国外职业生涯教育的成功经验,并针对当前我国职业生涯教育存在的问题,提出发展我国高校职业生涯教育的若干建议。  相似文献   

If the received views on self-transformation in philosophical literature are correct, then either self-transformation (1) is caused by forces beyond oneself and beyond one's control, (2) is not rational to pursue, or (3) does not ever really happen. In this essay, James Gordon highlights the philosophical puzzle known as the “self-transformation puzzle,” as raised by Ryan Kemp, who suggests that transformation of the sort educators are interested in cannot be self-caused: it is either something that happens to a person, or something that, if agent guided, is not full-fledged transformation. Next, Gordon turns to an alternative take on the puzzle that tries to recast the conceptual terrain and offer a new way of thinking about self-transformation, namely, the “aspirational” account of self-change offered by Agnes Callard. He argues that Callard's aspirational account of transformation shows that at least one of the premises of Kemp's argument is false. Finally, he suggests several ways that those interested in transformative education might appeal to the concept of aspiration to revise their educational practices.  相似文献   

关于电大开放教育考风建设问题的思考   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
电大一直以来都十分重视考风建设问题。但不可否认的是,生源质量、考试改革相对滞后等因素的影响,电大的考风建设中确实存在一些问题。而解决这些问题必须从营造公平规范的竞争环境、改革考试内容与形式、加强教学过程管理和强化自律与管理等方面入手。  相似文献   

批判教育理论将教师教育界定为文化政治。认为教师教育机构是一种公共领域。教师教育的目的在于培养转化性知识分子。教师教育课程是一种文化政治的形式,教师教育课程研究应特别注意揭示课程知识与权力的关系,关注权力、语言、文化、历史等内容。批判教育理论关注教师教育的文化政治属性,能为我国当代教师教育价值取向的转换提供有益的理论参考。  相似文献   

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