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In this paper, a data-driven covert attack strategy is proposed for a class of closed-loop cyber-physical systems. Without the parameters of the system plant and the nominal controller, the attacker can only use the intercepted input and output data of the nominal system. The injected input attack signals are designed based on the subspace predictive control method, which can deviate the real outputs to the expected attack references in a future time horizon. Meanwhile, by injecting the designed output attack signals for compensation, the attack cannot be detected by the anomaly detector. The simulation results of an irrigation canal system illustrate the effect of the proposed strategy with satisfactory performances.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the controller design problem of cyber-physical systems (CPSs) to ensure the reliability and security when actuator faults in physical layers and attacks in cyber layers occur simultaneously. The actuator faults are time-varying, which cover bias fault, outage, loss of effectiveness and stuck. Besides that, some state-dependent cyber attacks are launched in control input commands and system measurement data channels, which may lead state information to the opposite direction. A novel co-design controller scheme is constructed by adopting a new Lyapunov function, Nussbaum-type function, and direct adaptive technique, which may further relax the requirements of actuator/sensor attacks information. It is proven that the states of the closed-loop system asymptotically converge to zero even if actuator faults, actuator attacks and sensor attack are time-varying and co-existing. Finally, simulation results are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed control method.  相似文献   

《Journal of The Franklin Institute》2022,359(18):10510-10524
This paper investigates the problem of finite-time attack detection for nonlinear complex cyber-physical networks under false data injection (FDI) attacks. Firstly, a Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy model is used to approximate nonlinear complex cyber-physical networks in which the measurement channels are injected by FDI attacks. Secondly, based on adding a power integrator technique, a finite-time fuzzy observer is designed to achieve the rapid state observation of complex cyber-physical networks within a finite time by adjusting the observer parameters. Then, an attack detection mechanism consisting of the finite-time fuzzy observer and an attack detector is developed to detect FDI attacks, which can trigger an alarm within a finite time when FDI attacks occur. Finally, simulation results are given to show the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the resilient sliding mode control problem for cyber-physical systems (CPSs) with multiple transmission channels under denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. A set of finite-time observers is designed, and a switched integral-type sliding surface is introduced. Thus, the impact of unreliable state estimating channels is reduced, and the disturbance rejection performance is also improved. The number of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) decreases compared with some existing results in designing the observer-based controller, and the input-to-state stability (ISS) is guaranteed. Moreover, the input saturation and event-triggering scheme are considered in the controller and handled by an auxiliary system. The network congestion in the control channel is thus relieved, and the Zeno behavior is excluded simultaneously. Finally, an example of an unmanned stratospheric airship is given to demonstrate effectiveness of the proposed resilient control approach.  相似文献   

《Journal of The Franklin Institute》2022,359(18):10726-10740
In this paper, the secure transmission issue of a remote estimation sensor network against eavesdropping is studied. A powerful eavesdropper overhears the measurement data sent through the communication channels between the sensors and the remote estimator, and estimates system state illegally, which threatens the system information security. Different from the existing anti-eavesdropping design approaches, a stealthy artificial noise (AN) strategy is proposed to prevent eavesdroppers from deciphering encryption policy by hiding the encryption process from eavesdroppers. It has the same dynamical process with each sensor’s measurement to guarantee that the estimation error of the eavesdropper is unbounded while its observation residual variance keeps in certain bound and converges to 0, and further ensure system security without alerting the eavesdropper. It is proved that the strategy is feasible whenever the eavesdropper starts to wiretap. The selection of sensors that needs to be encrypted is further given by solving an optimization problem. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is verified by two simulation examples.  相似文献   

This paper studies the problem of designing a resilient control strategy for cyber-physical systems (CPSs) under denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. By constructing an H observer-based periodic event-triggered control (PETC) framework, the relationship between the event-triggering mechanism and the prediction error is obtained. Then, inspired by the maximum transmission interval, the input-to-state stability of the closed-loop system is proved. Compared with the existing methods, a Zeno-free periodic PETC scheme is designed for a continuous-time CPS with the external disturbance and measurement noise. In particular, the objective of maximizing the frequency and duration of the DoS attacks is achieved without losing robustness. Finally, two examples are given to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

从企业战略对企业组织结构的决定关系的角度论述了组织结构的设计。从影响组织结构设计的重点因素——企业战略的方面,详细说明了企业应如何根据不同阶段的不同战略设计出合理的组织结构。通过中国有色金属建设股份有限公司的变革实例,再现了企业战略导向下的组织结构的设计和变革。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the resilient dynamic output-feedback (DOF) distributed model predictive control (DMPC) problem for discrete-time polytopic uncertain systems under synchronous Round-Robin (RR) scheduling. In order to alleviate the computation burden and improve the system robustness against uncertainties, the global system is decomposed into several subsystems, where each subsystem under synchronous RR scheduling communicates with each other via a network. The RR scheduling is adopted to avoid data collisions, however the updating information at each time instant is unfortunately reduced, and the underlying RR scheduling of subsystems are deeply coupled. The main purpose of this paper is to design a set of resilient DOF-based DMPC controllers for systems under the consideration of polytopic uncertainties and synchronous RR scheduling, such that the desirable performance can be obtained at a low cost of computational time. A novel distributed performance index dependent of the synchronous RR scheduling is constructed, where the last iteration information from the neighbor subsystems is used to deal with various couplings. Then, by resorting to the distributed RR-dependent Lyapunov-like approach and inequality analysis technique, a certain upper bound of the objective is put forward to establish a solvable auxiliary optimization problem (AOP). Moreover, by using the Jacobi iteration algorithm to solve such a problem online, the distributed feedback gains are directly obtained to guarantee the convergence of system states. Finally, two examples including a distillation process example and a numerical example are employed to show the effectiveness of the proposed resilient DMPC strategy.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the event-based asynchronous finite-time control for a class of cyber-physical switched systems under Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks. Considering the attack’s characteristics, we put forward a novel attack-instant-constrained hybrid event-triggered scheme (HETS), which can not only contribute to reducing the network transmission overload, but also well descibe the network denial service behavior under attack interference. An asynchronous and ZOH-based controller is delicately constructed to mitigate the influence of DoS attacks and network-induced delay. A double-mode dependent Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional (LKF) is developed to set up some sufficient finite-time stability criteria for the concerned systems in view of the asynchronous switching effect. Finally, an application example of the urban railway system is offered to verify the proposed control algorithm.  相似文献   

In this paper, for three-dimensional interception of multiple missiles on a maneuvering target, a prescribed-time salvo attack guidance scheme with impact angle constraints and impact time constraint is investigated. The target accelerations are estimated accurately by a prescribed-time extended state observer. With the proposed guidance scheme, it ensures the LOS angles converge to desired values within a predetermined convergence time, and achieves salvo attack at a predetermined impact time. Prescribed-time convergency is shown for the proposed observer and controllers. Finally, the validity of the proposed guidance scheme is verified through numerical simulation.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an active resilient control strategy for singular networked control systems with external disturbances and missing data scenario based on sampled-data scheme. To characterize the missing data scenario, a stochastic variable satisfying Bernoulli distributed white sequence is introduced. Based on this scenario, in this paper, two different models are proposed. For both the models, by using Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional approach, which fully uses the available information about the actual sampling pattern, some sufficient conditions in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) are separately obtained to guarantee that the resulting closed-loop system is admissible and strictly dissipative with a prescribed performance index. In particular, Jensen’s and Wirtinger based integral inequalities are employed to simplify the integral terms which appeared in the derivation of stabilization results. Then, if the obtained LMIs are feasible, the corresponding parameters of the designed resilient sampled-data controller are determined. Finally, two numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control design technique.  相似文献   

This paper develops a robust state-feedback controller for active suspension system with time-varying input delay and wheelbase preview information in the presence of the parameter uncertainties. By employing system augmentation technique, a multi-objective control optimization model is first established and then this controller design is converted to a static full-state feedback controller design with robust H and generalized H2 performance, wherein the model-dependent control gain is evaluated by transforming the related nonlinear matrix inequalities into their corresponding linear matrix inequality forms based on Lyapunov theory, and then LMI (Linear-Matrix-Inequality) technique is applied to solve and obtain the desired controller. A numerical simulation case is finally provided to reveal the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed controller.  相似文献   

本文讨论了自主创新战略的内涵与本质,分析了学术交流制度对知识创新的作用,并以科协系统的学术交流为例提出了自主创新战略下的学术交流制度改革。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the nonsmooth noncooperative games (NGs) over unbalanced digraphs, where each player has a nondifferentiable payoff function. Meanwhile, these players are subject to local nonsmooth inequality constraints, local convex set constraints and coupled equality constraints. Due to the coexistence of nonsmooth payoff functions, unbalanced digraphs and constraints, existing generalized Nash equilibrium (GNE) seeking strategies are fail to address our problem. Based on subgradient descents, differential inclusions, projection and primal-dual methods, we develop a distributed seeking strategy. Besides, the convergence of the strategy is proved. Finally, the proposed method is applied to electricity market games (EMGs) of smart grids.  相似文献   

本文介绍了网络图书管理系统的设计总体线路和管理信息系统的相关理论,并对本系统进行了系统分析和设计,包括功能需求描述、数据库设计以及本系统的具体实现.对本系统开发过程中的结论及使用过程中的体会进行了总结.  相似文献   

当前中国的可持续发展面临3大挑战:一是经济增长的可持续和经济转型的后续动力不足;二是某些资源环境负载达到极限状态;三是某些关系国民健康和权利的产品和相关主体行为挑战法律和道德底线。这3方面都要求确立包含经济绩效指数、环境绩效指数和社会责任评估指数的新评估体系战略,覆盖国家、区域、企业3个层面的行为主体,以实现经济、环境和社会责任的综合评估。鉴于国家在推行绿色GDP评价体系中的经验教训,在经济、环境和社会之间的复杂性系统模型尚未形成前,可按照先易后难的原则,分别形成经济、环境和社会责任的评估体系,由执行主体在实践中予以综合。新评估体系战略要求用改革的思路调整原有评价体系的结构,要求法治进程的相向而行,包括制定相关的法律和确定法定构架。文章提出了可持续发展新评估体系构成的3条具体建议,强调以整合报告为基础的评估,是新评估体系战略在企业层面的具体体现。  相似文献   

Sila-substitution (C/Si-exchange) of drugs is one of the approaches currently used in the search for new biologically active organosilicon compounds. Replacement of specific carbon atoms in drugs by silicon results in changes in chemical and physicochemical properties as well as in the structure. As a consequence, the biological properties, such as pharmacological potency and selectivity and toxicity, may be influenced. Systematic sila-substitution seems to be a useful and efficient strategy in drug design and should be regarded as a complementary tool for the development of new drugs.  相似文献   

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