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苏格拉底式教学法是教师以讽刺为武器,在使学生认识真理以前,首先创设矛盾情境,唤起学生的求知欲望,再与学生进行探讨,通过频频发问,刺激诱导,让他们自觉地探求真理。苏格拉底式教学法与多媒体网络教学相结合,借助各种教学传媒和教育技术,将学习过程变成学生主动探索知识、培养创新能力的过程。  相似文献   

This article argues that the Socratic Dialogue in the Nelson and Heckmann tradition will prove a considerable contribution in training teachers. A review of the literature and empirical research supports the claim that the Socratic Dialogue promotes student teachers' interpersonal sensitivity while stimulating conceptual understanding. The article provides a new definition of the Socratic Dialogue and introduces the idea of common concept formation. A concrete Socratic Dialogue in the context of teacher education is discussed by way of illustration. Finally we suggest a manner of integrating Socratic Dialogue in teacher education and propose a line of further research.  相似文献   

苏格拉底的"产婆术"思想与释迦牟尼佛的"中道"思想都是人类历史上著名的教育思想和文化思想,二者都强调人对自我存在的反思与觉醒。苏格拉底认为,教育的根本目的是培养高尚的人,强调智慧和美德;释迦牟尼佛的教育目的就是成佛,即成为明悟宇宙人生"中道"本体的觉者,强调体验、超越、悟性。苏格拉底的"产婆术",其方法的根基是认识论的;释迦牟尼佛的"中道",既是方法性的,也是本体性的。  相似文献   

文章选用苏格拉底与Meno 的奴隶关于几何问题的对话为研究工具,选取某校六年级的34名学生进行苏格拉底对话教学,对话严格按照苏格拉底与Meno 的奴隶几何问题的顺序。对结果进行分析后发现:苏格拉底对话的跨文化、跨时间一致性,并且在苏格拉底对话关于几何问题的对话上,数学成绩好的学生和数学成绩差的学生存在显著差异。  相似文献   

Assessment in education is a recent phenomenon. Although there were counterparts in former epochs, the term assessment only began to be spoken about in education after the Second World War; and, since that time, views, strategies and concerns over assessment have proliferated according to an uncomfortable dynamic. We fear that, increasingly, education is assessment-led rather than learning-led and ‘counter to what is desired’ in an ugly judgemental spirit whose moral underpinnings deserve scrutiny. In this article, we seek to historicise assessment and the anxieties of credentialising students. Through this longer history, we present a philosophy of assessment which underlies the development of a new method in assessment-as-learning. We hope that our development of a conversation simulator helps restore the innocence of education as learning-led, while still delivering on the incumbencies of assessment.  相似文献   

作为文本的法律--"苏格拉底教学法"的引入与检视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏格拉底方法引入英美法的教学而形成案例教学法,是与英美法系的特质、诉讼方式以及法学教育制度密切相关的。中国法属于成文法,法条背后隐含了法学理论,法学教育仍须以制定法的注释为核心任务,并支撑法学专业教育。在法学教育中引入苏格拉底方法的路径,其实质就是法律文本的解读方法。为此,应借助于诸如社会学、经济学、历史学等其他学科的研究方法,与社会对话,使苏格拉底方法在法学教育中不致于堕落成单一的“案例教学法”。  相似文献   

苏格拉底将哲学家的思维与教育家的责任恰当地融合在一起,创立了自己独特的教学方法,即“苏格拉底法”。苏格拉底教学法是一种问答式、对话式的教学方法,他用启发式的教学理念,引导学生批判性思考,激发学生寻找真理的热情与欲望。用苏格拉底教学法激活思想政治理论课课堂教学,倡导做一名苏格拉底式的教师,将讨论、辩论引入课堂教学,尊重学生的主体地位,调动课堂的学习气氛,使其摆脱面临的困境,进而增强思政课课堂教学的实效性。  相似文献   


Kant’s commitment to autonomy raises difficult questions about the very possibility of Kantian moral education, since appeal to external pedagogical guidance threatens to be in contradiction with autonomous virtue. Furthermore, moral education seems to involve getting good at something through repetition; but Kant seems to eschew the notion of repeated natural activity as antithetical to autonomy. Things become even trickier once we remember that Kant also views autonomous human beings as radically evil: we are capable of choosing rationally and autonomously, but, left to our own devices, that same capacity for reason might tempt us to choose only out of a concern to satisfy our happiness. We thus need a moral education which realizes autonomy while dodging the dual bullets of external natural forces and internal evil forces. Ultimately, his concerns about external natural forces and internal evil forces do not lead Kant to reject either moral education or a role for repeated activity in it. Rather, he advocates a carefully circumscribed appeal to repeated activities within a course of Socratic moral education focused on encouraging the student, subjectively and first-personally, to claim her autonomy, resulting in the cheerful and vigilant exercise of virtue as an aptitude.  相似文献   

We studied what 13–15-year-olds believe teaching's components are. Thirty-six children viewed two films: direct transmission (DT) and Socratic teaching (ST) and a third film of a non-teaching conversation (C). We investigated the participants' understanding of teaching's components and the role of intentionality in teaching. All children judged that DT was teaching and that ST and the C were not. After revealing the teacher's intention to teach or its lack, nobody changed their judgments. Two explanations for these are the extent of exposure to teaching and that very young children in early childhood already hold a DT view of teaching.  相似文献   

This article examines and offers insights to a year of Socratic circles in the context of a world history classroom. Grounding this practice in relevant research before offering examples from the classroom and providing advice to practitioners, this discussion strategy offers an antidote to the often divisive and destructive examples of interaction in our society, and is a salve to the paucity of true dialogue available to students in the context of a school day. Students benefited by asking better questions, using evidence to support their opinions and arguments, reading more carefully and with a greater sense of purpose, and connecting the past to the present, ultimately gaining perspective on the interplay between ancient times and today.  相似文献   

素质教育的核心是培养学生的创新素质。在诸多与此相应的教学方法中,源远流长、影响巨大的当属苏格拉底教学法。它通过问答、交谈、辩论等引导学生深入思考,助其发现正确答案。有效讲授、提问、倾听并即时反馈是谊教学法的三个关键环节。它所构建的是培养学生创新思维、发现真理能力的师生互动教学模式。我们应当使用包括案例教学、模拟法庭、课堂辩论等在内的多元化教学手段和方法,使苏格拉底教学法在现代社套发展和延伸。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship among behaviorism, constructivism and Socratic pedagogy. Specifically, it asks if a Socratic educator can be a constructivist or a behaviorist. In the first part of the paper, each learning theory, as it relates to the Socratic project, is explained. In the last section, the question of whether or not a Socratic teacher can subscribe to a constructivist or a behaviorist learning theory is addressed. The paper concludes by stating that while Socratic pedagogy shares some similarities with each learning theory, ultimately it is fundamentally incompatible with both.  相似文献   

分析苏格拉底"产婆式"教学法的主要特征,提出"产婆式"教学法对高校教学的启示:确立大学生在教学中的主体地位,构建民主平等的师生关系,开发大学生潜能和激发大学生的求知欲,扩展大学生对人类思想及文化价值的理解;强调应用"产婆式"教学法要注意因时、因人制宜等问题。  相似文献   

文章探讨关联理论对预设可取消性的解释力。指出话语理解其实是改变交际双方语境的过程,语境是一变量,正是因为语境可以改变,预设才可以被取消。文章强调预设是语用的而非语义的。  相似文献   

During the 1838–1846 debates, the free traders evolved a line of argument describing manufacturers and laborers as mutually interested in tariff repeal. By a series of inferences, which may be stated as a sorites, repeal speakers argued that abolition of tariffs would result not only in competitive advantage to British manufacturers but also in higher wages for workers. As the debate progressed, the arguments shifted from emphasis on disadvantage to manufacturers to more emphasis on injustice of higher food costs for laborers and for the country at large.  相似文献   

The case-based teaching architecture provides a framework for computer-based learning environments that couple the benefits of active learning with learning from cases. A case-based teaching system consists of two interdependent components: a task environment that provides a learner with an engaging task, and a storyteller that monitors the learner's interactions with the task environment looking for opportunities to present instructive cases that will help the student learn from his or her situation. In Socratic case-based teaching, the task environment engages the learner in a dialogue by posing open-ended, thought-provoking questions. The development of Creanimate, a system designed to teach elementary school age students about animal adaptation, provided an opportunity to explore important research issues for the implementation of Socratic case-based teaching systems: dialogue management, indexing of cases in a computer memory, and reminding strategies for case presentation. Testing of Creanimate revealed patterns of use that illustrate the strengths and limitations of Creanimate as an implementation of the Socratic case-based teaching architecture.  相似文献   

There is more to be said about two of the topics Chris Peers addresses in his article Freud, Plato and Irigaray: A morpho-logic of teaching and learning (2012, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 44, 760–774), namely the Socratic method of teaching and Plato’s stance with regard to women and feminism. My purpose in this article is to continue Peers’s discussion of these two topics.  相似文献   

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