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个人陈述是一篇向录取委员会介绍申请者的短文,它是研究生院录取过程中最重要的申请文书。本文运用系统功能语言学的体裁分析理论。探讨个人陈述语篇结构和语言特点。  相似文献   

留学文书写作在出国深造申请中扮演着重要的角色。留学文书的写作实质上是一种书面形式的跨文化交际。在留学文书中,个人陈述是最能够推销自己的一部分。因此,创作一篇有利于申请的个人陈述成为留学文书写作中的核心。文章以中国赴美读研学生的个人陈述为研究对象,从跨文化的视角提出了个人陈述写作的三个原则,即"三少""三重"及"三忌"原则,同时对申请者、相关机构以及教育部门提出了建议。  相似文献   

教学理念陈述是教师个人教学理念的一种书面表达。教师通过教学理念陈述可以向他人表明自己的教学理念、教学方法以及教学实践等内容,以此促进对自身的认识和反思,有助于教师个人专业发展。基于对国内外20篇相关文献中教学理念陈述的内涵、背景、价值、理论基础和构成要素的概括总结,可知教学理念陈述的内涵和要素仍待有澄清和明确、教学理念陈述的理论基础仍需进一步夯实、教学理念陈述在我国的适用性有待检验。  相似文献   

本文通过探讨出国留学申请个人陈述所采用独立成篇的翻译写作策略,分析其背后的翻译叙事学理论,并以一则成功案例,阐释翻译叙事学中的叙事分类及叙述建构法在提升个人英文陈述质量上的理论和应用指导意义。  相似文献   

一般大学要求申请研究院的学生交一篇短文(Essay)或个人学业规划(Statement of Purpose)作为入学申请的一部分。这篇短文将和其它条件一起被考虑,是录取过程中的重要部分,甚至还有可能成为录取与否的决定因素。这项因素的重要,大部分的人都知道,但在申请过程中经常被忽视。如果只是匆匆写就一篇不好的文章呈递上去,就会  相似文献   

文章通过对30篇英文留学个人陈述样本的体裁进行比较分析,归纳总结了其在内部建构上的共性和差异,从而揭示了个人陈述的体裁特征,同时证实了体裁分析的核心是交际目的,交际目的决定体裁的存在。  相似文献   

个人陈述,也就是自我介绍。是面试或应聘不可或缺的一个环节。个人陈述做得好,能起到事半功倍的效果。那么,个人陈述应该包含哪些信息?有哪些注意事项?不妨来了解一下。  相似文献   

通过对中美高等教育的差异性以及原因进行陈述和分析,结合中美文化差异、招生录取以及教学安排的不同,重点陈述了美国交通数据采集设备的应用和管理,为我国实验室设备的管理提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

尽管个人陈述在学生申请留学的过程中扮演着重要角色,却很少受到关注。为探讨中西方英文个人陈述的差异,运用体裁分析理论,对中国学生和英语本族语学生的英文个人陈述进行对比分析,发现两者在语步结构和语言特征两方面存在有明显的文化差异。旨在帮助中国学生进一步了解个人陈述的体裁特征,写出更加地道的英文个人陈述。  相似文献   

彭鹏燕 《海外英语》2014,(20):276-277,300
个人陈述在留学申请展现自我的重要方式。该文运用克拉申的"输入假说"和"情感过滤假说",分析英文个人陈述,总结出几种输入途径,包括词汇输入、背景输入和写作技巧的输入,从而降低焦虑。有助于帮助留学申请者内化所学知识,提高个人陈述写作水平。  相似文献   

高考招生录取工作几年来存在着徇私舞弊、以权谋私的问题,有许多不公平的现象.公证是国家的司法证明,公证的标准是真实性、合法性.公证人员介入高考录生工作,进行法律监督,对录生工作每一环节的真实性、合法性予以确认,进行证明,有利于高考录生工作的公开、公平、公正得到实现.  相似文献   

加拿大有着与中国截然不同的高等院校入学制度——以个人申请为主要方式。大学以学生的高中平时成绩为申请入学的主要依据,注重学生综合素质与能力,尊重学生的兴趣和意愿。其公正高效的学术资格评审、跨区域跨国界的学分互换、高校的自主招生等制度, 学生和大学之间的双向选择等,均为我国高考制度改革提供了有力借鉴。  相似文献   

美国高校在录取新生时非常看重学业成绩等学术因素,但也关注且近年来日益强调学生的个性特征等非学术品质。这主要是由于美国的两项重要研究,即个性特征等非学术品质与大学学业成功关系密切。另外,美国高校日益强调多样性、国际化等办学理念,这也对高校录取工作产生了重要影响。近年来,对处境不利背景学生以及挑战不利处境的能力等品质的日益关注,使高校在录取时对学生的家庭背景、社会经济背景等非学术因素也日益重视起来。美国高校录取工作中关于非学术因素的地位、价值与使用方面的研究与实践,值得我们关注、深入研究与有选择地借鉴。  相似文献   

A follow‐up was conducted on groups of students who initiated steps in the admission process at a community college, but never enrolled. These students were telephone surveyed and compared to similar groups of students who actually enrolled. The stated reasons for non‐enrollment were job issues, financial aid, and personal reasons. Yet when the pre‐admission basic skills tests were compared, the non‐enrolling students had significantly lower scores, leading the authors to conclude that poor academic preparation was a very important reason for non‐enrollment.  相似文献   

An instrument, Student Survey Questionnaire, assessed the appropriateness of students' social and personal problems for discussion with a counsellor. It was hypothesized that there would be no significant relationship between the social and personal problems of students and the appropriateness of the problems for discussion with a counsellor. It was tested using a 2×5 chi square contingency table of non-admission or admission of problems against five appropriateness levels. The result showed a significant relationship: the more problems the students admit the more they want to discuss them. Most of the students who admitted they have personal and social problems saw these problems as appropriate for discussion with a counsellor.  相似文献   

The overwhelming weight of the literature on "gifted learners" deals with the K-12 years; little attention is given to postsecondary efforts. Among the many approaches to meeting the needs of gifted students at the college level are admission without high school graduation; credit for previous advanced work; identification during and after admission; advising by specifically designated personnel; career planning; and special programs such as honors programs, admission to graduate courses, mentorships, and research opportunities. Professors can encourage gifted learners by adapting their teaching methods and by personal contact. Scholarships and academic recognition also support high aspirations. Many issues at the college level echo those encountered in the K-12 system. Attention to the gifted learner at the college level represents uncharted territory and a new frontier.  相似文献   

研究生择业观相关因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着研究生招生规模的不断扩大,研究生就业问题越来越受到社会各方面的关注。研究生职业的选择受到来自社会、家庭和个人因素的影响。分析这些相关因素,可以对研究生的就业选择提供帮助。  相似文献   


The core theme of this article is the emerging tension between the egalitarian discourse that increases the general aspiration of people to become more educated and actual admission constraints. A desire to attend a university and not being allowed to (i.e. non-admittance) is a loss that can potentially result in an anomic condition. Anomie theory gives a sociological explanation for a painful situation in which there is a cultural overemphasis on success combined with structurally limited opportunities. In this study, the focus is on the experiences of prospective students who have been applying to a selective university in Finland without gaining admission. The data consists of 50 personal online narratives. The analysis is presented in accordance with a conceptual typology of individual responses to the conditions of non-admittance. The findings yield important insights regarding university choice, meritocratic selection and formulation of equitable admission policies.  相似文献   

明代阁臣群体是皇帝身边比较特殊的一个高级辅政官僚群体,他们的入阁与在阁、他们的籍贯分布与履历、他们的入阁年龄与任职时间以及他们的关系网络等都呈现着十分明显的时代特征,这些特征既体现了明代阁臣群体的构成机理,也对明代政治发展产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   



The article presents an account of the personal experiences of the author during his participation in an American graduate programme in science education. The author describes the Ph.D. programme and the institution administering it i.e. the SESAME Group at the University of California at Berkeley. He outlines the important features of the programme in relation to admission requirements, course work, qualifying examination, and thesis research. This formal characterization is contrasted with his personal impression, and an attempt is made to evaluate the merits of his one‐year participation in the programme. In the final section, the possibilities and desirable modifications for an adequate adaptation of such a graduate programme in FR Germany or Europe are discussed.  相似文献   

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