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运用问卷调查法、访谈法等研究方法对福建省公办和民办高等职业院校的体育学科建设的现状进行比较,结果发现:公办院校数量多于民办院校,生源数量高于民办院校;师资配备优于民办院校;教学管理规范略优于民办院校;课题立项和学术论文大幅度领先于民办院校;课程设置方面较为接近;民办院校场馆的"生均面积"大于公办院校.  相似文献   


In the rapid development of Chinese higher vocational education, large gaps have appeared in the scale of development and resource generation among the provinces, among regions in the provinces, and among higher education institutions in the provinces. Balanced regional development and provincial-level coordination have become policy focal points, but a discussion of the relationship between the two has been lacking in the academic world. Based on 2009 data on vocational colleges in China, the quantitative analysis in this paper shows that there is a tension between the governance models of higher vocational education and balanced development of vocational colleges within provinces. Research findings show that school affiliation is related to the ability to attract public funding, appropriations for public schools are significantly higher than for private schools, and tuition for private schools is significantly higher than for public schools; school affiliation is related to output, and the new student registration rate and number of cooperating enterprises is higher for public schools than private schools; and there is a significant positive correlation between the ratio of prefecture-level city schools and the average number of cooperating enterprises for schools in a province, and a significant positive correlation between the ratio of private schools and the average tuition of schools in a province. This paper suggests that to achieve the dual objectives of balance and development, provincial-level governments should adjust their administrations and financing for higher vocational education and decentralize their authority to local governments, in order to build a diverse and flexible new model for higher vocational education governance.  相似文献   

There are centrally mandated graduation, promotion, or curriculum requirements for the public schools in all fifty states. Most focus on academic rigor, and this focus has serious implications for programs of vocational education. One such program, a work-study program based on a public education/private industry partnership called the Philadelphia Business Academy, is undergoing significant modifications in response to new state promotion requirements. These modifications are altering many of the program's unique features, particularly its culture, and seem to be causing fundamental changes in the program's nature, operations, and effectiveness.  相似文献   

There has been a dramatic growth in private higher education in Brazil in recent years. The World Bank has promoted this expansion on the basis of the private providers’ ability to ensure a rapid increase in enrolment, to improve quality through competition between institutions and to bring benefits for society at little public cost. However, the charging of fees means that the majority of Brazilians do not have access, and that inequalities are reproduced due to the relation between course costs and the value of the final diploma. Equitable access is, therefore, far from being achieved and is unlikely even with an increase in student loans and government subsidies. The contribution of private universities to the long‐term development of society is seen to be limited, due to lack of investment in research and academic staff.  相似文献   

Public higher education in the Philippines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Clearly, the national government of the Philippines has decided to increase the number and comprehensiveness of its public colleges and universities. While private colleges and universities are likely to dominate higher education in the Philippines for the remainer of this century, it appears that public, tax-supported higher education will become increasingly available there. The Philippines is not a wealthy country but it is devoting a substantial portion of its national resources to public higher education. In 1983, higher education received 2.85 percent of the national budget, a figure that has been rising for years. Compared with some highly developed countries, this is not a large percentage, but for a country that has traditionally relied on private higher education, it is a major and growing investment in the public sector.While many of the better universities in the Philippines are private, many other private educational institutions are small and struggling. As their financial resources become more limited, and as less expensive, tax-supported higher education becomes increasingly available, a lot of the struggling private colleges will probably close. This process is also being hastened by actions of the government to upgrade quality, for example in the case of the many private colleges that developed after World War II. In an attempt to improve the academic quality of these marginal institutions, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports has been given extensive authority, and while its intrusion into private institutions has been modest by some measures, its requirements are affecting them all and will speed the demise of some. This is bound to lead to a stronger role for public higher education in the Philippines, a country that is striving diligently to improve the education and hence the quality of life of its people.The author is grateful to several officials of public and private colleges and universities whom he interviewed in the Philippines in March, 1983, and particularly to Mr. S.B. Bangug, Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges, and Dr. Amado C. Dizon, Executive Vice President, Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities, who provided major assistance.  相似文献   

从经济学角度重新审视美国教育的公共目的   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育是公共产品还是私人产品近年来受到广泛的讨论,本文从经济学的角度回顾了美国教育的目的。中小学教育的公共性主要体现在公民教育;高等教育的公共性主要体现在知识创造和文化传承;职业教育的公共性主要体现在培养合格的劳动者。教育应该重新强调其公共性。  相似文献   

岳阳职业技术教育发展到今天,已经形成了高等职业教育、中等职业教育、初等职业教育协调发展,公办、民办、行业办多种形式并存的办学格局;在发展过程中,积累了很多成功的经验,同时也显露出一些矛盾和问题。深入分析岳阳职业技术教育现状,有针对性地解决各种矛盾和问题,将有利于岳阳职业技术教育的发展。  相似文献   


Among the chief characteristics of the post‐industrial society are ambiguity and paradox. In Australian higher education, as in other sectors of Australian Society, these have found expression in individualism, private initiative and entrepreneuship.

The ‘privatization’ of higher education now includes the imposition on enrolment charges, the re‐introduction of ‘full cost’ fees, especially for private overseas students, moves towards the deregulation of salaries and conditions of employment of academic staff and the establishment of new ‘self‐contained’ and ‘hybrid’ private higher education institutions.

In response to these developments, debate has tended to centre upon a number of mythologies which inter alia assert that private higher education is new to Australia, that it is foreign to the Western academic tradition and that such education avoids the employment of public funds. Moreover, it is claimed that while private higher education is ipso facto elitist, it will, through competition, result in a more effective and efficient public sector.

The above mythologies are examined in the light of past, present and proposed developments in Australian higher education, with particular note being taken of the establishment of the Bond University in Queensland.  相似文献   

Tahar Abdessalem 《Prospects》2011,41(1):135-155
Like other developing countries, Tunisia has allocated increasing levels of resources to education, particularly higher education, over the past few decades, mainly through public funding. From 2005 to 2008, public expenditure on education amounted to around 7.4% of GDP, with 2% allocated to higher education. Recently, however, budgetary constraints have increased, student enrollment is increasing rapidly, and the country needs to improve its higher education so that graduates are more employable. In this context, to enhance access and equity, public policy is required to define orientations and programmes to improve quality and efficiency while reducing costs. This article first assesses public expenditure on higher education in Tunisia, with respect to its adequacy, efficiency, and equity, and then explores the challenges posed to financing by demographic changes, the need for higher quality of education, and private provision. It also examines some strategies for reinforcing financing, and analyzes measures to increase private funding.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to extend understanding of the varying nature and varying forms of private higher education. Three basic structural divisions between private and public sectors of higher education are compared: mass private and restricted public sectors; parallel public and private sectors; and, comprehensive public and peripheral private sectors. The private sectors are then contrasted in terms of such functional characteristics as state authority, financial constraints and dominant orientation toward either academic goals, the student marketplace or external patrons. The highly diverse American private sector is viewed in this context. A consideration of mass private sectors then suggests that parameters of public policy are set by structurally derived characteristics of higher education systems.An earlier version of this paper was delivered to the Third International Seminar on Higher Education in Asia, sponsored by the Research Institute for Higher Education, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, January 28–29, 1987. This version has benefited from the comments of the Conference participants, as well as those of Paul DiMaggio.  相似文献   

The last decade has witnessed a significant growth of private higher education around the world. The growth included the number of private education providers, and also the growing number of students. While some countries are experiencing trend growth, others are witnessing decline. Some of the reasons for the decline include increased regulation and stringent accreditation and reaccreditation of higher education institutions and courses, government policies to encourage the growth of public universities, and acquisition of small providers by large private education institutions. The growth of private higher education has increased competition, and it has also established collaboration with public institutions. The growth of private higher education has also raised concerns about ethical governance, maintenance of academic standards, and mechanisms to plan, review, and improve educational outcomes. This paper focuses on Australia where despite growth, there is limited research about private higher education. This paper reviews literature on the global growth and decline of private higher education. It then analyses the trends in Australia and possible scenarios for the future of private higher education in the country.  相似文献   

公办、民办高职院校协调发展是高等职业教育持续健康发展的基础。教育公平视角下,福建省公办与民办高职院校存在发展基础、办学经费、队伍建设、办学质量等方面的差异。在当前福建高等职业教育发展的大背景中,面对教育的公益性原则,基于教育的公平准则,应当正视公办与民办高职院校的发展差异问题,积极采取各种措施,努力促进公办与民办高职院校全面协调可持续发展。  相似文献   

《民办教育促进法》的正式实施,给民办高职院校提供了广泛的生存与发展空间.当然民办学校的发展离不开公办教育的示范作用,公办、民办教育形成齐头并进的局面.这两的互补性对我国普及高等教育,推动经济发展和社会进步都会大有益处。  相似文献   

随着高职教育的快速发展,高职教材建设研究在取得一些共识的同时,高职教材建设模式问题也逐步引起教育界的重视。在高职大规模教育状态下,以编者个人主导为代表的教材建设传统模式已显得力不从心。高职教材建设JKGF模式力图以学会为纽带,集合高职教育利益相关各方的专家,整合政府、院校、行业、出版社等各方面的力量,优化教材建设研究建设过程,提出集合专家(J)、课题先行(K)、各方配合(G)、服务教学(F)教材建设模式。通过实践该模式取得一定的成效。  相似文献   

高等技职教育对台湾地区的社会经济发展做出了重要贡献.私立高等技职院校是台湾高等技职教育的主力军,在台湾高技能人才培养中扮演着重要角色.本文研究了台湾私立高职教育的现状和历史沿革,探讨了私立高等技职院校的运作与管理,并分析了当前私立高职院校所面临的问题与困境.  相似文献   

欧洲社会对知识教育高度重视,持续对人才培养进行投资,以推动社会创新进步和可持续发展。作为人才培养基地,研究型大学不仅为欧洲社会输送了大量人才,更在全球知识交流体系中发挥了重要作用。一些博士后研究人员可能继续在大学里从事学术工作,也有很多研究人员离开学术界去公共、私营部门等其他领域寻求发展。尽管学术界以外的劳动力市场就业良好,但博士后研究人员仍期待更具吸引力的职业前景。欧洲研究型大学联盟由此提出,建议大学、研究机构等最高教育层完善政策措施,提高博士后研究人员的职业吸引力,以促进学术创新和知识交流;充分肯定博士后研究人员作为不断增长且日益重要的独特研究群体的重要作用;在招聘、晋升等职业发展中满足博士后研究人员多样性的需求;公共、私营部门可与大学、研究机构展开合作,促进博士后研究人员的技能迁移,并消除职业流动的障碍;采取研究资助计划和就业支持政策,帮助博士后研究人员获取研究能力之外的职业技能,促进博士后研究人员在学术界与公共、私营部门之间的流动性。  相似文献   

1+X证书制度作为我国职业教育一项重大教育制度创新,确保了职业教育对接社会发展和岗位需求,融合了学历证书与若干职业技能等级证书,打通了学校学历教育与职业技能培养的通道,深化了产教融合、校企合作。试点工作开展以来,取得了显著成绩,但同时也面临一些挑战。职业院校和培训评价组织作为试点工作的两大主体,在证书含金量、师资培训、课证融通、学分银行建设、证书考核等方面还需要进一步深入研究,凝聚双方优势资源,提高证书社会认可度,持续加强课证融通,推进学分银行建设,提升我国职业教育总体水平和质量。  相似文献   


The Median Test was employed to test null hypotheses relevant to the perception of the college experience and variables related to academic motivation. Statistically significant differences were found for academic motivation variables, i.e., direction of aspirations, influence of precollege peer group, influence of the home, independence In planning, persistence, and self-control in terms of the type of “philosophy” of education endorsed by a random sample of 280 entering freshmen at a private midwestern university. The dominant perceptions, or “philosophies” endorsed were the “academic”, the “vocational”, or the “collegiate”. In general, on those academic motivation variables where statistically significant differences were obtained, the “collegiate” were lower while the “academics” were higher. The “vocational” tended not to depart from the grand population median value. Implications for student personnel workers in higher education are indicated and suggestions for further study are made.  相似文献   

Taiwan is one of the few countries in which bachelor degrees can be earned by attending either 4-year academic colleges or vocational colleges. This paper offers new evidence on whether returns to B.A. degrees are significantly different between academic and vocational 4-year colleges using the 1998–1999 Taiwanese College Graduate Survey. The multinomial logit model is applied to correct self-selection for employment status, and a wage equation is then estimated. The results suggest that the returns to 4-year academic colleges are 6% higher than those to 4-year vocational colleges. We also find a significant effect of college quality on wages. Moreover, public academic college graduates have the highest returns whereas those who attend private vocational colleges have the lowest returns.  相似文献   

“双证融接”是指职业教育中的学历教育(以学历证书为标志),通过专业或课程,与职业资格类型(以职业资格证书为标志)实现对应与对接,在教育培训内容上实现融接。武汉职业技术学院网络技术专业以对高职教育人才培养的系统研究为引领、以“双证融接”为基础、以能满足“双证”学习培训要求的“双证课程”为核心、以能适应“双证融接”要求的教学方式方法手段和质量评价办法为重点,构建了高职教育人才培养体系,并进行了多年的实践,取得了突出的成就。  相似文献   

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