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Task analyses are useful when teaching children how to complete tasks by breaking the tasks into small steps, particularly when children struggle to learn a skill during typical classroom instruction. We describe how to create a task analysis by identifying the steps a child needs to independently perform the task, how to assess what steps a child is able to do without adult support, and then decide how to teach the steps the child still needs to learn. Using task analyses can be the key to helping a young child become more independent.  相似文献   

两宋时期,泉州地区的桥梁建设飞速发展,建造了数以百计的桥梁。当时不仅造桥数量多,而且速度之快,工程规模之大,技术之先进,在我国乃至世界桥梁史上都是空前的。本文探讨这一盛况与两宋时期泉州经济高速发展,对外贸易发达,港口繁荣的内在联系。  相似文献   

文章论述了集宁方言一部分由合口呼变为开口呼的五类情况,并指出这样的变化是由于韵母在属音和音声母后发生分化而出现的。  相似文献   

In this article the author presents a meta-analysis of the findings from several studies conducted over multiple years with various types of learners that investigated exemplar/signature pedagogical practices incorporating video to motivate otherwise reluctant and struggling learners. Noting that newer technologies are making today's learners less dependent on text-based media to express themselves and to acquire knowledge, this author discovered that selecting appropriate video-based deliverables can play a significant role in affecting student motivation and outcomes. Assessing learning in this way is, in this author's opinion, at the core of signature pedagogy.  相似文献   

有些失败是可以达成非凡的成功的,这名攀越世界第二高峰K2失败的美国人的故事就是其中之一。1993年,蒙特森在完成攀登之时因生病而危在旦夕,他在巴基斯坦Korphe的一个小村庄中调养了七周。作为回报,他承诺为这个赤贫的小村庄建造第一所学校,作为中亚学院的一个项目,如今,  相似文献   

《报任安书》隐含了极其丰富的人生意蕴,它以悲壮淋漓的行文意气,表述了司马迁“扬名显身”的人生道路、“重于泰山”的生死决择、“发愤”作史的著书理论,集中体现了司马迁悲壮浓烈的人生构建,成为永世垂范的生命模式。  相似文献   

1938年3月14日,重庆《新民报·血潮》副刊上,以《作为一条消息》为题,刊登了茅盾致该刊主编沈起予的一封信,为即将创刊的《文艺阵地》约稿。人民文学出版社出版的《茅盾全集》和《茅盾全集补遗》,均未收录这封书信,几种茅盾年谱,亦未注意到此信之存在。据此,这封信应该是未被收  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the epidemic of alienation created by colonization and the ideologies that maintain systems of domination. More specifically, it argues that a decolonizing holistic pedagogy can help address the root of our individual and collective alienation to facilitate healing. This position is supported by the findings of an ethnographic study, conducted in 2013–2014, highlighting Poetry for the People (P4P), an arts/activism course started by poet-activist-professor, June Jordan, at UC Berkeley. The article opens with a theoretical framework that centers healing and love as decolonial priorities and pedagogical imperatives, and speaks to the mindbodyspirit labor, restoration, and creativity involved in decolonizing education. Emphasizing the need for decolonizing epistemologies to inform classroom dialogue, this article points to the power inherent in those dialogues for creating connections that mend alienation and for generating apertures for personal and social transformation. However, it is the voices of the P4P participants interviewed that give testimony to the effectiveness of a decolonizing holistic pedagogy to foster rigorous investigation of self and society, authentic community-building across difference, as well as the healing power of writing, sharing, and witnessing others share personal/political poetry.  相似文献   

《离骚》在艺术上的伟大创造,除了前人已作过较多论述的关于诗歌形式、语言、韵律、格调等方面的创新外,更重要、更突出地表现在幻象与现实相交织相渗透的创造性描写、多层次的比兴艺术及完整的比兴体系的创建和借男女离合之情反映现实政治艺术传统的开创这三点上,并且对后世产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

课堂教学艺术探微   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
课堂教学艺术主要包括备课艺术和授课艺术两方面。备课艺术主要包括熟悉教学大纲、择优选用教材、了解教学条件、把握教学计划、钻研教学内容和精心设计教案 ;授课艺术主要包括口语艺术、情态艺术和板书艺术  相似文献   

《艺术概论》和《美学概论》这两门大学基础课在艺术类专业教学实践中通常会面临某些问题。这些问题的出现不是一个单纯的教学问题,其中经常涉及的若干主题,包括:技术与艺术的关系、作品与机制,艺术与媒介、传统艺术与现代艺术、艺术与民族等。从这些主题出发,可以改变我们的教学思路。  相似文献   

Despite gains in the LGBTQ community, many schools still feel cold and unwelcoming for LGBTQ youth. Identity development is important for adolescents, but LGBTQ students often see the ability to freely share their identity limited in public education. Providing a gay–straight alliance (GSA) club within the school has been shown to increase feeling of acceptance and well-being for LGBTQ students. This article looks at the history of GSA in education, the positive and negative outcomes of LGBTQ inclusion and the author's personal reflection of successes and challenges as a sponsor for a GSA club during its inception year.  相似文献   

裴度《寄李翱书》一文的写作时间一直有两种看法,一种认为作于其早年,另一种以为作于晚年。从李翱的作品及生平以及裴度的生平事迹等方面看,裴度《寄李翱书》的写作时间,应在贞元末年。明确此文的写作时间,对于正确理解裴度对古文运动的态度有很大帮助。  相似文献   

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