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Given the growing use of online learning environments in higher education, it is important to further unravel how students’ use is influenced by their perceptions towards these learning environments. This study includes the perceived quality of the instructional design based on the First Principles of Instruction of Merrill and students’ acceptance based on the constructs perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of the technology acceptance model (TAM). The aim of this study is twofold: a first aim is to investigate the influence of the perceived instructional quality on students’ acceptance and the second aim is to investigate the impact of students’ acceptance and the perceived instructional quality on the quantity (i.e. course activity) and quality (i.e. course performance) of use. In this study, a Moodle-based online learning environment for learning French as a foreign language was studied. Participants were 161 university students. Structural equation modeling (SEM) indicates that the perceived instructional quality has a significant positive influence on students’ acceptance. Furthermore, students’ perceived instructional quality has a positive influence on the quality, but not on the quantity of use, whereas students’ acceptance of the online learning environment has no impact on the use of the learning environment.  相似文献   

对外汉语教学策略探究——以越南留学生为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着中国和越南在经济、文化领域合作的加强,来中国学习汉语的越南留学生也不断地增加,针对越南留学生的汉语教学研究也具有了重要的意义。文章以语言学理论和对外汉语教学理论为理论支撑,以160名越南留学生为调查对象,通过调查研究的方式,从汉语的学习主体———越南留学生本身的特点(学生对汉语语言的态度、学习动机、学习目的、学习策略等)来对越南留学生的学习特点及针对越南留学生的教学策略进行研究。  相似文献   

英语专业新生培训课程的实验报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学新生面对新的学习环境、学习内容、教学方法、管理模式等,感到不适应、不知所措,影响了他们的学习积极性。学生非常需要教师的指导。培训课程首先通过问卷调查形式了解学生的语言学习观念和语言学习策略,根据其中反映出的问题,教师有针对性地在语言学习理论,语言学习策略,学习任务和学习要求等方面对学生进行指导、培训,目的是帮助学生尽快适应大学学习,学会如何学习外语,成为独立的学习者。  相似文献   

校园英语环境是英语课程的重要组成部分,能为学生语言实践提供空间场所。本文认为应当在校园内营造一个学生随时随地可看、随时随地可听、随时随地可说的英语氛围,让学生经常有用英语的机会和使用英语的可能,通过语言环境的构建来促进学生的语言学习。  相似文献   

本研究力图建立多元化、立体化的英语学习环境,探索一种为学生提供多层次、多渠道发展机会和空间的新型教学模式。在这一新的教学模式下,学生既能打下扎实的语言基础,其语言应用能力也能得到切实的培养。该模式框架由课堂教学、课外学习、语言实践三大模块构成。  相似文献   

Telepresence has been playing an important role in a mediated learning environment. However, the current design of telepresence seems to be dominated by the emulation of physical human presence. With reference to social constructivism learning and the recognition of individuals as intelligent entities, this study explored the transformation of telepresence and its association with learning. A sample practice was performed and evaluated to understand students’ response toward the transformed telepresence. The results revealed that students recognized the presence of their peers in the transformed telepresence, and this enhanced their interest in the related activity conducted in the mediated learning environment. More importantly, students reported various cognitive processes of learning and new thoughts regarding the subject content. The findings of this study suggest that transformed telepresence creates a specific medium for human expression with particular properties and powers. This medium offers a new aspect of collaboration among participants for enhancing language learning.  相似文献   

本文采用Lynn O’Brien的学习风格调查表对高职学生的感知型学习风格及其与外语成绩的相关性进行了调查研究。调查结果显示,感知型学习风格对外语学习成绩有影响,触觉型风格偏向与外语成绩之间呈显著负相关。该结论对高职外语教师的启发是:教师应了解学生的学习风格,同时结合培养目标和学习任务采用相应的教学方式,如在该研究中应适当增加满足触觉型学习风格偏向的教学方法与考试形式,这不仅有助于提高学生的外语成绩,更有利于全面拓展学生的学习能力。  相似文献   

二级学院学生英语学习自主性的调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自主学习能力对于英语学习者来说非常重要。通过问卷和访谈的形式对国有民办二级学院学生英语课外学习的自主性进行了调查,发现学生课外投入到英语学习的时间很少,学生课外自主学习的能力较弱,除“读”以外,其他语言技能都较弱,特别是“说”。对这部分学生课堂教学要注意培养学生的学习能力,提高他们学习的自主性,并为他们提供课堂语言环境,多开展“说”的练习。  相似文献   

This paper reports a design-based research (DBR) cycle of MyCLOUD (My Chinese ubiquitOUs learning Days). MyCLOUD is a seamless language learning model that addresses identified limitations of conventional Chinese language teaching, such as the decontextualized and unauthentic learning processes that usually hinder reflection and deep learning. MyCLOUD focuses on developing new learning practices among students who traverse the in-school and out-of-school learning spaces, in the hope of bridging the formal and informal aspects of language learning. This paper focuses on two stages of DBR across 13 months and traces students’ artifact creations and social interactions facilitated by the design and re-design of the learning environment. The findings indicate that the students’ participation rates and the qualities of their artifacts and online interactions were significantly improved towards the second stage of the intervention. The key implication from the DBR cycle is that the teachers need to plan and enact enculturation activities to systematically promote the motivation and qualities of artifact creations and online interactions. “Facets” of artifact creation and online interaction skills are distilled to guide the enculturation design as a result.  相似文献   

文章以心理学及语言学关于倦怠的研究为理论基础,从学习者三语环境态度视角调查分析沧源佤族中学生英语学习倦怠。通过研究发现:(1)沧源佤族中学生三语环境态度呈消极,三语(英语)学习倦怠呈较强趋势;(2)学习者三语环境态度与三语(英语)学习倦怠高度相关并且呈高度负相关趋势;(3)三语学习倦怠表征与一般外语学习倦怠一致,但成因相异。  相似文献   

With the rapid development of technologies, online learning, especially email dialogue journaling, has been playing an increasingly important role in foreign language learning and teaching in recent years. While many studies have examined the effect of email learning on student learning performance, few have looked into students’ attitudes towards email application and its impact on their learning outcomes. Positive user attitudes (high self‐efficacy) have been considered critical factors that contribute to the subsequent and successful academic performance. By integrating email for the reading learning process, this study developed an electronic‐based peer collaborative environment to explore students’ attitudes towards email application in reading classes. Specifically, the relationship between students’ self‐efficacy and their reading performance was examined. The results demonstrate that most students maintain positive attitudes towards the potential outcomes of email application on reading achievement. Furthermore, the feature of electronic discussion has a greater direct effect on the reading enhancement. Implications of certain designs of email tasks for an enhanced second language reading development are presented.  相似文献   

陈德云 《教育学报》2003,(10):46-49
别具风格的整体语言教室 ,是充满让学生使用语言的情景的特殊环境 ;与生活世界紧密相连的语言学习 ,使整体语言教学帮助学生通过课程去感知和理解自己的世界 ;英语教学与其他学科的统整 ,让语言作为一种媒介 ,一种载体 ,在利用语言探究其它学科知识的过程中 ,使语言技能得到发展  相似文献   

This study examined (1) differences in background, integrative/instrumental motivation, learning approach, leaning strategy and proficiency in second language (L2) and (2) the determinants of learning outcomes between Hong Kong and Mainland (Chinese) students. To achieve this, a questionnaire survey was distributed to 773 s language learners across four universities in Hong Kong and Mainland China to students in Bachelor of Education (English Language) programmes. The results showed that L2 proficiency was the strongest predictor of learning outcomes for Hong Kong and Mainland students, while integrative motivation was also a significant predictor of learning outcomes in both sample groups. In addition, instrumental motivation, deep approaches, and learning strategies were found to be significant predictors of learning outcomes for Mainland students. Mainland students demonstrated lower levels of motivation, learning approaches, learning strategies, L2 proficiency, as well as learning outcomes relative to Hong Kong students. Implications for curriculum design, classroom teaching and assessment, and future research are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

高校英语教育目前大都难以突破传统课堂教学模式的框架,而社会不断提高对大学生英语实用能力要求,"教与学"的矛盾尤为突出。在现有的教育资源和环境下,突破传统课堂教学模式,利用挑战性任务教学法,对培养持久的学习动机、将外语学习、性格培养和职业规划统一在外语教学之中有着积极的作用。  相似文献   

以表演活动带动大学英语教学的互动过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以课堂戏剧表演的形式,探讨在大学英语教学中创设一个生动的学习环境,使学生积极、自然地习得英语。文章介绍了在《新编大学英语》主题式的教学模式下,运用已有教学素材,在学生经过阅读、听、说训练并获得一定量的语言输入的基础上,指导学生开展更高层次的角色扮演(mleplay),在表演中巩固所学知识,从而达到运用英语进行交际的最终目的,同时也带动了互动式的大学英语课堂教学。  相似文献   

英语影视欣赏能够激发学生的学习兴趣、创造良好的语言学习环境和氛围,迅速提高学生的英语学习成绩和语言运用能力,并能增进学生对西方国家文化的了解和文化素养的提高。本文着重阐述了影视欣赏对英语教学的重要意义,并分阶段讨论了影视欣赏课程应把握的关键环节,从而能对大学英文影视欣赏教学法的应用带来有益思考和启迪,对学习英语有更大的帮助。  相似文献   

计算机辅助语言学习近年已经成为语言学习方面的一个热门话题,国家也在大力推动以计算机为基础的网络语言学习平台。本文结合计算机辅助语言学习的发展趋势,阐述了现代多媒体网络课堂中教师、学生和计算机的相互关系以及依据建构主义理论的学生个性化自主学习在网络环境下的实现。  相似文献   

网上语言学习作为一种时新学习趋势正在悄然兴起。在影响语言学习的各种因素中,性别差异毋庸置疑将被给予特别的重视。此研究从生理与认知差异的不同角度,分析了两性差别,并以分析这种差别对于网上语言学习所带来的对学习成果的影响为目的。此研究主要通过问卷调查的形式,样本来自50位大学在校学生和来自不同背景的社会在职人员。研究的结果表明性别差异的确在网上语言学习的质量方面起着重要的作用,并且对网上语言学习者和基于网上学习的研究者都有着重要的指导作用。  Keywords:languagelearning;genderdiffer ence;web-basedlearning  相似文献   

有研究表明,在线学习对学习者的作用是正面的,学生对于在线学习保有极高的兴趣和主动性。但我们关于三峡大学学生在线学习课程的实验表明,学生在线学习动机经历四个阶段,兴趣并不总是高涨的,学习热情也会衰退。如果没有教师的合理引导以及网络课程的合理设计,学生在线学习还需面对很大的挑战。本研究基于三峡大学语言学习中心现有的设施,重点研究该校非英语专业学生在网络平台下的自主学习动机现状,以期发现新环境下的自主学习之不足并提出自主学习策略的建议。  相似文献   

文章总结了以网络环境下“引导入门、导学先行、突出服务、互动实践、兼顾情感”的远程英语教学模式为框架进行公共英语教学模式改革的尝试和体会,目的是为了探索网络环境下师生交互和生生交互的内容和形式,以进一步提高公共英语教学质量。试验结果证明,网络环境下教师与学生之间、学生与学生之间的交互更加方便快捷,新的教学模式己经被我们的学生接受和认可。  相似文献   

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