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一、cross,across,through,pass这四个词都有“经过、穿过”的意思,但它们在用法上有所不同:1.cross通常用作及物动词,后接宾语。如:cross a river/a bridge/a street...“过河/桥/街……”;有时cross也用作不及物动词。例如:They cross over to the other side ofthe river.他们过河到了对岸。2.across是介词。例如:W e walk across the street.我们穿过了大街。Can you swim across the river?你能游过那条河吗?They are going to build a bridgeacross the river.他们打算在河上建一座桥。【特别提醒】不可将across作动词使用,如:不可…  相似文献   

1.过桥你会发现书店就在你的左边。[误]Go cross the bridge and you'llfind the bookshop on yourleft.[正]Go across the bridge and you'llfind the bookshop on yourleft.[析]cross为动词,意为“穿过”,“横穿”,不能再与其它动词连用;across为介词,常与动词 go,com e,walk 等连用,强调从某物体表面上“穿过”,“越过”。cross the bridge 相当于 go across the bridge。 又如:The students crossed (=wentacross)the road.学生们穿过了马路。2.几乎没有人相信他。[误]Nearly nobody believed him .[正]Alm ostnobody believed him .[…  相似文献   

across,through和cross这几个词都有"穿过;通过"的意思。across是介词,意为"穿过;跨过;在……对面",指在一个空间内,从一端到另一端,或十字交叉穿过,如穿过街道、路、山等。例如:  相似文献   

1.cross the bridge when one comes to it船到桥头自然直 注解:此语意为“待到问题出现时再设法解决也不迟”。也可写作cross that/a bright when one gets it,如:You’ll cross that bright when you get.it.(到时候自然会有办法的。)  相似文献   

1.Find the area bounded by the curves y2 =4 x and y=x.2 .Solve the inequality x+ 4 >2 x+ 2 .3.The cross section of a wooden beam is a rectangle.L et the height of the cross section be x and the width y.The strength of the beam is proportional to yx2 .Find the ratio of the cross sectional height and width forthe strongest possible beam cut from a log with a circular cross section of area A.4 .Two circles,one inside the other,touch at the point A.The radius of the bigger circle is less than th…  相似文献   

1.Go along Zhongshan Road.and turn right at the second crossing. Go across the bridge.(L65) cross,crossing,across,through这几个词的含义虽然均与“穿过”、“通过”有关,但它们在用法上是有区别的:cross是动词;crossing既可为cross的现在分词,又可为名词,意为“十字路口”;across和through都可用作介词和副词。  相似文献   

一、弄清句法功能疑问词+不定式是英语中一个很有用的结构,尤其在口语中用得很频繁。该结构在句子中主要用作宾语,有时也可用作主语或表语等。如:A traffic light tells us when to cross the road.交通信号告诉我们何时穿  相似文献   

陈素君 《辽宁教育》2004,(10):60-61
教学目标: 1. Understand and say: You should/shouldn't dosth. 2. Master the words and phrases: dangerous, be-fore, cross (the road), say hello to…, in a hurry  相似文献   

A very unique astronomical phenomenon will take place on the territory of Russia on the 1st August 2008.The total eclipse with a width of about 250 km will cross the Western Siberia from the north to the south,then will cross the Altai Mountains and will go further to the difficult to access regions of China and Mongolia.  相似文献   

Correct extraction of the ultra-large-scale integrated (ULSI) interconnect components at hight frequencies is very important for evaluating electrical performances of high-speed ULSI circuits. In this paper, the extraction of the interconnect resistance at high frequencies is derived from the Ohm‘s law and verified by the software FastHenry. The results are also compared with those of another resistance formula originated from the effective area of the current flowing. The applicability of these two formulae is discussed. The influence of the interconnect geometry on the resistance at high frequencies is studied. The computation indicates that the effect of frequency on the resistance is weak when the skin depth is larger than half of the short side of the rectangular interconnect cross section. With further increase of frequency, the resistance increases obviously. Results imply that conductor with a square cross section exhibits the largest resistance for rectangular conductors of constant cross section area.  相似文献   

科学要求一切人不是别有用心地而是心甘情愿地献出一切,以便领受冷静的知识的沉甸甸的十字勋章这个奖赏。——[俄]赫尔岑  相似文献   

居住南京的80岁的老作家、显克微支作品翻译家梅汝凯先生,曾获得波兰文化十字勋章。几年前在北京与梅汝凯先生开会同住一室数日,梅汝  相似文献   

杨雨颜 《海外英语》2012,(10):131-132
No matter you agree or not,the world is in a fast developing time.The communication between people contributes to this de velopment.However,during these communications,people find out the culture difference between countries and the realized the impor tance of develop awareness of cross culture differences.In my point of view,there are some reasons why it is important to develop aware ness of cross culture differences.  相似文献   

伊顿公学于1440年由英皇亨利六世创办。这所拥有500多年悠久历史的学校,诞生了174位英国首相、364位十字勋章获得者。  相似文献   

T eaching C ontents:1.Let's tryListen and tick or cross2.Let's talkTeacher:A re you helpful athom e,Chen Jie?Chen:Sure.Teacher:W hat can you do?Chen:I can sweep the floor.I can cook the m eals.Teacher:G reat。Y ou'rehelpful。3.G roup workT eaching A im s:…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Cross flow and heat transfer were widely found in oil production and chemical facilities.A detailed study of the hydrodynamic characteristics and heat transfer of cross flow is necessary for optimal design of the system and the development of new measuring techniques.Studies on the heat transfer in sin-gle-phase liquid cross flow were carried out in the past decades.Air or water was often chosen as the working fluid,in these studies commonly focused on fluids flowing across r…  相似文献   

This paper is to study the cross cultural management. With the rapid growth in both cultural and economic globalization in recent years, different cultures are reliable to encounter with each other more frequently, which has brought challenges, opportunities and problems that never existed before. In this article, first I will concentrate on the analysis according to my personal experience on the Peer Action Learning Sets (PALS) with the introduction of some cross cultural theory and concepts.  相似文献   

Magic Gquaces     
This is a magic square.If you addup the numbers down or cross,theywill always give the same answer!  相似文献   

Plastic pipes reinforced by cross helically wound steel wires (PSP), which have exhibited excellent mechanical performance, consist of inner polyethylene (PE) layer, winding layer and outer PE layer. The winding layer is composed of two monolayers where steel wires are cross helically wound. An analytical procedure is developed to predict the short-term burst pressure of PSP as the monolayer is assumed to be elastic and orthotropic. The 3D anisotropic elasticity and Maximum Stress Failure Criterion are employed in the formulation of the elasticity problem. Good agreement between the theoretical results and the experimental data shows that the proposed approach can well predict the short-term burst pressure of PSP.  相似文献   

张婷 《教书育人》2008,(3):56-58
由英王亨利六世于1440年亲自创办的伊顿公学(EtonCollege)以其悠久的历史、骄人的教学佳绩、不凡的社会地位在英国中学中享有盛誉.伊顿公学被誉为英国社会精英的摇篮,英国历史上17位首相、36位维多利亚十字勋章获得者都是该校毕业生.英国王室的查尔斯王子、威廉王子和哈里王子也毕业于该校.  相似文献   

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