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我知道你渴望取得成功,这要付出时间和汗水。遇到挫折你可能会灰心丧气,有时你还可能打算放弃。有时你甚至可能会怀疑,你所追求的是否真的值得。但只要你充满自信并去努力,我敢说成功最终会属于你。I know you're going to make it,It may take time and hard work.You may become frustrated,And at time you’ll feel like giveing up.Sometimes you may even wonder if it'sreally worth it.But I have confidence in you.And I know you'll make it,if you try.永远别放弃…  相似文献   

丫OU,re not alone TOgether we stand I’1 1 be by your side You knowl’11 take your hand When it gets eold And it fe6!5 likG th6 6nd There,5 no Plaee to 90,you know 1 won,t give in No 1 won,t gjve in你不会孤单因为我们站在一起我会在你身边你知道我会握普  相似文献   

一◆l see. 我明白了。◆I get it. 我知道了。令”lint。s iille。 很好。◆That’s right. 没错。◆That’s it。 正是如此。◆Absolutely. 完全正确。◆It really is. 的确是如此。◆Whatever you say. 悉听尊便。◆You bet. 当然是这样。◆I guess so. 我猜想是如此。◆I hope So.我希望是这样。◆I know how you feel. 我了解你的感受。….……............7...….....................◆I know what you inean. 我明白你的意思。◆I agree. 我同意。●sec在这里是“知道”的意思。._geI在这里足“领会.理确的意思@That’s true.…  相似文献   

Sn0OPy ‘J产“杏 勺‘洲z“武2争z召砂‘卜l 一1 以后这就是你的差事……你就坐在这 里等报童来,然后把报纸拿进屋…… 显誉 This will be your job…you wait here for the paperboy⑤ to conleby,and then you bnng in the pa详r…3 这下我可知道··一千万 不能训练它拿食品回来! :h k flow Ing二 one !一/l尸飞成慈IP甲 摄,泣暴e 叮 LO ,二I’ train brulg 彗 grocerles⑦ 犯 l耀… 箕亥 rl I’ve deeided①that you should do someth加9 to eam②your keep…… It’5 sort③of traditional④for a dog to bring in the newsPape…  相似文献   

1.Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.麻烦没来找你,就别去自找麻烦。第一、四个trouble是动词,第二、三个trouble是名词。2.I think that that that that that student wrote on the blackboard was wrong.我认为那个学生写在黑板上的那个“that”是错误的。第一个that是连词,引起宾语从句;第二、五个that是指示代词“那个”;第三个that在这儿相当于名词;第四个that是关系代词,引起定语从句。3.I know.You know.I know that you know.I know that you know that I know.我知道。你知道。我知道你知道。我知道你知道我知…  相似文献   

Hello Yes, A Bi刊流甸Pa抑 Sam!What a beautiful day! it’5 beautiful,isn’t it? 1 hope you ean eome to my party tomorrow· Party?What party? A B AB A:It’5 my birthday,andl’11 have a party.Didn’t you know? B:No Sorry Yes, 1 didn’t. ,1 forsot to tell you.Would you like to eome? I’d love to.Thanks a lot.I’11 give you a niee pre- AB Sent (礼物). In a Shop A:Can 1 helP you? B:Yes,I’m looking for a blue dress· What size(尺寸)do you wear? S汤eTwelve.Thisonelooksniee.WhereeanIt叮…  相似文献   

How will you know you can succeed atsomething if you don't give it a try? 如果你不尝试又怎么能知道你会成功? How will you know you can drag yourselfout of the depths of your despair if you don'ttry? 如果你不尝试又怎么能知道你能把自己从绝望的深渊中解脱出来?  相似文献   

1.Never trouble trouble tilltrouble troubles you.麻烦没来找你,就别去自找麻烦。第一、四个trouble是动词,第二、三个trouble是名词。2.I think that that that that that student wrote on the blackboard waswrong.我认为那个学生写在黑板上的那个“that”是错误的。第一个that是连词,引起宾语从句;第二、五个that是指示代词“那个”;第三个that在这儿相当于名词;第四个that是关系代词,引起定语从句。3.Iknow.You know.Iknow that you know.I know that you know that Iknow.我知道。你知道。我知道你知道。我知道你知道我知道。4.…  相似文献   

L你先请。 2.我就是忍不住 3.别往心里去。 认fter you. dn,t lle1P heart 4.面对现实吧。 六冬华 戈飞侣豁叮 5.咱们开始干吧。 6.我真要累死了。 7.真是那样吗? 8.还不确切知道。 9.我不是跟你开玩笑的。 10.太好了,太棒了。 n.此话、当真? 12.我支持你。 13.请注意!听着! 14.你尽管放心。 巧.我一直不太喜欢这东西。 16一言为定。 17,我不在乎。· 18·别傻了卜·:·_ !19.等着礁! 20.多管闲事! 21,不是开玩笑!- 22.不行! 反t’sface it.‘一 玩t’s get started. I,m really dead tired. 15 that 50? 1 don,t knowfo乙sure. lm no【脱…  相似文献   

Mother’s Birthday Present妈妈的生日礼物Kate:Mom,do you know what I’m going to give you for your birthday?Mom:No,honey,what?Kate:A nice teapot.Mom:But I’ve got a nice teapot.Kate:No,you haven’t.I’ve just dropped it.凯特院妈妈袁你知道我要送你一件什么  相似文献   

keep one’s fingers crossed祈求成功(幸运)A:Do you think you’ll pass the exam?B:I don’t know.but I’m keeping all my fingers crossed,甲:你认为你能通过考试吗?乙:我不知道,但是我从心里祈祷成功。  相似文献   

幼把!l组中的善语序号墉在l组甩的括号内。 1 11(),.Hello!A:Yes,Ialn.();·How眼you?B:Nice to mect you.()3 .A肥you Wei Hua?C:Hello!()‘.Nieetomeetyou.D:Howdoyoudo?()5 .C加dmonung.E二Th叮止you‘()‘·双飞吐、y0llrname?F:rmtwelv已()乡.Wh毗运百B,?G:No,itisn‘t.()官.H,do you do?H:Fin。,th即k yoU‘()二Sitd~,PI.。!I:My name 15 Jim.()1 0.Howold,yotl?J:It,,here.()1?.1,it acar分K:GI阅dmom坑9.()1之.What,。6,eminu,t铆。?L:It,。山此e.“考考你的交际能力”5GB4.,(rC2J 8.09 K61 2.L考考你的交际能…  相似文献   

一天放了学,Tom和爸爸在聊天。Father:Who is the laziest in your class?汤姆,你们班里谁最懒?Tom:I don’t know,daddy.我不知道,爸爸。Father:You should know.Who doesn’t read or write,but just look here and there in class?你应该知道。谁在班里不读不写,只是到处看?Tom:The teacher.老师。AnswerCustom:Waiter,can you explain why the fly is in my soup?Waiter:It’s swimming,sir.答案顾客:服务员,你能解释一下我汤里的苍蝇是怎么回事吗?服务员:他在游泳,先生。Riddles猜谜语1.I can see it,but you can’t.What is i…  相似文献   

1 .Exeuse me.Could you tell me the way_the。inema?娜 2 .This big wood.3 .They went_mebridge 15 made_but did not saya1】le-4 .If you don,t work hard,you will fall_ others.5 .It,5 usually quiet here_Sunday morn- ing.‘6,This faeto口has been opened一〕ver twenty years·7 .Are you interested_sports?8 .She ean’t answer this question_onee.创9,Mother was 111.50 1 had to send_a doetor.10.1 didn,t know his name_a few days ago.州 11·My sist叮eut the aPPles一-叫一small Pleces,12.Don,t wait—」11e …  相似文献   

Zhang Yishan     
Zhang Yishan studies in Beijing Movies University now. And Yang Zi is in his class, too. You don’t know 1 very well, do you? 2 do you know Home With Kids? Many people like the 3 and their three children in it. Today, let’s talk about Zhang Yishan. He 4 Liu Xing in the play Home With Kids.  相似文献   

1=挤F瓮深情地、诉说地1 23‘}7·旦5一}6 7 1.\在这喧闹的人间,有个弱健词辉曲王颜·1一常勺口万亡O‘工曰咬1.你;}4·,2-,J、的声音,7.的。二2 5 13也许有时会想1 2 31在这浩瀚65人海,6忘·1常67,{4·,2‘J、的身影, 起。{,·:3纠“昼,}‘。。6全他就在你的身7记·t有个弱你是否常常看见,·1乐·3一享·2.的2一边。{“业,“我不要太多。2.3 t3繁华,…空业3息也不要沉重·2.的2 2 2 16-请你告诉我,65…丝红业二}“必一}“业泊怎样看世界,再把你的故事炸我说一说。我不要冰冷{,业3封!“·全‘一}丛红63 2 1 65我的心里话 .nJ -O口的威严,…  相似文献   

(括号前的数为期数,括号内的数为页数)、声、.口‘.户、.声6)护百、.‘龟产.、护.、‘r、4(封二)4(2)4(j)4(38)砂(38)、.J、.1、.了-J、.夕、J、.1品0 tl的汽︸一H︸‘U .0.甘,U咬U .J。口11‘.人(((((((今,‘6‘,曰,创弓叨电口.口 关于三角的短文八篇··….”“·“…”二“”·”·”·… 关于代数的短文15篇·””·…’二‘“’“’..’‘’‘’‘’”’”’” 关于几何与代数的短之十九篇”·”二”….”·”“·… 关于代数和三角的短文lB篇…”·-….…“·“…… 关于代数与三角的短文15篇”…“·..·····……”二 ·数学…  相似文献   

盘笋 《初中生》2003,(11):36-37
同学们,下面的每一组句子都十分相似,你能准确译出来吗?1.①Tom is not a bit tired.汤姆一点儿也不累。②Tom is not a little tired.汤姆非常累。2.①Do you know John,Henry?亨利,你认识约翰吗? ②Do you know John Henry?你认识约翰·亨利吗?3.①Does it hurt here?是这儿疼吗? ②Does it hurt your leg?伤了腿是吗?  相似文献   

一、用名词性从句完成下列各句(注意连词的使用)。l.She said(她在写作文).2.1 asked him(他是否认识 Mary).3.The old man asked me(医院 在哪里).4 .Would you please tell me_(我 该走哪条路)?5.Nobody knows_(谁拿走了你的 钢笔).6 .Did you ask the teacher_(我 们什么时候要进行英语测试)?7·Can you tell me_(我数学考试 是否及格)?8.She told us(这电影她已看过 三遍了).9.1 really don,t know_(世界上有 多少种动物).10·He wanted to know(我在那 里呆了多久).11.Do you remeber_(中国什么时 候发射第一颗人造卫星的)?12·1 e…  相似文献   

1 .If you droP a yellow hat in the Red Sea,what does it beeome?如果你不小心把黄帽子丢到红海单,会变成什么样? 2.What ean you Put in a wood box that will make it lighter?往木箱子上加入什么东西能使它变轻? 3 .The more you feed it,the more it grows high.But if you give itwater it .shal!quiekly die .What 15 it?什么东西你越不管它长得就越快,下,,你浇水时它立刻就消失r? 4.What goes uP but never goes down?了f么东一街只增加不减少? ’e6它JnoA’夕’eJ!」.C’。IoHV‘己’laMa山ooa日’‘:孝最IQ急转弯@林胜…  相似文献   

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