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听力部分I.听下而各段对话一遍,然后根据所听内容同答问题并在问题的最佳答案的标号上画圈。(高一学小做第l—10小题;高:学生做第l—15小题,共10分)例:How much is the shin?A.19.15 yuan9.15 yuan C.9.76 yuan(录爵材料:A:How much is the shirt?B:It’S 9.15 yuan.)1.In which season does it often rain in the country? A.In autumn. B.In summer. C.In spring2.Who was introduced?A.TomB.Kate3.What does Paul want Rose tO drink?A.MilkB.Tea4.Will Peter go shopping this evening?A.Yes,he will. B.No,he won’t5.W…  相似文献   

题号InIIIIVVVI总分得分评卷人得分评卷人听力部分圈_1.听录音一遍,在你所听到的内容的标号上画圈。(初一学生做1一ro题;初二学生做1一i 巧题,共10分)公 例:A.m,9 otes⑧m‘ng baskets e.m、ingb、s (录音材料:making baskets)- 1 .A.doing one’5 housework B.doing one’5 work C.doing one’5 homework 2 .A.Playing games B.Playing with him C.Playing together 3 .A.It,5 twelve thirteen.B.It’5 three twelve.C.It,5 seventh讯y. 4.A.When do you 90 to work? B .When do you get uP every day? C .When do yon 90 the…  相似文献   

录音材料.听录音一遍,在你所听到的单词或数字的标号上画圈。 1.介uit 2.minute 3.animal 4.monster 5.sweets 6.ride 7.flute 8.Tuesday 9.346 10.48765 n.听录音两遍,按所听到内容的顺序给下列物品标上号。 A.a big tree B.a window C.two desks D.a door E.a TV set Ethree aPPles G.a house H.three oranges I.a bus J.two Parrots m.听录音两遍,按所听到的内容在钟上画出适当的时针和分针。 ZI.sixo’eloek 22.seven fifteen 23.halfPasteight 24.twentytoeleven W.听对话上句两遍,找出和该上句相应的下句并将该上句的标号填进…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.听下面各段对话一遍,然后根据所听内容回答问题并在问题的最佳答案的标号上画圈。1.Mill's raining again!Does it often rain in the country in summer?W:Oh.no.It rains a lot here in fall,but not somuch in spring.2.M:Let me introduce my friend Tom to you.W:Nice to meet you.Tom.My name is Kate.3.M:Help yourself to some coffee, Rose.W:Thanks,Paul.But I prefer tea.4.W:What about going shopping,Peter?M:I'd love to,but I'm busy.  相似文献   

录音材料狐炸s,夕心碑。劝启抓卒脚琳钟扣以her sister? L听录音一遍,在你所听到的内容的标号上画圈。 1 .doing one,5 houseworkZ·Playing withhim 3.It’s threetwelve.4.whendo·yougothere? 5 .llike it a little.6.rrheman认reading some功ing. 7.There 15 a desk near the bed. 8.1 sometimesgo to workby加s- 9 .They usually have lunch at twelve. 10.Can you seeashiPunderthebridge? 1 l.Howlongdoesittakehimtog以tohisfarmbybus? 12.MrGt七enhadafreedayyester如y. 13.1 think theboyisbetternow· 14.YOu’d忱tterfill…  相似文献   

士二导色入沈入 。社合林娜一11少一心吞鑫中 卿夕 31一35 26一 41一45DA 肠一50八举pBC 61一右5沈王元A 56一翩一cA娜功 牡一76_玩BAB 76, 磁it 窃77. lies一琢7歇suc卜 ︸叱力‘ 0黔书 缸示去掉旎re sudde~asudd献一斜.wholl夕价加ho决85‘Iit- 即一︺韶 毅 Th淤fo加砂功弃夕仃一详肥g琳 助渗。加e th已probl~阳 thatwe 崛立公lerij妙石u,由由1、 征,d沁。l? 全如白适瞬公伽八舀局巨谕流 Sincerelyyo毋、, LIHua 附听力原文, T之又tl 输并布朴拼 58 TextZ 孟纷颧鲜 认H如。侧、、一毗何娜赫声游乡 …烈罗牌笋 赫琢礴一诚 T娜…  相似文献   

1.JOCI烈D: A.angular B.untried C.unsound D.narrow E.dreary2.00RPOREAI,: A.intangible B.infinitesirnal C.m~erate D.inviolate E.solitary3.ENNUI: A.P.xtlbel"arlce B.confusion C.openness D.trepidation E.unwillingne~4.AI。ACRITY: A.kindness B.recalcitrance C.s…  相似文献   

霭馨臀肇 … D BD 鑫笋娜覃 I听辨单词(Words)(共10小题,计10分) 只读叹貌耀摆驾黔)才卿呼个、 卜人. 5.A, 2‘A、 案涂裂髻蠢鸳恻的钾一缈哪产华 et, 别川n走 IJ们po a]玲五h h .h,冬们S 琳一A. 67 37.一人 ‘〕妇啼一狂 11。日匕B. BB 凡咚炸0Qn 人souP 人._面at B .shirt Cdriver C毛01归禧 c.城a’l Csh币 C .skirt nhal卜 D.五6亩b 玖栖。t Dsh已印 众dres匕 . :n QUC,百‘1 n.句子理解(S entence。)(共10小题,计10分) 符 燕然节缪罗 吟否(护翩 暴瓣缪馨︸瓢 矿牵娜爵色 绷钾瞳翔署匆豁缪黝翻豁罐瘾黝癫辗翰氯黔歉蘸 Can I…  相似文献   

一、听力测试(25分)A)听下面10段对话,每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,将其标号填入题前的括号内。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分)()1.What are they talking about?A.Holiday.B.Daddy.C.Canada.()2.Where is Mary now?A.At home.B.In the hospital.C.At her sister’s.()3.How will the girl go to school today?A.By bike.B.By car.C.On foot.()4.When should Susan go to meet Mr.Brown?A.At10:00.B.At10:30.C.At11:00.()5.W…  相似文献   

一、听力部分(25分,省略)二、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)在下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。26.——This is______film I’ve told you about several times.——It’s great.I’ve never seen______more moving one.A.a,a B.the,t  相似文献   

Earthquake On the afternoon of May 12,2008,an earthquake measuring 8.0on the Richter scale hit Sichuan Province,a mountainous region in Western China. Chinese President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiaobao have flown to Chengdu to lead the government rescue efforts. PLA officers,soldiers and police have also rushed to Wenchuan and surrounding areas to spearhead the rescue efforts.  相似文献   

五、单项填空(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分。)()26.Oneoftheshirts____Tom’s,butmineisnothere.A.isB.areC.wasD.were()27.———Wouldyoulike____________coffee?,———Yes,please.A.someB.afewC.muchD.little()28.Ihaveneverbeento_______America.A.aB.anC.theD.不填()29.TheletterBis__________AandC.A.betweenB.nextC.nearD.beside()30.Mr.Smithsaidhe_____tomyhousethenextday.A.willcomeB.iscomingC.hadcomeD.wouldcome()31.Thereisalotofmilkinthebottle,_______?A.isn’titB.isitC.isn’tthereD.isthere()32.…  相似文献   

~~“聪明杯”署假英语有奖竞赛(初一)~~  相似文献   

~~“聪明杯”署假英语有奖竞赛(初二)~~  相似文献   

~~“聪明杯”署假英语有奖竞赛(初三)~~  相似文献   

听力部分(共四大题,计40分) L听辨单词(Wor血)(共10小题,计10分) A)听音,选出你所听到的单词所代表的图片。每个单 词只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 1 .A. 5,A. 瓢叠馨 2.A. 万 每个单词读两遍。(答案 C.big C.hi沙 C .thin C·ri沙t一 C.moth蔚 D .small D·good D.角尤 D,white D .sister 11.句子理解(Sentenees)(共10小题,计一0分) A)听音,判断所给图片与所听句子是(竹否(F)相符。 每小题读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 1 1.…12._13.~ 橇鹭】】馨暴又乙渭唾尹臀澎 14‘5’巍 B)听音,选择所听句子含有的一项。每小题读两遍。 戈蘸壑…  相似文献   

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