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你能用英语说说你身边的人吗?他是高的、矮的、胖的还是瘦的?别急让我老T,教你几招。W hat does he/she look like?他她长得什么样()?S he’s pretty thin/heavy.她相当瘦胖()。H e’s fairly tall/short.他相当高矮()。W hat color is his/her hair?他她的头发什么颜色()?It’  相似文献   

M r.Sm ith m oved to another town,and soon he needed a new doctor,so he went to see one.H e sat down in the waiting room and lookedaround.The doctor's nam e was on the wall.Suddenly M r.Sm ith rem em-bered there had been a classm ate w ith the sam e nam e in his class at se-chool,and he had becom e a doctor.A s he w ent in to see the doctor,he rem em bered a young,handsom estudent,and was sad to see how old and heavy and grey this m anlooked.M r.Sm ith said to him,“G ood m orning,D octor.…  相似文献   

A “S.H .E.is going to sing at the CCTV an- nual Spring Festival Evening Party, is that true?” cried out Peng W eiye,a Senior 2 girl in Shanghai and die-hard(铁杆的)S.H .E.fan. A fter checking it on the Internet, Peng quickly phoned friends to spread the news.For fans like her,S.H .E.’s perform ance is perhaps the only part of the old fashioned evening to get excited about. The Taiw anese band is m ade up of Seli- na, H ebe and E lla. Their nam e com es from the first letter of each of the singers’ E nglish nam...  相似文献   

"Who's calling?"was the answer to the telephone.“Watt.” “What is your name,please?” “Watt’s m y nam e.” “That’s w hat I asked you.W hat’s your nam e?” A long pause, and then, from W att, “Is this Jam es B row n?” “N o,this is K nott.” “Please tell m e your nam e.” “W ill K nott.” Then they both hung up and got puzzled.N otes: 1.W ho’s calling?你 是谁?(打电 话用 语) 2.W att’s m y nam e.我叫 瓦特。 对方 理解 为:W hat’s m y nam e? 3.a long pause 停了很 长时 间 4.N o,…  相似文献   

不要让任何人偷走你的梦想。抓住你心中所向往的,无论那是什么。Ihave a friend nam ed M onty Robertswho ownsa horse ranch in SanYsidro.H e has letm e use his house to puton fundraising events to raisem oneyforyouth atrisk program s.我有一个朋友叫蒙蒂.罗伯特,他  相似文献   

Rain 迷天下     
His nam e is rathercom plicated:H e's know n by a variety ofnam es in differentcountries.Al-though his stage nam e is an English w ord,in Korea,he is know n as Bi(pronounced like theEnglish w ord be),w hich is the Korean w ord forrain.In Japan,his nam e i…  相似文献   

M r.K nott lived in London.O ne evening, after traveling a long 1 ,he got 2 very tired. Just as he going to bed, the telephone rang, so hew entdow nstairs, 3 the telephone said,“This is W hite Bridge 3122.W ho’sthat 4 ,please ? ” “W att,” a m an answ ered. “W hat’s your 5 , please?” said M r.K nott again. “W att is 6nam e, ”w as the answ ered. “Y es, I 7 youthat.W …  相似文献   

她有许多有趣的线条——糟糕的是它们全在她脸上。买蜡烛花的钱要比买蛋糕都多时,她就知道自己有多老了。她年轻的时候,彩虹还是黑白的。根据新资料,科学家认为宇宙已经有130亿岁了。M ary听后说:“真要命,我错过了前65亿年。”她出生时,死海刚开始变咸。她的生日蛋糕上点着的蜡烛多得像森林火灾。她的社会保险号码是0000,0000,0001。当她光着脚,而她的朋友却称赞她穿着新买的鳄鱼皮鞋时,她该知道她老了。她这个年纪,花都会被吓着。S he has a lot of funny lines—too bad they’re allin her face.S he know s she is getting old w hen…  相似文献   

(满分:100分)Ⅰ.听力。(20分)A.听对话,选出与图画内容相符的选项。共5小题,计5分B.听句子,选择正确的答语。共5小题,计5分6.A.It’s three.B.It’s four.C.It’s eight.D.It’s ten.7.A.I am Li H ua.B.It’s I.C.It’s m e.D.H e is Li H ua.8.A.Thank you.B.That’s all right.C.That’s right.D.Y ou are welcom e.9.A.H er nam e is Li Ping.B.H is nam e is M ickey.C.H e is in G rade2.D.She is in G rade2.10.A.N o I wouldn’t.B.Sorry I don’t know.C.Y es I don’t like it.D.N o thanks.C.听对话,选出…  相似文献   

怎样描述一个人的穿着?记住两个句型就可以啦! What is he/she wearing? 他(她)穿什么衣服? He’s wearing jeans and a red sweater. 他穿着牛仔裤和红色羊毛衫。a blue suit. 一套蓝西装。black pants and a green sport shirt. 黑裤子和一件绿色运动衫。She’s wearing a white skirt and a purple blouse . 她穿着白裙子和紫衬衫。a pink dress. 粉色连衣裙。  相似文献   

Unit 8 Mainly revision●单元知识点拨Ⅰ.动词be的缩写形式1.am,is,are与人称代词主格连用或与who,what,w here等疑问代词、疑问副词连用时,可以采用Im,you re,he s,she s,its,who s,whats,where s等缩写形式。例如:I am a girl.=Im a girl.我是一个女孩。Y ou are in C lass Two.=Y ou re in Class Two.你们在二班。W hat is your nam e?=W hats your nam e?你叫什么名字?W here is Jim?=W here s Jim?吉姆在哪里?2.下列几种情况下,动词be和它的主语不能缩写:1)在肯定的简略回答中不能用缩写形式。例如:—Is ita pen?[误]—Y es,i…  相似文献   

M ark was w alking hom e from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had tripped and dropped all of the books he was carrying,along with two sw eaters,a baseball bat,a glove and a sm all tape recorder. M ark knelt down and helped the boy pick up the scattered arti- cles. Since they were going the sam e way, he helped to carry part of the burden. A s they walked, M ark discovered the boy s nam e w as B ill, that he loved video gam es, baseball and history, and that he was hav- ing…  相似文献   

AO__1__August28,1978,a balloon landed in a field in France.When three men got out of theballoon’s basket,people began cheering.The three men had just crossed the ocean is a balloon.They had traveled3,100miles.No one else had ever done this.The men’s nam…  相似文献   

课堂观摩:1.出示D部分Look and talk的挂图,请学生仔细观察图片。2.师指图片上的一个男孩,问:Who’s he?S:He’s Ben.T:What does Ben have?S:He has a kite.T:What is he doing?S:He’s flying a kite.3.结合句型"What do/does…have?He/She has…"/They have…What is/are…doing?He/She is…/They are…进行同桌间问答。4.Act it out."非生态"问题:1.学生在看了图片后兴致不是很高,致使同桌之间问答操练的效果也不是很好。2.在表演的过程中,虽已给  相似文献   

he是第三人称单数代词“他”。如:He is a lovely boy.“他是一个可爱的男孩。”she也是第三人称单数代词,其意思是“她”。she这个单词是在he的前面加上字母“s’构成的。“s”看上去像不像女孩子长长的头发?这样的构词是不是很形象呢?我想这样一解释, 你就是想忘掉这两个单词也很难了。  相似文献   

我有一个漂亮的文具盒。上面有一只小老鼠,她的名字叫莉莉。她穿着粉色的裙子,非常漂亮。我的文具盒上还有很多花。我喜欢我的文具盒。Ihaveabeautifulpencil-box.Thereisasm allm ouse on m y pencil-box.H er nam e is"Lily".She w earsa pink skirt.She isvery pretty.A ndt  相似文献   

1.Do you have a soccer ball?你有一个足球吗?该句是动词have的一般疑问句。因为主语是第二人称,构成一般疑问句时要借助助动词do,如果主语是第三人称单数则用does。例如:—Does he have a sister?他有姐姐吗?—Yes,he does./No,he doesn’t.是的,他有/不,他没有。2.Let’s play soccer.让我们踢足球吧!这是一个表示邀请,提议的祈使句。let’s是let us的缩写,表示“我们来做……吧”。注意:在此结构中动词用原形。例如:Let’s go.我们走吧。Let’s go to school together.我们一起去上学吧。【特别提醒】以下几种句式也可以表示提议、邀请:Why not do sth.?为什么不做……呢?Would you like to do sth.?你愿意做……吗?How about doing sth.?做……怎么样?3.I don’t have a soccer ball.我没有足球。该句是动词have的否定句,因为主语是第一人称,所以否定要用don’t。如果主语是第三人称单数则要用doesn’t来...  相似文献   

H目拓!H创沁里你好,你好,H。姗do yOUdo?你好吗?协南时,s协xjr no口旧?你叫什么名字? Whot,5 yOUr nom叮你叫什么名字?脚non、e’s MO南.我叫马可。My nome’s MO唯.我叫马可。八门dw由at,s丫如rna厅旧?那你叫什么名字? My na厅Ie’s山川勿.我叫巴迪脚nome’s .叼御.我叫巴迪L时,S巾ak6州翻记5.我们交个用友以,s卯to内梦.一起去玩吧!嘟喊Hel!of.he!eU/ MIOll认O:tl nome/n6im/ MOrklmO:灯Let’s…moke佑ends Play/P目/像娜一__.‘*当尝。”~ 5 yOUr noms,翻你就可以回答:My name’s在正式场合或出于礼貌时,还可以这样…  相似文献   

[案例1]这是译林版《牛津小学英语》3A教材中的一课,内容是用下列句子作简单的自我介绍:M y nam e is….I'm an E ng-lish/a Chinese boy/girl.I'mfrom…I'm nine/…M y hair islong/short.M y eyes are big/sm all.I'm thin/fat.I'm tall/nottall.在巩固阶段,有位老师是这样进行操练的:T:H ello.M y nam g is×××.W hat's your nam e?(对着一位学生)S:M y nam e is×××.T:I'm a Chinese m an.S:I'm a Chinese girl.T:I'm from×××.S:I'm from×××.T:I'm tall.(同时把手举过头顶)S:I'm nottall.(也很机灵地把手举过头…  相似文献   

回.U口e 11I)otla 口Ill6 口口en 仪旧旧16lllDO*rD刊n口S口u口ual皿em *688till3 Inmso山口sgr3 sllf:IIwanm to live forever.(mnu、msior.in J of——@ 2.Oneday,heaskedhisofficich,“hePhyS-iognomy book SayS ha he longr one’s Philt:[1]Illis,he ongr one’s ife is.If。’s philtruln is acun lOng,he ill live a buned po.Is hatrue?” Hdng Ibis,one adVisor of he prorbet out lading.(一天,他问群臣:“相书上说,一个人鼻子下的‘人中’越长,寿命也越长;‘人中’长一寸,就能活一百岁,这是真的吗?”一个谋士听…  相似文献   

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