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Mind Twister     
1.Q:Who is closer to you,your mum or your dad?谁离你更近(谁和你更亲近),你的妈妈还是你的爸爸?A:2.Q:Which can move faster,heat or cold?哪一个移动得更快,热还是冷?A:3.Q:What is the smallest room in the world?世界上最小的房间是什么?A:4.Q:What kind of dog doesn謘t bite or bark?什么狗既不叫也不咬人?A:  相似文献   

(1)Q:Which is the world’s largest gulf?世界上最大的海湾是哪一个? A:The Gulf of Mexico.墨西哥湾。(2)Q:What is the home of an Eskimo?爱斯基摩人的家是什么?  相似文献   

1. Q: Do you have any friend in Canada?What does he/she do? A: I have a friend in Vancouver named Wang Daguang. He is a real estate agent.2. Q: What is the name of your friend in Canada?How did you get to know her?  相似文献   

Do You Konw?     
(1)Q:What is the Milky Way? 银河是什么? A:It is a huge mass of gas and stars in the universe and it can be seen clearly as a band of light across the night sky. 它是宇宙中一大堆的气体和星星,有如一条光带横越夜空,清晰可见。  相似文献   

1.What’s this in English?这用英语怎么说?(1)这是一询问“某物用英语怎么说”的常用句式。是一个特殊疑问句,回答时常用“It’s…”结构。其中What’s是What is的缩写形式,It’s是It is的缩写形式。例如:—What’s this?这是什么?—It’s letter A.它是字母A。—What’s that?那是什么?—It’s a hat.它是一顶帽子。(2)其中in English意为“用英语”。类似用法的还有:in Chines“用汉语”;in Japanese“用日语”等等。例如:—What’s this in English?用英语说这是什么?—It’s milk.是牛奶。—What’s that in Chinese?用汉语…  相似文献   

SCIENCE   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
(1) Q:How many planets are there in the solar system? 太阳系中有多少颗行星? A:There are nine of them. 共有九颗。(2) Q:Which is the world's largest fish? 世界上最大的鱼类是什么? A: It is the whale-shark. 鲸鲨。(3) Q:Which is the world's biggest bird? 世界上最大的鸟类是什么? A: It is the ostrich. 鸵鸟。(4) Q:Which is the world's largest animal on land? 陆地上最大的动物是什么? A: It is the African elephant. 非洲大象。(5) Q: Which is the world's longest river? 世界上最长的河流是哪一条? A: It is Egypt's River Nile. 埃及的尼罗河。(6) Q:Which bird lays me biggest egg in the world? 哪一种鸟生下世界上最大的蛋?  相似文献   

1.Q:What is wind? A:Air in a hurry。“风是什么?”“步履匆匆的空气。”多么富有诗意而又生动形象的回答呀! 2.Q:What does no man want,but no man wants to lose? A:A bald head。的确如此。谁都不喜欢自己是个秃头,但同时谁也不愿意丢掉它。试想有谁愿意丢掉自己的脑袋呢?  相似文献   

1.What color is it? 它是什么颜色? (1)what color用来提问某物的颜色。回答时应直接用表示某种颜色的词。例如: ——What color is your bike?你的自行车是什么颜色的?  相似文献   

Brain Twister脑筋急转弯1.How many letters are there in English?English里有多少个字母?2.What belongs only to you and yet is used more by others than byyourself?什么东西只属于你,而别人使用它比你使用的还要多?3.What letter is a question?(什么字母是一个问题?)4.What letter is an animal?(什么字母是一种动物?)5.What letter is a vegetable?(什么字母是一种蔬菜?)6.You have it.You read it.There are some pictures in it.What is it?(一学习用品)kooB.6aep-P.5eeb-B.4.yhw-Y.3.emanyM.2个7.1:案答""""""""""""""…  相似文献   

(1)Q:What is a big group of stars called?一大群的星辰称为什么? A:A galaxy。银河系。(2)Q:Which is the lightest gas?最轻的气体是哪一种? A:Hydrogen.氢气。  相似文献   

(l)Q:What are antibioties?什么是抗生素? A:They are ehemieals that are Put into tllebo勿ro heIP fight against diseases,抗生素是 化学药品,置于体内,以助防御疾病。(2)Q:Every day, about how frequently does the human heart beat?心脏每天大约跳动多少次? A:Ir does 50 about 100,000 times,它跳动大约十万次。(3)Q:What are human babies bom without?婴孩诞生时缺少什么? A:They are bom without teeth.他们诞生时没有牙齿。(4)Q:Wllich are the largestllv吨org耐sms onE砚比h?地球上最大的生物体是什么?A:They are t…  相似文献   

1.What colour is it?它是什么颜色的? 1)What colour……?用于询问颜色,单数形式用“It’s…”来回答,复数形式用“They are…”来回答。例如: -What colour is your bike?你的自行车是什么颜色的?  相似文献   

冰洋 《今日中学生》2016,(Z2):52-54
1.Who is closer to you,your mom oryour dad?爸爸和妈妈,谁和你更亲?2.What can pierce ones ears withouta hole?什么东西不用打洞就可以在耳朵上穿孔?3.How many feet are there in a yard?一码有多少英尺?4.What is heavier in summer than inwinter?什么东西夏天比冬天重?5.What clothing is always sad?什么服装总是伤感的?  相似文献   

A.What is Courage?什么是勇敢?There was an exam of composition in the class. The title of it was "What is  相似文献   

1.What do you learn in primary schools?你们在小学里学什么? 2.What letter is a part of the head?什么字母是头部的一个器官? 3.What letter is the ocean?什么字母是海洋? 4.What seven-letter word has six left if youtake four away?什么单词由7个字母组成,拿走4个,却还剩下6个?  相似文献   

1.Who is closer to you,your mom oryour dad? 爸爸和妈妈,谁和你更亲? 2.What can pierce one's ears withouta hole? 什么东西不用打洞就可以在耳朵上穿孔? 3.How many feet are there in a yard? 一码有多少英尺? 4.What is heavier in summer than inwinter? 什么东西夏天比冬天重? 5.What clothing is always sad? 什么服装总是伤感的? 6.How many legs do horses have? 马有几条腿? 7.Why are dogs afraid to sunbathe? 狗为什么害怕日光浴?  相似文献   

1.Q:What fruit is never found singly?A:A pear.注:pear(梨),音似pair(一对)2.Q:Why is the bride unhappy on her weddingday?A:Because she didn’t marry the best man.注:bride(新娘)bridegroom(新郎)best man①男傧相;②最好的男人  相似文献   

1.We are two pieces of magnet(磁铁)我们是两块磁铁,我会对你们说什么2.Why did the boy make his dog sit in t这个男孩为什么让他的狗晒太阳?3.What kind of cats is good for mice?什么样的猫对老鼠有益?4.What did the big chimney(烟囱)saworking?工作时大烟囱会对小烟囱说些什么5.What can’t be used unless broken?什么东西不打破就不能用?6.What has four legs and flies?什么东西有4条腿和苍蝇?7.Why are schools haunted(鬼常出现学校为什么闹鬼?8.What has feet but can’t walk?什么东西有脚却不会走路?9.Who is lazier,the tall man or the shor高个子与矮个子,谁更懒惰?10.What’s the easiest way to catch a fis最便捷的钓鱼办法是什么?11.What kind of dog doesn’t bi...  相似文献   

正1.Tom has been living in his hometown ever since he was born,but when asked if he’d lived there all his life,his answer i"sNo".Why?2.Jim is in the lake and water is only up to his knees.However,his life is in great danger.Why?3.What word is pronounced wrong,even by the best of scholars?4.Do stutterers(口吃者)always stamme(r结巴)?5.What do every couple(夫妻)have in common?6.What always goes up and never goes down?7.What can you place in your right hand that you can??t place in your left hand?  相似文献   

一、课堂教学实录教学片断一:Free talk T:Hello!What day is today?S:Today is Wednesday. T:How many days are there in a week?S:… T:What are they?(屏幕出现一周中的7天) How many months are there in a year? What are they?(屏幕出现 2010的日历) How’s the weather today? It’s  相似文献   

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