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提出一种基于PSTN(公用电话网络)的数字远程视频监控系统的设计方案。系统整合多媒体、数字图像处理及传输技术,结合嵌入式系统及FPGA大规模可编程逻辑技术,利用现有的PSTN建立通信网络实现远程的视频监控与处理。用户只需拨打监控现场的电话号码,就可监视现场的实际情况。与传统的监控系统相比,该系统容易运行与维护,实现终端联网经济和方便。  相似文献   

显微数码互动教室不仅向人们直观地展示出微观世界,而且使教师教学与学生探究的过程更加高效、便捷,增强互动性和实践性,从而提高教学效率,体现"课堂教学首先是个过程"的新课改理念.  相似文献   

数字视频技术是一种重要的外语教学辅助手段,它主要用于外语类数字视频资源的二次开发。此类技术如WinAVI Video Converter、Premiere6.5和Easy RealMedia Producer,可以协同完成外语教学中有关DVD光盘资源的素材获取、编辑和输出。这种多媒体教学应用为师生建立了一个多元化的情境式学习环境,可以提高了学生的语言理解和运用能力。  相似文献   

我国偏远地区教师专业发展的不均衡主要因素之一是缺乏优质资源.本研究在网络视频课程案例应用的基础上,提出了应用专家点评的视频课程案例支持中小学教师提高教学质量的应用模式和过程.论文首先对应用视频课程案例进行学习的基础进行了系统分析;然后构建了基于视频课程案例的中小学教师的学习过程和应用模式;最后,以"首都师范大学基础教育点评平台"为案例进行了系统的说明,从而形成了系统有效地利用网络视频课程案例资源支持区域偏远地区中小学教师教学的可行途径.  相似文献   

In this article, we theoretically explore how the deliberate use of video during literacy field experiences creates a text that can be read by triad members and can ameliorate the problem of relying on memory to engage in reflective conversations about literacy teaching and learning. The use of video, tools, and interactions with knowledgeable others to facilitate the reflection process is discussed. We also write about the ways video can be used within the triad model of supervision to develop the pedagogical content knowledge of prospective teachers, inservice teachers, and university supervisors.  相似文献   

This study examined the use of digital video editing as the main venue for fostering reflection. The impact of digital video editing technology on preservice teachers' beliefs included shifts in (a) reflections regarding children's thinking, (b) planning and instruction informed by reflection, and (c) notions of teaching expertise and requisite knowledge. Results were based on an instructional approach emphasizing the exploration of preservice teachers' own planning and teaching as they edited their own video accounts. These findings contrast typical video usage in teacher preparation in which teachers reflect upon the practice of others. Implications for teacher education programs and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

文章基于对新疆师范大学2004级实习支教生支教工作及体验与收获的问卷调查,分析了支教生支教工作及存在问题,提出了增进新疆高师院校实习支教生体验与收获的对策:明晰支教生的角色定位和文化使命、增设多元文化教育课程、保持三类知识间的关联与渗透、践行一体化的实践活动训练及规范对支教生的实习指导与考核评价。  相似文献   

数字测图实习的组织实施与体会   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍数字测图实习的要求,对数字测图实习的组织实施过程中的若干问题进行了探讨,给出了数字测图实习中的经验与体会。  相似文献   

基于数字校园平台,以体验式教学理论为指导,进一步革新大学英语教学模式,尝试进行数字化体验式英语教学,该模式突破了单一的"以教师为主体"的模式,强调了学生在学习过程中的主体角色,在提高学生英语综合应用能力的同时,也注重培养学生的自主学习能力。基于此,文章着重探讨了数字校园平台下体验式大学英语教学创新策略。  相似文献   

介绍一种新颖教学用数字视频编解码系统,重点论述了系统构成、设计、功能和特点,以及程序设计方法和选题。系统具有单片机、可编程逻辑器件(CPLD)、帧存储和数字视频的编解码,适合综合实验教学、培训用,具有较高使用价值。  相似文献   

目的:为提高胃肠外科的带教水平和效果,探索高清腹腔镜手术视频录像在临床带教中的效果。方法:选取2017年7月—2018年7月期间进入胃肠外科的96名临床外科实习医师、研究生和低年制住院医师,每周进行胃肠外科腹腔镜手术视频观看,并安排一名主治以上医师进行现场讲解和答疑。最后通过统一的出科考核并与上一年度的考试成绩进行对比,同时对学生进行问卷调查,评价教学效果。结果:出科考试的平均成绩为86.3±3.7分,高于上一年度的78.8±2.9分(P<0.05);问卷调查结果显示:认为对胃肠和腹部脏器的解剖知识掌握有帮助的达95.5%,对胃肠手术流程和解剖变异学习有帮助的达93.8%,对临床带教有帮助的达96.7%,对带教老师满意度高达100%。结论:视频观看的教学方式更加直观、形象,更具吸引力,更有利于学生掌握临床基础知识;同时可以有效地激发学生的学习兴趣,提高他们对带教的满意度。  相似文献   

The need for an international, or at least European, system of recognition of academic and professional qualifications increases as the professional job market becomes more and more international. On the contrary, no widely accepted European system exists at present, not even in engineering, although in this field the situation appears more advanced than in others, thanks to the comparatively great international experience and exchanges in the academic and professional worlds. Thus, notwithstanding a European Community Directive of 1989 that intended to make easy the trans-national mobility of all professionals, and the 1997 ‘Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education in the European Region’ promoted by the Council of Europe and UNESCO, international exchanges and mobility still encounter difficulties, due partly to long-standing prejudices, but also to insufficient mutual knowledge of the different national systems and significance of the degrees awarded. This paper summarizes briefly the present situation in the European Union with regard to recognition and accreditation of engineering degrees and qualifications, illustrates the actions undertaken by Working Group 2 of the EU-supported Thematic Network ‘Higher Engineering Education for Europe’, and advances a tentative proposal with regard to the gradual, bottom-up establishment of a system for mutual recognition and accreditation of degrees and professional qualifications in engineering.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an experimental project in digital video editing with 10 year olds in the UK which explored their interactions with creative digital technologies. Data on the pupil’s interactions with the software was gathered on video and analysed. A theoretical framework drawn from second generation activity theory was applied and tensions resulting from mismatches between pupil’s approaches to the task and the ways the task were framed are reported on. The paper argues that pupils exhibit a number of behaviour based roles in relation to the technology dependent on compliance with the instructions of the teachers, creativity and their desire to explore the affordances of the technology. The paper concludes by asking questions about how new forms of cultural production such as digital video work can be incorporated authentically into school settings, and how a pedagogy to support learning with new types of technology can be developed by drawing on insights provided by socio-cultural approaches to understanding technology use in human activity systems.  相似文献   

自然分材教学针对传统教学难以照顾到学生差异、学生学习被动依赖等弊端,通过调动学生自主性,借助小组合作形式,以自学、互帮、释疑、反思等为基本环节,使学生之间的互动大大增强,教学质量得到较大幅度的提升,较好地实现了减负增效的教学目标,使师生体验到了教与学的幸福感.  相似文献   

"数字信号处理"课程多媒体双语教学的探索与体会   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
在电子信息类本科生专业课程“数字信号处理”的多媒体双语教学探索过程中,本文总结了一些有成效的举措和经验,讨论了所遇到的问题及带来的思考,最后就如何将双语课切实深入地开展下去提出了一些设想。  相似文献   

根据MPEG-2压缩视频的原理,提出了一种基于DCT域的MPEG-2视频水印技术的设计方法。该算法将水印信息经Arnold置乱后嵌入到视频I帧的色度DCT中频系数中,并且充分考虑了人眼的视觉特征。新算法易于实现,具有较高的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

在分析目前流行的集中式非线性数字视频编辑系统优劣势的基础上.提出一种网络化解决方案,通过利用百兆以太网高速传输性能,以较低的成本,实现分布式的处理与存储,并提供较合理的功能可扩展性.对系统目标,技术路线,拓朴结构、实验结果做了分析介绍.  相似文献   

数字影像技术的飞速发展和广泛应用,对各个行业领域产生巨大影响,也为竞技体育的训练技术现代化带来广阔的发展前景。数字影像技术是顺应时代发展的现代化竞技体育训练手段,已经成为竞技体育训练技术发展的必然趋势。本文通过在田径训练中制作数字影像资料,有针对性的对运动员进行技术教学分析研究,发现在田径训练的辅助教学中运用数字影像资料,能够让运动员在对比环境中对技术动作的认识由感性上升到理性,迅速掌握技术,提高训练成绩。  相似文献   

视频案例教学:法律教学的新突破   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
法律视频案例教学把法律案例与多媒体教学结合起来,既可发挥二者的优势,又克服存在局限,实现法律教学新的突破,因而具有推广的现实意义和发展远景。  相似文献   

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