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描述性评论作为一种教育方法论和价值观始创于美国独立教育家帕特丽夏·F·卡利尼,她开发了研究儿童及其作品、记录学校的描述性评价方法,并把这种研究引入全美的公立学校。卡利尼主张通过对教育的描述性评论而实现教育的人性化,以最终实现社会人性化的目的。文章介绍了描述性评论的由来,界定了描述性评论的内涵,并阐述了实施描述性评论的目的和程序。  相似文献   

论医学伦理审查委员会对受试者权益的保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为科研项目事前审查机构的医学伦理审查委员会对于保护受试者权益具有独特的价值。目前医学伦理审查委员会存在独立性不够、缺乏监督、缺少标准化流程的缺陷,为保护受试者的权益,建议医学伦理审查委员会实行法人化,对医学伦理审查委员会实行行政许可制度,建立有效的监督与救济。  相似文献   

《中华教育界》由上海中华书局创办,是我国近代期刊中历时长、影响大的教育类刊物之一,在中国近代教育发展过程中扮演着重要的角色,对教育的近代化、中国化产生了不可磨灭的影响。但一直以来,在《中华教育界》的创刊时间上,却存在着众多不同的说法。本文对此进行了考证,并认为其创刊时间应为1912年3月25日。  相似文献   

宪法确认的公民基本权利需要违宪审查制度予以保障。我国现行的违宪审查制度存在诸多不足,致使公民的基本权利频遭侵犯而得不到救济。现行制度的改良只是权宜之策,从长远来看,为切实保护公民基本权利,有必要重新构建我国的违宪审查制度。  相似文献   

Educational Psychology Review - In their recent paper, Chen et al. (Educational Psychology Review, 2021) propose that rest periods between deliberate learning characterize the spacing effect and...  相似文献   

以南莫中学高二(1)班和高二(5)班共103人为调查对象,采用调查问卷来探究学生对"同伴互评"(PR)的态度。利用江苏省2010和2012这两套高考试卷作文考察学生的前测和后测作文水平,以此来观察"同伴互评"(PR)是否比"教师全批全改"(NR)更能促进学生写作能力的提高,培养彼此间的合作精神。  相似文献   

Educational Psychology Review - In the 2018 meta-analysis of Educational Psychology Review entitled “Null effects of perceptual disfluency on learning outcomes in a text-based educational...  相似文献   

The Urban Review - “The Quest to be love(d) in urban schools,” serves as the introduction to the special issue of The Urban Review on love and urban schooling entitled,...  相似文献   

《梼杌闲评》是一部以魏忠贤为题材的历史小说。着重描写了其祸国殃民的罪恶一生,因此一般研究者都将它归入"时事小说"一类。它继承了时事小说"求实"的特点,在此基础上又加入了大量的世情笔法,增强了小说的文学性。这不仅丰富了作品的思想内涵,也提升了小说的艺术品位,《梼杌闲评》的创作在一定程度上代表了清初小说发展演变的趋势。  相似文献   

Review Article—Philosophy and the Curriculum* Review of Jane R. Martin (ed.), Readings in the Philosophy of Education: A Study of Curriculum.  相似文献   

This paper relates to a study commissioned by the Department of Employment, Education and Training to evaluate the impact of the Discipline Review of Teacher Education in Mathematics and Science. The major datagathering strategies employed in that study have been to visit every higher education institution in Australia involved in teacher education to interview relevant staff and to seek information by mail from other bodies to whom recommendations of the Review were addressed. This paper reports a supplementary activity, the analysis of citations of the Report of the Discipline Review in the journal of the Australasian Science Education Research Association,Research in Science Education. This research reveals that there has been relatively little critical analysis of the Review, somewhat surprising in the light of its significance for science teacher education. Further the citations in the journal suggest that the Review Report has struck a responsive chord with those involved in the science education of primary school teachers. Its impact on secondary teacher education would appear to be less significant. This difference is explored in the context of professional education. Specializations: science education, teacher education. Specializations: international education, educational measurement, science education.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
David Evanier is a novelist and critic. He has written for The New York Times Book Review, Commentary, theParis Review, The American Spectator, National Review, and other journals.  相似文献   

ALTHOUGH a dual system of special education has existed for many years in Victoria, the Report of the Ministerial Review of Educational Services for the Disabled(Collins, 1984) clearly revealed the Government's intentions to hasten the integration movement. The five guiding principles of the Review, which are firmly based on social justice and equity issues, shaped Ministerial policy and practices. These guidelines, associated Ministerial documents and memoranda, and resultant policies, structures and services are discussed in detail. The progress of integration in Victorian schools since the Review is outlined, barriers identified and strategies to overcome these obstructions or difficulties provided.  相似文献   

《中华教育界》作为近代中国教育期刊中刊行时间长、影响较大的刊物之一,它不论是在西方各种教育理论、教育制度、教育方法、教育内容的引入,还是在教育实验、教育思潮的推进上都扮演着重要的角色,发挥了重要作用,产生过积极影响.1924年7月至1926年11月间,陈启天担任《中华教育界》主编,以“教育改造国家”为其办刊宗旨,借助师友的援引、同学的相互砥砺、同道的呼应、同乡与同事的鼎力支持,集结了一大批提倡教育救国的教育界人士.他们在陈启天的引领下,思想之间形成了相互交融之势,使得《中华教育界》成为宣传国家主义教育的理论阵地.  相似文献   

This paper describes a study of primary teacher educators reaction to those aspects of theDiscipline Review of Teacher Education in Mathematics and Science dealing with early childhood and primary pre-service teacher education. Interviews with two of the authors of the Review are also reported.  相似文献   


As In Recent years, the current Summary and Review is somewhat selective and it is limited to reports of investigations that have been published in journals. The investigations are grouped by area: sociology, psychology, physiology and teaching of reading; and a separate bibliography follows each of these major sections of the Summary and Review. In certain instances the placement of a particular investigation in a given area was accomplished only with some feeling of ambiguity. In recognition of this fact, the reader is advised to peruse the entire Summary and Review.

For summaries and reviews designed to serve somewhat different purposes, see those appearing with some regularity in such sources as Elementary English, The Journal of Reading, The Reading Research Quarterly, The Reading Teacher, The Review of Educational Research, and the proceedings and special publications of such organizations as the International Reading Association, The National Council of the Teachers of English, and the National Reading Conference. The ERIC-CRIER retrieval system will also make available bibliographical summaries on selected topics in reading.  相似文献   

近年来,我国学者从历史学、出版学、教育学、社会学等视角对中国近代教科书的发展脉络、编审制度、编辑特征、作用功能等问题展开了研究,并取得丰厚的成果。但以期刊为切入点研究教科书,却少有涉及。《教育杂志》作为近代商务印书馆的馆办杂志,以其独特的身份和地位,在教科书的编纂、发行、研究与革新活动上扮演着重要的角色,为近代教科书的发展做出了巨大的贡献。  相似文献   

以《比较教育评论》在1998—2007年间所发表的学术论文为研究对象,分析这些论文的研究主题和研究方法以及在研究地域上的差异,发现:在研究主题上,《比较教育评论》重视宏观教育制度研究,关注各国教育改革与发展;紧跟时代发展,研究当前热点问题;微观教育实践领域的研究日益升温;比较教育学科建设探讨起伏不定。在研究方法上,文献研究仍然是《比较教育评论》最重要的研究手段,不同研究方法的的综合运用成为当前《比较教育评论》的一大特色,定性与定量研究呈均衡态势,两者的结合更能体现未来的发展趋势。在研究地域上,单一国别研究是《比较教育评论》的主体,对发展中国家的教育尤其关注,大规模的跨国比较研究引人注目,全球趋势和区域研究渐渐增多。我国比较教育研究应明确比较教育的研究主题,提升比较教育研究方法的科学水平,拓展比较教育的研究地域,创建立体化的研究对象,加强比较教育学术群体的自身建设,深化学科基础理论研究。  相似文献   

Severe Damage of Absorbing Foreign Capital Must Be Correctly Observed Accelerating Transformation of Economic Development;Lenin Had Never Set Forth a "National Syndicate" Pattern;Talent Allocation for Undertaking Service Outsourcing of China;Preliminary Management for "Urban Disease" during British Industrialization;Comprehensive Review on Review on Risk Management of Sports Tourism in China;  相似文献   

要清晰了解《孔子诗论》在楚地的传播和发展状况,必须清楚《诗经》和儒家学说在楚国的传播和发展历史,唯有两者同时在楚地得到传播和发展后,带有儒家思想倾向的《孔子诗论》才有在楚地得到接受并被传播的可能.文章认为,若《孔子诗论》成书于春秋时代,当为七十予后学所作,并经由任不齐或澹台灭明传入楚地,则其成书当为乳子卒后即前479年以后,传入楚地应为前465年之后;若成书于前376年以后,传入楚地应为荀子任兰陵令的前257年—前238年之间或之后.但《上博简》为战国晚期贵族墓陪葬,战国于前221年结束,故《孔子诗论》入楚当限定在前257年—前221年的范围内.综合《上博简》的整体情况来说,后一种推断更具有说服力.  相似文献   

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