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Threshold concepts in research education and evidence of threshold crossing   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Most work on threshold concepts has hitherto related to discipline‐specific undergraduate education, however, the idea of generic doctoral‐level threshold concepts appeared to us to provide a strong and useful framework to support research learning and teaching at the graduate level. The early work regarding research‐level threshold concepts is further developed and reported in this paper using research carried out with supervisors into their identification of threshold concepts and research students' crossing of these thresholds. The research was conducted in two stages involving 65 experienced research supervisors across six countries (Australia, England, Jamaica, Malaysia, New Zealand and Trinidad) and across Humanities, Social Sciences, Engineering and IT and the Sciences. The first stage involved written responses from 26 experienced supervisors related to the learning challenges experienced by research students and their supervisors. The second stage of the research involved in‐depth interviews with 39 supervisors regarding student learning challenges and successes at the research level. Responses were analysed, resulting in the identification of six possible generic research threshold concepts, which evidence themselves in the quality and level of the students' work at different stages in that work: argument; theorising; framework; knowledge creation; analysis and interpretation; and paradigm. The data analysis also suggests a number of indicators that signal when learners have crossed conceptual thresholds to gain, articulate and put into practice one or more of these threshold concepts in their research learning.  相似文献   

Twenty years after the statements of Ausubel, much research has been done on pupils’ ideas but little has been done on strategies that make use of these ideas in teaching, especially in biology education. Moreover little research, up until now, concentrates on concepts regarding Environmental Education. For Environmental Education the concepts of Cycles and Health are important. In this paper pupils’ ideas on these concepts are assessed and represented and common pupil ideas between the two concepts are discussed. A teaching strategy based upon pupils’ ideas is elaborated.  相似文献   

心理健康理念是影响大学生心理健康水平的主要因素之一。通过自编问卷对上海市3所高校不同专业、年级大学生的心理健康理念与心理健康水平进行调查,结果显示:大学生心理健康理念状况一般,处于中等水平;大学生心理健康理念的性别、专业存在显著差异,年级差异不显著;大学生心理健康理念与其心理健康水平有着显著的正相关,大学生心理健康理念影响其心理健康水平的程度从高到低依次为心理问题表现、心理健康内涵、心理健康调适方法和心理健康影响因素。  相似文献   

工作倦怠与工作压力的关系及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工作压力和工作倦怠是两个不同的概念。两个概念在研究时间、影响因素和解决途径上几乎相同。在定义的维度、表现和产生过程方面不同。对概念进行辨析可以为工作倦怠问题的研究及解决提供新的途径。  相似文献   

"客家民系"的概念是由罗香林先生于上世纪30年代首先提出,对客家文化研究产生了深远的影响。当"族群"的概念进入学术视野后,很快被学者运用到客家研究领域,进而形成了"客家族群"的概念。近年,在客家研究领域,"客家族群"的使用频次已经超过"客家民系"。对"客家民系"与"客家族群"两者进行概念上的辨析,再从田野与历史的视角中寻求学术界接受"客家族群"的理由,并通过这一概念的转变来反观概念变化背后所存在的原因。  相似文献   

旅游产品与旅游服务是旅游研究及教学中两个极为重要而又经常被混淆的概念。虽然二者在本质内涵上有明显的区别,即旅游产品是具有实物形式的物质产品,而旅游服务则是以劳务形式为主的服务行为,但在实践中却经常组合融汇在具体的旅游活动过程中,关系密切,难分彼此。因此,研究和探讨旅游产品和旅游服务的概念内涵及其两者之间的关系,对于促进旅游理论研究的深入和旅游业的发展具有重要的意义和价值。  相似文献   

Bloom field于1933年提出的"向心结构"和"离心结构"概念,在语法学界产生了深远的影响,但向心结构和离心结构的理论区分因其存在"天然不足",给包括Bloom field本人在内的许多语言研究者带来了困惑和难题。本文就汉语语法学界围绕"布龙菲尔德难题"进行的研究做个简单的回顾和总结。  相似文献   


A study of the development of children's conceptions with respect to projectile motion was carried out in Ukraine and Israel, with the participation of 1017 subjects in grades 3 to 12. The purpose of the research was to investigate the fundamental hypothesis of genetic epistemology with respect to concepts of motion. The fundamental hypothesis states that the development of children's concepts of nature parallel the historical development of the concepts. It was found that the development of children's concepts of motion proceeds by stages, with the concepts at each stage parallel to a corresponding historical stage. A mathematical model was constructed to describe development by stages quantitatively. The theoretical model gave an excellent fit to the empirical data, and this supports the hypothesis of parallelism. The two‐country research made it possible to compare the effects of quite different school science curricula upon the development of children's concepts.  相似文献   

"教学论"与"教学理论"是分别从德文与英文翻译过来的两个不同的教育概念。尽管其各自的研究都共同指向课堂教学,但由于源于不同的文化传统,它们在思维方式和研究范式、研究对象、范围和方法以及对教师地位和角色的规定方面都存在诸多差异。"教学论"与"教学理论"是两种难以通约的研究范式,前者根植于德国深厚的新人文主义的"教化"(Bildung)传统,属于欧洲唯理主义哲学为理论基础的"教育学"范式;后者则与课程论以及不同取向的教育心理学相联系,属于经验主义和实证主义为理论基础的"教育科学"范式。清理20世纪我国从西方不同文化传统引进的教育学科的概念,弄清不同概念的含义及其在我国语境中的变化,是新世纪重建教育学科的一项重要的基础性工作。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Automatic summarization has attracted much attention both in the research community and busi- ness community as a solution for reducing informa- tion overload and helping users scan a large number of documents to identify documents of interest. A multi-document summary has several advantages over the single-document summary—it provides an integrated overview of a document set indicating common information across many documents, unique information in each document, and cross-d…  相似文献   

试析研究生教育管理学的理论体系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
开展研究生教育管理学理论体系的研究具有重要的理论和现实意义。建立研究生教育管理学的理论体系必须遵循从抽象上升到具体的科学方法论。其理论体系的形成包括逻辑起点、中介概念、中心概念、后继概念、过渡性概念以及逻辑终点等基本内容  相似文献   

Because concepts are the building blocks of theory, concerns for theoretical adequacy in organizational communication research blur a more fundamental concern for the authenticity of the concepts upon which organizational communication theory is based. Organizational communication scholars must strive to achieve greater conceptual authenticity in their efforts to construct theory of high integrity. After a discussion of the role of concepts in theory construction, definitions for the notions of authenticity and integrity are provided. Next, six criteria that may be used to assess conceptual authenticity are proposed. These criteria: 1) communication relatedness; 2) rigor; 3) uniqueness; 4) impact; 5) depth; and 6) relevance, represent elements of a criterion model for assessing the authenticity of new and current concepts in organizational communication theory and research.  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent research in the area of initial fraction concepts. The common goal of the empirical studies which are represented in this analysis was to assist children develop a meaningful understanding of the rational number construct, founded on durable fraction concepts. Two interpretations of findings were derived from the research. One group of researchers identified initial fraction concepts emerging from the application of intuitive mechanisms, in particular partitioning in either continuous or discrete contexts, and leading to unit identification and iteration of the unit. The other group of researchers identified ideas of ratio and proportion present in young children's early thoughts about fractions.By generating links between studies, integrated research is created and consensus regarding critical problems and future directions is reached. Concluding remarks pose questions for further investigation.  相似文献   

新技术(计算机、计算器、网络)使学生更接近数学概念和拥有数学经验,使数学探索、数学实验以及提高概念的学习效果成为可能。  相似文献   

旅游、旅游业与旅游学是三个各自不同而相互关联的概念。但学界和业界对三者的界定与认识均尚欠明晰。文章在前人研究基础上对三个概念、属性及研究方法进行了辨析与梳理。认为三者具有不同的定义,分属不同的范畴,拥有不同的研究方法及研究对象。但旅游业的产业属性、旅游学学科分支的构建与旅游的基本属性密切相关。  相似文献   

强调对称性分析在物理学研究和物理课教学中的重要作用,介绍物理学中的对称性概念;探讨如何把这些概念融合进课堂教学中去。  相似文献   

随着城镇化问题研究的不断深入,与城镇化问题有关的各种概念解释也随之迅速涌出.在借鉴诸多专家学者的理论研究基础上,通过对与城镇化问题有关的一些概念的总结,提出了自己的观点和建议,期望能得到科学的概念解释和合理的统计指标,为城镇化问题的理论研究提供统一的概念标准和全面准确的统计数据,也为实际统计工作的实施和政府制定城镇化政策提供参考.  相似文献   

邓程 《天中学刊》2004,19(3):61-64
近代以来的古代诗歌研究从浪漫主义的角度,提炼出许多概念,比如神秘的宇宙意识、永恒、有我与无我等。研究者并以此为标准对古诗进行褒贬,这使古诗面临一个前所未有的尴尬境地。  相似文献   


The use of threshold concepts to define key points of curricula is a relatively recent development in educational research. Threshold concepts represent crucial stages of learning, the acquisition of which enables learners to progress from one level of achievement to another. In this context, the learner is described as passing through an unsettling liminal space in which they may encounter troublesome knowledge and experience uncertainty or anxiety. When applied to online pedagogy in higher education contexts, academic staff become the learners as they extend their on-campus teaching knowledge into the online realm. In this setting, the identification of threshold concepts has the potential to inform the content of professional development (PD) programmes for novice online teachers. Because little research has yet been reported on threshold concepts associated with online teaching, this study identified these threshold concepts and investigated their specific nature. Funded by an Office for Learning and Teaching Australia Grant, the project employed a mixed-methods research approach. A mixture of qualitative and quantitative data was gathered from responses to questionnaires and reflective journal entries provided by university educators who were teaching in online contexts. Also, experts in the fields of PD, online teaching and threshold concepts were consulted using a modified Delphi technique that incorporated two rounds of surveys. Results of this study are discussed in association with potential applications to PD design for novice online educators, informed by the most fundamental learning experiences encountered by their more experienced colleagues.  相似文献   

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