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大学文学课专题研究型教学模式的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究性教学是大学教学改革的新方向,是培养创新型大学生的科学平台,专题研究型教学是大学文学课教学的一种集前瞻性、实用性、科学性于一体的教学模式.文章检讨了大学文学教学现状,论述了大学文学课专题研究型教学模式的特征和专题研究型教学模式的实施过程.  相似文献   

从语言角度看文学与从文学角度看语言是不同的。具体说来,从语言角度看文学,标明文学是语言的运用和组合,文学性直接源于语言内部;从文学角度看语言,标明语言外在于文学,是文学的某种手段和工具。对于二者加以区别并不纯粹是一种文字游戏,它表明了我们的语言态度和语言观。  相似文献   

从文学观察力与其他观察力 (主要是科学观察力 )比较的角度看 ,文学观察力完整直观的注意和摹写和主体情感的外射和融合的审美特性 ,显示了文学观察力与众不同的本质。从文学观察力自身的比较中 ,析其捕捉、发现、创造等审美层面 ,文学观察力高低优劣也是各有因由的。从这两点出发 ,得出结论 :文学观察力是社会生活创造成文学创作对象的心理能力  相似文献   

当前许多汉语言文学专业大学生对古代汉语课不感兴趣已成一种普遍现象。本文着重从把语言教学与文学教学有机结合起来、充分发挥汉字的表意功能,用古代文化感染学生,综合运用多种教学方法等几个方面探讨了如何激发大学生的学习兴趣。  相似文献   

诵读是高校汉语言文学专业汉语课、口语课教学的一个重要组成部分,对于提高大学生的综合素质,特别是口才的表现力有着重要的作用.本文从诵读的意义入手,就高校汉语言文学专业学生的诵读教学提出了自己的看法和对策.  相似文献   

90后大学生在校期间(课上和课下)存在失范行为.从学生角度看,造成失范行为的原因是对专业知识不感兴趣、个人主观喜好、实用主义至上、缺乏明确的人生规划、自律能力差;从教师角度看,这种失范行为是由于人生方向迷茫、实用主义需求得不到满足、高校课程设计存在瑕疵和学生缺乏社会阅历所导致.因此,高校应强化学生的人生观引导、激发学生的学习动机、更加合理地设计课程和加强校园学风的建设.  相似文献   

从文学观察力与其他观察力(主要是科学观察力)比较的角度看,文学观察力完整直观的注意和摹写和主体情感的外射和融合的审美特性,显示了文学观察力与众不同的本质。从文学观察力自身的比较中,析其捕捉、发现、创造等审美层面,文学观察力高低优劣也是各有因由的。从这两点出发,得出结论:文学观察力是社会生活创造成文学创作对象的心理能力。  相似文献   

高师的钢琴演奏课与伴奏课既相通又有区别,常规教学中一直分开没立。虽然从时代的角度看也有科学的一面,但随着教育市场的变化和学科的进一步发展,演奏课与伴奏课合二为一将有可能成为高师钢琴课新的趋向。  相似文献   

英美文学课是高校英语专业必修课程之一,具有非常重要的地位.本文简要阐述了中外英美文学教学模式,分析了目前高职高专院校英美文学课教学存在的问题,探讨了英美文学课教学改革模式,为提高大学生综合素质开辟了一条新路.  相似文献   

新近,参加了一些文学课教学的研讨会,会上听到一些切实可行的建议,也出现某些颇为时髦的提法,引起我们深思。 不讲“传授”,哪来接受 曾有人依据西方接受美学的理论,主观地论定: 从阐释和接受的心理学角度看,衡量一个文学课教师课堂教学的成功与否的标志,不在于他单向传授知识的多少,而在于对学生接受心理机制把握的好坏。  相似文献   

One hundred and twelve children, 56 toddlers and 56 preschoolers, were observed in their family child care settings to determine whether toddlers cared for in settings that also included preschoolers were, relative to the preschoolers, receiving more or less high-quality care and/or whether their functioning at child care appeared to be more or less dependent on aspects of the care providers’ interactions with the children. Quality of care was analyzed along two dimensions: sensitive/supportive care and structured care. Four indices of child functioning at child care were examined: integration in social activities, attention, positive mood, and angry/aggressive behavior. Results indicate that toddlers received less sensitive, supportive care than preschoolers in these mixed-age settings and toddlers were less socially integrated and less engaged in activities in the child care setting. Preschoolers displayed increased levels of angry/aggressive behavior relative to toddlers. In addition, associations of care provider behaviors and child functioning were larger for toddlers than preschoolers, suggesting that toddlers were more dependent on caregiver support for more successful functioning in these family child care settings. For both toddlers and preschoolers, care provider behavior and child functioning was generally poorer in settings with more children.  相似文献   

In 2008, the federal government allotted $7 billion in child care subsidies to low-income families through the state-administered Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF), now the government's largest child care program (US DHHS, 2008). Although subsidies reduce costs for families and facilitate parental employment, it is unclear how they impact the quality of care families purchase. This study investigates the impact of government subsidization on parents’ selection of child care quality using multivariate regression and propensity score matching approaches to account for differential selection into subsidy receipt and care arrangements. Data were drawn from the Child Care Supplement to the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study (CCS-FFCWS), conducted in 2002 and 2003 in 14 of the 20 FFCWS cities when focal children were 3 years old (N = 456). Our results indicate that families who used subsidies chose higher quality care than comparable mothers who did not use subsidies, but only because subsidy recipients were more likely to use center-based care. Subgroup analyses revealed that families using subsidies purchased higher-quality home-based care but lower-quality center-based care than comparable non-recipients. Findings suggest that child care subsidies may serve as more than a work support for low-income families by enhancing the quality of nonmaternal care children experience but that this effect is largely attributable to recipients’ using formal child care arrangements (versus kith and kin care) more often than non-recipients.  相似文献   

哲学以其独特的品格,对自然、社会、人生进行着不懈地终极关怀。通过论述哲学的价值和意义,澄清人们对哲学世俗化理解。  相似文献   

Young children's experiences outside of both home and school are important for their development. As women have entered the labor force, child care has become an increasingly important context for child development. Child care experiences prior to school entry have been well-documented as important influences on children's academic and socioemotional development. However, less is known about the importance of non-parental, out-of-school care for young school-age children's development. Using a nationally representative sample of kindergartners (n = 16,888), this study examined the relationship between child care experiences during the kindergarten year and children's academic and socioemotional skills. Given that the amount of time available for child care is by definition related to the type of kindergarten a child attends, differences in the relationship between child care and child development were explored separately by full- and part-day kindergarten. Results showed that across both types of kindergarten, more hours of center care during the kindergarten year were associated with small improvements in math test scores for all children. Any center child care during the kindergarten year was associated with increased problem behavior and decreased prosocial skills, even after accounting for a large number of confounding factors. Differences by family income and child gender were also investigated. Implications for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

National and state child care policies are shaped in part by studies of child care quality. The majority of these studies focus on variables that influence child outcomes. Katz suggests that this is but one of four perspectives on child care quality, and that parents, children, and child care staff have perspectives on child care quality that have not been adequately addressed. This article reviews the variables, measures, and studies associated with each of these four perspectives. The authors argue that given the preponderance of studies conducted from the professional/researcher perspective, more effort should be directed to studying child care quality from parents' children's, and child care staff members' viewpoints.  相似文献   

Given the relatively large body of literature documenting the adverse impacts of institutionalization on children’s developmental outcomes and well-being, it is essential that countries work towards reducing the number of children in alternative care (particularly institutional care), and, when possible, reunite children with their families. In order to do so, reliable estimates of the numbers of children living in such settings are essential. However, many countries still lack functional administrative systems for enumerating children living outside of family care.The purpose of this paper is to provide a snapshot of the availability and coverage of data on children living in residential and foster care from some 142 countries covering more than 80 per cent of the world’s children. Utilizing these country-level figures, it is estimated that approximately 2.7 million children between the ages of 0 and 17 years could be living in institutional care worldwide. Where possible, the article also presents regional estimates of the number of children living in residential and foster care.This work represents an important step to systematically identify and compile sources of data on children in alternative care and provides updated global and regional estimates on the magnitude of the issue. Its findings contribute to raising awareness of the urgent need to strengthen the capacity of countries to improve national systems for counting, monitoring and reporting on these vulnerable children.  相似文献   

The distribution of attachment styles has been shown to differ between groups of children living with their parents and children placed in alternative care (AC), defined as residential or foster. However, this is the first study in Latin America to explore possible factors affecting the quality of attachment in children living in both residential and foster care. Two groups of children (N = 57) were compared: one group living in Residential Homes (RC) and the other in Foster Care (FC) in Chile. Children’s, caregivers’ and structural factors (e.g., child: caregiver ratios) and their links with attachment styles were investigated. The micro caregiving environment (i.e., the specific individual child caregiver relationship), especially the caregivers’ engagement, sensitivity, disciplinary control and affection, as well as some structural factors (i.e., child: caregiver ratios), were linked to attachment security in children. Specifically, better emotional caregiving and lower child-caregiver ratios were associated with higher rates of secure attachment. The association between quality of care (as measured by the HOME inventory) and attachment styles seems to be influenced by caregiver relationships (as measured by CCSERSS). Caregiver relationship factors (i.e., affection, engagement and sensitivity) directly impact the quality of the attachment children establish with them while living in AC. However, the relationships that caregivers establish with children under their care can be facilitated by good quality structural factors, particularly child-caregiver ratios.  相似文献   

翟晓云 《培训与研究》2008,25(8):119-121
幼儿读物是幼儿认识世界的重要媒介之一,幼儿读物对幼儿的发展有着不可替代的影响作用。笔者通过访谈、观察呼和浩特、乌兰察布市的一些图书市场,以及对幼儿家长的调查问卷,发现当前幼儿读物存在以下问题:幼儿读物的种类多但质量参差不齐;主题过于单一而缺乏创意;内容繁杂而良莠不齐;题材多外国经典而少本土原创;形式多样但安排不当;多媒体电子读物对幼儿图书阅读形成一定的冲击。  相似文献   

综述了国外社区姑息护理中护士的工作范畴,国内姑息护理概况,提出以社区为核心的姑息护理模式是我国姑息护理的发展方向,并论证新模式的优越性,以及社区护士在新模式中的重要作用和目标。  相似文献   

教育者们面临着挑战:丰富一种教学的道德词汇内涵,使它敏感于活生生的、经验过的教学关系。本文通过对“关爱”意义的简略探究,给出了一个现象学困惑,它涉及到专业的“关爱”概念和日常“关爱”体验之间的关系。专业的“关爱”概念常常忽略其敏感而微妙之处,但对许多父母和教师而言,“关爱”被体验为忧虑和责任,而这种忧虑常会由于自身的幸福感受被忽略。面对这一困惑,作者围绕“当道德语言变成专业的理论词汇、意义变得模糊或被消解之后会发生什么”的问题展开讨论。  相似文献   

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