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This ethnographic case study examined first-year, first-generation, low-income Latino/a college students’ social experiences and familial support during their transition from a charter high school to four-year universities. Through interviews and observations, we found that maintaining communication and building relationships among high school and college peers, high school faculty and staff, and college professors were essential to navigating the educational system; also, having a family that supported their academic work to allow students to only focus on their coursework was important.  相似文献   

影响大学生利用计算机网络资源的障碍因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究的目的是为了了解当代中国大学生利用计算机网络资源过程中可能存在的障碍因素。研究发现,在所列举的十三项可能的"障碍因素"中,"校园局域网和广域网分离造成的使用不方便"和"网络速度太慢"是当前最影响大学生利用计算机网络资源的两大问题。此外,性别、年级、拥有计算机与否、拥有计算机的时间、每天使用计算机和网络的时间等个人特征对大学生认识"计算机网络资源利用中可能的障碍因素"有不同程度的影响。基于这些发现,本研究尝试着提出一些解决问题的建议。  相似文献   

“Get ready, get in, and get through.” Latino adolescents and young adults are enrolling in the nation’s colleges and universities at record numbers. However, completion rates of Latinos range from 8% to 25%. We examined individual rather than organizational factors shown to influence Latino student post-secondary levels of success. Influences include academic experience; demographic, personal, and family characteristics; and cultural factors. Four colleges that have specifically addressed success were selected to show how programs link individual factors with success. Implications for the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The community college has historically functioned as a primary access point to postsecondary education for Latino students. This study, an investigation conducted through an analysis of the Transfer and Retention of Urban Community College Students (TRUCCS) project, focuses on Latino students enrolled in urban “minority-majority” community colleges, where Latino students have a high representation. The specific interest of this research is the role and effect of the level of representation of Latino community college students on their academic outcomes. The relationship between the level of representation of Latinos, and the levels of academic success are analyzed in concert with other variables, such as, the level of representation of Latino faculty on campus, student age, attitude, academic integration, English ability and aspiration. Findings indicate a relationship between academic success of Latino community college students and the proportion of Latino students and faculty on campus. The findings thus suggest that a critical mass of Latinos may be a positive influence encouraging “minority” students to higher academic performance.  相似文献   

我国大学生产生心理障碍的原因主要有以下几个方面:一是社会转型时期带来的社会大变革从而导致人们各方面的不适应是产生大学生心理障碍的根本原因;二是大学生人格成长与人生的阶段性压力的矛盾是产生心理障碍的主要原因;三是贫富差距带来的心理反差是产生大学生心理障碍的间接原因;四是心理耐挫能力弱是产生大学生心理问题的直接原因。  相似文献   

创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是国家兴旺发达的不竭动力.当代大学生的自主创新意识以及自主创新能力的强弱,直接关系到建设创新型国家战略的成败,关系到民族的振兴和国家的盛衰.平庸性目标取向障碍、应试性学习障碍、虚假性学风障碍和浮躁性意志障碍是目前大学生自主创新所遭遇到的主要障碍.从根本上有针对性地克服目前大学生自主创新所遭遇到的主要障碍将成为我国高等教育继续深化改革的主要方向之一.  相似文献   

In an attempt to explain the lower Latino college graduation rate, the current study focuses on collectivism in kin and nonkin helping situations. The sample comprised 60 students at a 4-year college in the southwestern United States. Results revealed significance between ethnicity and nonkin collectivism: Latino American college students were significantly more collectivistic toward nonkin groups compared to their non–Latino American counterparts. The use of various support systems may shed some light on the necessary remedy for Latinos’ lower college graduation rate. Implications are discussed for cultural sensitivity training and program development to foster the experience and success of Latino American college students.  相似文献   

This qualitative study examines how a group of Latino/a high school students living in the Southeast used youth media as a forum to promote a selective pattern of acculturation. The study explores the ways in which the students’ discourse emphasised the maintenance of the students’ home culture and privileged familismo, a cultural construct that holds the needs of the family above the needs of the individual. The doubly precarious issue of gender and biculturalism is examined, and found to be problematic for the female participants who personally struggled with a patriarchal family structure, yet publically promoted family loyalty and respect. The study highlights the female participants’ challenges and the importance of providing a space to examine these challenges.  相似文献   

女大学生在排球学习中的心理障碍分析与克服   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
女大学生在学习排球过程中,由于受身心发展特征所制,经常会遇到这样或那样的困难,使她们的心理情绪发生变化而产生心理障碍,严重地影响学习效果,对她们在学习排球过程中所产生心理障碍的起因进行分析,并研究预防与克服的有效办法,为她们学习和掌握排球技术动作提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

Behavior issues in the classroom directly relate to the teaching style and the type of interactions between the teacher and students. In particular, Latino/a students need to be engaged in the curriculum content if they are to be successful, both academically and emotionally. If this does not occur, then behavioral issues will arise, which will then feed into the school-to-prison pipeline theory.  相似文献   


This article draws upon two conceptual frameworks—institutional culture in education and innovation studies—to contextualize findings from a digital intervention for underrepresented students applying to college. The qualitative data that inform this study's findings include 88 open-response surveys with school teachers, as well as campus observations from 52 participating high schools in the U.S. state of California. Through such a conceptual framework, this article highlights four institutional barriers that can inhibit widespread adoption of a promising innovation: (a) the challenge of tapping into participants’ intrinsic motivation; (b) forging opportunities for collaboration and communication between different stakeholders; (c) finding adequate time to schedule and implement an innovation; and (d) a dearth of support for digital resources.  相似文献   

Dismay and Disappointment: Parental Involvement of Latino Immigrant Parents   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Parental involvement in schools has become more popular over the past decade due to Goals 2000 and research suggesting that student academic success increases when parents are included in the education of their children. Although researchers have examined the issue of parents and schools, limited research on parental involvement has been conducted within immigrant communities. Latino immigrant parents within a predominantly Latino community in California were interviewed. Although the community has strong Latino roots, these immigrant parents believed the schools do not listen or care to listen to their needs as parents. The parents in this study desired to be a part of their children's education, but forces within their children's school prevented them from doing so. The parents wished that teachers would be available to speak about grades, be able to find interpreters during open house and at other times throughout the school day, and communicate with the parents when their child is in need of assistance. Due to the apparent walls that had been established within the school's structure, the parents in this study felt abandoned and helpless while trying to gain information regarding their children's education. Parents in this study were so passionate about their stories that they pleaded with the researcher to let their story be heard in the researchers' teacher education courses so future teachers would know how immigrant parents felt.  相似文献   

当前大学生面临着激烈的就业竞争,但许多人只注重知识的储备,而忽视了对文明礼仪的培养,结果往往因为一些细节问题导致求职失败。本文旨在强调礼仪对求职的重要性,及培养礼仪习惯的方法。  相似文献   

As universities create service-learning programs, educators are experimenting with pedagogical approaches that enhance learning outcomes while benefiting communities. We present a qualitative case study of a radio-based, service-learning program, grounded in a Freirean foundation and aimed at developing the cultural competence and sense of citizenship of undergraduate students while empowering working-class high school Latino/a students. Undergraduate students benefited the most from the program; they enhanced their cultural competence skills, awareness of social issues, and sense of civic responsibility. Latino/a high school students who stayed in the program for at least a year developed self-confidence, self-esteem, and a sense of self-efficacy.  相似文献   

We examined how self-monitoring (i.e., regulating one’s behaviors; Snyder, 1987) relates to Latino male achievement. In Study 1, college students (N = 413) completed self-monitoring items and reported SAT math scores. As hypothesized, self-monitoring was positively correlated with achievement for Latino male students but was unrelated to achievement for Latina and White male and female students. Study 2 used a high school sample (N = 174) and observed math performance. Analyses revealed that, again, self-monitoring was positively related to achievement for Latino male students but unrelated to achievement for Latinas. These findings demonstrate the unique effects of self-monitoring on Latino male student achievement.  相似文献   

This article reviews recent literature on how Latinos progress through critical junctures of the teacher pipeline: high school graduation, college access and persistence, obtaining a teaching degree, and securing a job as a classroom teacher. This thorough investigation of the Latino experience through each of these junctures offers a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities that Latinos face as they pursue teaching careers. Findings suggest that the Latino teacher pipeline is unique and often nontraditional. The critical junctures along this pathway that are particularly challenging for students are explored further, and opportunities for growth are also noted.  相似文献   

文章论述了图书馆"导借"服务理念的由来及其在高校图书馆全开架借阅中的作用,并对高校图书馆开展"导借"服务的具体方法和注意事项提出了自己的见解.  相似文献   

文章论述了图书馆“导借”服务理念的由来及其在高校图书馆全开架借阅中的作用,并对高校图书馆开展“导借”服务的具体方法和注意事项提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   

近年来大学生素质教育日益成为全社会广泛关注的焦点。文章从素质教育的思想出发,从时代与社会、企业与行业、家庭与学生自身三个维度,对当代大学生应具备的素质结构从理论上进行了探讨。  相似文献   

新时期构建大学生创业职场的思考   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本从构建大学生创业职场的必然选择、多元要素、实践趋势等方面对新时期大学生就业、创业等热点问题作了思考,指出了这是一项关系社会、政府、学校、家庭的系统工程,高等院校更应肩负使命大胆实践。  相似文献   

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