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An online community of learning within a distance doctoral programme was explored to determine if and how the community evolved and transformed over time. This part-time doctoral programme gathers students into cohorts and runs a structured community with students and faculty for 18 months before students confirm candidatures and begin individual work with their own supervisors for the remaining 4–5 years of study. In particular, this study sought to determine if and how the community of learning continued and developed after the 18 months of shared structured learning had been completed. This research was initiated and conducted by the students, giving insights into the community from the students’ perspective. Findings are that the community has survived and will continue in the short-term at least, but with fewer members and operating in a different manner. There has been an ongoing transformation of the community, largely driven by choice and necessity.  相似文献   

An education professor and a high school student tell the story of their mentoring relationship, focusing on the academic journey of the protégé. The narrative attempts to give voice to both mentor and protégé as it relates an authentic win–win situation for both participants and their families. The narrative is theoretically grounded in the literature describing co-mentoring and network mentoring arrangements that are less unilateral and authoritative, and more bi-directional and relationally-based than traditional mentoring arrangements. The authors contend that since educational achievement and attainment determine to a significant degree ones participation in the American Dream, academic assistance and guidance provide a logical area of emphasis for mentoring our youth. Important recent developments in the youth mentoring movement are also discussed.Gregory J. Fritzberg is an Associate Professor of Education at Seattle Pacific University. Aragaw Alemayehu is a 2003 graduate of Ballard High School in Seattle, Washington. Address correspondence to Dr. Gregory J. Fritzberg, College of Education, Seattle Pacific University, Peterson #408, 3307 3rd Ave, Seattle, WA 98119, USA; gregf@spu.edu.  相似文献   

Inspection Effectiveness: an analysis of an OFSTED inspection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Barry Carpenter, Principal Lecturer in Education, Westminster College, Oxford and Chris Stoneham, Head of Learning Support, Henry Box School, Witney, Oxfordshire, build on the advice given by Maria Landy in Vol.9 No. 1 of Support for Learning , and show how an OFSTED inspection can be a rewarding experinece.  相似文献   

全日制普通高级中学教科书<物理>(必修加选修)(人教版)第二册第12页例题2原题及分析解答内容如下:  相似文献   

Cultural Studies of Science Education - With growing evidence demonstrating the impact of undergraduate research experiences on educational persistence, efforts are currently being made to expand...  相似文献   

设计一个符合实验银行业务自身特点的实验考核系统,科学评价学生的银行业务操作技能不仅能够体现出银行会计实验的学科特点,而且大大减轻了实验教师的出题、考试、阅卷、成绩统计、试卷评析等工作量。重点阐述了实验银行考核系统的试题库模块、组卷模块、评分算法模块、查询报表模块的设计方案,以及系统实现的关键性问题;为其它学科的操作题的评分提供良好的借鉴。  相似文献   

隐含作者的概念首先由韦恩·布斯提出,并很快受到文论界的广泛接受,但在作者与隐含作者的关系存在很大争议.本文试图对二者的关系进行梳理,论述几种有代表性的观点及其局限性,并以此为基础提出自己的观点.  相似文献   

This paper examines the process of academic identity construction experienced by a Chinese PhD student in an Australian university from 2010 to 2014. The researcher draws on his diaries written in Australia and uses some stories of the relationships with his supervisors and other scholars to unfold the process of his academic identity construction in a host academic community. Two years on, the researcher reflects on the challenges confronted during his candidature, exploring the Australian PhD education system from within. This study will help educators and supervisors to understand an international higher degree research student’s gradual academic identity construction as a cultural Other in the context of globalized higher education systems, and it will contribute to the mutual understanding between supervisors and international research students, as well as supervisors’ professional supervision in a globalized higher education context.  相似文献   

奇素数的平方都是孤立数   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
设P是奇素数.本文证明了:P^2是孤立数.  相似文献   

亚东是北京市海淀区一家社区便利店的工作人员,最近有个问题一直困扰着他,就是如何让销售额快速增长。前不久,来自北京市创业中心的专家进店考察后,提出了一套改进方案。调整之后,顾客平均少走了50米,便利店的生意比以前好了许多。如今,“创业”的观念渐渐深入人心,创业已经成为促进就业的一个重要途径。但市场风云变幻,创业成功的变数很大。创业中碰到困难或者问题怎么办,由此,参加创业培训,寻求创业咨询,以此提高创业能力就成了很多创业者的选择。在我国最新发布的职业中,创业咨询师已经成为格外热门的职业。  相似文献   

如右图,设△ABC是任一三角形,△DEF是△ABC的外角平分线所围成的三角形,则称△DEF是△ABC的旁心三角形.  相似文献   

许多教学资料上有这样一道题(以下简称习题):如图1所示,光滑曲面是方程为y=x2的抛物线,在y=a的直线以下有垂直xoy平面的匀强磁场(图中未画出),一个质量为m的闭合小金属圆环从曲面上y=b处以速度v沿曲面滑下,已知b>a,忽略空气阻力,下列说法正确的是()A.圆环经过位置o时,动能为mgb  相似文献   

瑞恩:你好.格林小姐。我是BLC公司的瑞恩。我们前几天通过电话。 贝丝:瑞恩.你好。我已经为明早的会议准备了。一系列的样品。我想比尔看到这些产品会很满意。 瑞恩:事实上.我就是为这件事打电话来的。因为发生了一些重要的突发事件,所以我恐怕得取消明天早上你和比尔的会面。  相似文献   

1.Could you fix an appointment for me to see Mr Snow?你能给我约个时间会见斯诺先生吗?2.I was wondering whether Mr Snow would be able to see me thismorning.不知道斯诺先生今天上午能否会见我。3.Have you anything particular to discuss with him,if I may ask?请问您有没有特殊事情要找他谈?4.Yes.I would like to have a talk with him in person.有的。我想和他本人谈一谈。5.There's a rather important matter to discuss with him.  相似文献   

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