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While interest in holding administrators accountable for school effectiveness has increased over the past decade, the quality of evaluation systems and corresponding assessments of their performance has not. Few empirical studies have focused on evaluating the performance of new administrators as they carry out important functions of their role, so little is known about the process of socialization and how it may affect the beginning administrator's job performance. The purpose of this study was to propose and test a model of socialization factors that may be related to the evaluation of new elementary and secondary assistant principals' job performance. These factors were grouped into three major sets: individual demographics, professional socialization (i.e., type of administrative preparation), and organizational socialization (e.g., school context). Results of the LISREL covariance structure analysis supported the proposed theoretical model, indicating that organizational socialization directly affected administrative performance. In contrast, the effect of professional socialization on performance was mostly indirect. Moreover, independent of socialization, women in the study were rated as more effective than men. While most of the variation in performance observed was very likely due to individual differences, the findings suggest the importance of considering how an individual is socialized into the profession and the specific school when appraising performance.  相似文献   

The central purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which community college faculty and administrators' perceptions of the organizational effectiveness of their institutions was related to their perceptions of the cognitive and behavioral complexity of the organizational cultures and the leadership roles performed by senior campus officials of their institutions. The findings show a strong relationship between perceptions of the organizational effectiveness of the institutions and the level of complexity in their campus cultures and the leadership behaviors of senior campus officials. These findings are discussed in terms of their implications for future research on the organizational effectiveness of colleges and universities and policy and practice initiatives that have the potential to improve the performance of these institutions.  相似文献   

Mentoring of Women Faculty: The Role of Organizational Politics and Culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article reports on a key finding of a phenomenological study on the mentoring experiences of women faculty. The study revealed the political climate of the organization as an essential attribute of this experience. Women faculty identified organizational culture and gender issues that affected the mentoring they received. This study suggests the need for human resource and organization development initiatives to facilitate the provision of academic mentoring for women faculty—individually, departmentally, and culturally—as a means to foster transformation and change in academic institutions.Sharon K. Gibson is an Assistant Professor of organization learning and development at the University of St. Thomas. She received her Ph.D. in adult education from the University of Minnesota. She holds an M.S.W. degree and graduate certificate in labor and industrial relations from the University of Michigan and a B.S. from Cornell University. Her research interests focus on developmental relationships including mentoring and coaching, strategic human resource and organization development, and adult learning.  相似文献   

学校组织文化是指学校在特定环境和历史条件下所形成的以价值观为核心的信念、作风、规范、仪式等精神现象。新课程的实施需要在学校中形成一种新的为全校师生所认同的、以价值观为核心的行为准则、道德规范等,也就是要重建学校文化。新文化的重建与旧文化习惯之间由于价值观、行为规范和科目间的概念系统等方面的差异,必然会引起冲突,认识并消融这种冲突是新课程实施的有力保障。  相似文献   

This study compares three cohorts (1998–1999, 2005–2006 and 2010) of undergraduate psychology students at a South African university on the level of support for working women (women in paid employment) on various issues considered to be feminist. Cohort 1 (n?=?244), cohort 2 (n?=?311) and cohort 3 (n?=?266) completed an adapted version of a questionnaire used by the Research Group on Women and Work (Kitch, S. L. 1994. “‘We're All in this Alone’: Career Women's Attitudes Toward Feminism.” In Women and Careers: Issues and Challenges, edited by C. W. Konek and S. L. Kitch. London: Sage). The expected liberalisation of attitudes over the cohorts was evident for the females but not for the males: the second male cohort had more conservative attitudes than the first and third male cohorts. While there appeared to be strong overall support for gender equality in work and educational fields, there were equally solid endorsements of the importance of marriage and motherhood for working women. Across the cohorts there were somewhat moderate attitudes on the need for structural change in the family and at work. The implications of the findings are considered.  相似文献   

文化理论的分析与批判及其在大学文化研究中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文首先对组织文化的主要理论进行分类的定性分析与批判,并进一步探讨组织文化要素之间的内在逻辑关系,最后指明组织文化理论在大学文化研究上的贡献与不足,从而为组织文化理论在大学文化研究中的应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

教师专业知识及其发展:图式观与组织文化条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对教师专业知识及其性质和特点的认识是决定教师专业发展途径的前提与基础。教师专业知识是依据特定的学生状况和教育情境,由教育教学观、学科教学知识、课堂管理知识等整合而成的一系列实践性知识,并以图式结构表征。其发展途径主要是基于问题的学习,并需要合作的组织文化条件的支持。  相似文献   

This study investigates the life experiences of six mature undergraduate women at a traditional 4-year university in South Korea. It explores women's construction of their university lives in the context of their wider socio-cultural experiences, both past and present, which are shaped by the socio-historical context of South Korean society. The study is, therefore, concerned with the interplay of structure and agency in the formation of gendered social practices (Connell, R.W. 1987. Gender and power: Society, the person and sexual politics. Cambridge: Polity Press). The results from life-history interviews reveal that women's construction of university experiences cannot be fully understood without reference to their life off-campus and their wider social structures. These social structures are Confucian culture, severe academic credentialism, a heavily masculinised labour market, and the discourse of the ‘educational manager mother’ in neoliberal contemporary Korean society.  相似文献   

课堂教学文化作为一种组织文化,其意蕴是师生通过创造性的课堂教学活动,在双方的实践交往互动中共同习得、累计或创造的理念体系及行为方式的总和。课堂教学文化的价值在于实现个体状态的转变,推动课堂教学改革路径转向及课堂教学方式的变革。基于组织文化基本假设,通过理论探讨与实证分析,课堂教学文化的外在表征为:课堂创新性、主体能动性、教学开放性、内部规范性。  相似文献   

金陵女子大学独特的教师群体及其矛盾的性别观念形成了一种独特的女性文化教育环境和精英教育的培养目标,在这种教育环境的影响下,金陵女子大学的女学生亦产生了迥异于其他高校学生的性别身份认同和思维方式,从而在民族主义运动和婚恋等个人生活方式的选择上出现了不同的行为取向.  相似文献   

Counterspaces in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) are often considered “safe spaces” at the margins for groups outside the mainstream of STEM education. The prevailing culture and structural manifestations in STEM have traditionally privileged norms of success that favor competitive, individualistic, and solitary practices—norms associated with White male scientists. This privilege extends to structures that govern learning and mark progress in STEM education that have marginalized groups that do not reflect the gender, race, or ethnicity conventionally associated with STEM mainstream success, thus necessitating spaces in which the effects of marginalization may be countered. Women of color is one such marginalized group. This article explores the struggles of women of color that threaten their persistence in STEM education and how those struggles lead them to search out or create counterspaces. It also examines the ways that counterspaces operate for women of color in STEM higher education, particularly how they function as havens from isolation and microaggressions. Using a framework of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and intersectionality theory and drawing on interview data from 39 women of color about their STEM higher education experiences, we describe five ways in which counterspaces operate: in peer‐to‐peer relationships; mentoring relationships; national STEM diversity conferences; STEM and non‐STEM campus student groups; and STEM departments. Whereas most research has discussed counterspaces as racially or ethnically homogeneous social groups of peers at the margins, our research found that counterspaces vary in terms of the race/ethnicity, gender, and power levels of participants. We found that counterspaces can be physical settings, as well as conceptual and ideological. Additionally, we identified counterspaces both at the margins and at the center of STEM departments. Thus, our research expands the existing understanding of the types and functions of counterspaces and broadens the definition of what locations can be and should be considered counterspaces. © 2017 The Authors. Journal of Research in Science Teaching Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of National Association for Research in Science Teaching. J Res Sci Teach 55: 206–245, 2018  相似文献   

校庆是学校为庆祝其成立周年而进行的纪念性活动。从本质上看,它是一种具有仪式性的组织文化活动。作为一种组织文化活动,校庆有助于促进其成员对于组织目标的认同、提升大学自身的知名度、密切大学与社会的联系、发挥大学文化的引领作用等。而校庆作为仪式性质的活动,对传承与发扬大学的历史传统、增强大学组织成员的凝聚力、促进大学与外界的信息交流又具有积极意义。校庆仪式活动的举办反映了社会对大学价值的重视和认同。  相似文献   

为了适应知识经济时代的管理需要,与传统强调机械控制思维的刚性管理相对应的隐性管理成为管理变革的时代诉求。柔性管理突破了原来企业过于依赖制度、规则和程序等显性知识的限制,发掘情感、文化、伦理等隐性知识的价值,从而使企业文化建设成为管理的关键步骤。企业文化和企业思想政治工作的具体过程都作用于人的思想与精神层面,强调情感的力量、人格的力量、理想的力量和信念的力量。强调政治信仰和精神力量的企业思想政治工作是组织文化建设的重要内容,同时也是思想政治工作与组织文化相互融通的共同基石。在更加人性化的柔性管理时代,企业组织文化建设与企业思想政治工作的内在融通成为企业管理的新趋势。  相似文献   

The case study of an early twentieth century controversy over “white slavery” demonstrates the importance of an explicit consideration of mobility based rhetoric to understanding space and political subjectivities within space. Through an analytical framework of mobility that considers scale, connection, time, and agency, I find that the city was constructed as a gendered and racialized space, which enabled restrictions to corporal mobility. I provide both a justification and a model for reading mobility based rhetoric in public controversy.  相似文献   

Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is recognised as an effective method of sexual health education, with the school identified as a fitting site of implementation. Its holistic and participatory nature endeavours to develop the knowledge, attitudes and life-skills of students to help them secure their sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). This qualitative study aimed to better understand aspects of CSE implementation in one context. Specifically, it focuses on the effects of the cultural setting, considering how gender and sexuality norms influence teacher and student implementation strategies. The research was carried out in one secondary school in Ethiopia, which delivered a Dutch-developed programme throughout 2013. Over 50 in-depth interviews were conducted with teachers and students, influential community members and experts in SRHR. Data were also gathered through focus group discussions and classroom observations. Results show that CSE teachers and students, both male and female, were able to discuss issues of sexuality. However, the cultural context was seen to affect interpretation of programme information, influencing the nature of this discussion. For an impactful implementation, it is recommended that sexuality education aims to engage with and involve the wider community, to reduce contradictory messages and increase programme support. Furthermore, teachers should undergo extensive and comprehensive pre-programme training that addresses their attitudes and values, not just their knowledge.  相似文献   

Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have become ubiquitous in most people’s lives. Yet, within the developing and emerging regions, there are still many who have not fully benefitted from ICTs. This article reports on a research project that focused on investigating the barriers, opportunities and impact that ICTs have on the teaching and learning of mathematics in South African schools. A quantitative research methodology in the form of a survey was used to assess South African mathematics teachers’ access to and use of ICTs and mobile technologies. A literature study revealed that there were universal barriers (i.e. lack of access to resources, time, effective training, confidence; resistance to change and negative attitudes; and no perception of benefits) and numerous opportunities for using ICTs in teaching and learning in general, and in subjects such as mathematics and science, in particular. The survey findings suggested increased deployment of ICT resources; introduction of more ICT training opportunities for teachers and students; and the firm adoption of ICT policies and directives within the education domain.  相似文献   

This study explores connections between the organisational culture and values of academic units in Australian universities and their efforts to adapt to external environmental pressures. It integrates empirical findings from case studies with theories of organisational culture and values and adaptation. It identifies seven dimensions of academic unit’s organisational culture and values that influenced how case study academic units adapted. Then patterns of heterogeneity and homogeneity within these dimensions are noted and their associations with different modes of adaptation are discussed.  相似文献   

No institution of higher education in the world can make valid claims that it is immune to the effects of change and transformation. An array of trends such as the massification of higher education, widened access, response to new demands of technology, globalisation, internationalisation, increased accountability, the use of new modes of delivery and materials, as well as dwindling higher education resources, are placing enormous pressure on staff (Green and Hayward, Transforming Higher Education. Phoenix: Oryx Press, 1997). Not only are traditional academic roles changing, but – in certain instances – working conditions have become unfavourable and unsupportive of staff’s efforts to pursue the mission of higher education. The article presents the outcome of a case study that was undertaken in a historically White Afrikaans university to investigate the implications of change and transformation on academic staff. Although the case study was conducted within a localised boundary of space and time of one institution, the authors are of the opinion that enough evidence exists that, given the dominating ruling culture of the apartheid’s regime, to which no university in South Africa was immune, it is most likely that other institutions will relate with the findings of the research. The study was emancipatory in that it sought to inform the university management about how transformation was affecting academics and their job satisfaction and to establish which strategies the University had in place or hoped to put in place to make the environment favourable for change. Academics were also involved in making recommendations on how the areas of dissatisfaction could best be addressed.  相似文献   

Using an interdisciplinary approach, this paper explores the ways in which colleges become sites that socialise African American men as gendered beings. Twenty-four African American men enrolled in 12 colleges and universities across the 19 southern and border states of America participated in this study. The purpose is to illustrate how constructions of manhood and masculinity among this group potentially influence collegiate efforts to serve African American college men academically, socially, and developmentally. The following themes of manhood construction emerged: (1) self-expectations; (2) relationships and responsibilities to family; and (3) worldviews and life philosophies. Respondents reported differences in the ways in which they were treated and engaged in historically black and white institutions, also reinforcing various manhood constructs. The paper is a resource to advance the field’s thinking about this group’s college experiences, retention, and identities.  相似文献   

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