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在世界经济一体化的大背景下,广告的国际化和本土化已成为广告发展的趋势.为了更好地理解广告的国际化和本土化的概念及其对于广告传播效果的影响,本文对两者进行了详尽的论述和分析,认为广告的国际化和本土化两者之间并不矛盾:广告的国际化进程中包含了本土化过程,本土化必须适应品牌的国际化策略,两者相辅相成.  相似文献   

坚持用马克思主义抵制错误思潮   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会思潮是社会政治经济生活的晴雨表,是判断一定时期意识形态整体状况的风向标。在建设社会主义核心价值体系中,要重视社会思潮一般理论的研究,更要善于运用马克思主义观点同各种错误思潮进行积极的斗争,这直接关系着马克思主义的指导地位问题。当前,我国意识形态的主流是积极健康的,但并不平静,泛起的错误思潮出现了一些新的特点,值得重视。在用马克思主义抵制批判错误思潮中,要正确把握意识形态的多样性和马克思主义指导地位的关系;正确把握"尊重差异,包容多样"的关系;要注重科学性,讲究政策。  相似文献   

中国近代社会,尤其是19世纪末20世纪初,各种思潮空前活跃,对当时乃至后来的青年都产生了深刻的影响。在这些思潮中,比较具有代表性的是资产阶级民主主义思潮和小资产阶级的无政府主义思潮。当前,在改革开放、思想活跃的社会条件下,了解这两大思潮的主要观点以及正确认识和评价它们,对大学生树立社会主义核心价值观大有裨益。  相似文献   

In the preceding papers the scenario model of ATEE-RDC19 is used as a reflecting instrument on trends and development in teacher education in different European countries. In this short contribution, a reflection on those papers is made to see whether common trends arise. In this rough picture, it is possible to see that in all analysed countries there is a tendency towards a more pragmatic and individualistic approach in society, influencing teacher education. But these two trends (toward pragmatism and towards idealism) are not in all case studies strongly connected. However, bearing in mind some critical comments on the scenario model, strong and definitive conclusions are to be avoided.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to explore the research trends in the context of postgraduate programmes in the field of Educational Technology (ET) in Turkey between 1996 and 2016, and to uncover the possible factors that influence these trends from the perspective of ET faculty members. This study was informed by critical theory and employed the critical inquiry method. In the first phase, content analysis technique was used in order to explore trends in research methods and topics in theses completed in ET postgraduate programmes in Turkey. In the second phase, in-depth interviews were conducted with 11 faculty members regarding the possible influential factors. The findings of the content analysis indicated that ET research was dominated by quantitative research designs in the examined theses. Critical methods were overlooked and social, cultural, and political issues were largely silenced. The findings of the interviews showed that the factors that have been influential on ET research trends were the social impact of the research, personal interests and skills, disciplinary and departmental culture, and feasibility concerns. This study presents implications for better ET research by addressing blind spots of the field and providing suggestions for ET postgraduate students, ET scholars, policymakers and practitioners in a global context and other developing countries since the resulting trends in Turkey were found similar to international trends in the field.  相似文献   

职业教育已经成为现代教育的重要组成部分。近年来外国的职业教育发展呈现出一些新的趋势。本文试着从三个方面来总结这些新趋势:注重核心技能的培养;校企密切合作;加强职业教育与义务教育的衔接。希望这些趋势对发展我国的职业教育起借鉴作用。  相似文献   

In the following we shall try to present a brief statistically based sketch of the present trends in Great Britain's economic development* and their effects on the employment structure. Our purpose in presenting these statistics is to illustrate and provide a general background for the socioeconomic processes to which the expressions "scientific and technical progress" or "technical and social change" refer. This approach is also made necessary, we feel, by the fact that references to present social and economic trends have been an important part of the various arguments adduced to justify reforms in education. In other words, reforms bearing on the education of the future work force — that is, its occupational and social training — are justified or rejected on the basis of references to these trends and their actual or projected effects.  相似文献   

新时期,高等院校受到各种社会思潮的冲击,引发了某些不良的、甚至错误的现象。高校教育管理者深入研究教师的思想动态,探索师德建设的有效途径,建立完善的师德建设体系,是一项刻不容缓的任务。  相似文献   

Early childhood education is changing rapidly due to the dynamic nature of positive and negative trends affecting the profession. In this article, the changing landscape of early childhood education is discussed and analyzed. Both the positive and negative forces contributing to the changing landscape are examined. The focus of this discussion includes changing demographics, changes in early childhood curriculum and instruction, increased focus on accountability, advances in research that inform early childhood education, influences affecting teacher preparation and professional development, and global trends affecting early education and care. We relate these trends to the need for holistic systems-thinking, integrated curricula, child-centered pedagogical standards, deeper commitment to social justice and a corresponding moral vision capable of inspiring educational policy, practice and research in the midst of a competitive global economy and the commodification of early childhood programs and curricula. By discussing practical examples and research findings to illustrate current positive and negative trends, this paper serves as a meaningful resource for all stakeholders. Taking recent dynamics into account, we provide a vision for evaluating change and analyzing major trends. Both implications and responses to the changes in the early childhood landscape are discussed.  相似文献   

论中国传统政治文化及其国际关系思维取向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国传统政治文化,在长期的发展过程中呈现出自己鲜明的四个特征:1.家国一体式的人伦化政治文化;2.兼收并蓄的正统化政治文化;3.自律自强式的德性化政治文化;4.力求稳定的和合化政治文化。中国传统政治文化具有的这些主要特征在我国古代社会外交实践中得到了多方面体现,形成了古代中国关于国际关系的特定思维与朴素认识,具体表现在四个方面:重道义、轻利益;尚和平、恶攻战;倡中庸、抑极端;扬王道、弃霸道。我国古代形成的这些对待与处理国际关系的思维取向,实际上反映出了一国和平外交的根本取向和基本精神。  相似文献   

This article is predominantly concerned with the global challenges associated with managing an academic workforce in an era characterised by increased demand for higher education. In scrutinising global trends in higher education and academic workforce management, the article will address two research questions. First, what are the global trends that most affect education in the twenty-first century? Second, what are the transformations that have taken place in the academic workforce amid these trends? Last, the article calls for a need for researchers to profoundly explore the management of the academic workforce cross-nationally between developed and developing economies, with a particular focus on Australia, Malaysia and Singapore.  相似文献   

体制的地方化和培养的职业化是近年来欧洲一些大学发展的共性之一,也体现了一定的国际化趋势.法国高等教育的管理由纵向调节逐步向横向调节过渡,西班牙则是五类大学竞争,法国和德国高等教育当中的职业技术方向不断发展,法国甚至设置了职业学士学位.这些新动向为大学的发展提供了新机遇,也向大学传统的观念和模式提出了新挑战.  相似文献   

互联网的出现促使传统图书营销呈现出新的特点,也赋予了现代图书网络营销新的发展趋势。要想在新的环境下达到图书营销的目标,出版商和书店应该了解这些特点和趋势,抓住图书网络营销的要点,这样才能在日趋激烈的市场竞争中处于不败之地。  相似文献   

近年,南非政府开始关注并重视农村基础教育,成立了若干促进农村基础教育变革的专门机构。这些机构陆续出台的文本,显示出南非农村基础教育变革的新动向。本文在梳理这些文本的基础上,从学校布局调整、课程内容改革和师资力量加强三个侧面来探析南非政府在推进城乡基础教育均衡发展方面所作出的努力。  相似文献   

近年来,团队研究取得了一些新的研究进展.本文首先介绍了团队有效性的含义及其评价,然后介绍近年来受到较多关注的团队有效性影响因素,包括各种因素的作用及其测量两个方面,以此来具体说明团队研究的新进展,最后指出现有研究中存在的问题以及今后的研究方向.  相似文献   

当前,科技与公共文化服务高端融合发展呈现出四个趋势:公共文化共享资源的数字化、公共文化服务设施的高科技化、公共文化服务内容的智慧化和公共文化服务方式的“云”方案化。根据这一发展趋势,可以通过政策引领,全力推动公共文化共享资源的数字化;因地制宜,有序提高公共文化服务设施的科技化;引培并举,逐步提升公共文化服务人员的科技素养;项目带动,自觉推进公共文化服务的“云”方案化;优化环境,逐渐形成科技与公共文化、文化产业高端融合的良性互动等五个方面的措施,促进科技与公共文化服务的高端融合发展。  相似文献   

当代世界各国高等学校入学考试的改革纷繁复杂、各具特色,但是都有其本质的内在诉求。为满足这些诉求,各国高等入学考试改革虽有所差异,但表现出一些共同趋向。通过梳理各国高等入学考试,对这些共同趋向进行了探讨、总结,以期对中国正在进行的高考改革有所启示。  相似文献   

1998-2008年美国注册护士教育的趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003年,通过对1459位护理课程主管的问卷调查,作者对注册护士教育的趋势进行了研究,并同1999年的试调查结果进行比较。结果验证了试调查中发现的许多趋势。技术将在未来的护理教育中起重要作用,需要对教师进行培训以适应这种趋势的要求。教师要在未来采取更主动的学习策略以有效适应教学环境的变化。  相似文献   

中国现代化进程中的民族主义和国家主义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在中国现代性进程中,由于建立现代民族国家是最迫切的任务,民族主义和国家主义成为主潮。鸦片战争到五四前是民族主义和国家主义形成的时期,五四以后是民族主义和国家主义主导的时期。中国的民族主义与国家主义一体化,对外是民族主义,对内是国家主义。民族主义和国家主义在建立现代民族国家的斗争中发挥了主导作用,同时也产生了牺牲现代性的负面作用,这种负面作用在建国后更为明显。当前的现代性建设必须警惕民族主义的陷阱,防止国家主义的复活。  相似文献   

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