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Since the late 1970s, European funding of the arts has been a feature of the mixed‐funding regime and support of a range of community arts, training, heritage and regeneration programmes in Member States. In the late 1980s, following widened membership and more direct policy engagement by the European Commission, regional development began to support increasing levels of investment in culture, notably heritage, cultural tourism and city regeneration through arts venues. Meanwhile the Commission's own culture programmes have focused on Cities of Culture, language and heritage projects.

However, the funding of culture through the various Structural Funds (although not categorised as such at either European, national and regional levels) has dwarfed that of the Culture Unit. No cultural policy or plan for this significant amount of investment in cultural facilities has been evident, and such programmes have largely bypassed national arts policy, being directed through regional and local authority economic development, tourism and regeneration departments.

Promotion of European ‘Common Culture’ was expounded in the Maastricht Treaty and, it is argued, these objectives have driven increased city‐regional autonomy. Notwithstanding difficulties in categorising grant data in cultural terms, this chapter measures the impact and distribution of such regional funding across beneficiary countries and within the eligible regions. A UK survey provides a regional breakdown of projects receiving support in the 1990s and European funding used as part of partnership funding (lottery, regeneration programmes). The chapter concludes that, while the funding of these cultural projects has been under‐estimated and ‘hidden’, its concentration in city arts and heritage venues raises questions for both European and national cultural policy: whether cultural investment has been of the right type, in the right place; or whether European common culture aspirations have ignored local and more culturally diverse opportunities. In short, whether form has followed funding.  相似文献   

莎士比亚于1609年将他的十四行诗献予的一位神秘人物“W.H.先生”,文学史上最旷日持久的争论之一就是有关W.H.先生的身份问题。多少年来,毫不夸张地说,专家学者们对谁是“W.H.”以及他同大诗人之间的关系撰写了数以百计的书籍、文章和论文。他就是那个为出版了1609年四开本的莎翁诗集的伦敦书商托马斯·索尔普搞到手稿的人吗?一位首先鼓励莎士比亚创作出十四行诗的朋友?他就是那个象某些人所猜测的莎士比亚的男性恋人吗?  相似文献   

在人类充满冲突和苦难的年代里,E·M·福斯特(1879-1970)对理智、慷慨和个人的善良施加了强烈的影响。他的前半生以小说家而著称,他的小说在说英语的国家赢得了众多的读者。到了晚年,他转而写散文、短篇小说和文学评论,并因此出名。他的文学评论表达了自己对英国的社会态度、政治态度以及道德态度。第一次世界大战之后,他加入布卢姆斯伯里团体①,并成为该团体的  相似文献   

蒋芬 《世界文化》2014,(3):12-14
<正>R.S.托马斯(1913—2000)是20世纪威尔士继迪兰·托马斯之后又一位饮誉世界的诗人。如果说迪兰·托马斯的诗歌将英国的诗风带入激情和想象,走向了超现实主义与浪漫主义传统相融、相生的发展道路的话,那么R.S.托马斯则是完全不同的风格,他的诗清晰、透明,苦涩、冷峻肃穆、厚重深刻,像经过多年雨水冲刷过的白石,用非常朴素的词语写古老而又有现代意义的题材,是沉思的诗,经得起一读再读。R.S.托马斯于1913年出生在威尔士的首府卡迪夫,是父母的独子。五岁之前他随身为海员的父亲在英国各大港口  相似文献   

詹姆斯笔下的不幸者丧命的可怕方式各不相同:有的是在伪造的灵柩内吓死的;有的是吃了大量带毒食品而被毒死的;有的是喉咙被割开而死去的;也有的是头部中弹而身亡的,这类不幸者几乎面目全非,只有“那深凹的双眼因极度恐惧还在呆  相似文献   

10月中旬的昆明,依然无丝毫北方已有的秋意,各色鲜花娇艳欲滴,各类绿树枝繁叶茂。在昆明市郊的滇池大酒店──C.I.O.F.F.组织第29届年会会场,数十面会员国的旗帜在高原的阳光下迎风招展,兼之遍布昆明市区的关于该届年会暨第6届亚洲艺术节的各色海报,使著名的“春城”辐射出只有节日才有的浓浓的喜庆,浓浓的欢乐。致力于民族民间艺术交流的C.I.O.F.F.组织C.I.O.F.F.是一个什么组织?记者采访了中国文化部前副部长,C.I.O.F.F.组织中国组委会主席刘德有先生。刘德有先生详细介绍了该组织有关情况:C.1.…  相似文献   

正20世纪30年代,威尔·杜兰特(美国著名学者、历史学家)深为大萧条所引起的高自杀率而忧,发起了"问全球名人:生命意义何在"的书信对话。令他惊喜的是,素以脾气坏闻名的记者、编辑兼批评家亨利·路易斯·门肯(H.L.门肯)给他回了一封客气而贴心的长信。在其中,门肯为了阐释自己的人生观,揪住六畜就不肯撒手,他提到"我不断工作和母鸡不停下蛋是一个道理":母鸡如果不下蛋,就会屁股疼。他非常庆幸自己能够从事自己喜欢的文字工作,并认为这是  相似文献   

天生丽质,妙龄十八,白皮肤,褐眼睛,乌黑的头发,身高1.83米,在巴拿马城当地时间2003年6月3日,艳压群芳,从71位参赛者中脱颖而出,摘下第52届环球小姐桂冠,成为全球最美的女人并获得“最佳民族服装”奖。她,就是聪明过人的多米尼加共和国姑娘阿梅莉亚·维加。时隔半年,据路透社2003年11月13日从美国迈阿密报道,没有忘记成为人民歌唱家的这位环球小姐,将利用在亚洲与美洲慈善工作的时光,与她的叔叔——人民音乐家和歌唱家格拉一道灌制唱片。最近,她向路透社记者披露:他叔叔格拉将作为歌曲制作人和参与者为她灌制唱片。她正在开始汇编歌曲,并与有…  相似文献   

付文中 《世界文化》2022,(10):16-20
<正>美国杰出的生物学家、博物学家、科普作家、思想家及环保人士E.O.威尔逊(Edward Osborne Wilson,1929—2021)于2021年12月26日在美国马萨诸塞州伯灵顿市逝世,享年92岁。威尔逊一生创作数量惊人,出版了30多部作品,如《岛屿生物地理学理论》(1967)《、社会生物学》(1975)《、论人的本性》(1978)《、亲生命性》(1984)、《生命多样性》(1992)、《生命的未来》(2002)、《半个地球》(2016)等;荣获了诸多奖励和荣誉,如1969年当选美国国家科学院院士,1977年获美国国家科学奖,1979年获普利策奖,1990年获瑞典皇家科学院颁发的克拉福德奖,  相似文献   

年慧敏 《世界文化》2022,(10):35-39
<正>在西方文学中,田园叙事由来已久,源于古希腊诗人西奥·克利特斯的牧歌,把荒野与城市的中间地带视为理想的人类生活环境,讴歌简单纯朴的乡村生活,表达天人合一的幸福和喜悦;此外也担忧农作的辛苦和城市的威胁,以及刻画人性的丑陋和生活的残酷。不过总体而言,这种叙事方式还是以诉说美好的田园生活理想为主,而且大致如威廉·燕卜荪(英国诗人、文学批评家)所说,田园叙事虽然是关于农民的作品,却并非他们所写,亦非为他们所写。  相似文献   


The emergence of a new type of consumer society was catalysed rather than impeded by the tumultuous events of the late 1960s. The rebels of 1968 contributed considerably to the breaking down of conservative obstacles to consumption, to the opening up of new markets and to the creation of a new type of consumer. At its heart, ‘1968’ was an intra-bourgeois confrontation pursued by an innovative minority. The many instances of personal transformation from protagonists of protest to pillars of the establishment can be interpreted in the context of communicative and consumerist modernization. The protesters' performative hedonism proved highly compatible with consumer culture. Protest culture, on the one hand, sought the publicity of consumer society as a spatial and moral sphere for its activities. The response of the ‘system’ to the protests, on the other hand, was surprisingly flexible and resulted in the further development of capitalism and consumer society in the late twentieth century.  相似文献   

列夫·托尔斯泰是享誉世界的俄罗斯伟大作家,他的不朽之作流芳百世,他的一生充满传奇。关于托尔斯泰的生平传记和回忆录前前后后曾出版多部,而世界上第一部托尔斯泰传记的作者是托翁生前好友,俄罗斯著名作家、出版家和社会活动家H.N.比留科夫(1860-1931)。1860年11月4日,H.N.比留科夫出生在位于科斯特罗马的世袭庄园。比留科夫是一个古老的家族,其历史可追溯到公元15世纪。其祖父谢尔盖·伊万诺维奇·比留科夫曾任少将,参加过1812年抗法卫国战争,在著名的波罗金诺战役中身负重伤,被授予二级圣安娜勋章。其父伊万·谢尔盖耶维奇·比留科夫…  相似文献   

Third Culture Kids (TCKs), people who spend a significant number of their developmental years in a country other than their parents’ passport (home) country, have many positive attributes. These include the ability to see other points of view, be open to people from different backgrounds, and be adaptable. This phenomenological study, based on interview data, explored how their identity as TCKs helped them succeed in college through an anti-deficit perspective. The population was nine participants (three men, six women) who had all lived outside of the United States of America (their parents’ home country) for at least seven years before the age of 18 and who returned to the United States. for college. The findings indicate a need for updated study on the experiences of Third Culture Kids and how they conceptualize and understand their own identities and its relation to the idea of a third culture. Recommendations are made for TCKs and their families, and institutions of higher education in supporting them.  相似文献   


J.B. Priestley has often been seen as representative of a nostalgic Englishness which rejected the modern world and, in the process, embraced anti-Americanism. However, as this article suggests, Priestley had a more complicated relationship with both America and modernity than has been accepted. Focusing on the 1930s, it shows how Priestley travelled widely in the United States and came to admire the democratic and collective aspects of American culture, whilst also developing a critique of what he saw as the lack of individuality and creativity in other elements of the ‘mass' society, anticipating arguments he would develop after 1945.  相似文献   

In conjunction with the Year of Russia, a largest-scale exchange event that Russia has ever organized in China, the Chinese edition of "Beijing: My Childhood Hometown" will be released soon in China by Oriental Press. The author N. A. Speshnev is a renowned sinologist, translator and professor with the Department of Oriental Studies in St. Petersburg State University in Russia.  相似文献   

如果“各美其美”是说各民族弘扬自己的优秀文化.”美人之美”指的便是一个民族学习他民族的优秀文化:那么,“美美与共”当是世界各民族优秀文化的互相包容与互相学习。只有如此,才可展现一个多彩的世界和世界的多元文化。  相似文献   

At the invitation of the U.S. International Traditional Culture Development Foundation, Inner Mongolia Grassland Song and Dance Ensemble toured this summer Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Sacramento and Stockton. The ensemble consisted of performers from Inner Mongolia Song and Dance Theatre and other art troupes and colleges in Inner Mongolia. The ensemble's performances were widely acclaimed in those cities. Acting Chinese Consul General in Chicago Tang Ying praised that th…  相似文献   

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