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NMET2003完形填空(保留原试题序号):阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。I played a racquetball game against my cousin Ed last week. It was one of the most 36 and tiring games I've ever had. When Ed first phoned and 37 we play, I laughed quietly, figuring on an 38 victory. After all, Ed's idea of 39 has always been nothing more 40 than lifting a fork to his mouth. 41 I can  相似文献   

2003年高考英语完形填空题具有很强的创新性,它巧妙设计,充分考查多种信息推断能力,是一道可圈可点的能力题。请先看2003年高考完形填空题: I played a racquetball game against mycousin Ed last week.It was one of the most 36 and tiring games I’ve ever had. WhenEd first phoned and 37 we play. I laughedquietly,figuring on an 38 victory.After allEd’s idea of 39 has always been nothing  相似文献   

The First Goal for the Real Madrid by Owen 欧文首次为皇马进球Michael Owen (迈克尔·欧文) is __1__ English football star. He plays __2__ the Real Madrid(皇家马 德里队) now. He scored his __3__ goal for the club __4__ October 19, 2004. The Real Madrid beat (击败) the Dyname Kiev 1- 0. Of course, his team __5__ the match. “It was __6__ a great game,” Owen said. “I played very __7__. It was time for me __8__ score. I should thank Ronaldo (罗 纳 尔 多 ). He passed ( 传 ) the ball to me.…  相似文献   

1. Tom and I __ (be) going to see a film this evening. 2. The doctor and writer __ (have) been here for two days. 3. The doctor and the writer __ (have) been here for two days.  相似文献   

Last Sunday, there was a swimming competition in our school. It had been a short time since I learned how to swim. Mr. Zhang, our PE teacher, said I had a gift in swimming and that competing in the game would help build up my confidence and courage. With his encouragement,I signed up for the swimming race.  相似文献   

Days of the Week     
Friend:Hi,John!Where’ve you been?John:I’ve just been to a football game.Friend:Oh,do you atways go on Fridays?John:Yes,Ido.You see,the games start at 6 o’c10ck when I’ve finished work.Friend."Do you still go swimming on Thursdays?John:No,I’ve changed(改变)to the day  相似文献   

My favourite game is table-tennis. I like it more than any other sport or game because it suits my physical conditions. I play it twice a week. I normally go to a sports centre to play with my friends. Our table-tennis coach makes us practise all the strokes. My favourite stroke is the forehand. I can  相似文献   

(IELTS examiner,M.Ed.TESOL,Post Grad.Dip.TESOL.B.Ed,B.A.English Lit.Dip.Ed.) Hi,and welcome to my monthly column where you can learnthe secret strategies to pass the IELTS examination.Being an IELTSexaminer,I get to see many examinations and I know where studentsin China seem to go wrong.I have been examimng for over three  相似文献   

The western world has always been divided into two types of people-the cool and the uncool. It is a division that __1__ in school. The cool kids are good at __2__. They are __3__ with the opposite sex. They are good-looking and people want to __4__ their style. They can do their homework but they don't make a big effort. That would __5__ be cool.  相似文献   

"Once you love it, you never lose the love for the game. You never know when you can walk away from it. I tried a couple of times. But I have come to grips now that as much as I love the game, there are other components that need my love, need my attention, and I can easily walk away. Now I don't want to play. It's time to move on." -Michael Jordan  相似文献   

High school football was a Thanksgiving tradition in my hometown.Usually,Mom was the one who stayed at home,while Dad,my sister and I headed out to the game.One year,my aunt decided to give Mom a break and offered to help make the turkey and all the 1)trimmings,so Mom could attend the game with us.  相似文献   

AOnew day a hungry tiger saw a monkey. The monkey __1__ him, too, and climbed up atree __2__. The tiger waited __3__ the tree and said, “__4__ is afraid of me, but __5__ isafraid of you .I’m the strongest.” The monkey said, “No, people __6__ afraid of you ,but theyare afraid of me. If you agree to go to the village, __7__ this is true(真的).” The tigeragreed and walked __8__ the monkey, because he was __9__ afraid of people. When thepeople in the village saw them, they all ran away. Th…  相似文献   

Watching TV     
Helen:What did you do last night?David:Nothing much.Watched TV mostly.Helen:So did I.What did you watch?David:Well,there was a movie on Channel6,but I’d already seen it,so I watched the football game on5.It was a good game.Helen:Who was playing?David:The…  相似文献   

一、课文导读 I. Read the text, and finish the following cloze. The water molecule is __ up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The water molecule is polar--it has a __ negative end and a slightly positive end. Because water is polar, it __ __ nutrients quickly. The chemical structure of water also makes it different from most other it is a liquid at room temperature and has a relatively high freezing point.  相似文献   

健酉 《中学生百科》2011,(32):38-41
It’s funny how friendships begin. One day on a basketball court in Philly I was chasing after a loose (losing)ball,and the opponent going after it with me swung an elbow that caught my lip. I wiped away the blood with the shirt-tail of my jersey,but I wanted payback.With 15 seconds remaining in the game and the score tied  相似文献   

填空并学习与“现在完成时态”连用的状语或疑问词: 1. __you ever __ (ride) a horse? 2. I __ never __ (be) to Shanghai. 3. The train __ just __ (arrive). 4. I __ (hear) this before. 5. __ the school __ (begin) yet? 6. I __ (draw) many pictures already. 7. They __ (work) in this factory since 1980. 8. The English teacher __ (be) at this school forten years.  相似文献   

Wang Liang: Hey,we are playing with ourneighboring Xianfeng Middle School at two. Li Ming: You play forward, right? Wang Liang:  Boy, I can’t remember howmany times I have told you I play center. Li Ming: Sorry,it slipped my mind. I’m pre-paring for the final exam. Wang Liang: Oh,there is still a month to go,Come and watch our game. Li Ming:  All right. (During the game) Li Ming:  Oh, what a shame,our midfielderpl…  相似文献   

I'm a chinese student. I like sports. And I also like the Olympic Games,too. It!s the biggest and the most important games in the world . Most peoplelike it a lot .It is held every four years. There are many different kinds of sports in it.Each player hopes to win and come first for his country. So they will practiseharder and harder before the game starts.I like playing table tennis. And I want to be a good player like Ma lin. Ihope to play in the Olympic Games, so I will practise hard …  相似文献   

What Ticket? Which Court? J got a ticket the other day.Some of you may ask: ticket for what?Well,it was not a ticket for the ballet,or an opera,or a basketball game.It was a traffic ticket.I was driving too fast.A police officer pulled me over and gave me a traffic ticket.I was,the ticketing officer said, going 50 mph (miles per hour) in a 30 mph zone.A ticket meant big trouble.When I was handed the ticket,I wished it were a ticket to the movies.  相似文献   

I‘m a chinese student. I like sports. And I also like the Olympic Games,too. It!s the biggest and the most important games in the world . Most peoplelike it a lot .It is held every four years. There are many different kinds of sports in it.Each player hopes to win and come first for his country. So they will practiseharder and harder before the game starts.I like playing table tennis. And I want to be a good player like Ma lin. Ihope to play in the Olympic Games, so I will practise hard too. And I mustlearn...  相似文献   

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