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社会关系是人在社会互动中形成的关系,人类活动的种种制度化形式,都是在种种人类互动中发生的社会关系的凝固化、制度化形式。社会互动作为社会学一个中心概念,它是个体层次与社会结构层次的中介,是由个人走向群体以至更大的社会组织制度的转折点。研究日常生活中的社会互动与制度变迁的关系,对我们探索宏观的社会整体以及复杂的社会结构具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The concept of “Bildung”, substantially developed by Wilhelm von Humboldt, and the French concept of “instruction”, substantially defined by the Marquis de Condorcet, have heavily influenced schools in German and French speaking cultures. School subjects as the general principles of ordering school knowledge prevail as soon as Bildung/instruction becomes granted by state institutions. I maintain that school subjects are the socio-historical form of the modern school system, through which Bildung/instruction continually develops in contradictory ways. On the basis of a concise definition of “Bildung”, mirrored by the contemporaneous concept of French “instruction”, the paper shows that school subjects become the common form and measure for organizing and distributing knowledge and know how to be taught and learned during the 19th century. Four theses are discussed concerning the way school subjects realize the ideals of Bildung in many contradictory forms: 1. The canon of school subjects guarantee manifold contents for developing capacities for students, in part through a realization of Humboldt’s and Condorcet’s concepts. 2. They integrate contradictory demands of society: Bildung, moralization in the sense of “governing the soul” on the one side, national cohesion, selection and distinction between students on the other. 3. They allow contents coming from higher education levels to enter primary schools. 4. They combine universal contents with local and regional ones.  相似文献   

Against the background of a growing diversity and fluidity of family life in modern western societies, the arrangement of everyday family life has become quite demanding for individuals and families. The reflection of individual notions of family as well as the development of concepts of a fulfilling everyday family life has become a recurrent challenge throughout the life course, particularly relevant during transitions in family life (e. g. the transition to parenthood, the reentry of the main caregiver into the labor market, or the transition into post couple parenthood after separation or divorce). Although family theory recently developed the concept of ‘doing family’ to highlight the need to maintain and arrange family life day after day, there is little knowledge on how individuals develop family concepts and how these concepts are adopted to changing life circumstances. In this article we present a research approach which allows to empirically study the reflection and development of family concepts and to work out family concept-related processes of learning and ‘Bildung’. We will illustrate our theoretical and methodological considerations by presenting results from a case study that is part of an ongoing longitudinal study.  相似文献   

Dreaming our future: Developing democratic professional practice?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper addresses issues in relation to recent criticism of teacher education, set in the broader context of political agitation for changes to the purposes, role and outcomes of education within society. The paper raises questions around the purpose of schooling and its role in modern societies and argues for the pedagogical importance of critical dialogue to a democratic conceptualisation of education and promotes the idea of professional education as democratic practice.  相似文献   

"Bildung"是德国思想传统及教育领域中一个特有的概念。历史上,这个概念的形成与发展经历了从宗教到人文、从反对理性主义到反对人的异化的转变。作为一个过程,"Bildung"在目的上追求内在的自我完善,在内容上倡导自由的经验,在方式上主张在与世界的互动中实现自我转化。无论从技术性社会还是从现代学校系统的角度来看,这个概念在当代语境下都具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

Lifelong learning remains a powerful and valid concept important for the evolution of higher education and the university in the changing context of globalization, 30 years after its first popularization around 1970. Like the related concept of the learning society, it suffers trivializing fashion and reductionism. As we move into a phase of universal tertiary education, it is all the more necessary to understand how to enable universities to become learning organizations playing a distinct role in a fast-changing world. Enterprise is an essential associated characteristic, rather than a betrayal of the essentially academic. Universities need to function as open systems, building partnerships and sharing networks in and beyond their localities, and playing leading roles in the creation of learning regions and in new modes of knowledge protection. A grasp of these issues points the way for universities to survive as valued and unique social institutions adapted to and playing an active part in the making of knowledge societies.  相似文献   

从《德意志意识形态》中《费尔巴哈》章所强调的意识形态与实践唯物主义的对立及其反讽表述看,"世界历史"观念颠倒地反映着人类社会整体化趋势,是马克思恩格斯批判的意识形态;与之相对,世界市场理论历史和具体地呈现出人类社会整体化趋势的内在机制和历史意义。由于误读了"世界历史"概念的理论性质,所以"马克思创立‘世界历史’理论"是个假命题。  相似文献   

理解黑格尔国家理论的关键在于把握他所说的自由和普遍利益这两项密切相关的概念。对此,现有的研究常常存在一些误解。我们固然可以将黑格尔所说的自由界定为遵从理性指引这一前提下的自主、自我决定或自我实现,但在作出这种界定时还必须明确意识到这里的自主、自我决定或自我实现总是与自我否定紧密结合的。自由在于自我决定与自我否定的综合。黑格尔所说的普遍利益并非人们通常所说的公共利益或整体利益,而是明确地指向以否定性为根本特征的国家主权。基于上述理解,我们能更充分地体会到,在黑格尔那里,国家不仅是市民社会的对立物,还是人与自由之间的中介者。  相似文献   

黑格尔法哲学中的市民社会理论是其法哲学中的核心理论部分。黑格尔认为市民社会由需要体系、司法以及警察和同业工会三个环节构成。在黑格尔的法哲学中,市民社会是客观精神发展的一个阶段,是一种体现了特定伦理精神的伦理实体,也是逻辑发展的展开环节之一。黑格尔的市民社会理论包含着超越其历史时代局限的深刻洞见,为审视现代性社会提供了具有启发性的思想资源。  相似文献   

Educational theorists ranging from Ivan Illich to Jan Masschelein and Maarten Simons have described institutionalized schooling as a modernized, secular church, full of rituals, sacraments, and various incantations. For them, the function of the teacher as priest and schooling as baptism is highly problematic, separating education from the common world. As such, the educational theology of the school needs to be suspended in order for educational life to take on new meaning beyond the sacraments of learning. To further this line of inquiry, we turn to the work of Giorgio Agamben on the oath and its originary function of guaranteeing the truthfulness of language (‘sacrament of language’). Insofar as the oath is also operable in learning (in the voice of the teacher), we argue that such operability can be suspended through a dialogic practice called ‘community of infancy’, thereby making possible new, profane forms of educational life beyond baptism.  相似文献   

康德和黑格尔在现代性哲学中都占有重要地位。康德从认识论问题进入现代性问题,认为哲学的任务是寻找社会精神生活统一性的力量。黑格尔意识到作为伦理学关系调节力量的公共理性同康德建立在个体意识基础的理性概念的矛盾,认为康德的理性概念不能支撑现代性的大厦,并实现理论上的超越。但黑格尔对现代性的理解也存在着局限性。  相似文献   

Philip G. Altbach 《Interchange》1992,23(1-2):143-163
Universities are central institutions in modern societies, providing education, research, and communication of scientific information needed by technologically based societies. The focus of this essay is on the role of universities in the emerging economies of the Newly Industrializing Countries (NIC) of the Pacific Rim, although this discussion has relevance for all countries seeking to enter the ranks of the industrialized nations. Universities in the NICs are especially important because they are the windows through which modern science enters society. Academic institutions have also served to provide an important critical voice to emerging democracies because their faculties often contribute to public debates and discussions. The roles of faculty and students in the development of the NICs is also examined in this essay.  相似文献   

回归生活世界的教育学   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
现代教育学的危机,不是人们通常所认为的——它还不够科学的问题,而在于其把自身确立为教育学的唯一形式。学校教育就长期被这种教育学所控制,并因此而排斥其他形式的教育学。而这一切,又都根植于现代教育教学与个人魅力、共享知识和共同体情境的剥离之中。但现代教育学依然不能阻挡其他形式的教育学发声,现代社会也不单纯只有这一种教育学。对现代教育而言,迫切需要的是重新认识这几种并存的教育学之间的内在关联。通过将教育情境更加教育学化,而不是使教育学更多地成为个人的知识压力,完全可以为生活世界中的民间教育学提供一片广阔的制度空间。教育者和学习者的命运都将因此而重建。  相似文献   

Intelligence should not be considered merely a trait of individuals. Rather, intelligence is best conceived of as the product of a dynamic process involving individual competences and the values and opportunities afforded by society. In America today, the conception of intelligence, and concomitant forms of schooling and assessment, ought to be modified to enable young individuals to assume meaningful adult roles in society. Formal schooling ought to be complemented by apprenticeships in the community, and assessment should be refashioned to take into account a far wider range of competences. Finally, assessment vehicles ought to provide information that helps individuals to enhance their cognitive competences in authentic domains of knowledge.  相似文献   

对贫困问题的关注是黑格尔法哲学的一个重要内容。他认为市民社会中必然产生贫困和贱民问题。怎样解决贫困,是推动现代社会并使他感到苦恼的一个重要问题。在市民社会解决贫困问题上,他不满于当时的自然法理论、古典政治经济学理论和普遍意志的国家理论的做法,提出市民社会必须解决贫困及其相关问题、普遍权利代替家庭和教会应成主要角色、理应减少主观性和偶然性力求客观的普遍性方式以及必须与市民社会的原则相容等四条主张或原则和重建同业公会的设想。  相似文献   

在多元化的语境下,现代社会存在着日益严重的政治认同危机。为化解现代政治的认同危机,查尔斯.泰勒提出了"承认的政治"的构想,试图通过公共领域的平等对话协商出文化社群自治的形式,从而经由对多元文化的正当承认而获得确实的政治认同。然而,泰勒重建政治认同的一揽子方案也面临重重困境,对个体自由可能带来的束缚、对话的困难和较强的乌托邦色彩,都使其无法成为消弭现代政治认同危机的两方。  相似文献   

以现代远程教育为核心构建多种教育形式的立交桥   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪是知识经济的社会,是信息的社会,同时也是人人终生学习的社会,在这样的社会里,只有以现代远程教育为核心,来改造其它形式的教育,才能构筑起多种教育形式相互沟通的立交桥,从而为人人终身学习创造良好的环境服务。  相似文献   

采用文献分析法,并加入质性研究的访谈叙事法,前者从黑格尔的精神现象学,论述教化的本质与意涵;后者则辅助说明教化蕴含的人文、伦理与审美的力量可以深入学生的心灵,唤起学生的自尊、自信和自主性,也可激发教师反思并改变其对学生的态度,落实以学生为中心的教育理念,并彰显思觉行盼是教化哲学观的基本要素,促使教育活动得以兼顾具自主意识的个体主体性与实践伦理的社会性。质言之,若教育活动不违其以德为核心的本质,则教育与教化乃一体之两面,即两者均在化育人才,使其知书达礼,恪尽职责,有守有分,是士人、是君子、是高尚品格的仁者,乃至于圣人。确立了教化乃主体性与社会性辩证合之知行活动,具有批判性思考的社会性意义,也是诗意教育学理情兼容并蓄的旨趣,故对受工具理性扭曲的台湾教育可发挥震聋启喟之功,对透过诗意教育学的倡导,以导正被扭曲之教育本质、学术研究与学习自由以及教师尊严等,提供本土教育改革理论建构的参照。  相似文献   

当代大学生人际交往的特点及存在的心理障碍解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在以竞争和合作为重要特征之一的现代社会,当代大学生人际交往质量及形成的人际关系直接影响其在校期间的学习、生活、身心健康乃至未来的发展。解析当代大学生在人际交往方面表现出的特点,探究影响其人际关系建立和发展的心理障碍,对于寻找有效对策,提高其人际交往质量具有积极意义。  相似文献   

The German concept of “Bildung “ has an early Utopian tradition. This article features and discusses arguments and notions of one of its originators, Wilhelm von Humboldt. “Vermenschlichung” of culture and society was the aim of the normative idea which he conceptualized within a feudal situation that, in fact, only admitted “citizenship without a city”. Two models of such immaterial forms of citizenship are inherent to von Humboldt's concept of “Bildung”: 1. the topos of the exclusive “Gelehrtenrepublik” and 2. the universal cosmopolitan idea of mankind. According to Rang, these concepts later became substitutes for real citizenship, but they sometimes paved the way to a liberal, broader‐minded political engagement.  相似文献   

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