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儿童天真烂漫,惹人喜爱,有人喜欢他们的乖巧,也有人喜欢他们的顽皮,但顽皮的孩子经常会惹事生非,让大人整日提心吊胆。文中的两个小女孩就让她们的姑姑体验了一次  相似文献   

1. The Browns liked to collect stamps. They had a lot of valuable stamps. Recently, they paid a lot of money for six world-class rare stamps.2.They lived in Room902in ahigh building.They would take a walkout after dinner every day.3.One day when they returned from awalk and opened the door,they found astranger in their flat.They locked the doorinside,sothe stranger couldn’t run away.4.Mr.Brown called up the police atonce.The detective Jerry came in a shorttime.The stranger said that he ha…  相似文献   

The author reviews developments in publications on quality assurance of education in (European) higher education over the last decade. The metaphor of sub-atomic structure is used to order the literature in types ('shells') of similar publications, moving from those closely related with the practice of quality assurance methods to more theoretical publications. Some seminal publications are highlighted as 'quantum jumps'. The article ends by noting some recent trends in quality assurance at the system and institutional levels, as well as mentioning theoretically interesting developments, notably the emergence of neo-institutional approaches.  相似文献   

Continuing professional development (CPD) is increasingly becoming recognised as important for all professionals in order to maintain and develop their competence. Many professions, especially in the health field, require evidence of CPD in order for professionals to be granted continuing registration as practitioners. Given its accreditation as well as developmental uses, it is important that CPD is evaluated. The present study examines the usefulness of a hierarchical model for the evaluation of CPD for teachers. The data were derived from a sample of 223 CPD coordinators and 416 teachers from a randomly selected sample of 1000 schools in England. Questionnaire data were analysed using Rasch modelling. The results suggest a reasonable fit with the model, with participant satisfaction being the most commonly evaluated outcome while participants' use of new skills and student outcomes were the least likely to be evaluated, together with value for money according to teachers only. The implications for teachers' CPD are discussed.  相似文献   

Mobile technology – such as tablets, cell phones, and wearable devices – has the potential to play a useful role in promoting academic learning. This potential motivates this special issue on “Mobile Technology, Learning, and Achievement: Advances in Understanding and Measuring the Role of Mobile Technology in Education” edited by Matthew L. Bernacki, Jeffrey Greene, and Helen Crompton. Research on learning with mobile technology should focus on three research questions: Do students learn academic content better with mobile technology than with conventional media (media comparison question)? Which instructional features afforded by mobile technology cause learning (instructional method question)? Under what conditions do students learn academic content better with mobile technology than with conventional media (boundary condition question)? A research agenda is proposed.  相似文献   

In the context of British communitarianism there has been almost no educational literature which draws on this philosophy. The educational debate in Britain has suffered as a result of this neglect, therefore this article argues that British educational policy will benefit if it engages with the challenges of recent communitarian debates. The article introduces and reviews the meaning of communitarianism and explores the implications for some education policies in England and Wales.  相似文献   

一、教材分析本文是《义务教育课程标准实验教科书·英语》(仁爱版)七年级上册第一元第二话题的SectionA部分,旨在课文教学中实践新课程理念。本话题旨在学习介绍自己,了解他人来自哪个国家;通过一些体育明星、典型建筑、自然风光、国旗来学习一些国名。Section A故事情景安排在校园,讲述对方来自哪个国家的问句及答语。独立完成部分中给出了一些世界各地的精美图片,给学生提供了一个很好的练习句型及口语的机会。  相似文献   

What is the use of theory? A psychoanalytic discussion   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Freud asking whether psychoanalysis could be taught in the university, and then whether it could be learned, provides an occasion for asking about the emotional uses of theory. The paper draws from literature, clinical writing and pedagogy to build a psychoanalytic discussion of teaching and learning that takes seriously phantasies of knowledge made from the creation, conveyance and reception of theory. This learning complex involves symptoms in education: resistance to theory, fear of theory, fear of words, and writing inhibitions. Freud’s third model of psychoanalysis, ‘working through’, suggests a new approach to the use of theory in university.  相似文献   

Set against the background of efforts to promote sexuality education and sexual health in a university setting, this paper focuses on a sexual health seminar offered at a midwestern US university. Using a post-structural feminist framework, we analysed discourses from qualitative surveys, newspaper coverage and participant observation. We argue that the framing of the seminar posed an obstacle to receiving health care, altercasted women in disempowering roles and failed to acknowledge men's voices. It is important to address entrenched gender biases, power imbalances and assumptions that undermine students' engagement with sexual health education and access to services. Based on this analysis, we developed recommendations for sexuality education of university students informed by feminist understandings of health.  相似文献   

One of the most contested areas in relation to literacy has been the teaching of reading. The British National Literacy Strategy (NLS) was intended to foreclose the reading debate by taking a clear position on the teaching of reading and prescribing this for all schools. National policy makers have claimed that the NLS is underpinned by research evidence. The central question that informs this paper is: has the research evidence on the teaching of reading demonstrated that the greater emphasis on phonics evident in the NLS Framework for Teaching is justified? Empirical evidence in a number of key areas is reviewed: seminal work; teaching method evaluations; longitudinal evidence and the DfEE review of research and related evidence. It is concluded that there is a weak link between research and the prescribed phonics teaching in the Framework, and that changes should be made to reflect more accurately the research evidence.  相似文献   

School closures have been common in rural areas since the middle of the last century, when new and modern schools replaced small old‐fashioned schools with only one or two classrooms. Due mainly to the industrialisation of farming and hastened by the merging and globalisation of industry, the last 50 years have seen a migration of people from rural areas to large towns. This has caused closures of schools built in the 1950s and 1960s, which had been the pride of and a sign of development in local societies. These closures most often give rise to heated debate, the main cry of protest being that the closure of the school is a death‐blow to the local society. The present study is based on a qualitative analysis performed in 2003 of 30 Danish school closures in the period 1990–1999. The results show that school closure in itself does not have the devastating effects mentioned in the debate. The main problem for local societies is a lack of people and thus lack of human capital, and in remote areas and on small islands school closure is a sign of a community in the final phase of the death process, not a cause.  相似文献   

The impact of prison upon incarcerated individuals is considerably destructive and may lead to low mental health resiliency. Despite a large body of literature on resiliency, little is known about the process that the elderly go through in developing resiliency in the penal setting—hence, this grounded theory investigation. The overall intent of this investigation is to describe the process by which older male adults develop resiliency while in prison. The study used a grounded theory design. To gather the needed data, a two-part research instrument that included a robotfoto and a semistructured interview was employed. A total of 25 incarcerated Filipino elderly in New Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa City, Philippines were purposively selected. Field text was subjected to thematic analysis following Corbin and Strauss coding procedure. Interestingly, this study yielded the Maze Theory of Resiliency, which describes the Filipino elderly’s road to achieving resiliency. Initially, they go through the sending up phase in which they feel condemnation and uncertainty. The sending off phase captures the moments in which prisoners show signs of optimism and readiness to experience life in their new environment. Lastly, the sending in phase, prisoners became accustomed to the dynamics of penal environment—thus, achieving their sense of resiliency. The emerged theory from this study could help nurses in the early recognition of psychological deterioration and in providing counseling services to the incarcerated elderly without any prejudice. And at the same time, the theory could help implement nursing interventions appropriate for each stage of resiliency.  相似文献   

Keri Facer 《Literacy》2019,53(1):3-13
This essay examines the role of educators in the tangled economic, social, environmental and technological crises of the present time. It argues that a central purpose of education in this period is to support students to imagine and make liveable futures on their own terms. To do this, the paper proposes that the colonizing, optimizing and catastrophic stories that dominate accounts of the relationship between education and the future should be replaced by a recognition of students and worlds as co‐emerging. It introduces resources from the fields of anticipation, temporality and decolonial studies that gesture towards a new educational practice. It concludes by arguing that supporting students to make, tell and listen to stories has a critical role to play in enabling students to identify and articulate desires, hopes, fears and dreams for the future and to engage with the rich complexities of the present.  相似文献   

Language learning has undergone rapid changes over the past several years, from computer-assisted learning to the more recent mobile-device-assisted learning. Although mobile devices have become valuable language-learning tools, the evident substantial contribution of mobile devices to language learning have not yet been investigated. The present meta-analysis of 44 peer-reviewed journal articles and doctoral dissertations that were written over a 20-year period (1993–2013), with 9154 participants, revealed that mobile-device-assisted language instruction has produced a meaningful improvement with an overall mean effect size of 0.55. Different effect sizes for moderator variables, such as learning stages, hardware use, software used, intervention settings, teaching methods, intervention durations, learning skills, target languages, and L1/L2, were also reported. The results are discussed, together with their implications for future research and practices on the use of mobile devices in language learning.  相似文献   

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