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This paper explores how early years teachers feel about their work. Responses to an open-ended questionnaire indicated that teachers found working with young children both satisfying and rewarding. However, they felt they were being impeded by external factors, such as educational change and current curriculum initiatives, which caused them stress. More specifically, teachers expressed frustration in implementing policies that they felt were contrary to their own pedagogical understandings and professional values. It is concluded that teachers need to be more actively involved with consultation processes that affect their work.  相似文献   

It is developmentally normative for preschoolers (aged four to five years) to have self-perceptions that are typically positive and even over-inflated. However, because not all children have positive self-perceptions in early childhood it is important to understand factors that influence the development of self-perceptions, especially low self-perceptions, in early childhood. Therefore, this study examined the associations between self-perceptions and teacher ratings of social behaviors, subtypes of withdrawal, and peer ratings of acceptance/rejection in preschoolers. Participants included 199 children (107 males, 92 females) attending two early childhood programs in a midsized community in the western United States. The major findings were that children in early childhood who have lower self-perceptions of their abilities than their peers tended to engage in more reticence, solitary-passive withdrawal, and solitary-active behavior.  相似文献   

Different functions within different forms of aggression were examined in relation to peer‐perceived preference and popularity among middle school students. Two hundred and three 7th grade students were nominated by a subset of their grade mates based on indices of likeability, popularity, and aggressiveness. Both linear and curvilinear associations were examined. Lower peer preference, but higher popularity, was associated with increased levels of all types of aggression, supporting the need to differentiate the relationship between aggression and these two facets of peer status. Relational aggression was associated with both low and high levels of popularity. Overt aggression was related to low peer preference and, to a lesser degree, high peer preference. It appears that what separates low‐ and high‐status students is not the presence of aggression per se, but how effectively their displays of aggression achieve their social goals. Findings are discussed in respect to social dominance theory, and implications for practice are considered. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

信仰危机·信仰对象·信仰方式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信仰危机是一种精神现象 ,是社会变革在观念层面茫然状况的反映 ,也是个人生命价值追寻中的迷失。信仰危机发生相关的有两个主要方面 :一是信仰对象的统摄性 (权威性 )削弱或丧失 ,二是信仰方式扭曲或倒错。在与信仰对象超越性有关的“总的假设”论证中 ,明确研究定位是首要的 ,即必须明确信仰不是认识 ,所以不应当、也不可能在认识论中解决信仰和信仰危机问题。引起信仰方式扭曲或倒错的主要原因是 :信仰方式与信仰对象、信仰观念、社会基本制度的不契合。反省已有信仰方式的缺陷 ,及时进行调整修补 ,减少盲目性和绝对化 ,是舒缓和解决信仰危机的一个有效路径 ,同时亦有助于信仰主体及信仰观念的提升 ,对社会信仰重建具有推进作用。  相似文献   

李洪星 《中国德育》2007,2(11):8-10,13
当前我国由经济体制改革主导的社会转型,使传统的信仰方式和信仰教育无法适应急剧变幻的现代生活。由此带来的信仰危机和信仰教育危机一度成为困扰当代人的难题。为此,必须肃清关于信仰及信仰教育的种种误区,从哲学上对什么是信仰、信仰对人的意义以及信仰是否可教等命题做出令人信服的解答。  相似文献   

信仰的意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信仰的"意义"一指信仰的内涵或本质,一指信仰的价值或功用.信仰是人意识到自身终极有限性而要超越之的精神需要.信仰可以通过宗教的途径也可以通过哲学的途径达成.宗教信仰作为满足人从精神上超越自身终极有限性的一种途径,是绝对必要的.信仰层次的高低由信仰什么与如何信仰共同决定.无论是对个体的人还是人类,信仰都是完满生命中不可缺少的维度.  相似文献   

人类认识的发展经历了三个阶段,即感性、知性和理性,只有理性阶段才能形成理念,才为信念的形成提供了认识论基础。理性与知性相比有很大区别;知性以概念、判断、推理为形式,只能获得片面性知识,只能给人以是即是,非即非的形而上学思维方式;而理性是建立在多种规定性综合统一逻辑论证基础上的,最整体性和具体性的理性重构,给人提供智慧和理念,教给人一种辩证的思维方式,所以,理念和实践各环节综合,就使理念转变为信念,成为人的精神支柱。  相似文献   

The effect of childhood trauma, psychiatric diagnoses, and mental health services on school dropout among U.S.-born and immigrant youth is examined using data from the Collaborative Psychiatric Epidemiology Surveys, a nationally representative probability sample of African Americans, Afro-Caribbeans, Asians, Latinos, and non-Latino Whites, including 2,532 young adults, aged 21-29. The dropout prevalence rate was 16% overall, with variation by childhood trauma, childhood psychiatric diagnosis, race/ethnicity, and nativity. Childhood substance and conduct disorders mediated the relation between trauma and school dropout. Likelihood of dropout was decreased for Asians, and increased for African Americans and Latinos, compared to non-Latino Whites as a function of psychiatric disorders and trauma. Timing of U.S. immigration during adolescence increased risk of dropout.  相似文献   

马克思主义信念是当前大学生信仰的主流,然而"90后"大学生则出现信仰危机现象,信仰呈现多元化、突出功利化、面临世俗化。文章通过对大学生信仰危机的成因分析,提出大学生信仰教育要坚定马克思主义信仰的主导地位,推进社会主义核心价值体系教育,营造信仰教育良好的网络文化氛围,提高马克思主义信仰教育的实效性。  相似文献   

一个人需要信仰,一个国家需要信仰,信仰是成“人”之基、立国之本。当代中国社会转型,出现了青少年的信仰危机,表现为信仰的缺失、科学信仰的迷失和主导信仰的动摇。走出信仰的危机.必须重塑青少年的信仰教育,在指导思想上,坚持主导价值观与多元价值观的统一;在教育内容上,强调回归生活;在方法上,强调发挥学生的主体作用,使信仰教育真正成为主体的理性自觉活动。  相似文献   

Early competencies in reading, mathematics, and science are associated with later school achievement and adulthood socioeconomic status. This cross-sectional study examined how fundamental domain-general capacities, including language, spatial, and self-regulatory skills, together relate to competencies in reading, mathematics, and science in young Chinese children. A total of 584 Chinese children aged approximately six years were tested individually on their language (receptive vocabulary), spatial (spatial perception, spatial visualization, and mental rotation), and self-regulation (behavioral regulation and working memory) skills, as well as their academic competencies in reading, mathematics, and science. The results showed that vocabulary, spatial, and self-regulatory skills were all associated with Chinese reading, mathematics, and life sciences, whereas only vocabulary was related to earth and physical sciences. The relation between vocabulary and formal mathematics and that between mental rotation and life sciences were found to be stronger in boys than in girls. The findings suggest that foundational domain-general skills may provide the building blocks for children’s academic competencies.  相似文献   

通过明确信仰与道德的关系,充分认识信仰教育对德育的意义和必要性。要采取相应措施,使信仰教育与高校德育得到更好整合。  相似文献   

Primary objective: The aim of this study was to explore physical activity (PA) amongst children and young people with Down syndrome (DS). Method and procedures: The youth physical activity promotion model (YPAP) was used to inform semi-structured interviews to explore PA of children and young people with DS. Participants were three males and five females, aged between 6 and 21?years (16.38?+?5.04?years (mean?+?SD)) who had been diagnosed with the condition DS. Dyadic interviews were conducted with the participant and their parent(s). The interviews were recorded and transcribed, and inductive and deductive analyses of the data were completed. Main outcomes and results: The results were structured around the YPAP Model’s key themes included: enabling factors (seasonal variation, transport, type of activity and independence); predisposing factors (enjoyment, social interaction, dislikes of PA, following instructions, and understanding of PA); reinforcing factors (support and opportunities, parents, and care providers); and barriers to PA engagement (ear problems). Conclusion: The children and young people with DS in the study typically only engaged in fun, unstructured activities. Key facilitators for PA participation were social interactions and parental support. Increasing the level of independence for people with DS within adolescence may have beneficial effects for PA participation in later life.  相似文献   

信念是人的心理现象中极为重要和常见的一种形式,它在人的生存活动中具有举足轻重的地位,是制约人的生存质量、事业成败的重要因素之一,近些年来,国内学术界开始关注信念问题,其研究主要是从人生哲学,道德哲学的视角展开的,尽管这方面的研究极为重要,但仅此还是不够的,必须从本体论的视角来展开研究,以认清其“体”,因为如果信念的本体问题搞不清,那么关于它的“用”的讨论就是没有意义的,而要识其体,我们就必须关注西方心灵哲学的“信念”研究。  相似文献   

The conceptualisation of knowledge as justified true belief has been shown to be, at the very least, an incomplete account. One challenge to the justified true belief model arises from the proposition of situations in which a person possesses a belief that is both justified and true which some philosophers intuit should not be classified as knowledge. Though situations of this type have been imagined by a number of writers, they have come to be labelled Gettier cases. Gettier cases arise when a fallible justification happens to lead to a true belief in one context, a case of ‘lucky belief’. In this article, it is argued that students studying science may make claims that resemble Gettier cases. In some contexts, a student may make a claim that is both justified and true but which arises from an alternative conception of a scientific concept. A number of instances of lucky belief in topics in science education are considered leading to an examination of the criteria teachers use to assess students’ claims in different contexts. The possibility of lucky belief leads to the proposal that, in addition to the acquisition of justified true beliefs, the development of reliable belief-forming processes is a significant goal of science education. The pedagogic value of various kinds of claims is considered and, it is argued, the criteria used to judge claims may be adjusted to suit the context of assessment. It is suggested that teachers should be alert to instances of lucky belief that mask alternative conceptions.  相似文献   

论法律信仰的培育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公民法律信仰的培育是一个国家法治建设不可忽视的重要方面 ,该文从我国法律信仰的现状出发 ,探讨了法律信仰培育过程中存在的障碍以及塑造公民的法律信仰应着重把握的环节  相似文献   

韩愈的宗教信仰问题是一个千年悬案。从大量的史料来看,韩愈不信佛道,也不信西方传来的新教,而信仰中国固有的原始宗教。韩愈选择原始宗教信仰具有其积极的儒家伦理意义。  相似文献   

齐云山的道教信仰主要是关于玄武的信仰.这一信仰形成于宋代,并与齐云山的地理位置、徽州的民间信仰以及朱熹理学的兴起有密切的关系,至明朝以朱为姓和明朝皇室尊崇道教,齐云山玄武信仰进入鼎盛时期.齐云山玄武信仰的主要内容有保命延寿、祈嗣生育和水旱祷祀等,而上应天象、仿造武当山、与皇室关系密切、融合佛道以及居士道教等是玄武信仰的主要特点.玄武的政治性对徽州社会产生了重要的影响.  相似文献   

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