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作者通过在视唱教学中的体会和目前一些艺术院校中视唱教学的现状考查,对目前艺术院校视唱练耳教学中关于视唱教学内容及存在的一些问题谈出了自己的一些观点和体会。文中通过对视唱教学相关的一些问题分几个方面做了一些初步的探讨。  相似文献   

英美文学是高职院校英语专业教学中让学生很好了解外国文学和风土人情的重要课程。本文根据高职院校大学英语教学实际,结合英美文学从教经验及自身教学特点,从教学目标,教材,教学内容,教学方法诸方面探讨了英语专业英美文学课堂教学的创新与实践。  相似文献   

通过目前高校等艺术院校和高等师范院校音乐科系的声乐教学中面临的学生学习心态、歌唱心理和审美情感等心理状态及知识结构的分析,得出这几个难题形成的根本原因是落后的教育体制和学科建设的不完善.本文针对这一现状,提出有利于高校音乐学科建设和地方音乐教育体制具体改革的设想,希望能对音乐教育的发展和地方民族音乐艺术的发展竭尽绵薄.  相似文献   

对基础素描课程教学的重新认识   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据教育科学理论和绘画艺术理论,结合大中专院校艺术(绘画)专业基础素描课程的教学改革,提出对于绘画艺术中的观察方法、艺术表现方法需要重新认识的观点,并进行初步探讨。以基础素描课程的教学任务为出发点,综合全因素素描和结构素描的重点,结合大中专院校美术系或美术专业学生的绘画功底不够扎实和艺术修养较为欠缺这一现状,在今后的基础素描课程教学过程中,要以结构素描为主,研究物象的形体、结构、解剖,结合全因素素描所强调的明暗、透视、空间、立体的教学理念,使大中专院校基础素描课程教学具有较好的理论指导。加强大中专院校美术系或美术专业学生基本技能的训练,强调确立基本素描理念,积极主动地融合全因素素描和结构素描技巧于一体,发挥各自的优势,扬长避短,为今后的基础素描课程教学的改革积累经验。  相似文献   

The definition of enrichment, embedded in the literature on the subject, means taking children above and beyond their every day learning experience by providing for a short time an unusually challenging environment that will uncover and strengthen talent. The author is a practising teacher who recently did some classroom-based action research examining the effects of immersing mixed ability eight-to ten-year olds in a range of differentiated art experience over an intensive two day period. Three separate projects were undertaken, although only one – a design project – can be discussed here in detail. This involved the author working alongside a class teacher in order to provide `hands on’ InSET experience and help develop confidence in art teaching. Some enrichment art activities were specifically planned requiring children to think and analyse in depth. These were available to all children who selected them but were also targeted to children who in the opinion of their teachers already showed some interest, talent and commitment to art. The other art activities on offer provided a stimulating general art experience but not a high level of cognitive challenge. This paper explores the purpose and design of the research, and offers some conclusions based on a variety of interview and photographic data.  相似文献   

本文从维果茨基的社会文化理论的视角探讨外语教师的语言知识的建构,认为外语教师的语言知识,不论是关于语言的知识、运用语言的知识,还是教学的语言知识都应被视为是从社会环境的经验中产生的。外语教师的教学的语言知识至少应该涉及关于语言的知识,对外语学习过程的理解,以及批判的语言意识等几个方面。这几个方面的知识都与教师原有的生活经历和知识基础相关。外语教师的学习和教学经验决定了其教学的语言知识基础,这就意味着教师的自传应置于外语教师发展中的重要的地位。  相似文献   

笔者安排了《安徽古砚观赏》一课,采用由教师组织领导,安排研讨方向。学生通过自主学习、研究学习与合作性学习形式和网上查询收集素材、撰写研究报告等学习过程。最后陈述研究结果的教授形式,让学生了解砚台的发展历史和四大名砚的一般欣赏常识以及古砚在当下文化中的艺术价值。  相似文献   

瓯塑作为浙江温州特有的民间艺术,已有上千年的历史,对瓯塑艺术的弘扬发展对于传承瓯越文化、发展温州本土文化具有特殊意义。通过瓯塑艺术现状分析和亲身创作经历,就瓯塑艺术的创新发展之路提出四点创新:在思想观念上要创新、在继承和弘扬传统的基础上进行创新、在材料应用和工艺方面的创新、在人才培养方式方面的创新。  相似文献   

高等院校中的艺术设计专业,对于设计色彩如何教,一直争论不休。不少学校的教学方法还一直延续纯艺术院校的色彩基础课程。这样不仅不利于设计专业方向的培养,更无法使学生衔接好以后的专业课程。应当清楚地认识到再现性色彩(绘画色彩)与抽象性色彩(设计色彩)是两个不同的色彩体系,在教学上必须有所区别。通过多年的绘画基础课程教学,谈些个人的看法。  相似文献   

Parents and early childhood teachers in Chinese societies and the United States have had dissimilar views about appropriate art instruction for young children. The Chinese view is that creativity will emerge after children have been taught essential drawing skills. The American view has been that children's drawing skills emerge naturally and that directive teaching will stifle children's creativity. Forty second-generation Chinese American and 40 European American young children participated in this longitudinal study at ages 5, 7, and 9 to explore possible cultural differences in and antecedents of their drawing skills and creativity. Chinese American children's person drawings were more mature and creative and their parents reported more formal ways of fostering creativity as compared to their European American counterparts. Correlations showed that children who had more opportunities to draw and who received more guidance in drawing were more advanced in their drawing. For Chinese Americans, fathers’ personal art attitudes and children's Time 1 drawing skills predicted 53% of the variance in children's drawing scores four years later.  相似文献   

本文结合本人在马克思主义哲学课的教学实践中 ,就组织课堂讨论的条件和课堂讨论处理的艺术 ,谈谈个人的体会和看法。提出了提高马克思主义哲学教学效果 ,组织课堂讨论的一些原则  相似文献   

随着教学改革的不断深入,艺术设计专业彩画教学中所面临的许多新问题有待进一步审视.本文通过对美术教育和艺术设计两个专业的不同定位,就如何建立和完善艺术设计专业"转型期"彩画教学体系提出了具有建设性的观点.  相似文献   

作者在总结以往教学实践经验的基础上,对英语课堂教学过程中关于提问的艺术作了一些探索和研究。  相似文献   

小学美术欣赏教学中如何唤起学生的切身的感知和体验,是当前欣赏教学亟需解决的关键问题。笔者以《富春山居图》欣赏教学为例,以生本课堂理论为依托,运用体验式学习方法展开教学,在美术作品欣赏教学中开展"发现—体验—探索"渐进式的以学生为主体的欣赏活动,将传统教学中单向的美术观赏课程转化为双向的、多元的探究式互动欣赏教学,促进了学生艺术知觉的逐步形成。  相似文献   

实习教学是加强实践教学环节,培养学生实践能力和创新能力的重要因素。结合指导实习的教学经验,分析艺术专业实习基地中存在的一些问题,并在此基础上提出几点建议。  相似文献   

对水墨人物肖像写生中教学环节、以及学生的观察力、表现力、创造力的培养为其依据,结合高师美术专业的教学实际来展开探讨,并提出了相应的教学策略及所必须遵循的教学原则,旨在使中国画教学更符合现代艺术教育的发展。  相似文献   

修辞学是提高语言表达效果的一门科学,教学语言的修辞艺术对提高教学语言表达效果具有重要意义,本文从语言组合的有序性,策略设计的启发性,手段遣用性三个方面探讨,论述教学语言的修辞艺术。  相似文献   

在新的《普通高中美术课程标准》实施后,高中美术教学有了更加规范的标准要求。以山西省高中美术教学为研究对象,发现了一些亟待解决的问题。文章特就这些问题提出一些可资借鉴的方法与建议,进一步强调高中美术教师转变教学观念和方法的意义,以及美术教学在高中课程教学中的重要性。  相似文献   

The National Curriculum is bringing a systematic attention to the place of language in the teaching and learning of Art, but may be suppressing some of the liveliness of language in art. Art teaches a specialist vocabulary with benefits beyond the art lesson, but there are dangers (and opportunities) in the use of words in art which have different meanings elsewhere. Art rooms have traditionally promoted a rich variety of language uses, but new pressures could lead to formulaic didactic lessons with too little pupil discussion. One language use in art, from which English teachers could learn, is discussion about the aesthetic qualities of artefacts which pupils make or are shown. English teaching too often treats poems as documentaries, but art can teach pupils to use words for looking and thinking about artefacts in their own terms. A danger here, in art as in English, is that introducing a canon can encourage talking about art in second-hand language which does not connect with pupils’ experiences. Language would drive a model of pedagogy in which experience and perception inform the formation of new concepts, then new concepts inform the search for new experience and perception, in an ascending spiral of aesthetic understanding which could also be both a pleasure and an education of the feelings.  相似文献   

高师院校英美文学教学面临的问题与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
英美文学作为人文学科的重要组成部分,在塑造个人价值观和审美观方面具有不可替代的作用。但近年来,英语专业英美文学教学面临着诸多问题。此研究就师范院校的英美文学教学应该怎样适应未来基础教育的需要进行了探讨,并根据笔者的教学经历有针对性地提出了一些解决办法。  相似文献   

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