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Many universities are pursuing increases in on‐line course offerings as a means of offsetting the rising costs of providing high‐quality educational opportunities and of better serving their student populations. However, enrollments in online courses are not always sufficient to cover their costs. One possible way of improving enrollments is through marketing campaigns targeted to specific demographic groups. In this study, we take a first look into how students’ perceptions of e‐learning systems, prior to their enrollment in an online course, vary across socioeconomic status and gender. Findings suggest that prior to taking an online course, working‐class students perceive e‐learning systems more positively than their middle‐class peers but that little difference exists between genders. Armed with this knowledge, universities may improve online course enrollments by marketing online courses specifically to working‐class students or through campaigns aimed at improving middle‐class students’ perceptions of e‐learning systems.  相似文献   

Success in an online learning environment is tied to both human and system factors. This study illuminates the unique contributions of human factors (comfort with online learning, self‐management of learning, and perceived Web self‐efficacy) to online learning system success, which is measured in terms of usage and satisfaction. The research model was tested employing SEM on a sample of 674 college students enrolled in at least one online course. The factors of comfort with online learning and perceived Web self‐efficacy were significant predictors of satisfaction. Comfort with online learning was significant in predicting usage. The impact of demographic variables was examined.  相似文献   

This conceptual paper suggests a methodology for increasing student satisfaction in core courses by applying the principle of mass customization to increase student satisfaction. It proposes that customization can be increased by increasing course flexibility along three dimensions: content flexibility, schedule flexibility, and course length flexibility. The increased flexibility provides opportunities for both student‐centered customization and the cross‐functional integration of the core course with other disciplines. Core courses were targeted because of their high volume of students specializing in something other than the core course being taught and the associated general disinterest of these types of students. There are two main sections. The first section provides an overview to the proposed course structure while the second provides suggestions about computer‐based technology that can be used to support the structure presented in the first section. Examples are presented that pertain to a core course in statistics, but the technology and course structure presented are easily adaptable to core courses in any discipline.  相似文献   

The main concern is a longstanding one in classroom instruction—the determinants of effective team performance. The paper explicitly examines the effect of teacher‐controlled factors on the use and functioning of student teams. From a sample of 500 undergraduate students, data are obtained on aptitude, diversity, instability, motivation, personality style, size, and performance. The regression results suggest that team motivation and instability, which are both partly controlled by the instructor, are particularly important in determining a team's performance. An implication is that instructor decisions about team make‐up and incentives can have a significant impact on student achievement.  相似文献   

We revisit the relationship between attendance and performance in the undergraduate university setting and apply agency theory in the instructor–student context. Building on agency theory propositions in the educational setting advanced by Smith, Zsidisin, and Adams (2005) , we propose that the student and instructor must align goals to promote the student's achievement of performance learning outcomes, and attendance functions as a behavior‐based alignment mechanism to encourage the convergence of faculty and student interests. Further, we propose that attendance does not equally affect lower‐ and higher‐performing students and that absences are also negatively related to students' cumulative grade point average. We test these hypotheses with data from undergraduates enrolled in management courses at a state university in the southeast. Our results show that attendance is positively related to exam performance, there are more pronounced negative effects of an absence for lower‐performing students than for higher performers, and absences are negatively related to a student's cumulative grade point average. We discuss the implications of our findings for students, instructors, and universities as well as practice in teaching and learning.  相似文献   

In this pilot research we examine the impact of two leadership development training programs on the ability of students to acquire knowledge, share knowledge, and apply knowledge for organizational decision making. One program emphasized concepts and case‐based application based on a technical learning paradigm. The other program used a game‐based computer simulation, Virtual Leader, grounded in an experiential or situated learning paradigm. After training, students from both programs engaged in a complex in‐basket exercise to examine the quality of their leadership and managerial abilities. In this exercise, participants from each training intervention worked with their trained cohort to accomplish a day of managerial work. Participants were observed and their individual and collective actions and decisions on behalf of the organization were evaluated. Using qualitative research we compared the organizational decisions associated with each group to determine which pedagogical technique resulted in the most effective application of student learning. While technical learning pedagogy was associated with greater information acquisition, the game‐based computer simulation (an experiential, social‐interaction oriented pedagogy) was associated with better decision quality and more shared cognition. Evidence suggests that students taught with the game‐based computer simulation collectively demonstrated a greater ability to apply what they learned.  相似文献   

Team‐based projects continue to be important for structuring work in many organizations, and employees are increasingly using mobile applications (apps) for peer evaluations as part of a performance appraisals process. Since a graduating student can expect to work in a team at some point in their career, exposure to class‐related group projects is important. This study explored using a mobile application (app) called DevelapMe (DMe), which allowed for 273 business undergraduates in 54 teams to give and receive real‐time peer‐based feedback during a 5‐week group project. Prior empirical research has shown that technology can improve the group development process, but such research has not used a mobile app. The general goal of this study was to investigate how receiving real‐time feedback through a mobile app (DMe) can affect the team development process over time. Two online surveys, Time 1 (T1) and Time 2 (T2), were administered over a 5‐week period. Results showed that two of the three team‐level process outcomes, team trust and team commitment (but not team value‐goal fit), significantly increased from T1 to T2. Results also showed that receiving T1 sender‐based positive, but not negative, feedback scales had a significant impact on all three team‐level process outcomes.  相似文献   

根据对某高校322名本科毕业生的问卷调查的数据,建构高阶因子结构方程模型,以考察大学生自我报告的学习结果和学校满意度之间的关系。分析结果表明,满意度与学习结果之间存在显著的正相关,且认知和非认知学习结果与教学满意度之间的相关度高于它们与教学环境满意度的相关度。通过进一步的方差分析发现,按教学水平满意度和教学环境满意度分别进行分组,不同满意程度的学生自我报告学习结果的差异表现不同,满意度的不同方面与学习结果各方面存在不同程度相互影响。因此,将学生满意度和学习结果调查与高校教学管理有机结合具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This article chronicles the coordination and better integration of existing institutional resources to support cocurricular themes embedded in the provision of a large enrollment, video‐mediated undergraduate operations management (OM) course. The name Project Cheddarfield refers to a 2008 initiative in which two professors team‐taught an OM course to over 600 undergraduates on two different continents through the repeated rapid exchange of digital video between the United States and Singapore. Simultaneously infused in this core curricular delivery were themes of global awareness and study‐abroad, including the promotion of one particular opportunity that bridged the two campuses. This action research narrative spans over 5 years of related activity leading up to the initiative, as this project is best understood as a trajectory, or the evolving result of design adapting to unfolding realities.  相似文献   

高校学生党员队伍纯洁性建设有着特殊的重要意义。要扎实做好这一工作,队伍建设是基础,组织建设是保障,机制建设是关键。如何建立准入机制、教育机制、实践机制、督查机制、激励机制和淘汰机制是高校学生党建队伍必须思考并回答的问题。  相似文献   

A study was conducted at a southern university in sophomore level production classes to assess skills such as the order of arithmetic operations, decimal and percent conversion, solving of algebraic expressions, and evaluation of formulas. The study was replicated using business statistics and quantitative analysis classes at a southeastern university. The intent of the study was to determine math deficiencies among college students and to ascertain whether or not these deficiencies impact grades. Data analyses compared students’ test results and grades from the different classes at the two universities and identified surprising patterns across classes, universities, and professors.These results support the need for curriculum modifications to address the identified deficiencies.  相似文献   

在医教协同的新时代,医学人才培养质量受到前所未有的关注,学生发展成效是人才培养质量的集中体现。基于高等教育学生发展的增值视角,利用全国代表性的54398份学生调查数据对医科学生发展进行了实证分析。研究发现,医科学生学业成就整体偏低,即相比其他学科,院校期间医科学生能力增值相对较少;医科学生在学生发展上的主要特征表现在专业能力增值上显著更多,临床医学类专业和非临床医学类专业学生在学业成就上存在一定差异,且明显受入学动机的影响;医科学生在学业成就上存在明显的年级特征,其增值在大三年级最为明显,且女性、农村、第一志愿录取的医科学生学业成就相对更高。  相似文献   

Student experience surveys have become increasingly popular to probe various aspects of processes and outcomes in higher education, such as measuring student perceptions of the learning environment and identifying aspects that could be improved. This paper reports on a particular survey for evaluating individual experiments that has been developed over some 15 years as part of a large national Australian study pertaining to the area of undergraduate laboratories—Advancing Science by Enhancing Learning in the Laboratory. This paper reports on the development of the survey instrument and the evaluation of the survey using student responses to experiments from different institutions in Australia, New Zealand and the USA. A total of 3153 student responses have been analysed using factor analysis. Three factors, motivation, assessment and resources, have been identified as contributing to improved student attitudes to laboratory activities. A central focus of the survey is to provide feedback to practitioners to iteratively improve experiments. Implications for practitioners and researchers are also discussed.  相似文献   

随着教育信息化建设的深入推进,教学系统中积累了海量的学生教学评价数据,这些数据蕴含了丰富的信息,亟待挖掘利用。为了挖掘学生教学评价中的情感倾向,为提高教学质量提供科学依据,文章提出了一种基于双通道深度记忆网络的深度学习模型,用于学生教学评价的方面级情感分析。在该模型中,设计了双通道策略以充分提取评语中隐含的局部特征和上下文依赖信息,并使用循环注意力机制提取与特定教学方面相关的情感信息以实现细粒度的方面级情感分析。通过在真实的教学评价数据集上进行实验,结果表明,所提出的方法能有效挖掘学生评价中关于不同教学方面的情感倾向,为教师和教学管理者了解并改进教学提供依据。  相似文献   

We analyzed over 100,000 student evaluations of instruction over 4 years in the college of business at a major public university. We found that the original instrument that was validated about 20 years ago is still valid, with factor analysis showing that the six underlying dimensions used in the instrument remained relatively intact. Also, we found that the relative importance of those six factors in the overall assessment of instruction changed over the past two decades, reflecting changes in the expectations of the current millennial generation of students. The results were consistent across four subgroups studied—Undergraduate Core, Undergraduate Noncore, Graduate Core, and Graduate Noncore classes, with minor differences. Student Motivation (the instructor's ability to motivate students) and grading/assignments (fairness and objectivity of grading practices) have superseded presentation ability in relative importance as indicators of overall teaching effectiveness. Our study has implications for teachers in terms of the appropriate areas to focus on for improving their teaching practices.  相似文献   

In introductory information technology (IT) courses, communicating technical concepts so that they can be comprehended by all students, technical and nontechnical, has been a concern. Another challenge in such courses is to teach the real‐world applicability of technical concepts. In this conceptual article, we focus on a relatively unexplored issue in IT education—which instructional method is more effective in improving the learning outcomes of all students taking introductory IT courses. In doing so, we consider two instructional methods, lecture and multimedia case studies, and argue that either of these instructional methods, adopted singly, will be perceived by students as less effective in accomplishing learning outcomes than adopting a combination of the two instructional methods. Our arguments both augment existing knowledge about the differential influence of lecture and multimedia case studies on students’ learning outcomes and questions the wisdom of adopting either of these methods singly in introductory IT courses. We derive insights from the literature and anecdotal evidence, presented as four propositions, which illustrate the relationship between the two instructional methods and the specific learning outcomes students perceive they affect.  相似文献   

This study examines the key concepts of elements‐and‐principles art instruction, as defined in the publications by Vorkurs (preliminary course) instructors at the Bauhaus. Elements‐and‐principles instruction was for decades central to formalist art training, and continues to play a role, albeit limited, today. Preceding accounts of the elements‐and‐principles have not considered contextual matters worthy of attention, specifically, two other instructional frameworks. One is perceptual drawing that dominated in Western art culture before the inception of the elements‐and‐principles approach. The second is the instructional model Paul Klee proposed in his well‐known but under‐examined instructional publication of 1925, Pedagogical Sketchbook. With regard to the latter, scholars have failed to undertake detailed analysis that would explain Klee's instructional model and, in particular, its central (and idiosyncratic) concept of ‘trichotomy’. Trichotomy is a structure rather than a formal element, providing visual equivalents for extra‐visual events. The peculiarity of trichotomy and related concepts in Pedagogical Sketchbook has kept the publication a faint presence in elements‐and‐principles instruction and in related scholarly inquiry. With a more precise presentation of Klee's pedagogical focus, this study distinguishes heretofore overlooked dissimilarities between the Pedagogical Sketchbook model and elements‐and‐principles approach, and enables recognition of affinities between Klee's model and current conversations about embodiment pedagogies in visual arts education.  相似文献   

Existing research demonstrates the impact of context on school organisation and management, curriculum and pedagogy and on student peer relations. New developments in English education policy will devolve more responsibility for dealing with these issues to headteachers. Headteachers' readings of their contexts and the responses that they make are thus of increasing interest. This paper draws on interviews with eight headteachers of less advantaged English primary schools to explore how they understand and articulate the contexts in which their schools operate and how this knowledge is translated into strategies for organising curriculum, pedagogy and other school processes. These headteachers observed context through the lens of the behaviour of parents and children in relation to school, contrasting it with an assumed middle‐class normality. More critical perspectives on families' social and economic position or on the contribution of school practice to educational exclusion were largely absent. School responses were many and varied but, given the constraints of budgets, market and performative pressures, were unlikely to substantially transform the educational experiences and outcomes of disadvantaged students. We point to the continuing need for more contextualised funding mechanisms and policies to improve schools in disadvantaged areas and also, in the light of devolution to schools, to the need to develop mechanisms of support to headteachers to help them to develop critical understandings of context and to reflect on school process and practices in the light of these understandings.  相似文献   

在高等教育大众化的时代,高等教育的质量保障成为各国所面临的共同课题。由于高等教育的直接对象是大学生,了解学生的学习状况就自然成为该领域研究的关键所在。东京大学大学经营政策研究中心(GRUMP)在2007年进行了一次全国范围的学生调查,问卷内容涉及学生的学习行为、学习意识和教学评价等多方面。根据调查结果,学生被分为四个类型,各类型学生的学习状况存在着明显的差异。如何应对学生的不同需求,提高教学质量是值得我们进一步研究的。  相似文献   

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