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温南洲 《英语辅导》2000,(10):30-30
Basketball is still a young game. It‘s over a hundred years old. In the Winter of 1891, a certain eollege(学院) was having some trouble with its boy students. The weather was bad and the students had to stay indoors. As they couldn‘t play outdoors, they were unhappy, and some even got into fights time to time.  相似文献   

这是发生在美国的一个真实的故事,很多年后的今天,我依然为故事中那个小女孩的执着和信念所感动……A n eight-year-old child heard her par-ents talking about her little brother.A ll sheknew was that he w as very sick and theyhad no m oney left.W hen she heard her  相似文献   

Dickwasnineyearsoldandhewasaverybadboy ,buthismotheralways  1 thathewouldbehave(表现 )  2  .Thenoneday ,afterhehadcomebackfrom  3  ,Dick steachercalledhis  4 onthephoneandsaid,“Didyouknow ,MrsHepker ,thatDicksaved  5 boywhenhefellintotheriverwhilewe  6 outforawalkth…  相似文献   

Kate:Mum ,do we close the door every day?Mum :Certainly.Kate:How can my dream come in?How Can My Dream Come In?  相似文献   

Kate: Mum, do we close the door every dayP Mum: Certainly. Kate: How can my dream come inPHow Can My Dream Come in?  相似文献   

Long ago,there was no money in the world.If you wanted something,you did not buy it,but you gave something for it in exchange.If a person needed a pair of shoes,he or she might exchange some eggs or a spear for the shoes.It was a clumsy(笨拙的)way of buying and selling and we call it the “barter”system or “bartering”.This barter system still exists  相似文献   

1. George was a quiet, serious young man. He had been studying particularly hard one year, and when he passed his examinations, his friend Jim went to give him his congratulations and then had an earnest conversation with him.  相似文献   

M rs Brow n s old grandfather lived1her and her husband.E verym orning he went2a walk in the park and cam e hom e3half pasttwelve for his lunch.But one day a police car4outside M rs Brown s house at tw elveo clock,5two policem en helped the old m an to get out.O ne of them6to M rs Brown,“The poor old gentlem an lost his way in the park andtelephoned to us for help,7we sent a car to bring him hom e.”M rsBrow n was very8,but she thanked the policem en and they left.“But,G randfather,”she…  相似文献   

邮票对于今天的我们来说并不陌生,有许多同学还有集邮的爱好。但你知道吗?以前,付邮资的人不是寄信的人而是收信的人。为此,许多人得为收到他们不想收到的信件付邮资,为此他们烦恼不已,直到后来……  相似文献   

Doesn't this look like the shop chatlie boys choco-late? Maybe you will be the next lucky one to find the golden ticket!  相似文献   

Peter,anAmericanboy ,ispayinghisfirstvisittoParis.Hesetsoutto  1 somefamousplacesinthecitywithafriend .Whentheycome  2 theEiffelTower(埃菲尔铁塔 ) ,Peteraskshisfriend ,“Howlongdidittaketobuildthistower?”“Twoyears,”sayshisFrenchfriend .“Twoyears ?”shoutsPeter,“Wecan  3 itjustinsixmonthsin  4 city.”Thetwo  5 attheTriumphalArch (凯旋门 )whenPeterasksthe  6 question .Afterhehearsthatittooksixmonths ,hecan’thelp  7  .Hetellshisfriend ,“Weonlyneedonemonthtodothejob .”…  相似文献   

The story of how the song "Happy Birthday to You" came to be, began as a sweet one, that later soured(变味的、酸的). Two sisters, Mildred Hill, a teacher at the Louisville, Kentucky Experimental Kindergarten, and Dr. Patty Hill, the principal(校长)of the same school, together wrote a song for the children, entitled "Good Morning to All." When Mildred combined her musical talents, as the resident(当地的)expert(专家)on spiritual songs(赞美歌), and as the organist(风琴师)for her church, wi…  相似文献   

Differentpeoplehavedifferentcolourskin(皮肤).Somehaveblackskin,somehaveyellowskin,andsomehavewhiteskin.Therewasawo-maninAlaska.Herskinwasanorangecolour.Itwasalmostthecolouroforangejuice.Howdidthiswomanbecomeorange?Sheatealotoftomatoes,car-rotsandsquash(南瓜).Sheatetoomanyorangethings.Thatswhysheturnedorange.Thewomandidntwanttobeorange.Shewenttoadoctor.Thedoctorsaid,“Stopeatingorangethings.Eatsomegreenthings.”Thewomandidso,andshewasntorangeanymore.Why Did the Wo…  相似文献   

本单元的话题是“打电话”、“邀请和应答”及请求许可等表达方式。你将学会如何用英语打电话,邀请他人或应答他人的邀请。本单元中还有不少具有典型功能的句式,习惯表达法及短语,你能总结一下吗?  相似文献   

The Hunger Games is an annual event in the fictional country of Panem. Each year, 24 children (tributes) are chosen by lottery from 12 districts to fight to the death in the arena for the entertainment of the Capitol citizens. Using statistical analysis and computer simulations, we will explore the possibility that the Gamemakers, those in charge of planning the Hunger Games, fixed the lottery. Using the fictitious data from Suzanne Collins' book the Hunger Games, we show how students can learn how to perform a permutation goodness of fit test.  相似文献   

Whileworkingonacruiseship熏amagicianperformedthesametrickseachweeksincehealwayshadanewaudience.一个魔术师在一艘观光船上工作,因为每周有不同的观众,他总是表演着同样的魔术。Problemwas熏thecaptainhadaparrotwhosaweachshowandhadfiguredouthowthemagiciandidhistricks.问题是船长有一只鹦鹉,它看了每一场表演,也看明白了魔术师是怎么表演魔术的。Theyfloatedfordayswithoututteringaworduntilfinallytheparrotturnedtothemagician.“Okay.Igiveup.”Itsaid.“Whatdidyoudowiththeship芽”他们一起漂流了好几天都没说一句话,最…  相似文献   

24第二音收罗秋天一 、漫化妆How Did They Become Mr. and Mrs. Rich?~~  相似文献   

如果我们所面对的现状无法改变,那么我们就先改变自己。只有这样,我们才能最终改变属于自己的世界。Thereisastorytellingofareligiousmasterwhowassaidtobecapableofmovingmountains.Amancametohimaskingforademonstration(示范).Themastersatinfrontofamountainforamoment,thenwenttotheothersideofitanddeclaredtheendofthedemonstration.Alltheaudiencesweregreatlypuzzledandbeggedhimforanexplanation.Hesaid,“Therehasneverbeenawayofmovingmountains;whatyoucandoistogotothemountainifitdoesntcome.”Oneofmyfriends,thoughwit…  相似文献   

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