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劳动价值论是马克思主义政治经济学的基石 ,劳动价值论科学与否直接决定着马克思主义经济学的生存死亡。在当前形势下 ,马克思的劳动价值论面临着许多的挑战。针对教学中如何迎接新挑战 ,正确解答这一理论难题 ,提出了一些解题的思路和行之有效的办法  相似文献   

Modernizing classroom pedagogical practice requires openness to revisiting previously held assumptions and theories about what constitutes authentic teaching/learning cycles. The ever‐growing gap between the number of stimuli that students are exposed to and their available attentional resources indicates that sustained attention may have increasing value transitioning into 21st‐century learning environments requiring self‐reflection, collaborative learning, and self‐directed decision‐making. Neurofeedback has shown promise in laboratory and clinical settings as a tool for building sustained attention, but little in situ research has been completed in bringing the technology into the school for empirical testing. Furthermore, attentional research lacks connections between neural network modeling and observable neuromarkers for attention. This article aims to bridge these distinct concepts to support an understanding of the potential impacts of neurofeedback training (NT) and to provide a framework for other Mind, Brain, and Education researchers planning in situ NT studies.  相似文献   

This contribution outlines the state of the art of the recent developments in teacher education for Secondary education in the Netherlands.

In the first section an overall picture is given from the different types of teacher training, their certification and their developments.

In the second section two key‐issues in teacher training are discussed, particularly the different training concepts and the developments in teaching practice in schools. Specific attention is given to the training of the co‐operating teachers.

In the third section two of the author's research projects are reviewed: the first is a project on problems of beginning teachers, and the second a project on teaching practice in schools.  相似文献   

叙事是人们表达思想的有力方式,普遍地存在于文学艺术作品和我们的日常生活、工作当中。自从20世纪80年代开始,叙事研究被作为教师的研究方法运用于教育领域,并逐渐形成一种潮流,之后在我国开始兴起。近年来,出了不少相关的研究成果,而且也将这种方法运用于教师的教育教学经验研究中。一、教育叙事研究兴起和发展的原因传统的教育科研方法在揭示教育的本质、探索教育活动的规律等许多方面有着非常突出的贡献。但由于遵循自然科学的范式,将生动鲜活的教育生活抽象地量化,或用一种纯思辩的方式“使简单的道理复杂化,使复杂的更加复杂”。这样…  相似文献   

当前教育领域中存在着比较严重的轻视理论的现象,针对这一现象,本文首先分析了教育理论的属性以及教育理论和实践的关系问题,并在此基础上重点剖析了教育界轻视理论的深层原因。  相似文献   

城乡差别的实质是农村的经济和社会发展滞后于城市。缩小城乡差别是实现全面建设小康社会目标和国家长治久安的需要.缩小城乡差别是一项复杂的社会系统工程,需要政府、城市和农村共同努力。缩小城乡差别的关键在政府,政府应该在缩小城乡差别上有新举措,发挥主导作用.  相似文献   

教育理论与实践:分离之根源与解决策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育理论与实践一直是一个颇具争议的命题,在世界范围内存在紧张的关系。教育理论是分层次的,各种理论的定位不同,研究对象不同,相应地表述方式也不同,对实践的指导也就各异,不同层次的教育理论与实践存在不同程度的脱节,教育研究人员自身对这个问题也存在无法回避的原因。面对这种差距,我们一方面要求理论研究人员自身进行分流,区分各类研究;另一方面,在宏观、中观和微观层面进行整合。  相似文献   

Bridging the Gap Between Genomics and Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT— Despite several decades of research suggesting the importance of both genetic and environmental factors, these findings are not well integrated into the larger educational literature. Following a discussion of quantitative and molecular genetic methods, this article reviews behavioral genetic findings related to cognitive and academic skills. This literature suggests that (a) the relative importance of genes and environments varies developmentally; (b) genetics, and to a lesser extend the environment, account for a substantial portion of the covariance within and across academic domains; and (c) some forms of disability are qualitatively different from the population, whereas others constitute the lower end of a continuum of ability. Following a discussion of the strengths and limitations of current behavioral genetic research and intervention research, we then discuss the ways in which understanding gene–environment interplay can be used to develop better definitions of learning impairment and better explain the substantial variability in response to intervention.  相似文献   

The discussion in this article focuses on how the gap between academic knowledge and regional development can be bridged, creating conditions for change processes between researchers and regional agents. Institutional entrepreneurs can create regional development organisations and research organisations, but in order to fulfil regional needs it is necessary to create processes where researchers and practitioners can connect and create a mutual change process. The analysis shows how new organisations have been used to create conditions for knowledge co-generation processes, a change in the language used and new work methods between researchers from Deusto University and Orkestra and regional actors over a period of 11 years in the Basque Country.  相似文献   

发展性阅读障碍理论及研究范式简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前对发展性阅读障碍(Developmental Dyslexia,DD)的理论解释主要有语音缺陷论、小脑缺陷论及一般性大细胞功能障碍理论。在这些理论基础上,研究者们采用Oddball范式、侧抑制范式、RSVP范式、TOT范式、半视野呈现范式以及错误记忆范式等对DD的特点与本质进行了全面系统的研究。本文简略阐述了DD的理论基础以及DD研究中的各种实验范式,以期更多的人参与到DD的实验研究中来。  相似文献   

本文主要从理论与实践两方面对基于阅读成分理论的阅读障碍"成分模型"的理论基础、检测及亚类型鉴定操作原理以及可行性和有效性进行详细阐释;同时简要分析了汉语阅读过程潜在成分及其性质以及"成分模型"在汉语阅读障碍检测中可行性探究,旨在为汉语阅读障碍检测及亚类型鉴定提供一个基于阅读成分理论,以干预为导向,科学合理、简便易施的理论模型,以避免单一采用"差异模型"进行阅读障碍检测的弊端以及我国阅读障碍检测及亚类型鉴定方面存在的混乱现象,促使汉语阅读障碍检测及亚类型鉴定朝着更加科学化的方向前进.  相似文献   

Rapid global change, driven especially by the telecommunications and computing industries, are rapidly transforming the international economic, social, and cultural landscape. Affected are both urban and rural businesses who face intense competition at home and abroad. If the U.S. is to continue to maintain a competitive advantage in the global marketplace, educational institutions must prepare the next generation of leaders for a pluralistic world in which multiculturalism dominates. This paper addresses one aspect of preparing university graduates for the global setting: the meshing of the business and economics disciplines with other relevant curricula. It describes first the underlying philosophy that supports federal funding for integrative initiatives designed to enhance students' multi‐cultural competence. Second, in the form of a case study, it recounts the experience of a particular program that was successfully implemented recently at the University of Kentucky. Third, this case study can serve as a model for integrative cross‐curricular efforts at institutions of higher learning elsewhere.  相似文献   

面向产业服务的三位一体工作室实践教学模式是时代的需要。面向产业服务的动漫是指主动的选取创作方向,以服务支持产业经济发展为目的动漫创作,是除去动漫产业之外的产业,是动漫基础与核心教学于一体,理论与实践教学的结合。  相似文献   

教育理论与实践之间常常存在一定的差距,即阻隔。这些阻隔分为客观必然阻隔和主观偶然阻隔。造成客观必然阻隔的原因是教育理论与教育实践发展的不平衡,以及受不同的客观因素制约。造成主观偶然阻隔的主要原因有:重思辨轻实践,重归纳轻演绎,缺乏本土意识;孤芳自赏,排斥教育理论;因循守旧缺乏创新,观念虽新实践不足;教育概念不规范,教育命题"应然"当"实然";教育评价只有终结性,忽视形成性评价。实现教育理论与实践的贯通,要提高认识,提高理论水平与实践能力,加强应用研究,建立科学的教育评价体系。  相似文献   

The purpose of this project was to describe the implementation of a perinatal health fair intended to connect local women to holistic resources. Researchers used participatory strategies to develop the health fair with local women and perinatal educators. Researchers evaluated the health fair using pragmatic measures based on the (Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, Maintenance) framework. Forty-two attendees were reached and 23 educators hosted booths and educational sessions. Feedback indicated strong enthusiasm for future similar events. Nearly three quarters of the time spent implementing the health fair was devoted to building relationships within the community. Overall, this project provides practical and empirical information to inform the planning, implementation, and evaluation of perinatal health fairs that establish meaningful connection between local women, perinatal educators, and health researchers.  相似文献   

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