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The purpose of this longitudinal study was to determine (a) the degree to which reading comprehension, vocabulary, reading pleasure, and reading frequency later in life can be predicted by earlier measures of the same variables; and (b) the degree to which path models and common-factor models explain the correlational structure of the development of these four aspects of reading. During five years, a cohort of 363 primary school children was followed. A variety of tests for the four aspects of reading was administered in grades 2 through 6. To answer the first question the quasi-simplex model from Guttman and Jöreskog was used. To answer the second question a path model and the ‘multi-wave, multi-variable’ model from Jöreskog and Sörbom was employed. It appeared that the scores for reading comprehension, vocabulary, reading pleasure, and reading frequency measured at a particular point in time could be predicted quite well by measures of the same variables at the preceding point in time. The precision of the prediction for reading comprehension and vocabulary was found to be better than for reading pleasure and reading frequency. Further, a shared common factor did not appear to underlie the development of reading comprehension, vocabulary, reading pleasure and reading frequency. Just as the development of reading comprehension and vocabulary appears to have a common source, the development of reading pleasure and reading frequency also appears to have a common source. Reading pleasure and reading frequency run rather autonomously with respect to reading comprehension and vocabulary. Résumé Cette étude longitudinale avait pour objectifs de déterminer (a) le degré de fiabilité des prédictions de la compréhension de la lecture et du vocabulaire, du plaisir de lire et de la fréquence des activités de lecture par une mesure antérieure des mêmes variables et (b) le degré d’explication des interactions entre l’évolution de ces quatre aspects de la lecture, fourni par l’analyse des pistes causales et les modèles factoriels courants. L’enquête a suivi une cohorte de 363 élèves de l’enseignement primaire pendant cinq ans. Toute une série de tests portant sur ces quatre domaines a été administrée aux élèves du deuxième au sixième degré. Pour répondre à la première question, nous nous sommes servis du modèle “quasi-simplex” de Guttman et Jöreskog. Pour répondre à la seconde, nous avons utilisé l’analyse des pistes causales et les modèles “multi-wave” de Jöreskog et Sörbom. Nous avons constaté que les résultats de la compréhension de la lecture et du vocabulaire, du plaisir de lire et de la fréquence de l’activité de lecture mesurés à un moment détermin? pouvaient être prédits de manière satisfaisante par la mesure des mêmes variables à un moment précédent. La précision de la prédiction de la compréhension de la lecture et du vocabulaire était plus élevée que celle obtenue pour les aspects “plaisir de lire” et “fréquence des lectures”. En outre, aucun facteur commun sous-jacent à l’évolution de la compréhension de la lecture et du vocuabulaire, du plaisir de lire et de la fréquence de la lecture n’a pu être mis en évidence. Nous avons tout au plus constaté que la compréhension de la lecture et du vocabulaire ont une source commune, tandis que le développement du plaisir et de l’intensité de la lecture en ont une autre. Plaisir de lire et intensité de lecture semblent se développer d’une manière plutôt autonome par rapport à la compréhension de la lecture et du voculabulaire. (Traduction: Norberto Bottani, directeur SRED, Genève, Suisse.)  相似文献   

This article presents an independent large-scale experimental evaluation of two online goal-setting interventions. Both interventions are based on promising findings from the field of social psychology. Approximately 1,400 first-year undergraduate students at a large Canadian university were randomly assigned to complete one of two online goal-setting treatments or a control task. In addition, half of treated participants were offered the opportunity to receive follow-up goal-oriented reminders through e-mail or text messages to test a cost-effective method for increasing the saliency of treatment. Across all treatment groups, we observed no evidence of an effect on grade point average, course credits, or second-year persistence. Our estimates are precise enough to discern a 7% standardized performance effect at a 5% significance level. Our results hold by subsample, for various outcome variables, and across a number of specifications.  相似文献   

标准设定:步骤、方法与评价指标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李珍  辛涛  陈平 《考试研究》2010,(2):83-95
标准设定(standard setting)是划分标准的过程,指在测验分数分布中划分出两类或两类以上的分界分数。通过标准设定,考生可以被分为“通过”和“未通过”,或者是被分为更多的有序表现类别。标准设定是标准参照测验的重要组成部分,也可为测验决策者提供关于测验效度的依据,是目前测量领域一个颇受关注的研究问题。本文首先回顾了标准设定的源起和发展历程,然后详细地介绍了标准设定的基本步骤和几种主要的标准设定方法,评估标准设定过程的指标,最后简单论述了在国内各类考试中应用标准设定的必要性。  相似文献   

目标设置理论是一种重要的激励理论.本文深入分析了目标的涵义、目标对学业绩效作用的机制,包括目标的明确度与难度等特性对学业绩效的影响,目标与成绩之间关系的调节因素,如国标承诺、目标重要性、目标定向、反馈、任务复杂性,以及努力、坚持性、策略,以及对结果和奖励的满意度等;探讨了目标设置理论在教育情境的应用,提出了目标设置的原则与方式,以期为教师和思想政治工作者指导学生科学设置目标提供帮助.  相似文献   

The authors examined how 2 types of goal setting (process vs. outcome), self-evaluation (presence vs. absence), and organizational signals (presence vs. absence) affected student ability to perform a set of procedural skills, namely animating slides created via presentation software. They also examined how these variables influenced a variety of affective outcomes, including students' self-efficacy, satisfaction with their performance, evaluation of the instruction, and attributions of success or lack of success in acquiring the skills. Using a 2 X 2 X 2 (Goal Setting X Self-Evaluation X Organizational Signals) design, 96 ninth- and tenth-grade students were randomly assigned to 1 of 8 versions of a print-based instructional module designed to teach slide-animation skills. Results indicated that students in the process goal condition reported a higher degree of self-efficacy, more satisfaction with their performance, and more strategic attributions than students in the outcome goal condition. Moreover, among students who were not directed to self-evaluate their own work, those students in the process goal condition demonstrated a higher level of animation skills, self-efficacy, and satisfaction, and rated the instruction more positively than did their counterparts in the outcome goal group. Self-evaluation also had a positive effect on student skill acquisition, particularly for students in the outcome goal condition. Organizational signals did not have any effect on any of the dependent measures. These results are discussed from a social cognitive perspective of self-regulation.  相似文献   

在知识更新速度越来越快的今天,人们对新知识的渴盼也越来越强烈。学习,已经不只是学生时代的使命,终身学习的观念已经被越来越多的人所认同、接受,甚至已经付诸行动。学会阅读方法,养成阅读习惯已经成为青少年迫在眉睫的重要事情。二十多年的教学实践告诉我,只有平时切实抓好阅读教学,才能做好从课内到课外、从方法到习惯的过渡,才能在众多的材料中选择出自己想要的内容,才能使学生终身受益。  相似文献   

This research contributes to the methodologies in HPT program evaluation and measurement that are fairly lacking to date. First, a theoretical foundation for a control group is established based on a brief review of control group applications in various fields. Then, four types of control groups applicable to HPT program evaluation and measurement are defined and classified, and threats to internal and external validity in control group applications are explored. Lastly, four evaluation and measurement scenarios are presented for an E‐learning program to demonstrate the applicability of the control group methods for HPT program evaluation and ROI measurement.  相似文献   

This module describes some common standard-setting procedures used to derive performance levels for achievement tests in education, licensure, and certification. Upon completing the module, readers will be able to: describe what standard setting is; understand why standard setting is necessary; recognize some of the purposes of standard setting; calculate cut scores using various methods; and identify elements to be considered when evaluating standard-setting procedures. A self-test and annotated bibliography are provided at the end of the module. Teaching aids to accompany the module are available through NCME.  相似文献   

PISA:阅读素养的界定与测评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阅读素养一直是国际评价关注的项目,也是由国际经合组织(OECD)发起组织实施的国际学生评价项目(The Programme Internation Student Assessment,以下简称PISA)首次重点测试部分。PISA认为随着社会、经济和文化的变化,尤其是终身学习观的形成,阅读及阅读素养的涵义也相应地发生变化,  相似文献   

Metacognition has become a popular term in theories of cognitive development and reading. What children know about the goals, tasks, and strategies of reading can influence how well they plan and monitor their own reading. Despite the appeal of metacognition and the emphasis on executive management of reading, there have been relatively few empirical studies that measure or promote children's metacognition about reading. This article briefly reviews some key studies of children's knowledge about reading and identifies some difficulties in defining and measuring metacognition. An Index of Reading Awareness (IRA) is offered as an informal assessment of metacognition derived from both theory and empirical data that can be used to measure children's understanding of reading comprehension processes. Data are presented illustrating that the instrument is sensitive to developmental and instructional differences in children's metacognition about reading. It is argued that the usefulness of the term metacognition depends on the development of both formal and informal tests of children's knowledge about reading and effective instruction that promotes metacognition.  相似文献   

重点分析自动监测、连续监测对SO2、PM10测定值的影响,对自动监测、连续监测、五日法三种方法进行综合对比评价。  相似文献   

新课程实施呼唤教师进行创造性的教学。过去,人们只从一个角度即教学方法去考虑课程的创新性实施,实际上课程实施创新的维度是多向的。教师不仅要关注课程的方法方面的创新,而且要很好地挖掘数学课程的目标和内容。同时,也要从课程评价的创新入手,以保证课程实施得到有效的评价。  相似文献   

教材难度评价一直是阅读教学理论与实践关注焦点之一,多年来已形成以难度系数法和水平评估法为主导的两种评价方法。前者通过句长测量句法难度,通过词长或词频测量语义难度,得出文本的阅读难度值;后者则根据“文本”因素,凭主观经验判断材料的难度。本文旨在介绍比较两种方法异同,探讨如何利用这两种方法改进我国大学英语阅读教材的难度评价,从而在不增加教学投入情况下有效提高教学效率与水平。  相似文献   

日常化评价在自然教学情境中对学生的日常行为表现进行评定,评价结果更为接近个体真实经验,评价的生态效度显著提高。日常化评价信息的获取需综合考虑评价目的、变量出现的相对频率、结构框架对评价精确度的可能干扰以及教师和学生负担等多方面因素;对获取信息的处理则应包括个体内和个体间两层分析水平。从实际应用来看,日常化评价尚待完善,完善的要点在于信息获取的方法、多层模型的设计以及如何减轻参与者的负担。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展进步,语文教学特别是阅读教学愈来愈面临挑战.针对这种现象,结合语文阅读教学的实际,为提高教学质量,需要改进阅读教学方法,对学生进行科学的阅读训练,适应时代的发展要求.  相似文献   

记得30多年前,我教中学语文,当时收录了<改造我们的学习>.毛泽东同志用一个十分形象的比喻论述了"矢"与"的"的关系.他说"‘的'就是中国革命,"矢"就是马克思列宁主义.我们中国共产党之所以要找这根"矢",就是为了要射中国革命和东方革命这个‘的'."在这里,毛泽东引用了传统的语言"有的放矢"与"无的放矢"来比喻这两个关涉到中国革命成败的根本对立的思想原则,说明马克思列宁主义与中国革命实际相结合的意义.  相似文献   

论三维目标的设计、实施与评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
三维目标已经是一个耳熟能详的话题,也是课程改革重要创新点之一.如此普遍而又常规的要求,历经近十年的研究与试验,在教育实践中却依然遭遇落实不理想的尴尬.教学中的三维目标内涵究竟如何解释?三维目标如何来科学准确表述?如何在实施中落实和评价评价三维目标?本文试图对上述问题进行一些初步的阐述.  相似文献   

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