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实训是实现职业教育目标的重要条件。本文阐述了高职高专文科类实训现状及原因,从基地建设、课程模式、师资队伍、项目设计等方面结合我院商务英语专业的实训探索对加强高职高专文科类实训进行了讨论。  相似文献   

文科应用型专业中本科生参与式研究能力的培养需要各方资源的统筹,不仅需要高校硬件、软件条件方面的建设,更需要过程中教师和学生的密切配合。文章剖析了参与式研究能力的内涵,分析近年来文科应用型专业参与式研究能力的发展现状,对促进文科应用型专业学生参与式研究能力提升提出一些改革建议。  相似文献   

癌症是威胁人类生命的恶性疾病之一.在我国癌症死亡率位居疾病死亡率的第二位.及时发现和掌握癌症患者的心理障碍,及时做好临床心理护理,可以促进治疗方案的实施,提高治疗效果.本文就各类癌症患者存在一个共性的心理障碍进行综合分析,并提出针对性的护理对策,改善生存质量,延长生存时间.  相似文献   

分析民族院校文科数学教学现状及现阶段存在的问题,并从明确教学目的和教学要求、选择适合本专业的教材及改进教学方法等方面阐述了大学文科数学应具备的教学方法,同时提出了民族院校文科数学教育发展的三点建议.  相似文献   


In this experimental study we examined the effects of integrating teacher-directed knowledge-building and student-regulated comprehension practices in 7th- to 10th-grade English language arts classes. We also investigated the effect of instructional quality and whether integrating practices differentially benefitted students with lower entry-level reading comprehension. The study was conducted in 6 schools, involving 17 teachers and 921 students. Teachers’ English language arts classes were randomly assigned to intervention (n = 36) or typical practice comparison (n = 29) conditions, and all teachers taught in both conditions. Students in both conditions grew significantly from pretest to posttest on proximal measures of narrative (ES =.09) and expository comprehension (ES =.22), as well as a standardized distal comprehension measure (ES =.46); however, no statistically significant between-group differences were found. Although intervention fidelity did not significantly influence outcomes, observational data indicated that teachers increasingly incorporated comprehension practices in their typical instruction. Effect sizes indicated a differential influence of entry-level reading comprehension on proximal and distal comprehension with higher performing readers in the intervention condition benefiting more than their lower performing peers on expository comprehension.  相似文献   

Previous research shows that key parties involved in children's drawing perceive the value and benefits of art and drawing very differently. However such research has been restricted to the examination of children attending mainstream schooling across the UK. The present study therefore compared the views and practices of key parties involved in mainstream and performing arts educational contexts. Teachers and children were interviewed and parents completed a postal survey. Some 225 children, 115 of their teachers and 176 of their parents and carers formed the mainstream school group whilst 180 children, 42 of their teachers and 145 of their parents and carers formed the performing arts school group. Main findings indicated that pupils', parents' and teachers' views about the benefits, and how to support drawing behaviour at school and at home, varied across contrasting educational contexts. In particular, pupils attending arts‐based schools and their teachers valued expressivity over technical support, pupils reported enjoying drawing more, had higher self efficacy and foresaw engaging in the activity beyond their school years more than their mainstream counterparts. The results suggest that mainstream educational contexts could foster drawing behaviour and the related emotional benefits to a greater extent.  相似文献   

参与式教师培训的基本流程解析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
参与式教师培训是当前国际上得到普遍认可的一种教师培训方式。虽然参与式教师培训并不追求统一的模式和固定的套路,但采用需求分析——培训设计——实施培训——总结评价的培训流程,开展起来会更有效、更顺利。  相似文献   

In this article, I explore ‘the dream scene’, a mode of installation art described by art critic and art historian Claire Bishop to demonstrate how artistic practice can provoke participation and social engagement. I will focus on a concept entitled ‘the crypt’ that emerged in my doctoral research, and one that I continued to explore in a novel way in a collaborative event at Tate Exchange, in Liverpool, UK in March 2018. It is my intention that ‘the crypt’ can provide an example of what ‘a dream scene’ can look like and, more importantly, what a dream scene can do. Finally, I will attend to some of the implications that this type of engagement has for arts‐based educational research.  相似文献   

Despite scholars’ praise of liberal arts education as a model form, very little research has examined the actual impact of liberal arts education on learning outcomes. The elaborate rhetoric and anecdotal support, long used to advance liberal arts education as the premier type of education with value for all, is no longer sufficient. The practices and conditions that lead to outcomes of a liberally educated student remain an empirical black box. Guided by the work of Pascarella et al. [2005, Liberal arts colleges and liberal arts education: New evidence on impacts. ASHE Higher Education Report, 31(3)], this study examined the extent to which an institutional ethos, that values student–student and student–faculty interaction within a supportive environment characterized by high expectations for developing the intellectual arts, manifests in the lived experiences of students and predicts the development of outcomes theoretically associated with the liberal arts. Specifically, we investigated the construct and predictive validity of the liberal arts experience scale relative to liberal arts outcomes. Using data from the first phase of the Wabash National Study of Liberal Arts Education, net of student background characteristics and institution attended, we found liberal arts experiences had a positive effect on four of six liberal arts outcomes, including intercultural effectiveness, inclination to inquire and lifelong learning, well-being, and leadership.
Tricia A. SeifertEmail:

李存的道德教化与道德修养思想探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李存是元代江西陆学学派“静明学派”的主要代表人物,他的心性论继承了陆九渊的“心即理”的特色。同时,又把它发展为惟我主义。在心性论的基础上,李存提出了以“孝”,“善”为核心观念的社会道德教化观,并提出了社会教化与社会环境的必然联系,同时他还提出了持志养气,明辨义利;自省体悟,改过迁善;寡欲居敬,克已敬身,至诚不欺,允厥执中;师友开发,相观而善的修养原则。对今天多有启示。  相似文献   

行政补偿法律制度一直以来不为我国学界所重视,由于没有统一的行政程序法,行政补偿程序更是欠缺。本文将对我国目前行政补偿程序进行分析,并指出其在立法指导思想上存在的问题,补偿制度本身的不完善致使补偿程序短缺。同时,针对目前这一制度的现状,相应地提出了完善建议,即更新观念、加强立法、协商和听证制度、建立公正完备的评估体系。  相似文献   

The value of the arts is often measured in terms of human creativity against instrumental rationality, while art for art's sake defends against a utility of art. Such critiques of the technical and formulaic are themselves formulaic, repeating the dualism of the head and the heart. How should we account for this formula? We should do so by investigating its determination within metaphysical and social relations, ancient and modern, and by comprehending the notion of freedom carried therein. This opens up the value of the arts to a modern metaphysics and modern notion of freedom. This value, and this freedom, find currency in a notion of philosophical and political education, and especially in a modern conception of liberal arts education, where freedom is to learn.  相似文献   

语言艺术——学,就其内容来讲是心灵世界的展现,就其形式来说是语言的审美组合。人的心灵世界正是在语言的审美组合下得以充分展现。学语言是审美性的、内指性的语言,它指向人的内心世界,指向学世界自身。它不同于外指的、指称外在客观世界的科学语言,它有着自己的特殊性。学语言创造的是非实体的、虚拟的、想象的世界,是心灵的世界。学语言具有非艺术语言所不具有的形象性、虚拟性、模糊性、独创性、情感性等特征。  相似文献   

当下文学艺术的优势地位已经丧失。电影,电视等视觉艺术垄断了大众的文化消费。主要原因在于视像艺术的直接性,被动跟从性消费性和震惊性效果等特点,远比间接的,主动参与性的文字艺术欣赏起来要省力得多,而且视像艺术画面的震惊效果更是文学艺术无法比拟的。因为视像艺术的形象是直接的,从而给演员提供了直接向受众展示自身魅力的机会,继而引发追星效应,明显是视像艺术特有的产物。因为视像艺术受商业利益的驱动,从而赞成了作品的类型比,低俗化和缺少 艺术品位,所以视像艺术要提高品位,必须借鉴优秀文学作品的创作手法。  相似文献   

传统武术与现代竞技武术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王杰 《山东教育学院学报》2006,21(1):127-128,141
采用文献资料法,从辨证的视角,阐明传统武术与现代竞技武术的联系,从文化背景、存在的形式、价值取向及衡量标准等方面,论述了传统武术与现代竞技武术的文化差异。  相似文献   

随着智能手机的普及,课堂上,越来越多的同学变成了"低头族"。而《现代通信原理》课程内容理论性强。这些都加剧了本课程教学时学生参与度不够的问题。参与式课堂,则可以将学生的注意力从手机转移到课堂,从而有效提高教学质量。本文提出了参与式课堂的设计方法。  相似文献   

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