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At current rates, almost all U.S. public universities could reach a point of zero state subsidy within the next fifty years. What is a public university without public funding? In this essay, Kathleen Knight Abowitz considers the future of public universities, drawing upon the analysis provided in John Dewey's Democracy and Education. Knight Abowitz conducts an initial institutional analysis through two broad prisms: that of the political landscape that authorizes universities as public institutions, and that of the present political–economic context of public education in general and public universities in particular. Dewey's conception of democratic education is then explored; his arguments regarding aims, experience, thinking, and social intelligence provide important tools for imagining the democratic futures of public universities today.  相似文献   

In this essay, Kathleen Knight Abowitz makes the case that charter schooling can enable multiple publics to develop and create educational visions. Charter schooling policies can enable these publics to pursue these visions and agendas on behalf of both public and common educational goals as well as goals associated with particular identities and interests. This vision of a plural public sphere, with its movement away from purely state‐run traditional public schools, challenges the common school ideal that has been part of the Western nation‐state narrative for several centuries. Yet the common school ideal need not focus on one particular kind of school structure; rather, the ideal represents a moral claim: that schools receiving public funds should provide participatory parity to all students, achieved through educational structures and curriculum shaped by principles of democratic justice. Participatory parity and its guiding normative principles, Knight Abowitz concludes, help to qualify and clarify our faith in the common school ideal shaped for a new era.  相似文献   

Public schools are functionally provided through structural arrangements such as government funding, but public schools are achieved in substance, in part, through local governance. In this essay, Kathleen Knight Abowitz explains the bifocal nature of achieving public schools; that is, that schools are both subject to the unitary Public compact of constitutional principles as well as to the more local engagements with multiple publics. Knight Abowitz sketches this bifocal nature, exploring both the unitary ideal and its parameters, as well as the less understood forms of multiple, organic publics that come into being in response to localized problems in schools or districts. These publics often fail to realize their potential in the development of increased capacity for enhanced teaching and learning. The essay ultimately points to a practical application: that educational leadership of all types, and with some very specific kinds of habits and skills, is needed to help achieve public schools.  相似文献   

In this essay, Kathleen Knight Abowitz and Dan Mamlok consider the arguments for agonist political education in light of a case study based in the events of the 2018 mass shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, and the subsequent activism of its survivors. We use this case to examine agonist expressions of citizenship, and to present an argument for framing agonist politics through the lens of Deweyan transactional communication combined with the critical concept of articulation. A major lesson in this case is the significance of citizenship learning that prioritizes challenging the political status quo along with working to reestablish new political relations on grounds that are more just. The authors argue that the endgame of agonist-informed political education should be that which helps students, as present and future citizens, reconstruct existing political conditions. Knight Abowitz and Mamlok conclude with suggestions for four domains of knowledge and capacities that can productively shape agonist citizenship education efforts: political education, lived citizenship, critical political literacies, and critical digital literacies.  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this review essay, Kathleen Knight Abowitz discusses three recent books related to democratic public life and schooling: Susan H. Fuhrman and Marvin Lazerson's The Public Schools , Walter C. Parker's Teaching Democracy: Unity and Diversity in Public Life , and Kevin McDonough and Walter Feinberg's Education and Citizenship in Liberal-Democratic Societies . Abowitz details how each text is inspired by meanings of liberal democracy that evolved during the Enlightenment era, in which individual rights were constitutionally coded and equality came to be a powerful social and educational ideal, and how each book also takes up different sorts of Enlightenment traditions of public life and education, attempting to revitalize their meanings for public education today. Yet while these books are inspiring and instructive in numerous ways, they are also notable for the issues they fail to take into theoretical account, particularly the colonization of public spheres by the private and market-based spheres of commerce, and the ways in which increasing ecological crisis calls for new ways of conceiving our political and educational frameworks.  相似文献   


This study examines the responses of pre-service teachers (PSTs) to the young adult novel All American Boys in light of their viewing the 2016 documentary 13th. In this paper, I use anti-racist English education scholarship to discuss how these two texts helped PSTs ‘refuse to start with secondly.’ I examine how Adichie’s concept of ‘refusing secondly’ within readings of literature both affords and constrains the anti-racist possibilities of literature teacher preparation courses. Using qualitative methodologies, I analysed student reflections, recorded class discussions, and co-constructed class documents. Students connected the historical and the contemporary in considerations of race and racism. They also implicated societal institutions before situating themselves within the continuing legacies of race and racism. These findings demonstrate the ways that ‘refusing secondly’ may offer space for PSTs and teacher educators to use literature to navigate the continuous and indeterminate process of becoming more anti-racist.  相似文献   

The relationships among college student science achievement, engaged time (observed and perceived), and personal characteristics of academic aptitude, reasoning ability, attitude toward science, and locus of control were investigated. Measures of personal characteristics were obtained from the subjects (N= 76) of a private, liberal arts junior college before observations began in the lecture classes for the quarter. Instruments used to measure personal characteristics were Scholastic Aptitude Test, Test of Logical Thinking, Test of Scientific Attitude, and Leven-son's Multidimensional View of Locus of Control. Based on a random selection procedure, student engaged time was observed at least ten times for 11 lectures. Achievement tests were constructed and validated for the biology classes. Data were analyzed by multiple regression procedures. The average achievement scores were positively related to academic aptitude and reasoning ability. Positive relationships were found between observed engaged time and academic aptitude and a negative relationship was found between observed engaged time and reasoning ability. Also a positive relationship was found between perceived engaged time and achievement. Pearson product-moment correlations between achievement and observed engaged time were significant as were the correlations between perceived engaged time and achievement. Measure of engaged time (observed and perceived) were also related to each other. The study's data indicate that students who were observed to be engaged were low in reasoning ability or high in academic aptitude. Those who perceived themselves as being engaged achieved more. College instructors who have knowledge of student academic aptitude and reasoning ability may use this knowledge to improve achievement. Engaged time measures were significantly related to achievement, which indicates an instructor should endeavor to keep the students as engaged as possible to enhance achievement. Students who are engaged or pay attention or perceived they are engaged or paying attention during lecture classes achieve more than students who are observed as nonengaged or perceive themselves as nonengaged.  相似文献   

Beliefs of experienced and novice teachers about achievement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to examine the beliefs that experienced and novice teachers hold about school achievement. It is important to investigate these beliefs and attributions because of the significant role that teachers play in the lives of most children. A group of Greek Cypriot elementary school teachers (n = 154) and a comparable group of teacher education students (n = 159) completed the Beliefs About School Achievement (BASA) scale. It was found that, in comparison to student teachers, experienced teachers tend to attribute achievement more to factors that are biologically determined, uncontrollable by the child, and stable over time – such as intellectual ability. They also believe significantly more than student teachers that factors such as gender and family background play an important role in child achievement. In contrast, novice teachers believe more in the role that teachers play in student learning and in the importance of student effort.  相似文献   

随着中国逐渐加深与世界的对接,当代大学生的身上越发显现出更多的与众不同之处,这引起了越来越多的国内学者对大学生思想行为模式的研究与探讨,希望从他们身上找到一条切实可行的疏导途径,引导他们为国家的现代化建设添砖加瓦。做为新时期的大学生,有必要、更有责任把“我的中国梦”与自己对未来的人生设计有机地结合起来。  相似文献   


Mathematicians use example generation to test and verify mathematical ideas; however, the processes through which undergraduates learn to productively generate examples are not well understood. We engaged calculus students in a teaching experiment designed to develop skills in productively generating examples to learn novel concepts. This article presents three student case studies. These case studies are representative of our findings and serve to summarize the activities we found useful. They also serve as examples of various student experiences during the teaching experiment. One student expressed a continued negative view to using example generation. Two increased in skills and experience and expressed positive changes in views.  相似文献   

当代中国,个人主义作为一种思潮和作为人的行为方式,在当代大学生身上表现得并不完全同步;他们奉行的个人主义,同传统个人主义有许多不同特征:个人主义与多元文化相互呼应;独生子女政策使他们天生带有个人主义的血统;个人功利主义的倾向。因此,通过学生自组织和团体的建设、公共理性和培养学生团结、协作精神来征服个人主义。  相似文献   

当下的大学生普遍存在着对文学阅读的惰性和对图像阅读的依赖性,显示出了抽象思维能力差、眼高手低、语言运用能力差等缺陷。而文学审美教育对大学生素质、审美趣味、健康情感的建构及思维能力、语言运用能力的培养起着重要作用,恰恰可以弥补以上缺陷。  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between family background and both college completion and earnings for a cohort of young adults. The study is based on sample of 8901 respondents from the National Education Longitudinal Study who were first surveyed as eighth graders in 1988 and last surveyed 12 years later and who were working and not attending school at the time of the last survey. The study finds that social class background has a powerful effect on college completion. The odds of completing college for a student from a high SES background are more than six times higher than for a student from a lower social class background, even when controlling for other predictors such as test scores, grades, and college expectations. The effect of social class background on young adult earnings is more modest, but consistent with other studies. In both cases, the relationship varies widely among gender and racial and ethnic groups.  相似文献   

This article sets out to examine the experiences of college student activists involved in Students Against Sweatshops on the Beautiful River University campus. Based on observation and interview fieldwork, the paper explores how students negotiate and understand their activism against the backdrop of neoliberalism. The paper concludes that being a contemporary student activist requires advanced time management skills and the capacity to ascribe multiple meanings to activities (for example, hanging out and doing activism simultaneously). This emphasis on using one’s time wisely resonates with students who are surrounded by the language of neoliberal reform. By analysing how students prioritise activism, outreach to new members and develop friendships, and position themselves as part of an international network, I show that student activism is influenced by the neoliberal environment at Beautiful River University at the same time that student activists are working to resist and counter such practices.  相似文献   

感恩意识是近年来社会舆论中谈论比较多的一个内容,当代大学生的感恩意识问题也时时引起社会议论。加强大学生感恩意识的培养,对大学生个性的全面发展,对和谐的家庭关系和人际关系的构建,都是非常必要的。培养大学生感恩意识,家庭、学校和社会各有自己的责任。  相似文献   

Web-based communication technologies that enable collaboration and sharing of information among users – such as podcasts, wikis, blogs, message boards, and others – are used commonly in contemporary organizations to increase and manage employee learning. In this investigation, we identify which of these collaborative communication technologies are used in relation to college courses, and with what frequency; we report student evaluations of their use and reasons why students indicate using them. Next, using Keller's ARCS theoretical framework, we examine the role of course-related communication technology use in four dimensions of course-specific motivation. Results indicate that in courses where students perceive that technology is used effectively, motivation to learn is higher than in courses where students perceive technology is used ineffectively – and that technology-related motivation is substantially related to course-specific learning outcomes. Importantly, students reported higher levels of cognitive learning for courses in which technology was perceived as being used effectively than for courses in which communication technology was perceived by students as ineffectively implemented.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的迅速发展,互联网越来越成为当代大学生获取知识和各种信息的重要渠道,同时,又使高职院校的学生思想政治教育工作面临着严峻的挑战。本文通过对我院学生利用网络基本情况的调查,分析了当前高校思想政治教育进网络工作的必要性和可行性,并进行了相应的对策思考。  相似文献   

The present study examines whether the college enrollment decision of young individuals (student full-time, student part-time, and non-student) depends on health insurance coverage via a parent's family health plan. Our findings indicate that the availability of parental health insurance can have significant effects on the probability that a young individual enrolls as a full-time student. A young individual who has access to health insurance via a parent can be up to 22% more likely to enroll as a full-time student than an individual without parental health insurance. After controlling for unobserved heterogeneity this probability drops to 5.5% but is still highly significant. We also find that the marginal effect of the availability of parental health insurance has a larger effect on older students between ages 21 and 23. We provide a brief discussion about possible implications of the Affordable Care Act of 2010 in this context.  相似文献   

Bases upon developmental theory and empirical evidence it is argued that most college students develop "normally." They change and grow gradually during the college years, becoming more independent and mature in psychological , social, and intellectual areas. Effective coping is part of this progressive development during late adolescence and early adulthood, but an identity crisis is not found to be an expectable event. Coping helps us to solve problems which are realatively difficult and challenging or to accept unchangeable circumstances. We are forces to behave in new ways and often feel better and stronger as a result. College coping is explored in terms of the more general factors in human adaptation and the specific mechanisms and processes actually used by college students. Key mechanisms include: information, competence, use of the past, humor, predictability, control, self-observation, flexibility, and stability. Parents play an important role in each student's support system during college. They need to grant independence to their students, to become informed about college life, and to remain supportive and confident of positive college outcomes. The emotional bond of student and family is critical to student development, and students usually maintain this continuity with family values even if they have experimented with different alternatives during college.  相似文献   

Most studies of student migration focus on interstate migration of college students, largely because the aggregate data typically used are limited in geographic specificity to states. However, interstate migration is only a small part of the total student migration. Public institutions generally get most of their students from within their state; for example, 88 percent of first-time freshmen who enrolled in University System of Georgia institutions in 2002 graduated from Georgia schools. Such intrastate migration is seldom considered. This paper examines intrastate college student migration, using data for Georgia. Aside from such traditional measures of benefits and costs like tuition, financial aid, and school quality, a crucial explanatory variable in our analysis is the distance from a student's home to the different Georgia state institutions. Our empirical results indicate that student intrastate migration is strongly discouraged by greater distance, but with effects that differ across types of higher education institutions.  相似文献   

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