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鉴于目前对工程教育中的一些重大问题及教育中的若干普遍问题尚未形成明确共识,故择其要者进行了再思考,包括:工程教育的实践性问题,教育公平与教育卓越的平衡问题,工程教育的分层问题,宏观教育政策中的供求关系问题,教育评估问题,课程教学中实践与理论的交叉融合问题,双师建设问题,大学前后的工程教育问题.一己之见,意在就教于海内方...  相似文献   

教育政策问题确认是教育政策动态运行过程的逻辑起点,而明晰教育政策问题的内涵和特征则是教育政策问题确认的前提和基础。教育政策问题是指基于特定的教育客观情境,为了协调现存的教育利益、价值冲突及满足未来教育价值的公益性诉求.由政府或教育行政部门予以确认和试图解决的公共教育问题及公益性教育价值诉求。本文结合师范生免费教育政策问题,分析了教育政策问题的内涵和特征,以期为提高教育政策制定过程的科学性有所裨益。  相似文献   

网络教育伦理是网络教育中重要领域之一,在网络教育研究和实践过程中,存在许多伦理问题,并且没有得到重视。在厘清网络教育伦理与教育伦理、网络伦理之间的关系后,对网络教育过程中存在的网络教育不平等、数字鸿沟、网络异化等网络教育中主要伦理问题进行了阐述,并初步提出了应对策略。  相似文献   

从功利主义教育向素质教育转型是当代社会给教育提出的新课题,可什么是素质教育,该如何实施,却始终是困惑当代教育界的基本问题,只有厘清这些基本问题,探索实施素质教育的可能性途径,素质教育才可能真正地展开。  相似文献   

公民教育讨论必然涉及文化维度的思考。在全球化时代,我国公民教育更应该关注文化问题。当前我国公民教育的研究与实践遭遇了三种文化问题:在西方文化成为霸权文化的情况下如何处理西方公民文化与我国传统文化的关系,多民族国家内部共同文化与少数民族文化的关系问题,社会弱势群体公民教育中的文化资本问题。  相似文献   


Distance education issues affect nearly all participants in higher education, whether or not they are planning to offer (or to take) on-line courses. These issues are affecting business-university interactions as well as the relationship between faculty mem bers and their institutions. This article discusses an assortment of concerns in the USA and many other Western nations related to the nexus between on-line distance education and the traditional classroom, including intellectual property, evaluation and equity. These matters are being heavily influenced by the emerging international market for higher education offerings and by heightened competition from for-profit institutions. Discourse on distance education issues is likely to stimulate thinking about the nature of higher education, especially on the part of students who are being presented with an increasing array of educational options. Faculty members are facing issues of critical importance (especially in the realm of intellectual property rights), issues that will shape the nature of higher education as an entity.  相似文献   

儿童双语教育已经成为我国中小学教育教学的重要内容,从儿童双语教育的相关理论研究入手,分析了当前实施儿童双语教育所面临的几个问题,最后提出了成功实施儿童双语教育的几种有效措施.  相似文献   

近二十年来,大学生德育教育已经取得了很大的进展,基本上形成了一套较为完整的系统.但是,我们也必须清醒地看到,当前大学生德育教育还存在很多问题.文章通过分析当前影响大学生德育教育的症结,提出其教育方法.以加强大学生的德育教育力度,促进大学生整体素质的提高.  相似文献   

关于远程教育中有关核心问题的分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
远程教育自20世纪70年代以来已经获得长足的发展,关于远程教育的一些概念和实际问题的探讨受到越来越多远程教育工作者的重视。该文试图对20世纪70年代以来有关远程教育的概念和实践问题进行初步的分析,以进一步明确远程教育的内涵及其在实践中所应关注的核心问题:课程资源开发,学习者支持服务,媒体的选择与整合,教学管理。  相似文献   

马克思主义哲学教育是按马克思主义哲学理论本性进行的教育。由于传统教科书理论形态的局限,使我们在现实的马克思主义哲学教育中面临一系列必须正确处理的重大问题,诸如实践性、实践第一、唯物辩证思维方式和辩证逻辑思维等问题。正确认识这些问题,对于搞好马克思主义哲学教育和构建马克思主义哲学新理论形态,无疑具有重大的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

“三农”问题的核心是农民问题,而解决农民问题的根本出路在于大力发展农村教育。当前,农民子女受教育的年限和受教育的质量都与城镇居民的子女有较大的差距,现在的首要问题是各级政府要加大对农村教育的投入,真正使农民的子女接受九年义务教育;同时,采取各种途径大力发展职业教育,让农民掌握现代农业生产技术,从根本上解决“农民问题”。  相似文献   

大学生退学呈上升趋势引起社会对高校入学教育的关注,高校入学教育存在着突出问题,诸如内容安排不合理、形式单一、时间较短等等,入学教育组织者应正视这些问题,推进入学教育改革,提升教育质量,为成功实施大学教育奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

民族教育研究在推进民族地区教育发展和和谐社会建设中具有基础性、前瞻性、先导性作用。新时期我国民族教育研究工作的原则是:坚持以科学发展观统领民族教育研究工作 坚持实事求是,理论联系实际,大力推动民族教育研究的理论创新 坚持为民族地区教育发展和和谐社会建设服务的方向 坚持传承与发展、继承与创新相结合,坚持立足中国,面向世界。新时期我国民族教育研究的主要任务有:民族教育学理论体系的研究与构建,民族地区基础教育问题的深化研究,民族高等教育和职业教育问题研究,民族教育的特殊政策研究,民族地区双语教学模式的研究,民族地区多元文化课程问题研究,多元文化教育理论的国际比较研究,民族认同与民族地区青少年心理教育问题研究。  相似文献   

A sharper profile of environmental education is needed to improve the quality of future environmental education. This involves an understanding of the conceptions related to ‘environmental issues’. It is argued that environmental issues have to be understood as issues in the community with conflicting interests at several levels. At the same time the authors argue for the development of the ‘action competence’ of the pupils as the main goal of the new generation of environmental education and refer to promising findings from Danish environmental education, mainly from the MUVIN Programme.  相似文献   

Progression from a foundation degree to an honours degree has become an increasingly popular pathway through higher education. The route creates dual institution scenarios in which students can progress from a further education institution to a higher education institution. This paper reports on research into the academic and social integration of progression students into a higher education institution to complete their honours degree. It highlights the ways in which progression students face many first year issues whilst completing the final stage of their higher education studies and possible ways of addressing these issues. The evidence presented here suggests an explicit need to recognise not only the academic and social issues of progression, but also how these relate to the wider physical and cultural changes experienced. It also suggests that these issues are often overlooked by research which focuses almost exclusively on variables affecting the retention and attrition of traditional first year students.  相似文献   

构建有中国特色的远程教育理论体系需要进行元分析和元研究,即研究构建远程教育理论体系的基本问题。其中,远程教育的逻辑起点和主要矛盾是两个与远程教育概念定义及远程教育及其研究领域界定直接相关的基本问题。本文对上述两个基本问题进行了历史追溯,并给出了新的见解。  相似文献   

This article describes the issues in early childhood education that were most pressing during the past two decades. It indicates whether each issue has been settled and outlines urgent new issues for today. In 1967 the most salient issues were the importance of early childhood for education, when early education should begin, whether it could compensate for childhood experience at home, and whether the effects of early education were permanent. In 1972 the central issue was the best kind of early educational program. By 1977 attention had shifted to ways that early education could be done most efficiently and cheaply, whether parent education was the answer, and how it worked. By 1982 a new issue had arisen: the effects of full-time day care on preschool children's development. Today's most pressing issues seem to be finding ways to maximize the fit between programs and participants, the implications of the superbaby trend, and the effects of day care on infants' development.  相似文献   

科学合理的《教育学》教材内容对学习者获得全面和深刻的教育学知识有重要意义。中外有主要论述教学问题的《教育学》,全面系统和比较全面论述教育教学问题的《教育学》,主要研究教育哲学或教育基本理论问题的《教育学》等。现代中国的一些《教育学》教材则存在心理学化和教学论化、理论化和学术化、重智育轻德育等问题。科学合理的《教育学》教材内容组成应该坚持基础性和全面性相结合、理论性和实践性相结合、公共性和有特色相结合等标准和原则,概括阐述教育学的基本问题,处理好与心理学和教学论、公共知识和个人知识、基础性与最新研究成果等关系,高度重视内容科学化和针对性研究,严格编写和编辑资质和程序等。  相似文献   

This article considers issues raised by attempting to place spirituality in the context of religious education. While, this might appear to be the least problematic for marriages, or most obvious pairing of dancing partners, when considering how it can be addressed in other curriculum subjects, on closer inspection, perhaps it gives rise to some of the most disturbing issues formal education has to face. These issues range across interconnected themes related to philosophical inquiry, national context and tradition, social values, and the rights of citizens in democratic communities. The argument presented is that whether, when we interrogate these issues in the context of different social histories, with special reference to England and Wales, we find that the concept of spirituality questions current constructs of education and religious education.  相似文献   

2009年,中国比较教育学者在中国比较教育学的历史发展、比较教育学的基本原理性问题、世界著名比较教育学家的比较教育思想、比较教育学的研究范式和方法论建设、比较教育研究的人员和学术期刊等方面的研究取得了卓越成果。本报告以2009年全国教育类权威刊物《教育研究》和比较教育学专门期刊《比较教育研究》、《外国教育研究》、《全球教育展望》刊载的比较教育学科建设方面的论文为依据,通过分析其中的重要理论与方法问题,对2009年我国比较教育学科建设研究的一系列重要研究论题进行述评。  相似文献   

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