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This polemic addresses the political expectations of museums in England. Its starting point is the premise of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport that museums make a significant contribution to regional economies, if not to the national economy. Political expediency requires museums to provide evidence for their economic worth. But it could be argued that estimates of museums' economic impact are devalued by being blatantly constructed for the purposes of advocacy. This paper explores various issues that inform the practice of associating museums with economic development. It considers whether the government's cultural policies and aspirations have served to misrepresent (if not exaggerate) the economic impact that museums currently exert, or are deemed capable of exerting. It closes by suggesting that there are some ambiguities in the commitment of the DCMS to the premise that museums are economically important, and by examining implications for the future.  相似文献   

公共图书馆、文化馆、博物馆和美术馆之间处于一种条块分割、分散管理的状态,很少开展具有一定深度和广度的交流与合作。文章分析了“图文博美”四馆开展协同服务的必要性和可行性,阐述了如何实现公共文化服务机构之间的协同服务,并介绍了江门地区文化场馆开展资源共享和联合服务的工作实践。  相似文献   

Abstract The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) has funded hundreds of projects that promote lifelong learning in all disciplines and types of museums and libraries, including museum/library partnerships with schools, universities, and other formal learning organizations. Learning Science in Informal Environments: People, Places, and Pursuits (LSIE) is a milestone in a continuing quest to understand and articulate the impact of informal learning experiences. Its recommendations identify significant issues for future research and practice, with implications beyond science learning. This article places the report in the context of previous and future IMLS work, including increased agency focus on—and resources for—research, evaluation, collaborative projects, and professional development.  相似文献   

Museums present different contexts for learning, particularly when compared with places such as schooos, universities and libraries. They have been described as free-choice learning environments visited by a broad range of people. Museums have the opportunity to shape identities—through access to objects, knowledge and information visitors see themselves and their culture reflected in ways that encourage new connections, meaning making and learning. However, across the world museums are finding themselves competing with other leisure and learning experiences in an increasingly global world. The long history of audience research in the cultural sector demonstrates the interest museums have had in their visitors over time. This paper outlines the development of audience research in museums, the context within which it operates, and describes the processes of audience research through a series of case studies drawn from the work of the Australian Museum Audience Research Centre. It is argued that the shift in museums from mission-led program development to balancing content and audience needs through a transaction approach requires a broader research-focused agenda. While traditional ways of conducting evaluations are necessary and useful, to remain viable audience research needs to be more strategic, working across the sector in new ways and utilising new methods. How programs impact on users and facilitate learning about a wide range of key issues that museums are concerned with is a leadership role that audience research can take across both the cultural sector and other free-choice learning contexts. To achieve this, a communities of practice approach is suggested as a potential framework for audience research in the contemporary museum.  相似文献   

If facts are the seeds that later produce knowledge and wisdom, then the emotions and the impressions of the senses are the fertile soil in which the seeds must grow. The years of early childhood are the time to prepare the soil. Once the emotions have been aroused—a sense of the beautiful, the excitement of the new and unknown, a feeling of sympathy, pity, admiration or love—then we wish for knowledge about the object of our emotional response. Once found, it has lasting meaning. It is more important to pave the way for the child to want to know than to put him on a diet of facts he is not ready to assimiliate. Rachel Carson, The Sense of Wonder  相似文献   

为激发青少年科学家潜质,储备科技创新人才,提升青少年科学职业理想愈发重要。科学职业理想会影响个体从事科学领域的职业选择,而场馆教育情境对其培育具有重要促进作用。本研究梳理了英国伦敦科学博物馆和纽卡斯尔生命中心的场馆生涯教育实践,以资借鉴。英国科普场馆教育以提升青少年科学职业理想为目标,在个体维度关注职业关联性感知,在社会维度聚焦机会公平,并衍生出了以生涯理念指导馆本课程、在教育空间开展体验活动、加强馆校结合、发挥科学家群体榜样作用和关注女性等弱势群体等生涯教育策略。结合英国两个场馆的实践经验,我国科普场馆可通过创新活动设计,融入科学家精神,汇集多元主体,实现面向科学职业理想的场馆科学教育变革。  相似文献   

国内“科学课程标准”一直强调“探究式学习”,而美国最新的“科学教育标准”不仅强调“探究”,更强调“基于实践的探究”。博物馆展品是开展基于实践的探究式学习最合适的教育载体,它具有唯一性和特殊性,因此围绕展品设计开展“基于实践的探究式学习”活动,既符合我国科学课程标准的切实需要,又吻合了国际上科学教育的发展趋势,同时还是发挥博物馆资源优势与特色的馆校结合可行途径。本文以北京自然博物馆进行的活动为案例,介绍“基于实践的探究式学习”具体实施方法和所体现出的价值与意义。  相似文献   

作为游戏化学习与博物馆教育有机融合的产物,博物馆数字游戏化学习是数字时代博物馆教育发展的一个新趋势。本文依据博物馆学、教育学、游戏设计等多种理论分析概括出博物馆数字游戏化学习具有教育性、愉悦性、自愿性、体验性、互动性等主要特征,并针对目前存在的问题,结合国内外知名博物馆的典型案例,提出以下设计思路:首先,明确目标参与人群,注重全面分析需求、提供分众设计;其次,合理规划学习内容,注重跨越学科统整、应用多元场域;再次,精心设计游戏方式,注重创设学习情境、吸引主动探究;最后,凸显场馆教育特色,注重利用资源环境、虚实有机融合。  相似文献   

晚清时期,帝国主义以传教和科研为名在中国建立了一批博物馆,对中西文化交流起到了一定的促进作用,但由于其殖民机构的局限性,无法真正推动中国社会的进步。1905年,光绪恩科状元张謇创办了中国第一座现代化综合性博物馆——南通博物苑,开启了中国博物馆事业的新纪元。南通博物苑的教育活动践行张謇"设苑为教育"的爱国思想,以超越时代的先进理念,在抵御外来文化侵略、促进地域文化水平的提升、推动社会现代化进程等方面,发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

本文依托科学教育项目展评案例集,从课标对接、展品利用度、使用的技术、学习方式、活动的教育评估五个维度对科普教育活动实施过程进行调查和研究,并结合团队实地走访的科技博物馆访谈数据进行分析总结和探讨,旨在为科技博物馆教育活动的设计开发实施评估提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

信息素质是现代高等教育的重要内容   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信息能力由信息意识和信息技能两部分构成.大学教育阶段也是劳动者信息能力形成的关键时期.把学生信息能力的培养纳入所有学生能力培养的课程体系,才能达到培养学生全面信息能力的目标.  相似文献   

全球化下的无形遗产保护与博物馆教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在全球化环境下,地方无形化遗产饱受冲击,如何对它进行保护应是博物馆工作共同思考的问题。本从全球化的背景谈起,讨论化认同与无形化遗产的关系,以及在全球化下与化遗产有关的社会现象,亦会讨论在新形势下博物馆对无形化遗产的保护和延续问题所肩负起的角色。  相似文献   

西方自然历史博物馆的展陈设计向来不是仅以科学作为独立的支撑。在其变迁中,艺术与文化的影响不可小觑。本文从西方历史、宗教和文化的背景出发,分析长期以来在自然历史博物馆的展陈设计中所隐含的科学观念与艺术文化现象,及其设计方式和影响范围。最后对新型自然历史博物馆所在学科理念和理论依据方面可尝试的突破方向做出了预期。  相似文献   

This article describes a series of demonstration projects that use multiscalar gigapixel image technology to iteratively design, test, and study how visitors learn to observe more scientifically in museums, online, and through museum‐based programming. We consider how the particular affordances of systems like these can move science communication and learning from didactic approaches centered on one‐way communication toward technology platforms that encourage shared observation, dialogue, and engagement.  相似文献   

近代中国早期博物馆的建立者主要是来华传教士,因传播教义所需,博物馆的教育属性亦随之而起。济南广智院是近代山东地区最具影响力的博物馆之一,其馆内的藏品与展览等让当时大批国人接触到西方科学技术知识、新思想观念以及世界较为前沿性的新闻动向,为国人开阔了视野,增长了见识。同时广智院针对不同群体施以不一样的教育方式,如此拓展了近代博物馆的教育职能,为我国博物馆公共教育职能的发挥提供了良好的范式。  相似文献   

文章主要论述女子大学的文化氛围具有明显的性别文化教育作用以及图书馆如何在这种性别文化教育中发挥作用.参考文献4.  相似文献   

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